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Cycling 2022

Started by Slim, January 28, 2022, 03:22:34 PM

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At last, an opportunity to get out on a bike in September. With the wind coming from the NE I decided a trip up over Swarkestone Bridge then west along the Beloved A Road was in order. What I wanted to do, at least roughly, was repeat my ride from the 3rd of August in which I'd got a fondo distance out of riding to a village called Marston Montgomery.

Very light drizzle when I set off but since the forecast was mainly dry I tolerated it, in the hope that it would go away. It didn't though, it got worse. Persistent light rain by the time I was rolling through Coleorton. It lasted no more than half an hour though, and after that the temperature climbed a bit and I dried off fairly quickly in the warm breeze. I was too warm in the end actually. I'd opted for bare legs but had three layers on top. I took one of them off and stuffed it in my backpack, which helped.

I thought I'd be able to remember the route easily enough, but I failed to take a turn at Hatton and found myself in Foston. I had a break there, for a pasty - there's a very comfortable bench next to a bus stop - and plotted a course back onto my intended route using Google Maps.

Since I'd added a couple of miles by unintentionally diverting to Foston, I didn't go all the way to Marston Montgomery.

Rotter's Rise, my regular nemesis south of Melbourne was a bit of a struggle. Whether that's early onset of COVID, loss of fitness incurred by not riding a bike for 11 days or residual debilitation from ingesting an excess of alcohol on holiday, I don't know.

I was waved at by a tiny tot, being held by her grandfather (I assume) at the front gate of a terraced house near Hatton. She was waving at all the passing traffic. It's a hobby I suppose! Of course I smiled and waved back.

Back on 64.78 miles, a decent bite out of September's modest target (350).
H5N1 kIlled a wild swan


Went out and did a sort of reverse Thursday ride today. Now a Thursday ride is 43 miles and I like to do at least 50 on a Saturday, so I added a couple of bits in and missed out another bit.

Of course, with being out to the flat, well rolling, lands of Nottinghamshire on Thursday I added in an extra hill. Found out that James Shaw is the Local Legend on that hill. He's not done it for a bit though as he's riding the Vuelta. He can do it 5 and a half minutes quicker than me too. Bastard.

It was odd going back the way I normally ride out, didn't feel right going anti-clockwise. Hillier than it ought to ne too. Still, it got me to 52 miles and 266 for the month.


Went out for a 40 miler today. Was going to take it steadily. I did take it steadily, but for one reason or another I did rather more climbing than intended. even steady climbing isn't fun on old legs.

Still, I'm over 300 miles for September and 5,000 for the year.


Got up at about 0945, didn't feel like I had a lot of energy but I thought it would be best to get some exercise. I mounted the Cannondale not knowing if I'd be able to manage much more than 5 miles. Felt a bit shaky over the first 100 metres or so, and a bit zombified over the first couple of miles - almost like a lucid dream.

However I found that I wasn't having any trouble going up hills so I took it easy, pressed on and did a shortish Twycrosser. Came back along Gibbet Lane to keep it short as a precaution but as I seemed to be doing fine I stretched the ride a bit by diverting through Burgoland and Swepstone, then Ibstock.

I did have a coughing fit like an old hag after I got off the bike, but I'm fine.

Decent weather, a mix of light wind and cloud. Just warm enough for bare legs.

Naturally I was careful to retain an appropriate distance from other persons at all times, including the bloke who was leaning against the driver's side of his van while it was parked on Measham Road. Gave him a very wide berth.

Anyway I did 28.42 miles. 257 still to do to meet my target for September and I don't think I'll be able to do it. Got other commitments next weekend and it's a 30 day month.
H5N1 kIlled a wild swan


Managed to rack up 180 miles so far this week. Three 40+ mile rides and a 50 miler today. Most on the usual roads, but a bit different on Thursday as some roadworks have appeared on my usual route home. However the junctions on the alternative way back are so busy that it costs me more time than waiting at lights.

Thankfully it's still just warm enough to keep my arms and legs exposed to the air. The thought of getting back into bib tights is too much, that means Winter's on the way. Most other people seem to be resigned to the old long clothing though. More fool them, at least I didn't sweat today.


And another 43 miles today. Wasn't sure if I'd do that, as my Heart rate apparently went up to 181 whilst going along the flat after a downhill corner. Got to be a heart strap fault as it settled back after a couple of minutes and I certainly couldn't feel any racing of my heart. Ended up buying a new strap after this happened a couple of years ago.

Today was a take it easy day anyway, being as I'll be getting an extra ride in tomorrow with it being a Bank Holiday.


In Arran for the week so decided on Corrie to Lochranza with the mrs.... A nice 20 miler .. great scenery. dry no wind hardly any traffic.. very enjoyable... think it'll be Lamlash  tomorrow or we're climbing Goat  Fell...
From The Land of Honest Men


September had already turned into a sort of damage limitation exercise by the time I came down with COVID a week ago, but this bank holiday weekend was at least an opportunity to clock up 100 miles or so. Wasn't it? Nope, a suspected kidney stone kept me out of action on the Saturday and Sunday.

But I appear to be back to my normal self mostly today - whether the kidney stone has passed, just moved somewhere more comfortable or never actually existed I am yet to find out, but I decided I would attempt 25 miles or so this afternoon. The worry was that the pain would flare up again and I'd be incapacitated, an inconvenient distance from home. But a shortish Twycrosser seemed an acceptable risk.

Very light rain when I set off and it only got worse, at least for an hour. Then it stopped for an hour. Then it came back. I pressed on regardless, driven mainly by bloody-mindedness. I listened to coverage of the latter stages of the Queen's funeral, the Windsor instalment.

It was eerily quiet out there.

Bit cold later on, even when it wasn't raining. Not the most enjoyable ride, but glad to have got out on a bike again, for only the third time this month.

26.45 miles.
H5N1 kIlled a wild swan


With it being a Bank Holiday and not wanting to spend time in the house whilst Mrs S cried her eyes out at the funeral of an old woman she didn't know, I thought it an opportune time for a bike ride.

It was a bit nippy though, had to put a long-sleeved jersey on, although it got a bit sweaty going uphill which meant cool descents, but probably the best thing to do. At least it didn't rain on me, managed to miss all that.

Thought the roads might have been quieter today, but apart from the lack of commercial traffic there were just as many loons in cars as ever. Up on the tops I've never seen so many cars parked up the side of Clodhall lane and lower down in New Whit all the inhabitants were out walking their Staffies and Pit Bulls rather than being enthralled by the unfolding pageantry on the TV.

A gentle 40 miler - managed not to get the old heart above 137bpm - takes me to my highest ever September total of 572 miles.


Corrie to Lamlash today.. just over 20 miles... dry. very warm actually... again brilliant scenery.. so it's a hike up Goat Fell tomorrow👍
From The Land of Honest Men


A nice afternoon, very mild, very dry, light winds. Left work as early as I could in the hope of cranking out 30-odd miles. Decided to take the Tricross, since it hadn't had a run out since April. Despite its weight it did roll along very pleasantly.

I did a Twycrosser, with a detour to Orton from Twycross. Went right down to Witherley, but came back up mainly along the main road. Hadn't done that for a while. Very nice out there.

Conditions grew a bit dim over the last half hour of the ride which would have been fine, except that my rear light needs new batteries, apparently. Plenty of light to see the road in front of me (and my blinky front light was working properly) but I definitely felt a little insecure about traffic coming up behind me over the last couple of miles. It was twenty minutes after sunset before I got home. Fortunately it was very quiet along Heather Lane. I think I only got passed by a moped.

Listened mostly to various analysts and commentators on LBC, giving their opinion on the prospect of a thermonuclear exchange with Russia.

Back on 33.62 and that's a measly 153 this month, but 4010 done this year now.
H5N1 kIlled a wild swan


Lovely afternoon, almost warm and mostly sunny. A light wind coming from the north. There can't be many more days like this in the year so I took the afternoon off to do an eastbound fondo - the traditional, time-honoured route to Eastwell and back - except that I took a road called Narrow Lane on the way back; a lovely little stretch of road that I discovered on a fondo four weeks ago.

I was really enjoying myself until, eight miles from home on the way back, I noticed that my pedals didn't seem to be engaging the back wheel. The chain was still properly attached at both ends. But the cassette was just spinning on the hub.

I stopped and examined it and the freehub was freely spinning both ways. I did manage to get it working briefly - but only very briefly; I got another half or mile or so out of it. So of course I called 'er indoors and she came out to collect me. I walked the bike some of the way back, and even managed to roll down a couple of descents on it.

She was, I have to say, unimpressed. Naturally she wanted to know what I'd have done if it had happened in Wales or Norfolk. And it's a fair question. I mean - statistically, proper mechanical breakdowns are very rare fortunately, but there's no legislating against them.

Anyway the Internet tells me I may be able to fix the freehub by flushing it out with WD-40 then relubricating it. I'll have a look next weekend maybe.

54.45 miles, 208 this month.
H5N1 kIlled a wild swan


Well, that's the first September since I started to cycle "seriously" (2016) that I haven't managed to fit in a Fondo :(

However, it's the first September since I started to cycle "seriously" (2016) that I've got in 750 miles :)

After not managing to get out yesterday - little brother came over and we were doing the work of executors on our dad's estate - I had decided to fit in a Fondo. I'd plotted out a route in my head which would rack up the requisite milage and set out.

However, I hadn't discovered there was a ser of light controlled roadworks on my route. On a sharp bend at the bottom of a dip. I went through one way, but knowing I'd planned to come through the other way and noting the queues that side I aborted my plans.

The new route came in 10 miles short, but the old legs - still in bib shorts - were getting a bit cold in a raw wind, so things didn't work out too bad. Now to see if I can get to 800 miles for the month.


Quote from: Slim on September 19, 2022, 09:32:33 PMSeptember had already turned into a sort of damage limitation exercise by the time I came down with COVID a week ago, but this bank holiday weekend was at least an opportunity to clock up 100 miles or so. Wasn't it? Nope, a suspected kidney stone kept me out of action on the Saturday and Sunday.

But I appear to be back to my normal self mostly today - whether the kidney stone has passed, just moved somewhere more comfortable or never actually existed I am yet to find out, but I decided I would attempt 25 miles or so this afternoon. The worry was that the pain would flare up again and I'd be incapacitated, an inconvenient distance from home. But a shortish Twycrosser seemed an acceptable risk.

Very light rain when I set off and it only got worse, at least for an hour. Then it stopped for an hour. Then it came back. I pressed on regardless, driven mainly by bloody-mindedness. I listened to coverage of the latter stages of the Queen's funeral, the Windsor instalment.

It was eerily quiet out there.

Bit cold later on, even when it wasn't raining. Not the most enjoyable ride, but glad to have got out on a bike again, for only the third time this month.

26.45 miles.

Good to see you out again! Kidney back to normal?


Quote from: dom on September 25, 2022, 10:58:46 PMGood to see you out again! Kidney back to normal?

Thanks! I haven't had a recurrence of the kidney pain since Sunday. I'm hoping it's passed (though I haven't actually noticed that, but they can be very small). I'm supposed to be having an ultrasound scan soon though I don't have an appointment yet.
H5N1 kIlled a wild swan