Cheap LCD Watches

Started by Slim, June 19, 2024, 04:54:24 PM

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You may find this a bit random, but here's an interesting thing. A few weeks ago I bought a suspiciously cheap Casio from eBay. I half-expected it to be a fake (and it is), but I was OK with that for less than £6 including delivery, partly because I was curious to see what it would be like.

It's actually a decently serviceable cheap LCD watch. Not very accurate. The bracelet is a bit sharp, otherwise it's OK. But it does have an Achilles Heel.

Viewed straight on, or mostly straight on, the LCD display is fine. I've photographed it here next to a genuine Casio (albeit not the same module as the real version of the fake one). As you can see the contrast is if anything slightly better on the fake.

But from an angle, it's a different story:

H5N1 kIlled a wild swan