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Started by Thenop, July 13, 2024, 06:43:04 PM

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So... I am at a point where I need to get a new pedal. Do I need it? Well, yes I need a bassdrumpedal obviously... Do I have a pedal? Yes, 3 actually. 1 single that is no good for what I do currently (but served me well in the past) and 2 double pedals. A Pearl Demonator P932, which is a middle class one that I use at home with the Roland E kit. That serves it purpose. However, It would not be a goof fit if I played a real kit, in the practice room, ons stage or in the studio. I need something a bit more advanced, smoother and relaxed to play.

Bit of history:
When I started playing, the first kit I bought was an old Rogers, I mentioned it before. It had 2 Ludwig Speed King pedals, these are the originals when it comes to professional pedalling. They are direct drive pedals. The other options are a nylon strap (usually for cheaper pedals) or chain drive.
Those pedals were OLD and worn down, so I needed new ones. I bought 2 Jacques Chapelle pedals. Novelty things, turned out to be way to fancy for me being a regular double bassdrum player. So when I sold the kit, I threw those in as well. I bought a Tama Rockstar Pro, back then the 2nd fanciest series they had. With 2 bassdrums, because everybody had that (Lars Ulrich, Scott Rockenfield, Dave Lombardo and may more). With that I bought 2 Camco pedals, these were nice! Fast and accurate chain driven pedals, Nothing fancy, just reliable workhorses.
But time went on, we started giggin a lot more and those 2 bassdrums were just a nightnamre to drag around, tuned right and even fitting them onto a stage was difficult.
Enter: the Double Bassdrumpedal. And I thought immediately, we are playing a lot I need something good, something that lasts. DW5000 was the way to go, they set me back 1200 guilders, which was a fortune in 1992 for me. A real fortune but I figured it was worth it. And it was.
Turning the page, it is 2024, 32 years on and I find myself in need of a new pedal. Are the DWs broken, worn out to the bone, no longer of anhy use? No, but the shine is gone and has been for a while now. I brought them home today from the practice pad for a good clean and they will become my home pedals. So the earlier mentioned Pearl can go.And I am on the lookout for a new pedal.

I have narrowed it doen to 2 brands: Tama and Pearl. I am not ruling out other brands necessarily, but these 2 are widely available and so are the spare parts  ;)
I could go for another DW, maybe even a modern version of the 5000 but I have tried that for 32 years and perhaps it's time for something new.

I checked online and found that Tama has a 50th ann. edition that I fancied, the price tag (approx. 850 eur) is a bit steep. But for that money you get the Roller or Powerglide 900 Iron Cobra series, widely known as reliable and durable so why not? And they look fantastic, with the special paintjobs..

So I read a bit further and found this is done through a process of hydro dipping. Sounds hightech, and time consuming, must be expensive no? Ehm, it is. I was sitting behind my kit today and it dawned on me: I am the only one that sees these things, and I even need to look down to do so. So what's the difference between the regular and 50 ann. edition other than this fancy paintjob then?

Well, about 300EUR  :o

So that's settled, I need to go shopping for a fresh Tama Iron Cobra 900 rightfooted double pedal,the regular ones.

The Picnic Wasp

Get the 50th Anniversary special paint job edition. You won't regret it and can enjoy them every time you get behind the kit.


I had a good look at them, both colours. Owner told me he normally doesn't fall for these kinds of sales tricks but felt a moment of weakness.
We looked at them and I said I liked the Coral Swirl best (the ones above), the others Psychedelic something were his. 'Clown Puke' was his take on them  ;D

In the end I just got the regular ones. 300 eur for a paint job is just too much.
Fantastic store in Rotterdam city centre. Rotterdam Drum Department. Only drums, not a guitar in sight. Such a relief.


Clown Puke  ;D  aka Psychedelic Rainbow