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Cycling 2022

Started by Slim, January 28, 2022, 03:22:34 PM

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Quote from: Slim on June 21, 2022, 10:26:14 PMThis was actually the only time in my adult life I've ever used a sunscreen product.

I've not used any sunscreen this year. I start wearing short sleeves early in the season and just gradually pick up a bit of colour. My arms were nicely bronzed by the start of this week without any burning whatsoever.

Think I could have done with some the last couple of days though, there's no sign of burning - thanks to the tan - but I can feel it. Suppose I ought to be safe rather than sorry, but the days are shortening now.

David L

Quote from: Nickslikk2112 on June 22, 2022, 05:18:37 PMSuppose I ought to be safe rather than sorry, but the days are shortening now.
Thanks for cheering us all up!


Quote from: David L on June 22, 2022, 05:42:50 PMThanks for cheering us all up!
Always look on the Bright side of life - has never been my motto :)

Is my glass half full or half empty? I don't know, some bastard's nicked it >:(


Had my good Giant in for a service. I knew that either the rear wheel bearings or freehub were on their way out because of the noise they were making when freewheeling, which is why I'd stopped riding the thing. What I hadn't noticed was quite how bad the braking track had worn. It's time for a new rear wheel. Arse. I'll stop riding that one in the rain in future.

No rain on today's ride and despite the heat I was quicker than last week. Wish I was as quick as a 13 year old kid up the road, he did a climb last night in ten minutes that took me 14 today. It's no fun being old.


Plenty of time after work this evening, but rain was due over at around 8pm. Cloudy and cool as I set off. I regretted wearing short sleeves again initially, but soon warmed up. Actually very pleasant indeed, once I got going. Until the rain came down, not at 8pm but at 4:30pm.

Happily it only lasted 15 minutes or so, and the sun came out after that - after which it was lovely and warm, and the bike and I dried off rapidly.

I'm typing this at about 9:15pm and actually it hasn't rained again, so I could have stayed out longer.

I did a Twycross Bypasser I didn't go as far as Warton because it was raining when I got to the junction at Orton, so I took the quick way to Sheepy.

Came back across through Upton, hoping to see the two antique petrol pumps which are a revered local landmark, as regular readers of this thread will be aware. However I came through the village along the wrong road for that. Looking at the map, I'd need go down to Atterton Lane (which I do quite often) and head for Upton from there. I'll make a mental note.

Listened mostly to 5 Live. Today's Drive programme featured the Black Swimming Association.

Back on 33.84 miles, looking good for 600 this month. The forecast is for strong winds at the weekend, but otherwise decent conditions.
H5N1 kIlled a wild swan


quick question. I know I often have strong opinions about the tech side of things, but have never given much thought to cleats, and as a result pedals.

What type of cleats do people use, im a yellow SPD type. And how often do people replace

I was strongly advised not to go for red or blue, as with a history of knee issues I need some degree of flex/rotation at the pedal interface to revent further injuries


I use blue SPD, I can't say as I find them much different to yellow, but my knees don't take kindly to too much sideways movement.

I replace whenever they become too "chozzled" - if there are bits hanging off, or if the toe ends are worn away to black.


I use SPD-SL, never tried red but I like to have a bit of flex as well. Always the yellow ones.

I change them when they start to fail, ie when they won't clip in properly or consistently.

The Chinese copies are fine, they work just as well except that they don't last as long. But that's not a bad thing because the heads of the bolts can start to rot if you leave them in too long, so that it's harder to get a good fit with the Allen key. And of course the copies are cheaper.

I always put a bit of copper grease round the threads.

As for the pedals - those are always original Shimanos, the bog-standard metal ones or the lighter carbon ones on the lighter / posher bikes.
H5N1 kIlled a wild swan


Quite a gusty wind blowing from the south and a threat of showers in the forecast. Not too warm. I thought of doing the southbound route, with no particular expectation of a distance.

I picked up a few spots of rain near Newbold Verdon. Then as I pedalled down Kirkby Lane, it started to rain properly. Another few seconds later and it was torrential, with hailstones mixed in - I was riding straight into the headwind, so they were clattering on my face. Without a doubt the worst conditions I have ever ridden in, so aggressive that I was nearly forced to get off the bike, but a minute later it was normal rain again.

I decided to cut across to Sutton Cheney at this point, and come back up through Market Bosworth. But by the time I got to Cheney I was rolling along a dry road, on a warm, sunny summer's day. It was as if I'd dreamed it, except that the bike and my clothes were still a bit damp. But they dried off quickly.  So I went west along Fenn Lanes instead, and did a partial Reverse Twycrosser with a detour through Barton in the Beans.

Quite a nice run out in the end, certainly more so with a tailwind and warm dry weather in the second half.

Listened mostly to Reacher. Quite enjoying it now. Plot unfolding nicely.

39.40, 582 this month.
H5N1 kIlled a wild swan


Didn't think I'd get out today. I was glued to watching the rainfall radar, trying to decide how accurate the timing of it was and the accuracy of the placing of the rain. Eventually, I just thought bugger it and went out. It looked like a dry slot.

Of course as soon as I went out it started tipping it down, but just riding a bit to the East got me away from it and after doing a circuit to check where the rain was going I headed off to the hills. Of course this then took me along wet roads - ugh, spray on legs - but the sun was out and the breeze wasn't too in my face.

I managed a nice ride to the tops, then dropped back down again and rode along to the next hill to the tops. By this time cloud was rolling in, but it looked like I'd skirt the rain. There was then a massive clap of thunder just off to my left and I got caught in some rain, but it soon abated. Once up top again I could see the rainover Chesterfield and over to my house which meant a ride back home on very, very wet roads, but with nice sunshine and a tailwind. I got soaked. My lovely Celeste bike turned brown :(

A nice ride though, my fourth 42 miler of the week taking me to 735 miles for June, which is more than this time in June last year.


I don't usually cycle on consecutive days but with plenty of time on my hands and the weather looking a little iffy over the next few days, another run out seemed a good idea. My knees have continued to improve and they're more robust than they were even a year ago so I felt sure they wouldn't mind.

Far from ideal conditions though, with a strong wind blowing from the south. But it was warm enough, with very little prospect of rain. I set off on the southbound route at about midday.

I took a detour over toward Bardon Hill from Ellistown, past the big industrial buildings and the Amazon distribution centre, but I was back on the usual track three miles later. However - after Bagworth, on a whim I decided to take a left instead of the usual right, and go down through Merry Lees and Botcheston. I took this option during the Christmas hols in a spirit of exploration, but hadn't done it again since. I took an earlier left to Ratby this time. I soon realised I was on the same road I was on a few weeks ago, when I ended up on the A50. So I was sure to take an early left turn to Markfield, to avoid doing the same again.

Back on 27.77 miles, felt like a lot of effort for a relatively modest haul. But it's not just about the distance. Since I hadn't been out on the old faithful Boardman for a while, I took this one with about half a mile to go.

Listened to Reacher again, very good.

H5N1 kIlled a wild swan


Well, I was being very sad and watching the British Cycling Road Race championships today. But, the sun was out so I thought I better be.

The sun was nice, but it was bloody windy, quite a Southerly one too, which was nice. Perhaps. Not on the way back certainly. Kept my average speed down below 16 mph it did.

Mind, the average speed may have been knocked back a bit by trying a new hill to me. Strava says it averages 9%, my Garmin never went below 11% and I had to use first gear for the first time this year. I do do plenty of hills, but I don't care for them when they go over 8% it's too much like hard work. I cycle for fun.

Anyway, I managed 50 miles not another 42 miler which gets me to 785 for June.


windy wsnt it this weekend. Unpleasent ride south to hatton locks into a strong ish southerly. Journey back was easier, but knackered by then!


A cloudy afternoon, warm enough, dry, but very windy again. I wanted to do 30 or so, perhaps a Bypasser. But it was hard going pushing southward into the wind so I decided to keep it relatively short, and went straight down through Twycross rather than detouring off through Orton.

Much relief when I turned back northward, after Sibson.

After Carlton I veered off toward Nailstone, something I haven't done for quite a while. I followed a sign to Ellistown from there. But when I got to the next junction, signage to Ellistown was inexplicably absent - so I followed a sign to Ibstock.

Back on 27.56 miles. 638 this month and looking at the forecast, that's most likely it for June.

Listened to Andrew Marr on LBC, since I wasn't particularly interested in what was happening at Wimbledon at the time. The prospect of a Scottish Independence referendum was the main topic. I was quite pleased to find that he took a relatively neutral approach - not as opinionated as some of the other LBC presenters.

H5N1 kIlled a wild swan


That cassette looks alarmingly dark, or is it a trick of the light?  (asking for a friend)