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Messages - Nickslikk2112

Quote from: captainkurtz on May 01, 2024, 11:35:06 AMThere's just as many arseholes riding bikes as there is driving cars - but cyclists just seem that much more sanctimonious.  Prick.
As a cyclist, I know for a fact that there are more arseholes driving cars. When I'm a driver I know for a fact that there are more arseholes driving cars. Horse riders tend to be arseholes too.

Of course cyclists are sanctimonious, we're better for the environment :) Drivists have much more of a tendency to be Psycopathic.
Inadvertently kicking a door and breaking off a corner of my right big toenail. That's probably put paid to mu going out cycling and annoying motorists today  >:(
Quote from: David L on May 01, 2024, 10:19:36 AM
Quote from: Matt2112 on May 01, 2024, 09:49:37 AMJeremy Vine. On his show they've replayed the footage about a dozen times of yesterday's machete-wielding nutter being tasered.  Rightly, great praise is being given to the female police officer who deployed her taser while walking head on straight toward the perpetrator; what is being bizarrely overlooked is the other taser clearly activated from the side beforehand by a different officer just out of shot.

But this is typical of Vine being ineptly behind the curve on pretty much everything.

He's also a cycle fascist, trying to blame motorists at the first opportunity even when he is in the wrong. Knobhead
Trouble is, he's quite often right on the cycling.
General Discussion / Re: Weather Watch
May 01, 2024, 10:19:35 AM
Yes, dawn to dusk sunshine and warmth here yesterday.
Dull and misty today though - but warm.
Cycling / Re: Cycling 2024
April 30, 2024, 09:55:07 PM
And out again on the last day of April, but what's this round yellow thing in the sky? Is it the Sun? It sure was, it shone all day and it was nice and warm. Warm enough to put my new cycling kit on to get some more work on the tanlines done. The arms have just started to shade to Latte.

Because I'm a lazy arse and haven't yet got round to sorting out the front brake on the Bianchi, or the rear derailleur cable on the Giant and because the rear tyre on the gravel bike needs its rear, now slick, tyre wants replacing with a knobbly one, I put the Bianchi's Winter wheels on the gravel bike.

Does it make it faster? Probably, but it's hard to tell as it was a blowy day again today and a SSE wind at that which is most unusual. It was beneficial - just - going uphill, but a bit of a pig most of the way back. Didn't help myself by coming down through Old Brampton either. Not done it and ages and so was wary of any potholes which may have formed. Not too many, but better safe than sorry.

Back on 31.62 miles which gives me 657 for April with 45,600 feet of elevation gain. Yearly total now stands at 2,238 miles, my best ever at this time of the year.
Other Music / Re: So what are you listening to?
April 30, 2024, 03:02:35 PM
David Coverdale - Northwinds
Cycling / Re: Competitive Cycling
April 29, 2024, 09:59:50 PM
My mate Alison Jackson won stage 2 of the Vuelta Espana Feminine today. Nice to see someone enjoying a win :)
Cycling / Re: Cycling 2024
April 29, 2024, 09:52:57 PM
As a matter of course I don't ride Mondays, but having missed yesterday I made an exception. For me six miles would have been enough as that would have got me to 600 for April, but it wasn't raining, so I made it up to 31 miles. It was a bit blowy though.

Had another encounter with a female dog walker today, the mutts were on leads though. I was cycling up a road and she was on the pavement walking the same way. Then when I was about five feet away she stepped straight out into the road without looking. Thankfully I wasn't going fast as it was uphill into the wind, but roughly the following "conversation" happened.

Me: 'Scuse me, look before stepping out into the road

Her: Don't talk to me like that

Me: I will if you step out without looking

Her: God, your [sic] ignorant

Me: You're the ignorant cow!

I then sped off as she was probably the moll of a local dealer. Shouldn't have stooped to her level, but it's the only language these people have a chance of understanding.
Other Music / Re: So what are you listening to?
April 29, 2024, 02:59:25 PM
Cosmos Factory - An old Castle in Transylvania
Cycling / Re: Cycling 2024
April 27, 2024, 09:26:02 PM
All week the forecast for today was none too good, but it didn't turn out that way. There were a few drops of rain every now and then until about three o'clock, but nothing serious.

Anyway, if a man can't go out for a ride on his birthday when can he? It was a bit nippy out though, but it is still April and on my 18th birthday I wouldn't have gone out as there was four inches of snow on the ground and I had the more pressing matter of getting pissed as a fart  ;D

I told Mrs S I'd be out for a couple of hours and I was back in 2 hours 51 seconds, so I think I got away with it. After emptying the tanks yesterday I took it more steadily today. Still came close to pedal cycle emptiness, but not too close. For the first 30 miles I didn't even look at speed, cadence or power, just had a heart rate screen up and tried to keep the old ticker in zone 3, I about managed.

Almost got took out by a dog early on though, going up the lanes towards a 90 degree bend and I heard a woman walking along shout out what I thought was "Car!", a good samaritan I thought. I slowed down, went round the corner, no car, then a bloody Red Setter shot out of the undergrowth nearly taking me out. Now I hate dogs, but hate cretinous dog owners more. Dogs, according to the Highway Code should be on a short lead when on or by a road, but none of the ignorant fuckers who own dogs seem to know this  >:(
Other Music / Re: So what are you listening to?
April 27, 2024, 08:37:39 PM
Per Wiberg - The Serpent's Here
Devin Townsend - Infinity (25th Anniversary)
King Crimson - Cat Food 10" EP
Other Music / Re: The Who - the Studio Albums
April 27, 2024, 08:16:14 PM
Quote from: Slim on April 27, 2024, 03:04:46 PMThis is a wonderful record. Actually I have a certain sentimental attachment to this album, because its cover art was one of the more memorable images printed in the NME Encyclopaedia of Rock, a book I spent many happy hours immersed in as a teenager.
Same here, the Who page from that book is burned into my brain.
Cycling / Re: Cycling 2024
April 26, 2024, 09:18:49 PM
Weather hasn't been as bad as I thought it would be, so have been out the last couple of days. Not done much, but it's something in the bag.

Yesterday just 21 miles, didn't want to stray too far from home as for once I'd hung out the washing for Mrs S. It kept threatening rain, but none really came. It did once I got home and I didn't notice, ho-hum...

Today just did 24 miles, but tried putting some effort in. Garmin said the tanks were empty after 18 miles, so I made it back on fumes. Up to 561 miles for April now.
Other Music / Re: Bought any Vinyl Recently?
April 26, 2024, 09:09:03 PM
Devin Townsend - Infinity (25th Anniversary)
Per Wiberg - The Serpent's Here
King Crimson - Cat Food 10" EP
Cycling / Re: Competitive Cycling
April 25, 2024, 04:49:00 PM
Good win for Thibeau Nys in stage 2 of the Tour de Romandie. Only his third road race day of the year after the cyclocross season. And he'd spent all day in the breakaway - completely oblivious to the beautiful surroundings.