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Messages - Nickslikk2112

Cycling / Re: Cycling 2022
September 19, 2022, 09:54:11 PM
With it being a Bank Holiday and not wanting to spend time in the house whilst Mrs S cried her eyes out at the funeral of an old woman she didn't know, I thought it an opportune time for a bike ride.

It was a bit nippy though, had to put a long-sleeved jersey on, although it got a bit sweaty going uphill which meant cool descents, but probably the best thing to do. At least it didn't rain on me, managed to miss all that.

Thought the roads might have been quieter today, but apart from the lack of commercial traffic there were just as many loons in cars as ever. Up on the tops I've never seen so many cars parked up the side of Clodhall lane and lower down in New Whit all the inhabitants were out walking their Staffies and Pit Bulls rather than being enthralled by the unfolding pageantry on the TV.

A gentle 40 miler - managed not to get the old heart above 137bpm - takes me to my highest ever September total of 572 miles.
Other Music / Re: So what are you listening to?
September 19, 2022, 03:24:47 PM
A NWOBHM compilation CD
General Discussion / Re: Queen Elizabeth II
September 19, 2022, 03:23:54 PM
Quote from: dom on September 19, 2022, 12:38:41 PMMagnificent pageantry all the same
And completely pointless.
Cycling / Re: Cycling 2022
September 18, 2022, 09:56:03 PM
And another 43 miles today. Wasn't sure if I'd do that, as my Heart rate apparently went up to 181 whilst going along the flat after a downhill corner. Got to be a heart strap fault as it settled back after a couple of minutes and I certainly couldn't feel any racing of my heart. Ended up buying a new strap after this happened a couple of years ago.

Today was a take it easy day anyway, being as I'll be getting an extra ride in tomorrow with it being a Bank Holiday.
General Discussion / Re: What's made you grumpy today?
September 18, 2022, 09:45:11 PM
Sorry to hear that James. Hope it clears soon.

I remember a family friend had a kidney stone years ago. I remember vividly his account of the excruciating pain it caused.
Cycling / Re: Cycling 2022
September 17, 2022, 09:25:39 PM
Managed to rack up 180 miles so far this week. Three 40+ mile rides and a 50 miler today. Most on the usual roads, but a bit different on Thursday as some roadworks have appeared on my usual route home. However the junctions on the alternative way back are so busy that it costs me more time than waiting at lights.

Thankfully it's still just warm enough to keep my arms and legs exposed to the air. The thought of getting back into bib tights is too much, that means Winter's on the way. Most other people seem to be resigned to the old long clothing though. More fool them, at least I didn't sweat today.
Other Music / Re: So what are you listening to?
September 17, 2022, 08:45:51 PM
Jethro Tull - Stand Up (Steven Wilson remix)
Motorhead - No Sleep 'til Hammersmith (40th Anniversary thank feck Steven Wilson hasn't been anywhere near this remix)
Other Music / Re: So what are you listening to?
September 17, 2022, 03:05:57 PM
Pink Floyd - Animals 5.1 mix
General Discussion / Re: Queen Elizabeth II
September 16, 2022, 09:04:00 PM
Quote from: Fishy on September 16, 2022, 07:42:26 PMA 22 hr wait... quite unbelievable.... Maybe it's worth it's own topic .. but who would you wait  that long for ...
General Discussion / Re: COVID-19
September 14, 2022, 09:42:42 PM
Quote from: Matt2112 on September 14, 2022, 06:07:55 PMStarted feeling unwell at work yesterday and went home early.

Had a sleepless night twisting and turning and today I feel shocking; feeble all over with a horrible, phlegmy throat and runny nose.

LFT shows the darkest line against the "T" I've ever seen.

This is not nice at all. 😟
Another week and you'll feel OK...
Rush / Re: Envy of None: Interview with Andy Curran
September 13, 2022, 10:13:08 AM
Quote from: captainkurtz on September 12, 2022, 11:06:14 PM
Quote from: Slim on September 12, 2022, 11:48:12 AMGot to admit, this album didn't really stick with me. Will give it a listen again sometime soon.
I don't think I ever got past the third track..
Crikey! Even I listened to the whole thing.
don't intend doing it again mind...
Sport / Re: Football
September 12, 2022, 10:33:03 AM
Quote from: Matt2112 on September 12, 2022, 10:09:40 AMThankfully the inane decision to cancel the football and racing (but not cricket, golf, Rugby League etc etc) has lasted only one game day. 
Well, the last three days of the Tour of Britain cycle race called off its last three stages, but I read that was because the Police motorbike riders who shepherd the event were called to duty in London - and were bored off their tits because they had nowt to do...
General Discussion / Re: Queen Elizabeth II
September 12, 2022, 10:29:29 AM
I keep thinking we're going to go through it all again soon, whenever I see Charles III I read it as Charles Ill
Cycling / Re: Cycling 2022
September 11, 2022, 09:49:28 PM
Went out for a 40 miler today. Was going to take it steadily. I did take it steadily, but for one reason or another I did rather more climbing than intended. even steady climbing isn't fun on old legs.

Still, I'm over 300 miles for September and 5,000 for the year.
Cycling / Re: Cycling 2022
September 10, 2022, 09:15:08 PM
Went out and did a sort of reverse Thursday ride today. Now a Thursday ride is 43 miles and I like to do at least 50 on a Saturday, so I added a couple of bits in and missed out another bit.

Of course, with being out to the flat, well rolling, lands of Nottinghamshire on Thursday I added in an extra hill. Found out that James Shaw is the Local Legend on that hill. He's not done it for a bit though as he's riding the Vuelta. He can do it 5 and a half minutes quicker than me too. Bastard.

It was odd going back the way I normally ride out, didn't feel right going anti-clockwise. Hillier than it ought to ne too. Still, it got me to 52 miles and 266 for the month.