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Messages - Nickslikk2112

Sport / Re: Rooney Leaves Derby
June 24, 2022, 06:38:10 PM
Rat and Sinking Ship.
Cycling / Re: Cycling 2022
June 24, 2022, 10:47:53 AM
I use blue SPD, I can't say as I find them much different to yellow, but my knees don't take kindly to too much sideways movement.

I replace whenever they become too "chozzled" - if there are bits hanging off, or if the toe ends are worn away to black.
Other Music / Re: Porcupine Tree
June 23, 2022, 07:08:25 PM
Quote from: pdw1 on June 23, 2022, 06:59:21 PMMind is in the post.
Amazing what you can buy online these days!
Cycling / Re: Cycling 2022
June 23, 2022, 02:51:17 PM
Had my good Giant in for a service. I knew that either the rear wheel bearings or freehub were on their way out because of the noise they were making when freewheeling, which is why I'd stopped riding the thing. What I hadn't noticed was quite how bad the braking track had worn. It's time for a new rear wheel. Arse. I'll stop riding that one in the rain in future.

No rain on today's ride and despite the heat I was quicker than last week. Wish I was as quick as a 13 year old kid up the road, he did a climb last night in ten minutes that took me 14 today. It's no fun being old.
Cycling / Re: Cycling 2022
June 22, 2022, 09:57:08 PM
Quote from: David L on June 22, 2022, 05:42:50 PMThanks for cheering us all up!
Always look on the Bright side of life - has never been my motto :)

Is my glass half full or half empty? I don't know, some bastard's nicked it >:(
Cycling / Re: Cycling 2022
June 22, 2022, 05:18:37 PM
Quote from: Slim on June 21, 2022, 10:26:14 PMThis was actually the only time in my adult life I've ever used a sunscreen product.

I've not used any sunscreen this year. I start wearing short sleeves early in the season and just gradually pick up a bit of colour. My arms were nicely bronzed by the start of this week without any burning whatsoever.

Think I could have done with some the last couple of days though, there's no sign of burning - thanks to the tan - but I can feel it. Suppose I ought to be safe rather than sorry, but the days are shortening now.
Sitting out on the garden wall watching all the birdlife.

Buzzards trying to catch a thermal.
A Kestrel hovering over the field.
A Hen Pheasant having a dust bath whilst the Cock Pheasant wanders around making strange clucking noises.
A couple of pigeons bathing and drinking from the bird bath.
A male Blackbird feeding a juvenile, the juvenile then wandered off to sunbathe in front of me.
An endless stream of House Sparrows and Blue Tits heading for the bird feeders.

Busy doing nothing :)
Other Music / Re: Yes
June 20, 2022, 09:47:39 PM
At least Steve Hackett isn't trading under the name of Genesis and what he does do he does very well indeed.

I never got to see Yes when they were properly in the affirmative and now they are a definite no.
Food and Drink / Re: W(h)ine
June 20, 2022, 07:13:06 PM
Just remembered, with Saturday's Charlie Bigham Chicken and Ham Gratin we had a 2013 Saintsbury Carneros Chardonnay.

At that age I thought it might have been a bit old, but no, was still very fresh. It was one I'd found in my dad's "Wine Cellar" I assume he bought it a few Christmases back and forgot about. So it was nice to drink and remember the old feller. I introduced him to Saintsbury back in the days when I was richer.
Cycling / Re: Cycling 2022
June 19, 2022, 09:52:32 PM
Took my life in my hands and spent too much time in South Yorkshire today. Still before Sheffield became too rapacious in its land grabs most will have been Derbyshire, but I suspect the locals are now well brainwashed into thinking they are the lower for of life that is a Yorkshireman...

Dropping down to Beauchief does give me the opportunity to do a climb of over 900ft of elevation gain. Most of it's a slog apart from the early bit and you can do big chunks on the big chain ring if you so desire. Unlike Fidler's Elbow, that's just a 562ft climb, but most is a constant 7-8% gradient and if you don't have a tailwind it's plod and slog city.
Food and Drink / Re: Food
June 18, 2022, 09:41:50 PM
Quote from: Nick on June 14, 2022, 04:10:33 PMClear blue skies here in the SW so will require some gin and tonic.
NOTHING requires G&T, might as well drink 'Enry Cooper's Brut.
Food and Drink / W(h)ine
June 18, 2022, 09:40:57 PM
I could well be moaning about it - I do about most things...

I'm currently drinking an Argentine fortified Malbec called Malamado. It's OK, bit spicier than a Port and with a definite hint of Currants. It was on offer at Tesco, I'd buy it again - on offer.
Cycling / Re: Cycling 2022
June 18, 2022, 09:32:08 PM
So, I'd spent all week thinking I wouldn't get out today as the forecast was for rain all day. So what happened? This mornings forecast was for a mostly dry day with light rain late afternoon.

Of course it then rained this morning and the Rainfall Radar had a continuous band of rain just below Chesterfield, but it stayed dry into the afternoon, so I went out to try for a forty miler.

I decided to just do a few loops close to home as with the strength of the sun at this time of year it can suddenly trigger heavy downpours when none look likely. Sure enough it did rain on my second loop, but not much on me, but I hit places where it had obviously pissed it down - do I not like cold spray on bare legs!

It then dried off again, it was nice to get in four climbs with 500 feet of elevation gain without even having to head for the Peak District, hills are a fact of life in this part of Derbyshire. A quick ride up to Linacre Reservoir gave me the forty miles needed. It then tipped it down when I got home.

Saw a lone partridge in the road at one point, unfortunately a Red Legged (French) Partridge, not a John Major approved English Grey Partridge.

That brings up 500 miles for June.
In my experience, whenever I hear a song on ROCK radio which sounds OK but has no pretensions to greatness it turns out to be the Foos.

I recognise This is a Call but nowt else.
Religion / Re: Does God Exist?
June 18, 2022, 09:23:14 PM
Like everything else in life: I don't know.