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Messages - Nickslikk2112

Technology and Science / Re: Asteroid Smashing
October 01, 2022, 02:48:08 PM
Quote from: Slim on September 30, 2022, 04:24:14 PM
Quote from: Nickslikk2112 on September 30, 2022, 02:37:17 PMIQ SchmIQ. I'm in the top 25 for IQ and believe me you wouldn't want me in charge  :-X

That's impressive. I think I'm probably only in the top 150. There could well be 149 other people roughly as intelligent as myself in the world.
I did think I was setting an IQ test for Rush fans, I had it in my head that there was something surrounding a latter day Rush album where a typewriter key had not been shifted and there was a "7" instead of an "&"

I must have dreamed it as I can't find sight nor sound of it now. Ho-hum.
Technology and Science / Re: Asteroid Smashing
September 30, 2022, 02:37:17 PM
Quote from: The Picnic Wasp on September 30, 2022, 02:16:39 PMI think the air gun pellet would need to be something like 0.02mm for your rough comparison. Mind boggling stuff. A direct hit on a 2mm target with a microscopic bullet from 85 miles away. Again, why are we having such difficulties on Earth when these are our capabilities? Perhaps we need to "pass a noble law" so that only individuals with a qualifying high IQ level can gain power.
IQ SchmIQ. I'm in the top 25 for IQ and believe me you wouldn't want me in charge  :-X

Humans aren't social animals, they're tribal ones. They'll work hard on sending things to hit space rocks to show how good their tribe are, whilst smashing seven shades of shit out of that lot next door. Just sayin'...
General Discussion / Re: What's made you grumpy today?
September 30, 2022, 02:32:22 PM
Managed to walk out to do my shopping before the rains came :)

Will have to walk across the dismal heart of Sheffield this evening in the pissing rain :(
General Discussion / Re: This is Ukraine - Do not Panic.
September 30, 2022, 02:31:19 PM
It's about time Putin fell through a conveniently open high window.

Has Putler announced the exact borders of these annexed regions? Being as large swathes of Donetsk and Zaporizhzhia are still in Ukrainian hands.
Other Music / Re: So what are you listening to?
September 30, 2022, 02:11:54 PM
Steve Hackett - Voyage of the Acolyte (Bit of revision for tonight)
Cycling / Re: Cycling 2022
September 29, 2022, 09:56:12 PM
And another 42 miles today gets me to 862 miles for September with 63,100ft of elevation gain. Now up to 5,558 miles for the year.

Fed up of all the roadworks which keep springing up. Always in places where you don't want them. Hey-ho. No punctures though today, back on the Bianchi. The hole in the tyre from yesterday has about sealed itself though now. I can get it to 40psi before the hole goes again, but if it had done that yesterday I'd have been able to limp home. Ho-hum.
Cycling / Re: Cycling 2022
September 28, 2022, 09:49:52 PM
I got up to my 800 miles for September today, but only 17 further. Had just gone past my furthest point from home when there was a BANG! I'm falling out of love with tubeless tyres. Whatever had punctured the tyre led to a catastrophic deflation, the sealant had no time to do its job as it all seemed to have shot out in one go. I could have tried to stick a tube in, but being as it took two of us two hours to get the tyre on when it was last changed I thought calling out the cavalry was the best option - especially as I had a house valuation at three - although Mrs S, even though she has lived in the Chesterfield area all of her 60 years didn't know how to get to Beeley Moor.

I think I walked about three miles before my rescuer arrived, several cyclists stopped to offer help, but on hearing my predicament they thought I was doing the right thing. For road tubeless to be a success you need the hole to be small and at an angle, or, for the puncturing item to remain embedded in the tyre, big holes are too much.
General Discussion / Re: What's made you grumpy today?
September 28, 2022, 07:03:24 PM
Quote from: Nick on September 28, 2022, 06:40:40 PM
Quote from: Nickslikk2112 on September 28, 2022, 10:00:28 AM
Quote from: David L on September 27, 2022, 10:46:27 PM
Quote from: Nickslikk2112 on September 27, 2022, 07:13:28 PMI just hope we get a quick house sale.
Just put my mum's house on the market a few weeks ago. Had three valuations and all were in the same ballpark. Far in excess of what I thought it was worth. All agents suggested "OIEO.." and talked about 'block viewings' interest at all so far  ::)
Having waited over 12 months since mum passed away, we are not in any hurry but can't help believing that it will not achieve anything like the agents suggested. And with the current 'turmoil' it may not sell until well into next year.
Good luck with yours
Even though we are only getting a first Estate Agent round today, we do have some interest in it already, although I think current circumstances might put them off knowing a bit about them - somebody who already lives on the same road and a local shopkeeper.

We got a proper valuation for IHT and Probate purposes and if we someone offered that I'd snatch their hand off! We'll see what valuation gets put in it after today.

Is it worth renting it out for a monthly income?
No. As an executor I have a duty to the beneficiaries of the estate. At the end of next January they could all come up to me asking where their inheritance was.

I'm hoping a newly arrived Doctor at Chesterfield Royal Hospital will take a shine to it, nice four bedroomed house two fields walk away from the Hospital.
Technology and Science / Re: Jupiter Eastern Sky
September 28, 2022, 10:02:26 AM
They'd have to be Industrial strength Binoculars to resolve Uranus! My 4.5" refractor just manages.

Did see the Galilean satellites of Jupiter last night with binoculars by Jove!
General Discussion / Re: What's made you grumpy today?
September 28, 2022, 10:00:28 AM
Quote from: David L on September 27, 2022, 10:46:27 PM
Quote from: Nickslikk2112 on September 27, 2022, 07:13:28 PMI just hope we get a quick house sale.
Just put my mum's house on the market a few weeks ago. Had three valuations and all were in the same ballpark. Far in excess of what I thought it was worth. All agents suggested "OIEO.." and talked about 'block viewings' interest at all so far  ::)
Having waited over 12 months since mum passed away, we are not in any hurry but can't help believing that it will not achieve anything like the agents suggested. And with the current 'turmoil' it may not sell until well into next year.
Good luck with yours
Even though we are only getting a first Estate Agent round today, we do have some interest in it already, although I think current circumstances might put them off knowing a bit about them - somebody who already lives on the same road and a local shopkeeper.

We got a proper valuation for IHT and Probate purposes and if we someone offered that I'd snatch their hand off! We'll see what valuation gets put in it after today.
General Discussion / Re: What's made you grumpy today?
September 27, 2022, 07:13:28 PM
Quote from: captainkurtz on September 27, 2022, 05:36:01 PMIt's not just banks. Everything from the government down is/are incompetent these days.  I cannot wait to retire and become a recluse.  Unfortunately, I'm about 15 years away from that..
I just hope we get a quick house sale. I can go on to the recluse bit then. The less contact I have with people the better - and I'm sure it works the other way...
General Discussion / Re: What's made you grumpy today?
September 27, 2022, 04:37:48 PM
The general level of incompetence which permeates today's society.

Together with my brother we opened a bank account to collect all the monies due from our dad's estate so as the Executors we could distribute it.

Having gained Probate, we are now in a position to collect said monies, but because of anti money laundering procedures lots of institutions require sight of a cancelled cheque, a paying in slip or a Statement from the account.

Little brother ordered a cheque book and paying in book, but the bank - NatWorst - have sent them out in his name only. He reordered them last week, but they have yet to turn up. Meanwhile, I have finally been able to download a statement from online banking. They've only gone and spelt my dad's surname incorrectly on the account. How hard can it be? My surname and little bro's are correct - Slikk- but dad's is Slik. I despair.

I also despair that the actions of some economic incompetents - Hi Liz and Khazi - have sent the stock market into freefall and probably the housing market too. I hope this doesn't lead to me cancelling retirement and going back to work...
Cycling / Re: Cycling 2022
September 27, 2022, 04:14:48 PM
Not yet at 800 for the month. Today's 42 miles gets me to within 8 miles. So, barring bad weather or other such things I ought to get there.

"Nice" to be able to do the Froggatt climb again today, not done it since the 7th of May due to it being closed since then. Closed for what I don't know, as all I could see was a very short stretch of new Tarmac.

Wasn't quite as cold as I thought it would be either. Perfectly fine on the legs in bib shorts and a long-sleeved Roubaix jersey was marginally too warm on the climbs.
Other Music / Re: So what are you listening to?
September 27, 2022, 02:20:52 PM
King Crimson - Music is Your Friend
Other Music / Re: So what are you listening to?
September 26, 2022, 09:40:51 PM
Quote from: Thenop on September 26, 2022, 08:34:26 PM
Quote from: Nickslikk2112 on September 26, 2022, 02:20:50 PMPink Floyd - Animals (2018 remix 5.1)
Verdict? To me the stereo lp mix sounds more powerful without  becoming obnoxious loud which would ruin it for me. It sounds punchier.
In short: I like it.
I like the 5.1, not yet listened to the stereo version.