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Messages - The Picnic Wasp

General Discussion / Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
December 09, 2022, 01:09:34 PM
Wordle 538 3/6


Thank you Reg! New start word gave me a D so I went with your Bake Off inspired BREAD. Shooty-in after that. One minute, maybe less. Dreading the 14th 😁
General Discussion / Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
December 08, 2022, 09:26:59 PM
Sounds good to me. Eleven days of disastrous form awaits me. Pity I can't use HUMBUG. Hey, there's an idea! Maybe we should have to use a different Christmas related word as a start line each day and declare it after all entries are in. I'm claiming HOLLY right now as I can't think of any others off the top of my head. I think Fishy has mentioned playing Wordle before but I think he's relying on C*#*Y as the solution. Not very Christmassy. Matt probably wouldn't be interested in a contest where the words only have five letters.😉 Sorry Matt.
General Discussion / Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
December 08, 2022, 01:40:45 PM
Wordle 537 3/6


Wow! One minute. Disaster start with LUCKY on a whim. Switched to TRAIN and bingo. Quickest for a long time. Niggling regret that I didn't begin with TRAIN though. Could've been a line two finish. Oh well. Guaranteed any kind of form will evaporate if there is a Christmas contest.
Other Music / Re: So what are you listening to?
December 07, 2022, 05:32:56 PM
Rush - Vapor Trails

Took a great photo of a high fly jet yesterday. The late afternoon sun changed the climate destroying evidence to a wondrous orange pink ribbon. This and the extremely cold weather inspired the need for a Secret Touch meltdown. Surely the most underrated Rush / Metal / Prog song ever.
General Discussion / Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
December 07, 2022, 02:32:40 PM
Wordle 536 4/6


Lucky guess on three which gave me a BOOST. "Slightly rippled with a flat underside". I liked that Vic & Bob ad. I also think Bob's new partnership with Paul Whitehouse works brilliantly. I'd like to see them develop that outwith Gone Fishing. Sorry. Incorrect thread content twice there.
General Discussion / Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
December 06, 2022, 11:11:38 AM
Wordle 535 4/6


Surprised and pleased that guess three AMOUR was permitted as it was a great help. About five minutes today.
General Discussion / Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
December 05, 2022, 11:23:56 AM
Wordle 534 4/6


Made another of my daft errors on line three, as I had a gut feeling about double letters today (wrong again). Fortunately very little collateral damage due to picking up the first two with my too hasty guess. Three minutes today with a niggle that it could have been a wipe-out.
Rush / Re: The Charismatic Voice
December 04, 2022, 05:00:48 PM
Her analysis and presentation is very similar to Beth Roars. I don't know who was first.
General Discussion / Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
December 04, 2022, 11:21:31 AM
Wordle 533 4/6


About ten minutes. Weirdly the solution didn't jump out at me straight away after line three.
Technology and Science / Moises
December 03, 2022, 11:38:08 PM
Just saw this music app reviewed on YouTube just now. It looks so good I thought it must be a hoax, but I checked, and it's a real thing. It allows the user to manipulate songs by removing layers such as bass, guitar, drums, vocals etc. Parts can be slowed down and much more. Where was this when I was fourteen?
General Discussion / Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
December 03, 2022, 11:40:34 AM
Wordle 532 3/6


Bad start but eliminated useful vowels. Good to get three on the second line, but slow thinking this morning meant is was a fair old while until I got there.
Other Music / Re: Gigs
December 02, 2022, 05:17:41 PM
Is Andy Scott the one who used to deliberately lip sync badly during Blockbuster on TOTP?
General Discussion / Re: Dreams
December 02, 2022, 04:20:34 PM
Some humdingers this week including a couple of nightmares but the standout for me was;

Enjoying a beer with Matt Hancock and a few others at a table outside a local pub. Matt suggested to a couple sitting opposite that they might be able to help him with something that might make him laugh and be very hungry afterwards. They gave him a brownish baked bean shaped object which he swallowed in an instant. A short time later he ran off towards the local river, fell backwards on the bank and hit his head. He bounced up obviously dazed but took off again. No one could find him. I was taken along with a group of friends to an office where we were given black blazers with a yellow badge on the breast pocket.

I instantly enjoyed this authority I had been given and set off with the others to find Matt. I received a call though that I had to visit Prince Charles (not King) on another matter and unfortunately this meant relinquishing my new role. I mentioned this to the prince and he immediately ensured that I be given back this power. I was delighted.

I have no memory of whether the dream ever reached the point of finding Matt.
Religion / Re: Christianity
December 02, 2022, 02:48:59 PM
Quote from: Matt2112 on December 02, 2022, 02:29:05 PM
Quote from: The Picnic Wasp on December 02, 2022, 01:53:21 PMAt least within Christianity there's the inbuilt premise of turning the other cheek and in fact even welcoming persecution. This pretty much frees up anyone to say whatever they like about people of Christian faith without fear of retaliation, verbal or physical.

History tells us that position is inversely proportional to how much theocratic power Christianity holds.

See also: pretty much any other major religion.

Sorry Matt, I didn't make it clear that I was talking about the modern day situation, albeit relating to a phrase from the Bible.
You would I imagine, be fairly safe writing a journalistic piece for a national newspaper or well known blogs site, criticising Christianity as strongly as you like, and feel relatively safe. Perhaps if that criticism was directed as forcefully in the direction of another faith, you wouldn't feel as comfortable. I hope that's clearer.
Religion / Re: Christianity
December 02, 2022, 01:53:21 PM
At least within Christianity there's the inbuilt premise of turning the other cheek and in fact even welcoming persecution. This pretty much frees up anyone to say whatever they like about people of Christian faith without fear of retaliation, verbal or physical. Can the same be said for other beliefs?