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Cycling 2024

Started by Slim, January 01, 2024, 04:49:07 PM

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I went out and did 42 today, was hoping to get out earlyish, but failed miserably and got out at 11. It was plenty warm enough.

At least I managed my fastest time of the year up through Cutthorpe, nearly as good as my best time last year, still feels like bloody hard work though, when I'm fit it's just hard work.


I toyed with the idea of doing a fondo this afternoon and when I set off at 1410 I did think I just might do that - but after about an hour I'd decided not to. Still feeling a bit fatigued from a day out in London yesterday followed by an extended period in a hot car. And it was a hot day today, as well.

The wind was blowing from the east so I'd started the Eastbound Route, but I decided to cut north and west to Wymeswold along Narrow Lane, and to come back home along the Old Eastbound Route.

I felt a splash of water on my left hand along Melton Road. Very odd.. thought a bird must have weed on me or something (do they even do that?). Then another one on my right arm! It didn't occur to me for a moment that it might be rain, in the baking heat and bright sunshine. But it was! Occasional spots of rain for a few minutes. Then it stopped.

I stopped to have a look at the stream that runs beside the road in Wymeswold (actually the "River Mantle"). Thought I might see some minnows. But actually the stream looks like a sort of murky green noodle stew at the moment.

I decided to take the detour through Long Whatton and Diseworth after crossing the border back into Leicestershire, just to avoid the peak hour traffic along Ashby Road. The left turn after Diseworth had a ROAD CLOSED sign and a barrier right across the road, but I ignored it. I hoisted the bike over the barrier then hoisted my leg over. Unfortunately a mile later I came to another barrier, and this time I wasn't going to ignore it. Substantial works were taking place to the road a little further ahead and the folks in hi-vis vests and safety helmets probably wouldn't be very accommodating. So, I did a U turn and came back a longer way past the airport, through Isley Walton and down Top Brand.

Stopped for a Magnum ice cream at the village shop at Long Whatton. Washed it down with warm water. Today was a rare opportunity to use my 1 litre bidon, I'd filled it up and I consumed nearly all of its contents.

Listened mostly to Olympics coverage on 5 Live.

Back on 47.65 miles, which gives me a total of 640 this month. Thought that would be the highest-scoring month this year but interestingly, I did more than that in May. 3728 done this year.
H5N1 kIlled a wild swan


Was very late getting out today after watching the Men's Triathlon and Women's Quadruple Sculls, I'm glad that they do it so I don't have to.

I was just going to go out and ride round the flat circuit I do, but I found an unexpected set of roadworks which had exceedingly long spells on red, so I had to ride out to Tibshelf instead.

So, that's July done and dusted, got in my best monthly tally of the year, 670 miles with 46,000feet of elevation gain. I really do need to try and get my climbing legs back, I'd normally expect about 8,000 feet more. Not in this heat though.


Another very warm day and I didn't fancy doing more than 40 or so. I thought I'd have a go at doing a bit of my "Dad's Army" route again. I've devised a variation of it that leaves the A5 at an earlier roundabout, avoiding the monster roundabout that connects to the M42.

So I did that. Much better. Not sure why I never tried this particular route in the first place. Perhaps because it looked bit climby on a route planner?  And it is, but at least it's quiet, with nice smooth tarmac along the whole alternative stretch.

Anyway I went down past the oil terminal then turned back after about 24 miles. Came back up through Ratcliffe, Shenton, Bosworth, Odstone etc, making the whole ride a sort of Twycross Bypasser with an excursion at the south-west end.

Noticed that the pub at Ratcliffe (The Gate) has four Union flags flying.

Once again I picked up a few spots of improbable rain, despite the heat and bright sunshine, on the way back up.

Back on 48.46 miles. Enjoyable run out.
H5N1 kIlled a wild swan


After not venturing out yesterday, it rained, a lot, for a bit, it cleared, you couldn't be sure if it would clear for long. I got August underway today.

I had to, even though I'm not bothered about Strava's "Local Legend" status I had emails this morning telling me that I'd lost a couple. I thought I was the only person daft enough to ride them regularly, so I had to reclaim them. Mind, if there hadn't been roadworks on the lead in road for the last four weeks I'd never have lost them.

Off I set with the intention of riding them three times and that I did. Third time up Slag Lane was bloody hard though, It's a climb I do in the big chain ring but I was struggling. It suddenly dawned on me that the rear brake was on, so I stopped and heard something drop and the wheel rotated freely. I can only assume that like on a previous occasion a bit of tar covered grit had stuck to the braking track then wedged under the brake pad. As all was fine afterwards and thankfully the braking surface was still fine. Times up Slag Lane: 1'48"; 1'53", 2'47"

OK it was only a 24 mile ride but it was enough.


Spent too much time watching cycling again today, but it was a good watch. So just had a couple of hours to get out in, although the way my legs feel at the moment a couple of hours is enough.

Went out and did the Col du Wigley for only the third time this year, I'm slacking. Not especially quick up it, but the quickest ascent of the day, which will do me. Should really be a Cote and not a Col as it doesn't really go down the other side. I do like being pedantic :)

Managed to get 35 miles in, which was nice and a further ride up Slag Lane. If only the Council would replace the signs.


The plan for yesterday was to do Wales and back, if I got up early enough. But I got up at about 0630, a bit later than intended, so I decided to do the same route - but only as far as Cheshire. I set off at about 0720.

Cool in the morning, but I was comfortable enough in a long-sleeved top and tights.

I took a wrong turn after 47 miles. I'd uploaded the route to my eTrex but hadn't bothered to switch it on at that point; I was pretty confident I was on the right track. Until I wasn't. Rather than backtracking, I decided to keep going and join the usual route a few miles further along via a detour. This took me along some quiet little lanes through pretty, secluded villages called St James Green, Standon and Maer. Nice little diversion.

I entered Shropshire at about 1215 and arrived at the Cheshire border about 15 minutes later. I decided to keep going for a bit. Then 20 minutes later I decided I'd keep going right to the Welsh border. So I did. I arrived there at about 1350.

I went into Wales along Wrexham Road for a minute, then I turned for home. On the way back I decided to go through Whitchurch rather than using the bypass, and this was a much better solution. The bypass is a pretty horrible stretch of busy A road, although it was reasonably quiet yesterday (this being a Sunday). But the route through the town was quiet and quick enough.

Had a bit of a headwind on the way back and made good time. Called in at a petrol station on the outskirts of Stone to get supplies. Despite this, a few minutes later I went into Stone town centre for a coffee and a bakewell tart at Costa Coffee. Good times.

I noticed that my left cleat was loose, somewhere near Alrewas. For some reason my Shimano shoes have started to lose the ability to hold onto their cleats, or perhaps I've overgreased the bolts. Or something. But I had the requisite Allen key with me, so the cleat's feeble attempt at rebellion was swiftly quashed. All good.

Made it back just before 2030, about 25 minutes before sunset. 142.65 miles. Interestingly, I registered the same moving time, to within a couple of minutes, that I did when I did (mostly) the same route in 2017.

That really was a breeze. I checked my watch at 1525 and couldn't understand where all the time had gone. The quieter Sunday traffic and cooler, cloudy weather made all the difference. To be fair I was a little too warm in the afternoon even after I'd removed the tights, but I didn't want to have to stuff too many extra layers into a backpack or faff around with hiding clothing in a hedge. The sun did come out after 1800 but by that time it was weak enough not to bother me.

I reverted to my original Wales route from 2017 for this ride (apart from minor modifications in Leicestershire). Last time I did Wales and back, I went westward through Eccleshall and Market Drayton after Stone. The route further to the north that I did yesterday (and originally) is much nicer.

Listened mostly to Olympics coverage. A bit of an Alan Partridge audiobook. And the Joe Henderson album Inner Urge.
H5N1 kIlled a wild swan


Got a couple of 45 mile rides in this week - so far - first time I've done consecutive 45 milers in ages. Was beginning to think I'm getting too old for that kind of thing.

Yesterday was out to Beeley Moor and beyond via the Cole du Wigley. Managed a quicker time than on Saturday, which was nice, didn't feel any easier, well it wouldn't doing it more quickly and it was a stronger headwind. Almost averaged 17 mph for the ride too, would have done if traffic was more sensible. I'm fed up up being passed by cars which immediately slow for speed bumps.

Today I headed out - in unexpected light rain - to Tibshelf and beyond. I did average over 17mph which takes my yearly average above 16mph. It's also got me over 4,000 miles for the year. A few weeks quicker than last year.


And 35 miles today to get to 125 for the week, four weeks of 125 miles a week means 500 miles a month. That'll be all the miles I get in this week as tomorrow I take Mrs S away for a surprise weekend break, she knows we're going away but she doesn't know where. She'll be disappointed...

Thought I'd be disappointed on my ride as the 0% chance of rain by 13:00 turned out to be way off the mark. Thankfully it was more heavy drizzle than full on rain and the roads never really got wet. A fresh breeze made it feel worse than it actually was. Hardly saw another cyclist out today, maybe they were going on what they can see out of the window rather than a weather forecast.


Hadn't been out on a bike for eight days, mostly because I've been away for a few days. So, although it was the hottest day of the year so far, I decided to do 40 or so in the afternoon.

The wind was coming from the west so I decided to do a Bypasser. I set off at about 1535. I did a long version, up to Ashby at the top and along Fenn Lanes at the bottom. I also did the detour through Nailstone that I've done a few times recently. I don't think it adds much distance but it's a nice change if nothing else.

Unavoidably, I was too warm for the first hour or so but later in the day with the air temperature a smidge lower, conditions were just lovely in the late afternoon sun. Bliss.

Listened to a bit of 5 Live, Floyd's Saucerful of Secrets and Thin Lizzy at the BBC which is a wonderful collection of alternative versions and rarities.

Back on 40.35 miles. 231 this month.
H5N1 kIlled a wild swan


I'd not been on the bike for four days after a weekend away. Boy, did it ever show! A couple of nights of nosebag and cocktails takes it out of me big style!

Although after my first five miles I noticed I'd been averaging over 200W well above what I normally do by that point, probably why my wheels fell off up the next bit of a hill.

The first real hill I came to and I was suffering, my right thigh felt really stiff, but I plodded away thinking I'd recuperate up the way down next one. I did a bit, bit going up Harewood road was a real slog. I even contemplated turning back, but the thought of tackling the steeper side of Walton Back Lane put me off and as the second half of the climb is less steep I managed it.

It's a blessed relief when you top out as it means it's mainly downhill after that, the legs sprang back to life then and let me set my best ever speed on that run out, the 42.5 miles almost got me to 250 for August.


Rain this morning and I had a commitment at lunchtime. But the roads had dried up nicely by 1410, when I set off. I took Boardman II because I decided to decommission the chain just after lubing it yesterday, and I want to get some distance out of the lube first. Hadn't used it for over two months, surprisingly. Too many bikes!

There was a light wind coming from the west but I decided to go east anyway, since I hadn't been over that way for a while. I assumed the headwind wouldn't be too annoying on the way back at less than 5mph (according to the forecast). And it wasn't.

I did think I might do a fondo - but to give myself a bit more time for other activities this evening, I decided not to. Shouldn't be hard to find a decent weather day when I can set off in the morning.

So I turned north then west for Wymeswold, then Rempstone from Narrow Lane. After that I thought I'd try a detour through East Leake to Sutton Bonington, but I took the wrong turn and ended up in Costock. From there, Google Maps told me my best bet was to go south to Rempstone so I ended up having done a sort of seven mile loop.

The weather seemed unseasonally cool when I set off so I wore two long-sleeved tops and tights, but (of course) I ended up too warm and removed the tights after 17 miles.

Home on 47.78 miles - 279 this month and 4007 this year. Earliest I've ever got to 4000 miles in any year.

I listened to LBC and Pink Floyd's soundtrack album for the 1969 film More.
H5N1 kIlled a wild swan


Felt a bit more like it today. Probably because it was cooler, think I'm becoming one of those old people I used to deride for not liking hot weather...

Might have felt a bit more like it because today's hills were a bit gentler, that's always a good thing. Not much wind either and it wasn't a headwind up the hills.

Would have been nice to get up to 40 miles, but 36 is OK and I wanted to get back and watch some women riding the Tour de France in the Netherlands and Belgium. France so good they have to have half a tour outside their own country :)


Decided to take it easy today. So just rode around my Winter circuit, too many roadworks elsewhere. Nice to be out on a dull coolish day and the rain kept off whilst I was out. Got 35 miles in and completed the Strava climbing challenge for August.


I intended to take advantage of nice weather to do a fondo, today. But I woke up early. I briefly contemplated getting up at 0730 and doing a 100-miler. Perhaps I should have. Not that much of the summer left. In any case, I went back to sleep and got up at about 0930.

A light wind was coming from the west. I decided to go south, since I hadn't done that for a week or two. Rather than going down to Welford I took a left to the gliding club near Sibbertoft. Then I turned back.

Annoyingly, Station Road, the last stretch before the gliding club has been resurfaced recently using the loose gravel method so it was a bit rough and dusty. But it's essentially a short cut so I went the long way back through Husbands Bosworth, adding a bit less than a mile to my ride.

Stopped at the village shop at Gilmorton. Alas, the table outside was already occupied by four elderly cyclists. Two couples (presumably) in their late 60s or possibly early 70s. So I wished them safe travels, and took my newly-acquired cornish pasty and Magnum ice cream to the bench further on in the village. Alas, someone had parked their motor next to it and left it idling, so I had to consume my impromptu lunch a few feet away from a noxious and noisy Mercedes engine. I reckoned the next bench was at Stoney Stanton, about seven miles further on. Didn't want the Magnum to melt in my backpack.

I dressed in minimal clothing. The breeze was a little cool for comfort for the first hour but conditions were perfect after that.

In the end the expected sidewind turned out to be a headwind on the way out and a tailwind on the way back, an assessment I corroborated by reference to the many wind turbines dotted around the route. Handy.

I listened to 5 Live and the Pink Floyd album Ummagumma.

Back on 65.26 miles.

H5N1 kIlled a wild swan