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Messages - The Picnic Wasp

Quote from: Slim on July 19, 2024, 12:28:45 PM
Quote from: The Picnic Wasp on July 19, 2024, 10:30:36 AMIf ever two nothings meant something then I've just witnessed it.

In all honesty I don't think anyone's opinion on wildlife has anything to do with it, in any case.  Chris Packham hasn't made a positive contribution to the welfare or preservation of wildlife; all he's done is to associate that cause with extremism and criminality.

Yeah, Chris and Sir Brian currently putting together a terror cell of foxes, hedgehogs and badgers. You'd better sleep with one eye open.
I'm still playing catch-up with a lot of stuff I missed first time around. I recently binge watched The Unforgotten which was excellent. Better than I thought it might be. Currently about halfway through Broadchurch which a bit mental but thoroughly enjoyable. I'm at the point of researching what to watch next. Probably Jonathan Creek.
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A fortunate mistake on line three. Two minutes.
Quote from: Slim on July 19, 2024, 10:26:03 AM
Quote from: The Picnic Wasp on July 19, 2024, 10:17:59 AM
Quote from: Slim on July 18, 2024, 10:59:26 PMFive Just Stop Oil fanatics jailed for between four and five years. Even better, Chris Packham is crying his eyes out about it. Why must our state broadcaster indulge this extremist sympathiser berk?

Packham's autism is never quite so obvious as when he shares his complete disregard for the welfare of ordinary people just trying to get on with their lives.

I am so deeply saddened by this post and the fact it is liked by someone who obviously cares for wildlife, that I fear I must also be on the so-called spectrum. Actually fear is the wrong word.

Closing motorways down to aggravate randomly selected members of the general public does nothing whatever for wildlife. It has nothing to do with it.

If ever two nothings meant something then I've just witnessed it.
Quote from: Slim on July 18, 2024, 10:59:26 PMFive Just Stop Oil fanatics jailed for between four and five years. Even better, Chris Packham is crying his eyes out about it. Why must our state broadcaster indulge this extremist sympathiser berk?

Packham's autism is never quite so obvious as when he shares his complete disregard for the welfare of ordinary people just trying to get on with their lives.

I am so deeply saddened by this post and the fact it is liked by someone who obviously cares for wildlife, that I fear I must also be on the so-called spectrum. Actually fear is the wrong word.
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Three minutes, but struggled to come up with anything for lines two and three.
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Twenty five seconds.
On a visit to my local Tesco quite late one night the only person I passed in an aisle was the actor Tom Conti pushing a trolley. I was too taken aback to even nod in his direction, and by the time I remembered that he had attended the same school as me it was too late for any possible exchanges about our respective times there. I'd like to have asked him about the system of corporal punishment, where the offence and number of ferulae to be administered were written in a specially printed notebook issued to the teachers. You then had to stand in a queue either at lunchtime or 4 pm listening to those unfortunates in front of you in the queue suffering their fate behind that classroom door on the first floor. The noise of the pupil being struck was quite deafening and could be heard clearly from outside the building. Quite brutal. I think the actual "weapon" was whalebone covered in leather. My only personal experience was for the serious crime of not putting my scissors back in the box quickly enough  at the end of an art class. Disgusting to think back on. Quite clear why some psychos become teachers.
I used to see Billy Connolly quite regularly around my hometown in the late 70s, early 80s. He once mentioned in an interview someone I know reasonably well. He was the friend he was with when a stranger approached and told him the famous park my bike joke and also the guy whom my friend's dog's kennel name was chosen after.

I saw Robbie Coltrane twice when out and about. Once in a newsagents queue in Byres Rd and the other time as I waited to cross a busy road on the way home from work. He was driving a massive 50s American convertible with the top down. He stopped on the pedestrian crossing as the traffic was so congested and as he looked apologetically towards me I almost asked him for a lift as I knew he had to drive through my town's Main Street on his way home. Always regretted not trying my luck.  I once saw Alex McLeish in Leicester Square of all places. He was the Motherwell manager at the time and was looking through the hundreds of football club scarves on rails outside a shop. I had to stop myself from telling him he wouldn't find a Motherwell one.

Probably on the same London visit my when walking with my girlfriend just off Covent Garden, Joanna Lumley swept down a wide stone staircase as she headed in the other direction. It was quite an iconic image, her hair flowing just like the very long ivory coloured coat she was wearing. A more amusing one was when I noticed Tommy Gemmell and his friend enjoying a pint at the bar of my local. I would be barely drinking age and my friend slightly younger but bolder who blurted out "are you Tommy Gemmell?". He said no and we looked for a place to hide.
Musicians / Re: Bassdrumpedal(s)
July 16, 2024, 02:30:49 PM
Get the 50th Anniversary special paint job edition. You won't regret it and can enjoy them every time you get behind the kit.
Sport / Re: Euros Footy Score Predictor
July 16, 2024, 12:07:15 PM
Quote from: Fishy on July 16, 2024, 11:37:40 AMI see Southgate has gone.. shame I liked him as a person... Frank Lampard your time has come is what a lot of people are not saying lol

Yeah, I can't believe the rubbish I've had to listen to about him during the tournament. Two successive finals is a huge achievement. I'll be interested to hear what his players have to say about his departure.
Quote from: pxr5 on July 15, 2024, 06:52:14 PM
Quote from: The Picnic Wasp on July 15, 2024, 02:47:52 PMReceived my new BT Wi-Fi router today due to the new digital service being rolled out. All went well except attempting to reconnect my Blink outdoor camera. The sync module, despite numerous attempts and two calls to the robot like support line refused to play ball. No matter what I tried it just wouldn't accept the new system password, even after deleting and trying to reinstall. Ended up for the sake of my mental health binning it and cancelling my monthly Amazon storage subscription. Infuriating but not entirely unexpected. Probably the worst part was the lack of dialogue during the human interaction with the call centre. Their rigid script structure response is mind numbingly frustrating. This is a difficult world for those not very computer literate.

I've got Blink /Sync module and have seen this mentioned before with BT/EE Routers. It seems to be one of three things:

1. Reset the Blink Module (10secs+ with a pin in the reset)
2. Split the 2.4ghz/5ghz or temporarily turn off 5ghz and try to connect again
3. Remove numbers and symbols from the wifi password

In fact it's all in here:

I'm with BT but sacked off their router for a Zyxel model.

Thank you very much, there's some interesting stuff in the link. After I got over the tantrum which had fried my brain yesterday, I remembered we had another sync module from my sister's old place. I think Blink keep moving the goalposts though. You used to be able to just delete a device to employ it elsewhere but that didn't work. However, when I deleted her old system entirely it accepted my new router password and began to update the firmware. I then had to purchase a fresh Amazon subscription storage plan as I'd cancelled it in my frenzy of frustration. All seems fine now, although the camera seems to be picking up less now. Might be the duller weather today. My only worry now is that I can remember if I used a fresh password on my Blink account or went with my existing one. I wrote a new one down so better keep it just in case.
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Fifteen minutes. Had to enter a wrong letter deliberately on line five to get there.
Received my new BT Wi-Fi router today due to the new digital service being rolled out. All went well except attempting to reconnect my Blink outdoor camera. The sync module, despite numerous attempts and two calls to the robot like support line refused to play ball. No matter what I tried it just wouldn't accept the new system password, even after deleting and trying to reinstall. Ended up for the sake of my mental health binning it and cancelling my monthly Amazon storage subscription. Infuriating but not entirely unexpected. Probably the worst part was the lack of dialogue during the human interaction with the call centre. Their rigid script structure response is mind numbingly frustrating. This is a difficult world for those not very computer literate.
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Best in a while. Fifteen seconds.