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Cycling 2023

Started by Slim, January 02, 2023, 09:13:23 PM

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And out again today, Garmin said I could do an hour and twenty seven of base level riding. Fair enough then, that's two hours of whatever I can manage to do. Turns out that that's a shade under 31 miles at a bit slower pace than last time I did the ride, although I did an alternative route up part of the Cordwell Valley, just because I can.


Today I had fully intended to do my first 50 miler of the year. However, I had an awful night's sleep, waking up in sweats and feeling like chucking up. Luckily I kept my stomach contents inside, but I wasn't feeling good.

But, the day was nice and I picked up a bit so thought I'd see if I could get 40 miles in. Yes, I could and it didn't seem too strenuous either, although the Garmin says to rest for 72 hours now. It was certainly nice out, though the easterly breeze meant a headwind on the way home, but it's not bad when mainly downhill. Actually managed to get myself to a higher mileage for May so far than I did last year, although last year I was still "working"

David L

Great day for cycling! Me and the Mrs did 23 miles on the road bikes with a stop at Lynwoods in Bampton for a sausage roll and a cappuccino. First ride in shorts and no overshoes!  Unable to go too far as we are looking after a family member's cocker spaniel at the moment.
Bit of a faff before we got going though. Lifted my bike down from the wall brackets to discover a rear flat. Unable to find a puncture so assumed that it was valve leakage. However, I didn't like the look of the perished tyre wall and some of the covering on the contact surface appears to be deteriorating. Anyways, it stayed up for our ride.
I've just ordered 2 Michelin Lithon 3 tyres from BikeInn for £44. I looked for exact replacements for my Pro Race 3s but no longer available. They've got good reviews and they were available in red to match the bike  8)   I hope the Lithons are going to be easy to fit, some road tyres can be an absolute pain to get on the rim.


Did a 25 miler earlier . Was all set to go and noticed the back tyre had lost some air.. checked the front and it was the same but not quite as bad.. decided to pump them up and give it 10 mins.. looked ok so tried a few miles checked and still ok.. bit more checked and still ok.. ended up doing a circular route thru Alloway towards Maybole joined up with route 7 up n over the Carrick Hills  back into Ayr along the seafront to the pier then home...
From The Land of Honest Men


Quote from: David L on May 21, 2023, 05:42:12 PMI've just ordered 2 Michelin Lithon 3 tyres from BikeInn for £44. I looked for exact replacements for my Pro Race 3s but no longer available. They've got good reviews and they were available in red to match the bike  8)  I hope the Lithons are going to be easy to fit, some road tyres can be an absolute pain to get on the rim.

The tyres I bought for my S Works are Lithion 3s . Bought them for the same reason (red). They weren't too hard to get on. Seem to have lasted well, no problems so far.
H5N1 kIlled a wild swan


I was going to do 80 or 90 today, but I woke up earlier than I expected and I was pedalling away from the garage by 0725. I did want to avoid leaving that early because I assumed it would be uncomfortably cold, but with tights and a fleece on I was fine.

Sunny from the moment I left the house. Really nice out there.

The wind was coming from the north-east. I did consider going up to Newartk today, because I haven't done that so far this year. But in the end I settled on the easy option, the eastbound route. The road surface would be better and I wouldn't have to faff around with my eTrex or a navigation app on a phone.

Stopped after 23 miles and stuffed my tights, fleece and rear light into my camo bag, which I then stashed in a hedge. It was very unlikely that I'd need a rear light on this ride, but even less so before the last 23 miles. Having said that, I've noticed that some riders do like a flashing rear light even in bright sunlight. But I don't bother with that myself.

There are two options after Buckminster; one involves dipping down into Rutland and going east through South Witham and Little Bytham. But I did the other one today; through Stainby, Corby Glen and Grimsthorpe. Got as far as Edenham, then turned back having done 53 miles.

Took the pic at the entrance to Grimsthorpe Castle.

UV levels were high today so I took a Zinc Stick with me and applied a coating of Zinc Oxide to my nose. Not the full Shane Warne; just a thin coat. This particular product is yellow rather than white. I did feel a bit self-conscious going into the village shop at Buckminster with a yellow hooter.

Sunday's not the best day for a long ride really because the shops tend to be closed in the afternoon and the only petrol station on this route is at Burton on the Wolds, 17 miles from home. So I had to stock up at Buckminster on the eastbound leg, early on.

Lovely out there and I wasn't too hot in the afternoon; the breeze kept me cool. But I must devise some new routes.

Started the next Reacher novel (Bad Luck and Trouble) but the wind noise made it hard to listen. I must get some wind noise absorbers. They are actually a thing. You attach them to cycle helmet straps. In my case I'd have to improvise something for those times I don't wear a helmet (most of the time to be honest).

Did manage to listen to West Ham vs Leeds on the DAB in the afternoon.

Back on 106.06 miles.
H5N1 kIlled a wild swan


Bit of the other way round to yesterday, woke up feeling fine and got worse through the day. But hey, the sun was shining and a bike was waiting. It had to wait a while though as I was watching some nice Italian scenery at the Giro. I was told to have a rest day today - by Mrs S and the Garmin - but Mrs S wanted me to do some gardening. BYE!

Did a ride I last did in December 2020 on a freezing cold but sunny day, which was ridden on the Winter bike. I averaged 16.7mph that day and expected a good deal higher average today, but only got it to 17.3mph. Headwind going out was the main problem, which didn't seem to provide a tail wind on the way back. Normally with a tail wind you think you're "On It" but I never felt that, think it had moved to more of a NNE from a NE.

A nice couple of hours anyway for another 35 miles. I'd have done a mile and a half more if I'd realised it would have got me to 500 miles for May.


Got the Bianchi fully summerised yesterday by refitting the Carbon front wheel, been using the back one since a spoke snapped in it. Was hoping for a huge increase in performance today - as you do.

As it happened there was an increase in average speed - I did the same ride as last Tuesday - it went from 16.3mph to 16.5mph, but there could be lots of factors at play. I did get held up by traffic lights on the Padley climb today, so last weeks' 14 minute climb became 14 and a half today, but I was held up for a minute at the lights, just failed to get there before the lights turn red. Yes car drivers, cyclists can and DO stop for red lights, wish all drivists did.

Anyway, today's 43 miles got me over 500 miles for May, should be over 600 by the end of the week.


Been retired a year today. What could I do to celebrate? Ah yes, go out for a ride!

Not that I felt like riding after a couple of bad night's sleep and then a big sloppy shot (TMI!) this morning, but the sun was out.

Anyway, now I'm an old man and retired, I thought I'd ride like an old man. So, I took the gravel bike out and hit the local trails, doing the Five Pits trail, Silverhill trail and Teversal trail. I then got lost at the old Pleasley Colliery site. I'd meant to get off the trail earlier, but missed the way off, which I've found is very easy to do. I managed to get to the A617 eventually and suffered the traffic until I could get on to the lanes back through Ault Hucknall.

Must admit I enjoyed taking it steadily, but didn't enjoy shared use trails where walkers think it's only for them, I may not be the size I used to be, but I'm sure I'm still an obvious sight riding along on a bicycle SO GET OUT OF MY WAY YOU OLD TROLLOPS WALKING THREE ABREAST TOWARDS ME WITH YOUR NORDIC WALKING POLES!


A dry, warm, sunny afternoon - exactly the sort of conditions you're dreaming about when you're chugging along in the cold and dark in January with more layers on than an astronaut, waiting for your toes and fingers to go numb.

Well - perhaps a little blowier than I'd have liked, with a moderate wind coming from the north-west. With that in mind I was going to do some sort of route up to Derby and back but just before the turn for Coleorton I reminded myself that the rush hour traffic would make it annoying, so I decided to do a Twycross Bypasser instead.

I did a longish version - right across to Kisses Barn Lane, along Mythe Lane and Atterton Lane to Fenny Drayton along the bottom then back up and across along Fenn Lanes.

Pedalling up through the villages north of Bosworth in late afternoon sunshine is one of life's great joys, and the headwind only compromised it slightly.

Witnessed a minor altercation between a silver Ferrari and an old Fiesta near Packington. The driver of the Ferrari, a blonde lady of a certain age, should have given way but didn't. The Fiesta driver wasn't having it, so they ended up facing off in the middle of the road until she pulled in. She looked a little put out as I passed her; perhaps her sense of entitlement needs to be moderated a little.

My right shoe didn't have any lateral adjustment in the pedal when I set off and twisting my foot to try to free it up didn't seem to help matters. I inspected the cleat at Witherley and removed some compacted dry mud with a stick. It was fine after that.

Back on 39.09 miles. Lovely run out. 491 done this month.
H5N1 kIlled a wild swan


Little fall today as I was on a supposed 20k homeward spin. On the newly opened greenway i took a sip of water. Not sure what happened but the next thing I was aware of was the tarmac heading towards me very fast. The flimsy plastic visor on the helmet seemed to take the majority of the impact but there is a bit of a gash below the bottom lip. Left elbow also bleeding. The blood thinners means that both wounds are still bleeding some 20 mins after the event!

There is a fall off to the side of the tarmac and its not very forgiving. I think I must have momentarily dropped off the tarmac even though that's where I landed. Teeth all appear intact and no harm to the bike.

Heading to Yorkshire first thing tomorrow to see mum and the family from that part of the World. Oh well. I may wear a mask underneath my mouth as was the trend for some during covid 


Sorry to hear that Dom, but glad the bike's OK...

Just take care now. First thing I check after coming off - after the bike - is: Are my teeth still there, then are my collarbones intact. Still suffering with a finger I can't straighten after coming off before Xmas, but my medical advisors at the time - Mrs S (qualified First Aider) and my Niece (Qualified Doctor) both said "Not a lot you can do with fingers". Ho-hum.

Fully intended to do some proper off road today, but the Bridle Path must have been well hidden as I ended up following Tractor tracks across a field which were festooned with rocks, bits of pipe and planks of wood. I turned round sharpish before I went over the handlebars.

Took it steadily again today, ended up being barely slower then when I did most of the same ride putting some effort into it. Maybe slow and steady is the way forward. anyway, now over 600 miles for May. Onwards and Upwards.


Thanks Nick! Was a bit disoriented to begin with. Spent a couple of minutes looking for my glasses until I realised I was still wearing them! Then checked teeth and realised they were still intact and nothing else was hurting. Bike ok bar the chain coming off. Fixed that then headed home to lick wounds (not literally)

David L

Sorry to hear of your accident dom. Glad you're OK


Quote from: David L on May 26, 2023, 12:44:28 AMSorry to hear of your accident dom. Glad you're OK

Thanks David, just looking at the helmet and there's quite a dent where the visor sits. Glad that took the brunt of it and not my forehead!