What's made you grumpy today?

Started by pxr5, February 25, 2022, 02:24:57 PM

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I have a 1 part-year shortfall of National Insurance contributions to get the full state pension at 67. I thought I'd pay it as it's only £205 (for an extra £3 a week woohoo). Should be easy right? Nope it's virtually impossible. To pay you need an 18 digit payment request number that you can only get from HMRC. Except there is absolutely no way to get through the automated questions on the help line to even get into a queue. I tried every combination of answers I could think of but it always ended the call due to one reason or other. So I looked on the MSE forums and a lady there had described over 30 attempts to get into a queue. So, the automated call kept directing me to on online chat (yeah, we all know about those). Again whatever I put in the chat would ended with a redirection to the online tools - aaahhh. Anyway after about the 100th attempt I eventually got a reply saying an advisor would be required - click here - YAY. Erm no, no advisors are available - end chat. Fuck. So I just kept asking that same question over and over again, clicking on the advisor required. Holy shit I eventually got onto an advisor queue. After that it took a few minutes to get the 18 digit code and pay the £205. It really should be easier than this to pay money TO HMRC - it took me 2 hours and I think I was very lucky in the end.

It seems the whole system was to be rejigged to make it easier to pay any shortfalls and the tool was to launch 01 April 24. I can't seem to find out when it's going to go live though. Anyone needing to do this give me a shout and I'll give you my tips to get to a human at HMRC.


"Oh, for the wings of any bird other than a Battery hen."


Finished the seconds half of my Riverside tour and now I've come down with a cold. I knew mingling with people would do me no good.


Palma airport what a fucking hellhole of an airport and the absolute faff now with passport control etc thanks fkn brexit..
From The Land of Honest Men

The Picnic Wasp

Trying to buy a gift for my sister online since yesterday. Only one website has the item. Their payment process supposedly takes me to 3D Secure Authentication but it's a blank page. Tried phoning today. Won't take a phone order as they're too busy. Try again later was the only advice given. Gave up half an hour ago. No High St stores, no human beings interested online. The future looking bright right enough.

The Picnic Wasp

More disappointed than grumpy that I watched a YouTube video of Geddy and Alex performing at the Gordon Lightfoot tribute and couldn't be bothered watching all the way through. A sad moment really. I remember writing to and phoning anyone I could think of to try obtain a copy of Geddy singing Take Off. I was obsessed with anything they were involved in. Now, not so much. Anyway, thank you to Linda Lockett for sending me The Great White North LP. Still a treasured possession and her letter probably even more so.

The Picnic Wasp

Realising that in the glorious unexpected sunshine today I was already trying to slow the calendar down, as in twenty days things start to go the other way. What a grouch. Wish I could lighten up.

The Picnic Wasp

Why is Anushka Asthana shouting? Why can't the director remind her she's wearing a mic?


Quote from: The Picnic Wasp on June 04, 2024, 10:16:45 PMWhy is Anushka Asthana shouting? Why can't the director remind her she's wearing a mic?

She's ITV's Fiona Bruce, i.e. should not be allowed anywhere near any kind of programme with political sparring.

Btw, and by contrast, I thought Julie Etchingham did pretty well chairing the head-to-head.

The Picnic Wasp

Not so much grumpy as pure incandescent, blood boiling, health harming rage. Builder finally turned up yesterday to replace the failing garage roof. Took half the roof off assuring me that the weather forecast was good for two days allowing him to replace the timbers and re-clad today. He was fully aware that the garage is crammed full of stuff currently being stored for my sister. Woke to beautiful sunshine and a sense of relief that his labourer was parked outside. After three hours he got out of the car to inform me that there had been an emergency and so sorry nothing would happen today. Spent the balance of the morning until now finding someone to make the building as watertight as possible as the weather is back to being grim for the foreseeable. I know this is commonplace for the so called industry but I believe things were slightly better when the overseas lads were here looking for business.

David L

Quote from: The Picnic Wasp on June 12, 2024, 03:11:30 PMNot so much grumpy as pure incandescent, blood boiling, health harming rage. Builder finally turned up yesterday to replace the failing garage roof. Took half the roof off assuring me that the weather forecast was good for two days allowing him to replace the timbers and re-clad today. He was fully aware that the garage is crammed full of stuff currently being stored for my sister. Woke to beautiful sunshine and a sense of relief that his labourer was parked outside. After three hours he got out of the car to inform me that there had been an emergency and so sorry nothing would happen today. Spent the balance of the morning until now finding someone to make the building as watertight as possible as the weather is back to being grim for the foreseeable. I know this is commonplace for the so called industry but I believe things were slightly better when the overseas lads were here looking for business.
Your pound was more valuable to the overseas lads than the locals


Wrong flight couple sent 1,500 miles to Lithuania https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/c3ggww342w8o

Ryanair are cunts
From The Land of Honest Men


Quote from: Fishy on June 12, 2024, 11:28:39 PMWrong flight couple sent 1,500 miles to Lithuania https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/c3ggww342w8o

Ryanair are cunts
They deserved it. They're ugly.


Quote from: Nickslikk2112 on June 13, 2024, 11:56:07 AM
Quote from: Fishy on June 12, 2024, 11:28:39 PMWrong flight couple sent 1,500 miles to Lithuania https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/c3ggww342w8o

Ryanair are cunts
They deserved it. They're ugly.
And disabled you cruel bashtard  ;)
"Oh, for the wings of any bird other than a Battery hen."


Had a new water meter fitted earlier this year. Just got first bill based on its figures and bloody STW want to double my Direct Debit, looks like the usage has doubled.

Just been down to look at the meter - first time this week I've left the house - and there's water pissing out of it. Bloody cowboy fitters I reckon, we were told the meter was to be changed and that on the day we would be told. Well we weren't told. I knew they had done it because when I went out on my bike one January morning there was some water on the pavement by the meter cover.

On the plus side, someone is supposed to be coming out this afternoon to fix it.

The Picnic Wasp

Tradesmen🤬🤬🤬 My main reason for watching the Scotland game tonight is now to try and spot the scumbag in the crowd who walked away this week leaving my garage roof open to the elements. I'm guessing he's been offered a last minute ticket.I must be getting slower in my old age for the penny not to drop earlier. Thirty minutes with a tarpaulin and an explanation could have saved a lot of stress.