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Cycling 2024

Started by Slim, January 01, 2024, 04:49:07 PM

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Definitely not a Goldilocks day today. The sun didn't show itself until after I got home. It wasn't that cold, still fine to wear summer gear, but not a "This is why I ride" sort of day.

Got a slightly longer - 43 miles - ride in today because I stuck to more rolling terrain and could maintain a better average speed. The first 20 miles were as quick as I can do them, the second wasn't. Thank you North East wind.


Not been out today, but replaced the rear brake cable on the Giant. It needed it, where the cable left the front of the top tube it had frayed down to one strand. So the cable had to come out in two bits.

Tied a bit of cotton to the caliper end of the cable so that once pulled out I could then tie it to the rnd of the new cable and pull it back through again. Didn't get to use my magenetic system as I couldn't get the cover off the top tube at the handlebar end, so the metal bits wouldn't pull through. Same with the thin plastic tubing which you can push over the inner cable to use for routing.

Took a bit of fiddling to get it out at the seat tube end, but the magnet from the magnetic kit pulled the cable round to the exit port where I could pull it out. Dare I use it tomorrow?


After ten days away from my garage and its accumulation of bicycles, I was very keen to get back in the saddle again. Rain at lunchtime but the afternoon was dry enough. The wind was coming from the north-east. I hoped to do at least 40 miles. I really want to get the September distance up to 400 miles, and the weather for the rest of the month looks rubbish.

So I set off on the eastbound route. Quite cool and cloudy out there and after ten days in (mostly) sunny and warm Montenegro, I was frightened of the temperature. So I overdressed.

I took the Boardman. I'm experimenting with using 3-In-One on it after reading somewhere that it works nicely as a chain lube. Seems fine! I can't imagine the difference between the various lube products are more than marginal. Then again even the pricy ones aren't really expensive. Just playing really.

I got as far as a couple of miles past Six Hills, then, having done 23 miles, I took a left along Old Dalby Lane. I've done this a couple of times but I couldn't remember where it goes, or how far I'd gone along there. Well - I went right along it then when I got to the end, I did the obvious thing and turned left again. This took me pretty quickly to Wymeswold, and the "Old Eastbound Route". From there I came back the usual way except that I did the Long Whatton / Diseworth detour back in Leics to bump up the distance a bit.

Had a beautiful view of the sun about to set near Long Whatton. One of those rare times when it's visible as a perfect, sharp orange circle.

Back some time after sunset .. had to put lights on .. it's that time of the year again. I didn't bother with a proper front light, although I did have one with me. Regretted that over the last mile, on the unlit descent into the village. I was glad when a car with lights on came up behind me.

Anyway .. 49.32 miles. 233 this month. A 100 miler and two Bypassers would take me to 400. We'll see.
H5N1 kIlled a wild swan