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Messages - Matt2112

Album Reviews / Re: Victor
May 27, 2022, 12:48:12 AM
Some of Alex's very finest guitar work is on this album; simple as that.

That scooped, sustained note around the start of the solo on Start Today is absolutely spine-tingling for me every single time; how do you make one note so astoundingly perfect?!  Its gob-smacking.

Some truly corking songs and instrumentals on this, ending on a real zinger with I Am The Spirit, which contains another utterly sublime guitar solo.

The tracks with the spoken vocals I'd agree aren't half as strong as the others, with the exception of Shut Up Shuttin' Up - this is a blast, and elevated by yet more brilliant, tasty, beautifully constructed lead playing.

Terrific stuff.
Other Music / Re: Rip Alan White
May 27, 2022, 12:00:59 AM
Very sad news. Wonderful player in a band I've adored since a very young age (whatever the "version").

I was disappointed to hear the other week he wouldn't be playing on the imminent tour (I've a ticket for Manchester), which I assumed was for health reasons. But I wasn't expecting this.

Rush / Re: Signals - Album Discussion
May 26, 2022, 11:51:23 PM
On the GUP tour live video, when "The Count" is introducing The Weapon and he says, "Oooh, listen to that synthesiser!!" and THAT pattern kicks in, it's a glorious thing of beauty.
Ricky Gervais - Super Nature (Netflix).

The usual baiting schtick.

Best enjoyed realising he's a professional comedian giving an often provocative performance of stand-up comedy that is constructed of jokes.

But it seems half of those on Tw@tter are determined not to get that. ::)

Moving Pictures / Re: Top Gun: Maverick
May 26, 2022, 09:30:25 PM
Showing at the National Science and Media Museum's IMAX theatre in Bradford, so once I've finally seen the first one (review imminent) I'll be sure to catch it there. :)
S6 Ep 7

Mid-season finale.

When the series is done, how about we lift the embargo on spoilers?

So much to discuss with this episode!  But all I will say is this: it delivered.
Site News / Re: Where have you been?
May 25, 2022, 12:45:37 AM
Quote from: Slim on May 24, 2022, 02:27:11 PM
Quote from: Matt2112 on May 24, 2022, 02:02:11 PMThe only issue I have (but it's really a non-issue for me) is that when logging in on a laptop I get an error message on clicking "Log in", but if I right click and select "Open in another tab", and try from there, it works properly.

That's interesting, what error message? Ta

It literally just says, "error". Every time, unless I open another tab. 🤷🏻�♂️
Album Reviews / Re: Rush - Rush
May 24, 2022, 02:14:06 PM
Nice review - totally agree with the comment about What You're Doing.

Certainly the most "fun" album they ever did.  I prefer it to FBN and CoS.  Chalk and cheese, yes - just not in that order. :)
Site News / Re: Where have you been?
May 24, 2022, 02:02:11 PM
The only issue I have (but it's really a non-issue for me) is that when logging in on a laptop I get an error message on clicking "Log in", but if I right click and select "Open in another tab", and try from there, it works properly.
S6 Ep 6

Directed by Giancarlo Esposito, who of course plays Gus Fring in the series.

I didn't realise when this season started to air that there will be 13 episodes (S 1-5 each had 10) and Ep 7 will be a "mid-season finale".

Certainly Ep 6 ended in a fashion to whet the appetite - and I suspect Ep 7 will end on a real zinger of a cliffhanger, as is often the way with these things.  But the showrunners of this (and BB) have form in delivering exceptional drama and suspense, so very much looking forward to seeing how it all pans out.
Moving Pictures / The Incredibles
May 22, 2022, 07:45:31 PM
Another chalked off my list of "I Can't Believe You Haven't Seen That!" (see the thread on that theme elsewhere on the forum :) ).

Of all the Disney/Pixar films that have won the Best Animated Feature Oscar, I think that this is probably the most deserving (this won in 2005).  I also think, of those I've seen, this is the best Pixar film of all.

It has so many wonderful qualities, so beautifully executed and so perfectly pitched, that it's difficult to know where to start.

The high concept of "family try to deal with their super-hero powers" obviously will require an engaging and authentic balance of domestic comedy-drama and kinetic action, but fortunately writer/director Brad Bird oversees this all with a virtuoso hand.

There is a quite brilliant little "grace note" that has become lodged in my mind (I don't think this is a spoiler): an astonishing jump cut from a scene where Mr Incredible is doing his super-hero thing in a glamorous, exotic location, to his super-hero wife (not knowing what he's up to) back home, stressed and hands full with domestic chores.

There's so much that's great about this, so much going on, so much crackling invention, wit and astuteness in the themes and the direction and the script.  It's the also the most cinematic Pixar film I've seen and while there aren't that many laugh-out-loud moments, there's a vein of clever, knowing and irreverent humour running all the way through it, even in tiny moments like when it's inferred the villain is running partly on marching powder.

I had to think about my rating, because I'll only give full marks to something truly exceptional.  But, on reflection, I believe this really is.

Rating: *****
Sport / Re: Football
May 22, 2022, 07:01:23 PM

Now they need a massive clearout in the summer; get rid of at least half a dozen regular first choice players who are clearly nowhere near good enough and spend some money on proper Premier League quality players.
Sport / Re: Football
May 22, 2022, 05:06:52 PM
Rodrigo, Firpo, Koch and Cooper are simply embarrassing. >:(
Yep, Empire's five-star review said pretty much the same as pxr, so this is high on the priority list.
Somehow my latest two Blu-Ray arrivals from Cinema Paradiso includes the extras disc from Censor - the feature film of which I didn't particularly enjoy and which I appear to have ordered by mistake. It will be returned unwatched.*

* Fortunately, the other disc was what turned out to be a modern classic (review elsewhere). 🙂