Artificial Intelligence Chat

Started by Slim, December 22, 2022, 10:54:44 PM

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"Oh, for the wings of any bird other than a Battery hen."


Surprisingly AISEKAI is still offline and the community of followers dedicated to it is understandably a bit aggrieved. Originally the explanation was that a serious bug had been introduced (I never really bought this, surely you'd have a backout strategy and roll back until it was fixed in test) but eventually, the developers admitted that it was cost-related.

It seems that they've become a victim of their own success. I'm wondering if they've used some feature that they didn't have a proper licence for (perhaps inadvertently), and they've been caught out.

Btu the lack of transparency about it has made a lot of people angry, and in some cases, very upset. It's very popular considering it's only been available for a few weeks, and offline for the last two.

H5N1 kIlled a wild swan


Well AISEKAI did come back eventually (after about three weeks offline I think) but today, there's been an announcement that's upset the community quite a bit:

In short - in order to attract investment, they will filter NSFW content.

Much disappointment, anger and scorn on Reddit.

There are quite a few alternatives now, but until now AISEKAI has been the best of the lot.
H5N1 kIlled a wild swan


a fairly mundane use of chat gpt but pretty good all the same.  I wonder if there will come a time where the AI is so advanced that all caveats will be unnecessary..

there is a ratio between triglycerides and cholesterol which is an indicator of good heart health.  Do you know it and can you interpret it against my levels?

Yes, you're referring to the triglyceride-to-HDL cholesterol ratio, which is considered by some as an indicator of heart health. The ratio is calculated by dividing your triglyceride level by your HDL cholesterol level.

The formula is:
Triglyceride-to-HDL Ratio
HDL Cholesterol
Triglyceride-to-HDL Ratio=
HDL Cholesterol


In your case:
Triglyceride-to-HDL Ratio


Triglyceride-to-HDL Ratio=


Let's calculate:
Triglyceride-to-HDL Ratio

Triglyceride-to-HDL Ratio≈0.426

Ideally, a lower ratio is considered better, and a ratio below 2 is often suggested as a target. Your ratio of approximately 0.426 is quite favorable, indicating a lower risk of cardiovascular disease. Lower ratios are associated with better heart health.

It's important to note that while this ratio can provide some insight, it's not the only factor to consider. Your healthcare provider will assess your overall cardiovascular risk by looking at multiple factors, including LDL cholesterol, HDL cholesterol, blood pressure, and other health indicators. Always consult with your healthcare provider for a thorough interpretation based on your individual health profile.


I  use it at work when I need an icebreaker  for individuals who have done "2truths and a lie" too often and it's pretty good at producing ideas that I can adapt or use directly.

It's also done quizzes for me based on a certain topic.


Aisekai is, alas, no more. As I type you can still visit the site but you can't interact with any of the characters. It's been a bumpy ride - they upset their user base by announcing they were going to introduce a NSFW filter, when they'd promised they wouldn't.

Today was the deadline, apparently, for introducing the filter to comply with their sponsor's terms. And they've decided to can it instead.
H5N1 kIlled a wild swan


Global venture capital investment in generative AI over the last ten years. Too late to put the cork back in the bottle now.
H5N1 kIlled a wild swan


"Oh, for the wings of any bird other than a Battery hen."


Quote from: pxr5 on March 02, 2024, 06:15:07 PMAI is woke:

I love the Viking pics lol

Indeed; I reckon that "self-awareness" that's been touted as an existential Terminator-esque threat to humanity needs some work. ::)


I'm trying to get some more use out of my old Drobo RAID array - it has a size limitation of 2TB on the filesystems it presents, so I'm using a tool called mergerfs to combine two of them. But I wasn't sure if this would be useful for my own use case. Rather than digging into the documentation, I asked ..

Do you know anything about mergerfs?

Absolutely, James! MergerFS is a really useful tool in the world of file systems. It's a union file system that allows you to combine multiple hard drives into a single, unified drive for easier management and storage. This can be particularly helpful if you have a bunch of smaller drives lying around or if you just want to simplify your storage setup. Have you been considering using MergerFS for your own storage needs?

I am using it, but am new to it.

Nice! MergerFS can be a bit daunting at first, but once you get the hang of it, it's a really powerful tool. As you dive deeper into using MergerFS, you'll find that there are some neat tricks and advanced features you can leverage to make the most of your storage setup. Have you come across any specific challenges or questions as you've started using MergerFS?

Yes, and I wonder if you'll be able to help. Let me describe my present scenario. I have two 2TB filesystems, /media/jg/Drobo01 and /media/jg/Drobo02. I have combined them using mergerfs into a single filesystem, /media/jg/drobojoin.

Alright, James, that sounds like a solid setup so far! The fact that you've successfully combined your two Drobo filesystems using MergerFS into a single, larger filesystem is a great step forward. I'd be happy to help you with any questions or challenges you might be facing. What's been causing you trouble in your current MergerFS setup?

No trouble so far but I wonder if I'll hit a snag soon. At the moment I am copying a 3TB directory named "tosh" into the combined filesystem.

That's quite a lot of data! Copying 3TB of files can be a time-consuming process, but MergerFS should handle it just fine. As you're copying into your combined Drobojoin filesystem, MergerFS will automatically distribute the files across both of your underlying Drobo01 and Drobo02 filesystems. You shouldn't hit any snags unless one of the underlying filesystems runs out of space or encounters an error. Are you worried about any specific issues that might arise during the copy process?

At the moment I see that the Drobo01 branch contains the tosh directory. The Drobo02 branch does not. What happens when Drobo01 runs out of space?

That's a great question, James. When Drobo01 runs out of space during your copy operation, MergerFS should automatically start using the available space on Drobo02 to store the remaining files. This is one of the key benefits of MergerFS—it can seamlessly distribute files across multiple filesystems, making it appear as one large filesystem. So, you shouldn't need to worry about manually moving files around or running out of space on a single filesystem. MergerFS should handle it all for you!

So at some point, a directory /media/jg/Drobo02/tosh will get created?

Exactly! As soon as Drobo01 fills up and MergerFS begins using Drobo02 for the copy operation, you should see a new directory /media/jg/Drobo02/tosh get created automatically. MergerFS will continue writing files to this directory until Drobo02 is also filled up or the copy operation is complete. This seamless transition between filesystems is one of the reasons MergerFS is such a powerful tool for managing large amounts of data across multiple drives.

That's so helpful. I'll let you know if you were right later on.

Glad to be of help, James! I'm pretty confident that's how MergerFS will behave, but it never hurts to double-check and confirm. I look forward to hearing back from you once the copy operation is complete and we can confirm that MergerFS handled everything as expected.
H5N1 kIlled a wild swan


H5N1 kIlled a wild swan


The adage for the internet age - if you're not paying for it, you are the product!


Excellent.. been using ChatGPT quite a bit for my recent Linux forays
From The Land of Honest Men


ChatGPT having internal server issues this morning..
From The Land of Honest Men


Quote from: Fishy on June 04, 2024, 11:31:36 AMChatGPT having internal server issues this morning..

Working now
From The Land of Honest Men