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Cycling 2022

Started by Slim, January 28, 2022, 03:22:34 PM

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By this morning, the weather forecast on the BBC site promised merely the faintest threat of rain over the whole day. Furthermore, winds were promised to be very light, blowing gently from the east. Anticipated temperatures had been upgraded a degree from yesterday's forecast, as well.

Clearly, a fondo along the eastbound route was in order, even though that's exactly what I did last Saturday.

I set off at about 10:20. I picked up some very faint drizzle after 20 miles. After another 5 miles or so, persistent cold, light rain. It didn't let up for about 90 minutes, and I was soaked. Misery.

Fortunately the weather cleared up quite nicely later in the afternoon and the last 25 miles or so were dry. But my socks were still soaking wet after I took my cycling shoes off on returning home and my gloves had only just started to dry off. Uncomfortable. But actually I did enjoy the ride on the way back all the same.

I came back a slightly different way, along Narrow Lane to Wymeswold. I've done that a couple of times but this time, on one of those adventurous impulses that I've been prone to recently, I followed a sign to Hoton. From there I continued on to Cotes and I don't think I've done that stretch before. Nice cycling territory along there.

Listened to Gilles Peterson on 6 Music and a few hours of the Reacher novel.

Back on 63.90 which puts me within 8 miles of the monthly target (300). 4980 done in 2022.
H5N1 kIlled a wild swan


Heavy rain this morning but the sun came out in the afternoon and the roads had dried out quite nicely; still a few puddles around of course but they were eminently avoidable. The weather forecast strongly suggested that it wouldn't rain (spoiler alert: it did).

I'd been looking forward to getting out again for a few days, because I only needed about 20 miles to hit the 5,000 mile mark for 2022, and only 8 to hit the monthly target for December (300).

Left work early. I decided to do a Twycross Bypasser, which would give me about 30 miles.

Pretty cold out there, but the wind was light. Unfortunately not long after sunset an annoying, persistent, cold light rain started to come down. I quite enjoy riding in the dark but cold temperatures, wet roads and rain spotting against cycling glasses make it miserable, especially when oncoming cars don't bother to dip their headlights. Fortunately I had my most powerful headtorch on, one with a separate battery pack and a focusable beam so I dished out a few luminal punishment beatings.

The rain stopped for the last eight miles or so which made life a lot more bearable, but my fingers were soaked, numb and freezing. The roads were still wet and I had to give the bike a cursory clean and wipe down back at the garage.

Someone once said of climbing mountains that they liked it because it's great when it stops, and that's probably the most positive spin I can put on today's ride.

Still - very satisfied to have overcome the elements and to have got to 325 miles this month, 5012 this year. Another 28 miles and I'll have overtaken the 2021 total (5040).

I listened to the World Cup of course, Spain vs Costa Rica.
H5N1 kIlled a wild swan


Got out yesterday for the first time in five days and it was bloody hard work! I went out a flatter way than I normally would but by 'eck it was a struggle whenever the road went upwards. Power output was certainly down, but the left leg is now in a draw situation with the right leg.

I'd made up my mind that I wasn't going out today after seeing the forecast, but the afternoon turned out nice. However, when I set my mind to not doing something it doesn't get done. I'd also got a bit of business to transact at the Post Office.


Nice day for it today - and a bike ride. Apart from the roads being mainly piss-wet and going uphill like cycling up a river. Got myself up to within 20,000ft of elevation gain from 100 miles for the year and within touching distance of where I was distance wise this time last year.

Left leg is still in balance with right leg. Suppose that's a good thing, but right cleat isn't centred over the pedal like the left one. Can't get the adjustment right.


I wanted to do about 40 miles today, which would see me comfortably over my target for 2022 (the 2021 total, 5040 miles). Mild enough weather, with a light wind coming from the south. But a bit cloudy and damp, with wet roads.

A simple plan: to go about 20 miles down the Fosse Way route, which is exactly the same as the usual southbound route for the first 18 miles. Then come back.

I did that except that after 19 miles, at Sapcote, I turned right instead of going straight over at a crossroads there. Just to explore for a bit. Shortly after this I saw a sign back to Stoney, so I took that. However due to misnavigation induced by entering Stoney from an unusual direction, I took a different road out of the town than I'd intended. I wanted to hook up with my usual road back, but instead I took a nondescript but inoffensive A road leading to Earl Shilton, where I eventually rejoined my intended route.

I started to feel a little drained of energy over the first mile, which is highly unusual for me. Too many late nights recently probably. But I took it easy and I was fine.

I'd hoped that my adventurous orienteering would add a few miles but no, it was actually a slightly quicker way back to Earl Shilton than if I'd just come back the same way. So I extended the ride a bit by detouring through Battram, and by taking a longer route home through the village over the last couple of miles.

Listened to Japan vs Costa Rica and Belgium vs Morocco on my DAB personal. Unexpected results in both games.

Back on 40.15 miles and that's 365 done this month and 5052 done this year. Interestingly on this day last year I'd done the same number of rides over the year (110).

So: this year is my third-best ever performing cycling year on distance, and even with a month to go it'll stay that way because I'm not going to get the 2022 tally up to 5778 miles (the 2016 total). But I should be able to get it up to 5400 or so.

I was staggered to find, while removing my cycling tights on returning home, that I'd somehow neglected to put cycling shorts on underneath! I'd just pulled them straight on over my undies. However despite the lack of appropriate padding I wasn't uncomfortable at all.
H5N1 kIlled a wild swan


Horrible weather this last couple of days, with a cold, foggy gloom clinging to the East Midlands. But conditions had brightened sufficiently this afternoon to contemplate a bike ride after work. The sun even came out for a few brief moments.

A very light wind coming from the south. I wanted to do 30 or so so I decided to do a Twycrosser. Went out through Heather for a change; I'd normally go over Alton Hill and Packington, but to do that I'd have had to join a queue of Yummy Mummies in their 4x4s taking their kids home from the school along the lane. Bad timing.

I didn't see a single 'nother cyclist over the whole ride and certainly the conditions weren't ideal for it, especially after dark. Very cold out there. But I'd wrapped up warm and I quite enjoyed it although my feet and fingers were starting to freeze over the last ten miles.

I did the detour to Orton from Twycross.

The rear light on my Tricross was a bit dim. It's only just had new batteries so I think it must be discharging them while switched off, for some reason. Will hang onto it for a few days and if it runs the batteries down I'll bin it. Fortunately I had a spare with me today.

Fun ride out apart from the usual wankers in oncoming vehicles with full beam on. Back on 28.14 miles.

That'll be it for November. 393 done this month.
H5N1 kIlled a wild swan


Aye, the weather has been a bit grim the last couple of day. Should have gone out when it was sunny on Monday, but we were having new windows fitted, then I had to make a visit to the bank in the afternoon. Ho-hum.

Still, I have got a couple of 30 mile rides in in the mist and murk. Was really quite foggy on the tops yesterday and I saw a group of six cyclists come the other way who had been riding along a road I wouldn't have like to in those conditions. I went up then came back down as soon as I could.

Anway I'm now ahead of my mileage from this time last year, so as long as I'm fit and the weather stays dry I should set my highest yearly total. Another 15,000ft for a 100 miles of elevation gain, it was also the first time I've exceeded 500 miles in November :)


At last, some sun! Even a bit - a bit warmer - still needed winter gloves and base layer though and a new pair of winter Merino socks. Nice. Didn't make me any quicker though, fourth time I've done that ride and the slowest yet. Still, it was nice to get out and my Summer fitness will be waning now. Second fastest out of 23 for the Harewood Road ascent today. Must all have been out on Mountain bikes! First time I've climbed it with my power meter pedals and the average power for the ascent was about what Strava has estimated it to be for me. Which is a shame, means I could have saved some money...

Riding across Beeley Moor, I saw a bird walking along the top of a dry-stone wall. Couldn't quite make out what it was at first, but it turned out to be a Red Grouse. It didn't half make a strange noise as I passed, like a demented chicken. Should have stopped and photographed it, but my fingers will too cold!

David L

Back in Hope for a long weekend. With an eye on the weather, we made the decision to venture out on the mtbs. We wanted to see what Tideswell had to offer (not much as it happens) so set off around 11:30 with threatening skies above.
Through Bradwell to Little Hucklow using the quietest roads we could find. Stopped for a pint of Guinness at The Anchor just outside Tideswell. Sat in the village square and ate our packed lunch and enjoyed a flask of coffee. That was welcome as it was pretty chilly. From Tideswell to Wheston and Peak Forest and back to Castleton for a pint of porter at the Swiss House.
No idea how far because my iphone battery inexplicably lost its charge by the time we'd got to Tideswell. I guess it was somewhere between 15 and 20 miles. 
Nice ride but was glad of a hot shower back at the site.


Wife was out for a lunch yesterday so took the opportunity to get out for a couple of hours.. nice dry sunny cold day bit of a breeze...
33 miles stuck to B roads and single track paths.... the two puncture repairs on the front tyre held up which was great
From The Land of Honest Men


Was due out today but my son drove to work with the garage keys in his pocket.

Took the dog for a 5 mile walk instead. Think Ziggy was grateful for my son's absent-mindedness.


Took the afternoon off with the intention of doing a bike ride. I particularly wanted to do a fondo today, because I hadn't been out on a bike at all so far this month. A ride distance of 62 miles would see me on course to do about 300 this month, which is the target.

Rather cold out there, only about 4 degrees C, but the weather forecast promised mainly dry conditions. I wanted to do a ride I've done a couple of times in the past in which I do my usual route up over Swarkestone Bridge and west along the Beloved A Road, then north along Ashbourne Road.

However I got confused at the remote end - I hadn't planned it properly or checked the route beforehand, I just assumed I'd remember - and I took a wrong turn which led me eventually along a little road called Aston Lane, which degenerated eventually into gravel and potholes. I consulted Google Maps though and saw that I'd be able to take a right turn to Foston a bit further along. I did that. I'd effectively looped back in a homeward direction. If I took the usual way back from Foston I'd end up on quite a bit less than the requisite fondo distance so I took an excursion up along Woodyard Lane toward Alkmonton, which I've done before a few times. Nice to do that again.

Getting quite dark by this time, but I had highly adequate lights.

I checked my projected ride distance at my twenty-miles-to-go point at Hatton and was surprised to see that I was only due to do 60 miles. So I did a detour to Isley Walton and down Top Brand after Melbourne. Saved me from Bastard Hill if nothing else.

I listened to the last few hours of my Reacher audiobook, The Enemy. The way the plot is tied together when Reacher solves the conspiracy that's the basis of the story is frankly over-complicated but there's a very interesting and affecting thread about Reacher's French mother, who dies in this story. He attends her funeral in Paris in the last part of the book, and I cast my mind back to my own mum's funeral in Whitley Bay. Then minutes later, at the very end of the recording, I heard "If you've enjoyed this recording, please write to us at Isis House, King's Drive, Whitley Bay". Really odd, not least because I assumed it was an American production (it's certainly an American voice actor who does the narration).

One of my rear brake pads squeaks like a train whistle when I put the brakes on.

Anyway .. back on 62.73 miles. Glad to have the full set of monthly fondos for 2022, which was one of my goals at the beginning of the year, as it always is.
H5N1 kIlled a wild swan


Got a half Fondo in today. It's enough. Only done about four Fondos all year, but I do have more time to get out these days, so don't have to keep finding time for a long day in the saddle.

It was a bit nippy this morning and set to get nippier, but thankfully going uphill warms you up, coming back down cools you off though. To say I'd only been off the bike three days my power was down today. Think I've had a bit of a cold though and maybe the thrill of seeing how much power I'm putting out and trying to maintain it is wearing off.

One of my front disc brake pads keeps catching on the rotor, every so often I get a "ding-ding-ding" sound like Angel Chimes, yet it never lasts long. Strangely it squeaks like buggery in the dry and yet is mainly quiet in the wet, should be the other way round...


Got nearly 38 miles in today on a bright, sunny, crisp, well chilly day today. A bit of ice around at the side of the roads, but it was quite easy to see and most had a dry line on them where the sun had done its work.

Whilst riding up Harewood road, a mountain biker coming the other way shouted "Thiz sum ice up theer youth" to which I replied "Morning" as it always takes a while for things to register inside my noggin. Yes, there was ice, but nowt serious.

I took the Beeley Moor chicane very steadily, with one foot unclipped as I have come off on ice there before, it gets lots of run off and when cars go through it the spray freezes in the air and forms a thick slush. It was there today, but I safely negotiated it - unlike the black Audi which had ploughed straight on and gone through a fence LOL.


A very cold day today - 1C due to dip to 0 at about 3pm. I didn't think I'd be able to tolerate more than 25 miles or so on a bike, so I decided to go for a ride during an extended, late lunch break.

I had no particular plan except to go north, since the wind was coming from that direction - which, along with a crystal clear sky was presumably why it was Baltic out there. I went up through Coleorton and up Top Brand, swung a left at Isley Walton and pedalled up over Swosser Bridge.

I was going to potter along the Beloved A Road for a bit but instead I thought I'd go over the A50 roundabout and flirt with Derby via Infinty Park Way. This took me, as usual, past a number of Rolls-Royce sites - most impressively the huge engine test site at Sinfin. I must admit I felt a pang of nostalgia at seeing RR personnel leaving the car parks, presumably on their way home. It's (somehow) 28 years since I worked for that company myself, but it was a very memorable first graduate job.

I wonder what I'd be doing now if I'd stayed there? Running the place, probably.

Conditions were nowhere near as hostile as I'd expected - the bright sunshine was very pleasant, even if my toes were starting to feel like ice cubes. I pressed on into Derby for a little while. I joined the ring road, then took a left along Victory Road.

An important element of Derby culture and folklore, held dear by its people, is their belief that they were instrumental in winning the Second World War, because the famous Merlin piston engine, which powered the Hurricane, the Spitfire and later the P-51 Mustang, was made there - and this is of course where Victory Road derives its name.

Anyway I arrived back on Infinity Park Way eventually so I turned south for home and came back a quicker way, directly through Melbourne.

The temperature started to drop as the sun set, as I expected it would. Fortunately I was home 15 minutes later. Good timing.

35.13 miles and that's 98 this month. Moderately pleased with that, 8 days into December.
H5N1 kIlled a wild swan