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Messages - The Picnic Wasp

Wordle 1,058 5/6


Ninety seconds. Word ideas came easier than usual today.
Quote from: Matt2112 on May 11, 2024, 12:04:35 PMSlightly annoyed seeing all the spectacular pictures taken barely two miles from my village of last night's Aurora Borealis.

From the field I viewed it from I could see only a silver, ghostly glow emanating from Bootes - none of the other colours of the spectrum. 

Maybe I'll have more luck tonight.

My neighbour went to Loch Lomond last night to escape light pollution to an extent. He said most of it appeared just as a wavy glow, but his iPhone photos on night mode display all the colours. Wish I knew how to post them here, they are excellent.
Sport / Re: Football
May 11, 2024, 10:52:27 AM
I think I might add a hyphenated Jansen to my name in honour of the late great, Wim.
Wordle 1,057 3/6


Forty five seconds.
Sport / Re: Football
May 10, 2024, 11:04:53 PM
I was always puzzled by the former Celtic player, Jan Vennegoor Of Hesselink's name. Looked it up last night and discovered that of is Dutch for or. Seems there was a marriage between two well to do families, the Vennegoors and the Hesselinks and they decided to keep both names. I'd mistakenly assumed that Hesselink was a place until now.
General Discussion / Re: Coincidences
May 10, 2024, 12:32:45 PM
Weird one this morning. I bumped into an old acquaintance outside Waitrose earlier. Nice guy, successful businessman, and we have a short chat whenever we bump into each other which is usually every couple of years. Last night though I dreamt about his younger brother. I've never actually met him, only recognise him by sight but the last time I saw him was twenty of thirty years ago. It was a weird dream where we had a massive fall out over a work matter. I've never worked with him. Back to today's meet. I've been reading and watching things online about folk with narcissistic personalities. About a minute into the conversation Paul starts to talk about a funeral he attended recently of an acquaintance he had a difficult relationship with due to the guy's narcissistic nature. He went on to describe all the traits I had read about to the letter. Very strange double coincidence.
Wordle 1,056 5/6


A bit relieved. Fifteen minutes. Couldn't think of words today.
General Discussion / Re: COVID-19
May 09, 2024, 05:13:07 PM
Quote from: dom on May 09, 2024, 04:31:02 PMFascinating and uplifting to read that the mRNA type of vaccine is showing promising results in trials to use it on certain types of cancer.  I've no doubt that this was in the pipeline anyway but the COVID pandemic has, you would imagine, allowed this research to happen more quickly

I suppose this type of legitimate mass Guinea pig testing of the population was a dream come true in a way. The understandable slow pace of drug testing and approval must be a major frustration in the science world.
Watched a blacksmith on TV upcycling some materials and then claiming he'd made a "green" table after creating the components over a couple of days in a propane fired furnace.😂
Being told by the double glazing salesman on his follow up phone call that the door installation I require isn't available "on this planet". One phone call this morning to a company in Cheshire and looks like it's not a problem. Good old Englandshire.
Wordle 1,055 5/6


Two minutes. Surprised my fourth line is actually a word.
Quote from: Thenop on May 08, 2024, 11:23:30 AM30 mins.
tried out every combination until one stuck. I have not looked it up yet, but am unfamiliar with the word.
Wordle 1,054 5/6


It's one of Matt's regulars.😂
Wordle 1,054 4/6


Four minutes. Mainly on the last word.
Wordle 1,053 5/6


Two minutes.
Musicians / Cort Guitars
May 06, 2024, 12:04:36 PM
I've often looked at Cort guitars online and thought they looked quite good, with good reviews but somehow not quite for me. However, I recently watched a YouTube review comparing different brands of Telecaster type guitars and was astonished to discover how many were actually produced in the Cort factory. They make guitars for, Squier, Fender, G&L, Gretsch, Laguna, Lowden, Music Man, Schecter, Lakeland, Strindberg, EVH, Chapman, Jackson and others. Made me think.