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Messages - Matt2112

I'm definitely an envirogelical, and if I could I'd spread the message as far and wide as possible - courtesy of Bombardier, of course. ::)
Other Music / Re: So what are you listening to?
June 06, 2022, 10:02:18 PM
Quote from: dom on June 06, 2022, 08:46:44 PMLiked IQ when they started a out but thought that Nomzamo was a disaster and left well alone. Great to have new material to discover.

I have Nomzamo and Are You Sitting Confortably? (the latter produced by one Terry Brown); it seems purists dislike them because they "went commercial", but that's exactly why they're right up my street. :)
General Discussion / Re: Dreams
June 06, 2022, 06:39:09 PM
Possibly my favourite track from the 5150 album. ;D
Moving Pictures / Re: Top Gun: Maverick
June 06, 2022, 12:47:58 PM
Box office receipts have now passed the half a billion dollars mark. :)
Quote from: pxr5 on June 05, 2022, 10:56:28 AMThe Northman - The latest Viking movie starring Alexander Skarsgård. Neither my wife or I liked this one. The story wasn't great but the execution was even worse. It dragged too and by the hundredth roar I'd had enough. Lots of weird arty scenes which only added to the unnecessary length. Apart from Skarsgård it was miscast as well. If I'd seen this in a cinema I would probably have walked out. Watch Vikings instead. 3/10

Yes, especially disappointing as Robert Eggers' previous film The Lighthouse was so good.
Inadvertently avoiding the utter apparent predictable sh!tness of the "Queen's Jubilee Concert" by going to see a bunch of considerably more entertaining local acts instead. Where two-pint (plastic) glasses were also available.

It was complete carnage - I totally made the right choice. ;D
Moving Pictures / Re: Top Gun: Maverick
June 04, 2022, 06:41:47 PM
Saw at Bradford's IMAX this afternoon.

I agree with every word of Reg's appraisal (saved me a fair bit of typing - thanks fella!).

I can only add that the aerial sequences in the last third of the film truly are gob-smacking - surely they're unlike anything seen before.

I loved the rightfully shameless homages to the original - pretty much shot-for-shot at times - but also how it raised the bar so spectacularly.

Terrific fun.

Rating: ****
TOTP 1983 on BBC Four.

Featuring Little Angels playing (well, semi-playing) Womankind.

They deserved a wider following.

Speaking of which, now here's the one and only Paul McCartney in the studio performing Hope Of Deliverance.

Yes, I'd completely forgotten about this baffling dud of a song as well. :-\
Other Music / Re: Porcupine Tree
June 04, 2022, 12:03:02 AM
Quote from: Rufus_the_dawg on March 13, 2022, 02:37:03 PM
Quote from: Slim on March 10, 2022, 02:53:14 PMI love Radiohead, but I don't like a lot of PT. Just In Absentia really, and only about half of that.

Love PT and tried to like RH and have most of their albums

RH are winey, boring and up their own arse and their fanboys annoy me. Members of the press concentrate on them to much instead of other leftfield bands. Anathema's melodies are so much better without loosing the experimentation.

Having said that though, if you are interested in alternative music surely you would explore both bands output.

I can take Radiohead in small doses; I've "tried" PT and SW but nothing has ever prompted me to investigate further.

All the Emperor's New Clothes, if you ask me.
Quote from: Matt2112 on May 30, 2022, 05:41:43 PMI've finally taken the plunge on a new 75" Samsung TV.

Arrived early this morning - looked like we were having a new dining table delivered. :o

It took a bit of a military operation to get it cabled up and in situ, and I went through my usual OCD with the picture and audio sync settings, but finally I've gone from having a fairly big home TV, to having a genuine big f**k off home cinema screen. :) 
Took the little 'un to a play gym today and she had a great time with a girl she'd never previously met; the two of them playing, riding cars together, chasing each other around, constantly giggling, stealing my glasses etc etc was - how can I put this - a scene that could have been set to the soundtrack of an MLK speech. ;)
Literature / Re: Bought a book recently?
June 01, 2022, 12:18:52 AM
Quote from: Slim on May 30, 2022, 09:17:57 AMI read a few reviews on Amazon last night, they range from "encourages hate crimes and white supremacist terrorism" to "another fantastic work from our most important writer".

Reading through the first chapter, "Race" - unsurprisingly, it confirms to me that first take is simply deranged.
Rush / Re: Kid Gloves live
May 31, 2022, 09:22:46 PM
Thread idea - pick the best ten track album from that list.  :)
Rush / Re: Kid Gloves live
May 31, 2022, 07:36:19 PM
Full disclosure - I scrubbed straight to Al's solo.

Not sure how the tempo compares with the studio version but it sounds a bit faster; the performance overall at least sounds adrenaline-fuelled.
I've finally taken the plunge on a new 75" Samsung TV.

It's the model immediately below the QLED range, which I considered but decided the price jump wasn't quite justified; the whole 2021 range have plummeted in price now the 2022 models are out, and I also bagged a special bank holiday jubilee offer of a 20% discount (and effectively chipped a bit more off through topcashback).

Can't wait to showcase a favourite Blu-ray on it (2001: A Space Odyssey, maybe). :)