Sunrise / Sunset Times

Started by Slim, December 07, 2023, 06:39:09 PM

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Quote from: The Picnic Wasp on June 13, 2024, 11:12:37 AM
Quote from: Thenop on June 13, 2024, 06:32:37 AM
Quote from: Fishy on June 12, 2024, 11:46:16 PMUp until the longest day we seem to be hovering around the4.35 am sunrise 10.05 sunset times.. then it's the gradual slide downhill...

Uphill of downhill, with the amount of rain it looks grim all day.

I'm seriously thinking of ordering a firewood delivery and I can see me lighting the stove at the solstice. The central heating thermostat just need to drop half a degree tonight and the heating will kickstart in any case. Quite depressing and also a bit worrying. On the other hand, midges seem to be thriving this year. This area isn't usually terribly troubled by them but these past few nights they've been quite unbearable. Even the foxes are reacting to them. I didn't think that midges could tolerate cold weather but they're obviously managing. I hope the cold at least keeps the dengue carrying mosquitoes at bay.

I regularly overturn any container large enough to get rid of access water so the larves don't stand a chance.
Being in the east part of Holland now the severe lack of insects is scary. Some regular flies, the large red hornet that lives here (I see him every year, he is harmless unless provoked - I am just in awe), a midge or the occasional mosquito, that's it.
Today there's finally some sunshine but it's been terrible so far.


Happy solstice everyone..😀
From The Land of Honest Men



The Picnic Wasp

Quote from: pdw1 on June 20, 2024, 07:23:53 PM
Quote from: Nickslikk2112 on June 20, 2024, 03:09:02 PM
Quote from: Fishy on June 20, 2024, 12:00:16 PMHappy solstice everyone..😀
Here comes Winter...
Did it ever leave?

It's been so cold and wet until now that I didn't suffer from my usual angst in the lead up this year. I'm not so bothered about the drawing-in process so long as the weather is a bit better and we have a long enjoyable summer. The darker nights stop my interfering neighbours sticking their noses into fox activity in any case.


Here in the East Midlands, tomorrow night is the latest sunset - two seconds later than this evening (and Tuesday evening) at 20:34:05 GMT, or 9:34pm and 5 secs BST.

H5N1 kIlled a wild swan


Sunset here is 22.05 til Fri.. then it's 22.04 and the slow decline starts..
From The Land of Honest Men


Here, sunset at 20:15:58 BST this evening. This time next week, just before 20:00. At the moment the afternoons are shrinking at 2 mins, 12 secs per day.
H5N1 kIlled a wild swan


It's all very depressing really..
From The Land of Honest Men


The sunsets last week on me jollies were about half an hour earlier than that so I haven't really had the sense this week that the nights are drawing in - but it's definitely in the post.


Today is the last day of Meteorological summer .. I'm not sure it ever started tbh...
From The Land of Honest Men