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Messages - The Picnic Wasp

Wordle 1,303 4/6


Two minutes.
General Discussion / Re: Weather Watch
January 11, 2025, 12:47:42 PM
Things needing done outside today and it's just started snowing.😡🤬
General Discussion / Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
January 11, 2025, 12:04:30 AM
Wordle 1,302 3/6


A minute. Second guess helped a lot.
Cycling / Re: Cycling 2025
January 10, 2025, 08:40:03 PM
My sister mentioned to me that when driving earlier behind a cyclist, the dashboard was displaying minus five. Cycling downhill at speed must make that feel like minus twenty. Good to hear that you didn't hurt yourself too badly, James. You'll probably feel a couple of additional aches and pains tomorrow though. Get the Radox out.
General Discussion / Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
January 10, 2025, 12:19:49 AM
Wordle 1,301 4/6


Forty five seconds.
General Discussion / Re: What's made your day today?
January 09, 2025, 02:35:25 PM
Made a huge cauldron of soup this morning. A smoked ham joint for the stock, leek, carrot, turnip, celery and parsley. No cereal or lentils this time. Will get some crusty bread in later. Just the job in this sub zero climate.
General Discussion / Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
January 09, 2025, 11:10:27 AM
Wordle 1,300 6/6


Kept picking the wrong one. Two minutes.
General Discussion / Re: What's made you grumpy today?
January 08, 2025, 05:48:05 PM
Quote from: Slim on January 08, 2025, 03:47:08 PMWent to Tesco. Grabbed a trolley. Wheeled it inside, CLONK-CLONK-CLONK-CLONK. One of the wheels was dodgy. Took it back outside, got a different trolley. Same thing, CLONK-CLONK-CLONK-CLONK. Went and got a third one.

Same thing. Some sort of flat spot or abnormality in the wheel, it's always one of the back wheels. I just gave up on it and clonked round Tesco with a dodgy trolley wheel for 40 minutes.

I wonder if it's due to the amount of them that are hijacked at night by teenagers wheeling each other around. Quite common to see abandoned trolleys a mile or so from the village around here.
General Discussion / Re: What's made you grumpy today?
January 08, 2025, 01:26:03 PM
I ate some fresh pineapple last night and although I've never had an issue with it before, my mouth is still a bit uncomfortable today. Apparently this is due to the bromelain in pineapple. My tongue and lips were quite bad for a couple of hours last night as the chemical digests protein in the mouth. I wonder why I should suddenly have a reaction when nothing in the past. Maybe just another one to add to the list of ageing complaints.
General Discussion / Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
January 08, 2025, 11:33:40 AM
Wordle 1,299 3/6


A minute, after stupid line two error.
General Discussion / Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
January 07, 2025, 12:10:05 AM
Wordle 1,298 4/6


Seven minutes. Bit of a struggle.
General Discussion / Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
January 06, 2025, 12:07:21 AM
Wordle 1,297 2/6


A pleasing two after a good start but five minutes of head scratching.
General Discussion / Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
January 05, 2025, 12:17:23 AM
Wordle 1,296 5/6


Two minutes. Steady progress.
General Discussion / Re: Queen Elizabeth II
January 04, 2025, 08:51:25 PM
Quote from: Slim on January 04, 2025, 08:07:58 PMI've been watching Alex O'Connor's content about theology / atheism recently and just saw this, published a few weeks after the Queen's death. Can't disagree with a word he says here.

King of England? Et tu Alex? 🤬🤬🤬
General Discussion / Re: Climate Change
January 04, 2025, 04:29:20 PM
Quote from: Matt2112 on January 04, 2025, 03:22:26 PM
Quote from: The Picnic Wasp on January 03, 2025, 08:28:40 PMA family acquaintance is just back from a last minute trip to Dubai as her grandchild's nanny was unexpectedly indisposed over Christmas. I don't know how many times she's been there over the past twelve months. As much as I admire the sight of the A380 overhead and laugh as our daft dog chases it, I wouldn't care if they had to scrap them all and recycle them as wind turbines. Stuff the loss to the economies concerned and to the huge hole being left in people's lives at not being able to selfishly nip to Prague on a stag or hen do.

Wow. There seems to be a huge amount of ire there for something that accounts for about 3% of emissions.  And is taxed up the arse for it - which most folk gladly pay.

Are you aware of the measures to make aviation net zero within three decades? A lot of the funding for that in Europe comes from the €2.25 trillion per annum generated by tourism; but no, let's swipe all that, and the near £250 billion contributed to the U.K. economy, and cause mass penury and dereliction to millions of people in tourist-dependent areas because we should stick it to Prague stag parties?

Maybe stag parties using Amsterdam Schiphol are okay, since that is already a net-zero airport, despite being one of the largest and busiest airports in all of Europe?

I get the impression you think air travellers should somehow pay for their actions and compensate for any "damage" they're perceived to be causing - well, they are doing, in cold, hard levies.

Matt, you're clearly a highly intelligent guy and probably more so than me, but I don't believe any of these figures. You're perfectly entitled to think the opposite and lead your life as you see fit. There doesn't seem to be any likelihood that every gramme or millilitre of coal, gas or oil won't be extracted and burned at some stage so we will eventually reach a point where we know the result of our actions. I'm at an age where I shouldn't really care especially as I don't have children but my heart tells me this behaviour and lifestyle is wrong either logically or morally. Every time I burn a log on the wood burner I absolutely know that my conscience isn't clear as I know there isn't really someone out there ensuring every burnt tree is replaced to capture that CO2. The internet, supermarkets and garden centres are full to bursting with firewood. These suppliers are here today, gone tomorrow. It's just a minuscule representation of how commerce works. Find a demand, satisfy it and governments will find a way to massage figures into acceptability. I believe in the actual science, not the sanitized version we get fed. As for ire, I would just replace that word with sorrow.