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Messages - Nickslikk2112

Other Music / Re: Rip Alan White
May 26, 2022, 10:05:58 PM
RIP Alan :(

Yes aren't even maybe now.
Quote from: dom on May 25, 2022, 02:33:38 PMAwful news from Texas. All those young lives cut short in a mindless massacre. For all the problems in the UK and Ireland, they don't come close to the insanity of the US.

Apparently the biggest cause of death among children in the land of stars and stripes is by gunshot.

Completely bonkers
All down to wilful misrepresentation of a Constitutional amendment made in a time when things were very much different to today.

And hey Seppos, don't forget the 18th Amendment no longer applies. Just sayin'
Quote from: Nick on May 25, 2022, 08:03:02 AMLooks like you will be making sure she will have a meal on the table when she gets back from work, bit of cleaning in the day as well  ;)
A bit of cleaning maybe, but the boy cooks the evening meal - we can't do it right  :o
Quote from: pdw1 on May 24, 2022, 06:44:45 PMCongrats Nick.
Poor Mrs S will throw you out the house to get some peace and quiet.
Mrs S is still working :) School reception in a morning, clerk to Governor's work in an afternoon, so until she quits the morning job at the end of Summer term she won't be seeing - or hearing - much more of me.
Quote from: dom on May 24, 2022, 03:21:06 PMCongrats Nick - I'm sure I'll have to keep going until I'm not able to or I get kicked out.  How much of all this newly available time will you devote to cycling?
As much as is possible :) Or as much as I dare...
Cycling / Re: Cycling 2022
May 24, 2022, 09:46:46 PM
First - of hopefully many - ride in retirement today. Can't say as it felt any easier, but that might have been the wind, it was a bit blowy on the way out, but a boon on the return. Managed to avoid any showers, but I'd not missed a heavy one by much as the roads from New Whittington to Dunston were saturated.
Quote from: Slim on May 24, 2022, 10:27:57 AMWow nice, I really wish I could do that. Certainly I've been thinking about it for a couple of years but it'll be a few more before I can actually do it.

Thank you.
I had got 2026 pencilled in as my retirement year, but my dad's demise has helped me bring it forward. I kept telling him to spend his money, but he ignored me. Hey-ho.

Got to knuckle down now and get Probate done and dusted or I'll be selling my body round town...
I'm now retired  :)

No more wage slavery.
No more facing driving up an M1 packed with imbeciles in vehicles.
No more spending all day with people I'd rather impale on the horns of doom.

I'm FREE!, FREE!!, FREE!!!

Free to do all the DIY jobs Mrs S tells me to...

Cycling / Re: Cycling 2022
May 22, 2022, 09:57:12 PM
Managed to annoy an Audi SUV driver today. The fact that if he'd driven sensibly I wouldn't have annoyed him (as much) is immaterial to his entitled pea brain. I was turning left at a junction, he was coming the other way and wanted to turn right - surprisingly he'd paid the three grand to have his indicators wired up - and just pulled across straight in front of me. I had to brake, so shook my head at him and shouted "AUDI DRIVING SCUM" as you do. I could hear him shouting away as he drove off, so shook my head again.

Mr Audi then stopped and asked me out of the window if I'd like to get off my bike so we could discuss things properly, because obviously I thought I was special. I told him that I didn't discuss things with my fists and that a quick perusal of the Highway Code would give him all he needed to know. I then rode off, all the while hearing him shout "WHY DO YOU THINK YOU'RE SPECIAL". I'm surprised he didn't come after me. I can only think that Barrow Hill, where we stopped was his destination. Now one thing I've known all my life is the propensity of the residents of Barrow Hill to punch people in the face first, ask questions later. It's obviously still the case. Why do some people have such a visceral hatred of cyclists?

Apart from that it was a nice enough 40 miler and I had drivers who were courteous to me on country lanes and I was courteous to drivers. It's easy, even if you are misanthropic sociopath like me.

Still, I suppose I better avoid Barrow Hill for a bit, I'm always a bit wary riding through there at the best of times as its full of feral kids who look like they'll knock you off your bike to flog it for drugs.
Sport / Re: Football
May 22, 2022, 09:42:17 PM
Arse >:(

General Discussion / Re: Wordle
May 22, 2022, 08:29:21 PM
I don't Wordle, but the boy got it in one today. Mrs S was watching and screamed when he got it right first time. Woke me up it did.
Cycling / Re: Cycling 2022
May 21, 2022, 09:32:36 PM
Last Saturday I thought I was about back to being a cyclist again. Now I feel like a novice again. Been suffering from a cold all week and even if I'd felt like going out, Tuesday and Wednesday evenings were just too damp and miserable. Got out on Thursday, but took it steadily.

Having said all that, I managed my longest ride of the year today at 53 miles, that was down to just riding round on the moors after my second ascent up to them, it's reasonably flat and nice just to pootle around a bit on. The roads were busy though, they're not normally that busy when Tansley Sunday market is on.

On Thursday, I had to take back a bit of what I say about BMW drivers. I was riding along towards a roundabout when one pulled alongside me and wound the window down. Great I thought, more mindless insults coming. But no, it was to tell me my rear light had fallen off. Thank you that man. I managed to retrieve it, but have now lost the cover for the USB charger bit. I think someone must have clipped it as the on/off button is now flush with the end of the light. More expense.
Other Music / Re: So what are you listening to?
May 21, 2022, 08:48:16 PM
Quote from: Thenop on May 21, 2022, 06:31:28 PMAstra - The Weirding, in a way a predecessor to Birth. Again, very proggy and 'shroomy' if you know what I am getting at. Currently on a 15 and a half minute trip that is the title track.
I've never 'Shroomed' but when I saw Astra they sent me tripping my tits off :)

Anyhoo, Rock's not dead, it just whiffs a bit; here's today reasonably up to date vinyl goodies:

Rosalie Cunningham - Two Piece Puzzle
Lunatic Soul - Through Shaded Woods
Wobbler - Rites at Dawn
Other Music / RIP Vangelis
May 19, 2022, 09:56:29 PM
Another big one gone. Have to dig out my copy of Aphrpdite's Child's 666

Although my favourite bit of Vangelis was his appearance on Shooting Stars
Quote from: Nickslikk2112 on May 13, 2022, 06:54:43 PMYesterday was seeing the Von Hertzen Brothers in Nottingham - Mrs S ended up with Mikko Von H laying back across her shoulder, but she thinks he was more interested in the Finnish PM lookalike to her left.

Found a picture of it. You can just see my big conk to the left :)