What's in/on Your DVD/VCR/PVR etc

Started by pxr5, February 23, 2022, 08:06:38 PM

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Down a bit of an Alien rabbit hole at the moment. I've just discovered that there are fan-made short Alien films and generally have been impressed with the level of production involved.

So far I have seen the anime:

Alien: Monday

and the live action:

Alien: Ore
Alien: No Man's Land

If I had to pick one to recommend, then it would be Ore. Short (10 minutes) and very sweet.

I'll see if I can find links. Here we go.


Ah - I note now the involvement/copyright of 20th Century Fox - definitely on Ore. So maybe not "just" a fan movie then.

Looking a bit, Ore is part of the 40th Anniversary shorts collection. That means there are more for me to watch 8)

Here is the "Alien Anthology" channel I just found:



Only Murders in the Building S4 ep 1. Still enjoying this


After we went through Yellowstone we are now onto 1883, just the one season but you just can't beat Sam Elliott in this role. Or any role as a cowboy. I think he was born with the 'stache.


From The Land of Honest Men



The Umbrella Academy Season 4 (the last one). The Umbrella Academy has always stayed just under that "being ridiculous" line (unlike Doom Patrol) and has generally been a great watch. This last season has a feeling of being rushed to end it all (only 6 episodes). But I'm still liking it and I'll be a bit sad to see it end. 8/10 this season 8.5/10 overall.
"Oh, for the wings of any bird other than a Battery hen."


From The Land of Honest Men


From The Land of Honest Men



Watched Chernobyl for the second time. Has to be among the top shows ever and only 5 episodes.

Highly and heartily recommended


From The Land of Honest Men



Crimes Of The Future

David Cronenbourg's much feted return to the body horror genre he pioneered back in the day.

Yes, the shocker element is still all there (there were walkouts I believe at Cannes within 15 minutes) and the production design renders the dystopia expertly - sadly, the concept, ideas, story and script are so ludicrous even in its fantastical context that at times I wondered if Cronenberg was intending this as some kind of ultra-deadpan black satirical comedy meant to elicit some guilty laughs.

Whatever the intention, overall this is an abject failure.

Rating: *


True Grit (2010)

Right off the bat I'll confess I've never seen the 1969 original, which is obviously to my shame and I'll remedy as soon as possible. ::)

It will be interesting to see how it compares to this remake by the Coen Brothers, who are up there with my very favourite film-makers (and yes, it's taken me only 14 years to get round to seeing this one!).

Anyway, this is solidly enjoyable fare, with the usual Coen trademarks of deliciously wry dialogue, dark humour and stunning photography by Roger Deakins.

Jeff Bridges and Matt Damon are very good of course - albeit sometimes inaudible delivering their cowboy accents out of the side of the mouths - while Hailee Steinfeld is a revelation on her film debut.

Rating: ***