Donald Sutherland

Started by Slim, June 22, 2024, 01:30:11 PM

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Sad to hear of Donald Sutherland's death yesterday.

I've heard a few people comment that he never made a bad film, but he was in the remake of The Italian Job. And Virus, which was about evil alien AI malware beaming down to convert all of humanity into cyborg slaves.

Nonetheless, what a brilliantly distinctive and charismatic actor. Absolutely a one-off. I think I first became aware of his work when my mum took me to see Kelly's Heroes as a kid. Apart from Pinnochio, Mary Poppins and The Sound of Music, the only other film I remember her taking me to see was Where Eagles Dare. I didn't twig until several decades later that she had a thing for Clint Eastwood.

Speaking of whom, Clint and Donald were both in Space Cowboys, a film that some critics might turn their nose up at, but I loved it personally.
H5N1 kIlled a wild swan


Well said Slim. He is one of my favourite actors. Notable for me are Don't Look Now, Invasion of the Body Snatchers and Kelly's Heroes. RIP.
"Oh, for the wings of any bird other than a Battery hen."

The Picnic Wasp

Yes, he was one of those likeable actors whose slightly different style will be missed.

On James' other comment about Where Eagles Dare, the only time my friend's parents took me to the cinema was to see this. I was too young for such a film and my vague recollection of the endurance was how difficult an experience it was for a young me sitting there in silent misery. The only break in the boredom was my friend Colin occasionally whispering to me that the ice axe in the arm scene would probably be quite soon.