
Started by Slim, June 04, 2022, 12:06:43 PM

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I had a Kiss concert dream last night. I think I know what prompted it. Yesterday I went into the loft to look for a spare LED bulb, and I noticed my tour programme from 1983.

So I'm near the front of the stage. It's an outdoor gig. The band aren't playing, but they're on stage. Some of the road crew are standing next to me, chatting among themselves. Gene Simmons is up on the stage a few feet away from me. But he's just standing around wearing a pair of old faded jeans and a t-shirt. He has reading glasses on. No makeup.
H5N1 kIlled a wild swan

David L

Quote from: Slim on July 01, 2024, 07:21:23 PMI had a Kiss concert dream last night. I think I know what prompted it. Yesterday I went into the loft to look for a spare LED bulb, and I noticed my tour programme from 1983.

So I'm near the front of the stage. It's an outdoor gig. The band aren't playing, but they're on stage. Some of the road crew are standing next to me, chatting among themselves. Gene Simmons is up on the stage a few feet away from me. But he's just standing around wearing a pair of old faded jeans and a t-shirt. He has reading glasses on. No makeup.
What's the hair like?  ;D


I'm in the restaurant car on a train. The waiter arrives with my main course, smartly dressed in black trousers and a white tunic. He explains that they didn't have any chips, so they've substituted new potatoes. He's Ed Miliband.
H5N1 kIlled a wild swan


I'm sharing a small office with three other people, two girls in their 20s and Neil Young. It's 1970s Neil, not the 78 year old we know and love today. Neil pulls an acoustic guitar out from behind his office chair and sings Harvest Moon (which, thinking about it now, didn't come out until the '90s).

After he's finished, one of the girls starts singing, accompanied by the other one playing bass guitar. Her bass is like a Steinberger, a headless bass with a small body. But it's tiny. It's only about  two feet long, from the end of the neck to the end of the body. I don't know the song.

After they've finished, the singer asks me if I want to go to a nightclub with her later. It's a place called "Time". I say yes. She's clearly interested in me and she's attractive. Then I remember I'm married and I have to tell her I can't.

In my late 20s I was in a long term relationship with someone I adored but occasionally young women would come on to me or show an interest and I just couldn't help myself .. I even went out with a couple of them, only to perform a screeching handbrake turn and pull the plug before it went too far, which of course left both parties involved feeling a bit gutted, certainly including myself. Woke up this morning feeling that same cocktail of emotions.

H5N1 kIlled a wild swan

The Picnic Wasp

A crazy hotchpotch of seemingly unending nonsense. The only clip I can remember is my former IT manager examining bruises on my legs confirming Lyme disease but not qualified to prescribe a month of antibiotics. This linked into being given someone's football season ticket book which unravelled into streams of raffle ticket like strips of paper with stickers on them. Going to the very weird turnstiles on an outdoor escalator I struggled to get really tight fitting gardening gloves off in order to retrieve my ticket. I had to ask a friend for assistance. Three of us (one whom I bumped into this week out of the blue and who informed me he's moving to Wales) got on a ferry on the Clyde to get to the game. This very large ship sailed down river at great speed, narrowly missing other smaller vessels but ploughing over a large jetty, decked area. Just before the end of the dream a couple of rowdy youths made comments about my hairstyle and threw fruit at me. The only snippet of football which appeared was two reserve teams playing in scruffy strips which didn't match anyone else's. Clearly the paracetamol wore off during the night. I wish there was a way to declutter the mind for sleep.

Edit: I think I've had the speeding ship dream before. I wonder what triggers that fear.