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Messages - The Picnic Wasp

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Best in a while. Fifteen seconds.
Other Music / Re: The Who - the Studio Albums
July 14, 2024, 12:06:39 PM
I found it impossible to obtain tickets for their Glasgow Apollo concerts, but saw them at Celtic Park in June, 1976. That was a long day! I have to admit that I enjoyed Alex Harvey the most from that long bill of bands I had no knowledge of.
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Four minutes,
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Five minutes. Struggled to think of words today.
Other Music / Re: The Who - the Studio Albums
July 12, 2024, 10:37:00 AM
I only have one clear Who memory of this time, and again it's the single which Nop has mentioned. I turned 21 that year. My present was a VHS recorder, an Akai I believe. This was a very big deal at that time. Probably due to the present I got talking to a guy in the pub one Saturday night. He was a smaller, clean shaven, George Best sort of look-alike. He went out with the girl everyone considered to be the best looking in my hometown, but he always seemed to be the worse for wear with alcohol, which unfortunately became a major issue in his life.

Anyway, we got talking and I mentioned The Who had been on Tiswas that morning and I'd taped it. The Who were his heroes. A bunch of us procured the necessary carry-out, probably the dire Draught Packs back then, and went to mine to watch it. We watched the clips with the band and then the video for the single. I seem to remember there was a part where Pete's head suddenly appeared in profile at the mic to sing a backing vocal, but he got the timing wrong and I think it was left in for comic effect. I might be wrong about this.

Sadly, the last time I saw my Who loving pal was outside a local convenience store where I gave him a fiver for a bottle of cider. He always kept a glass in his deep coat pocket. He considered it uncouth to drink out of a bottle. I heard a few months later that he had died in an accident at his home. He had been evicted from the house in his hometown due to his issues and placed a few miles away which caused him huge distress. Makes me sad to think of his plight, struggling with his demons. RIP.
Wordle 1,119 6/6


An ironic fifteen minutes.
Quote from: The Picnic Wasp on July 11, 2024, 12:41:59 PM
Quote from: dom on July 11, 2024, 11:23:41 AM
Quote from: The Picnic Wasp on July 11, 2024, 10:54:22 AMWordle 1,118 4/6


Two minutes. I thought this had been a solution previously. Maybe not.

Do you remember previous solutions? Don't think my head retains them at all

No, I can't even remember solutions from the day before, but this rang a bell somehow. I'll look it up. I'm probably wrong.

Just checked. I'm wrong.
Quote from: dom on July 11, 2024, 11:23:41 AM
Quote from: The Picnic Wasp on July 11, 2024, 10:54:22 AMWordle 1,118 4/6


Two minutes. I thought this had been a solution previously. Maybe not.

Do you remember previous solutions? Don't think my head retains them at all

No, I can't even remember solutions from the day before, but this rang a bell somehow. I'll look it up. I'm probably wrong.
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Two minutes. I thought this had been a solution previously. Maybe not.
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Just made it! Three minutes. I wasn't sure that line four was even a word so strange choice.
Quote from: captainkurtz on July 09, 2024, 06:48:50 PMNot grumpy..but....
I've found myself getting very emotionally charged when listening to some music...tears will often flow freely.  I'm usually on my own.  It's been a bit of a difficult year, in some respects and a lot of what I listen to really is a portal into previous times, some happy, some sad.  It's made me appreciate the importance of music and just how much it has meant to me since..gosh, 1977 or something.  I've spent much of this year feeling rather sad and anxious, unfortunately.

Never mind, things always work out.

I completely get this. I think from our generation's point of view we're fortunate to have been a part of such a profoundly creative age of music. I do find myself sometimes deliberately wallowing in some particularly emotive listening choice. I find it therapeutic as it unlocks stuff that might otherwise catch me out later. I seem to remember Robbie Coltrane's character Fitz describing the floods of tears stage of loss as being strangely delicious. On a couple of occasions in my life I have discussed SSRI medication with my GP. It probably serves some benefits in a lot of cases but my big fear about them was a numbing of emotions in general. I think that the highs and the lows of music are too important to risk losing, so I always made the decision to avoid those meds (so far). Anxiety is part of my makeup. I'm not entirely sure why, but music has certainly helped me greatly over the years. Wishing you all the best.
Also, are her lyrics any good? Can she ride a motorbike and how much Macallan does she drink?
Bit of a bee in the bonnet about this one. I like that 😀! But if we're being entirely fair with regards to experience, Neil if my arithmetic is correct was around 28/29 when writing and recording this part. Philo is 32 at the moment I think. That's a lot of additional hours of development more than Neil and I don't think it shows. I don't think Neil was remotely interested in best drummer lists in any case so I shouldn't bother either, but stick 😀 many top artists behind NPs huge kit and they wouldn't know where to start. He was incredibly talented. I've been pointed to other "better" drummers in the past but I don't usually hear it.
Wordle 1,116 4/6


One minute.
Enjoyed the concept and the video, but just too rough and lacking in finesse. It was a privilege to watch Neil at work. He was without a doubt the best drummer I've ever witnessed. I think Geddy would be quite horrified to have to accompany some of those naive slamming sections.