Between The Wheels

Between The Wheels => General Discussion => Topic started by: Slim on February 23, 2022, 12:42:05 PM

Title: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on February 23, 2022, 12:42:05 PM
Lucky with the first word today, but unlucky with the guess that followed. Got it in two, yesterday.

Wordle 249 3/6

Title: Re: Wordle
Post by: Nick on February 23, 2022, 05:13:38 PM
Is there an easy way to post that or do you have to upload it to a image sharing website first? I never got to grips with posting images on the TNMS. Are photos copy and pasteable  here?
Title: Re: Wordle
Post by: Slim on February 23, 2022, 09:57:28 PM
It's not an image actually, it's a set of blocky characters that work on a webpage. if you do the 'share' option on the Wordle page it will copy the result to your clipboard so you can paste it.

Copy & pasting photos won't work here but I'll look into setting up a photo attachment option.
Title: Re: Wordle
Post by: Slim on February 24, 2022, 09:00:19 AM
OK so if you use the REPLY option rather than Quick Reply you'll see an 'Attachments' option. You can browse images on your PC there and upload them as part of a post - they have to be 128KB or less. Here's a random pic of a bike as a demo.
Title: Re: Wordle
Post by: Slim on February 24, 2022, 09:49:33 AM
First time I've had a full row of non-present letters on the first go..

Wordle 250 5/6

Title: Re: Wordle
Post by: dom on February 24, 2022, 12:54:31 PM
Do you go for the same word each time?  I've got into the habit of starting with Adieu as most of the vowels are included.  Not sure if that's particularly beneficial but its the habit I've gotten into
Title: Re: Wordle
Post by: Slim on February 24, 2022, 01:00:30 PM
I often start with EARTH, but not every time. All common letters. Didn't do that today.
Title: Re: Wordle
Post by: Neillwith2Ls on February 24, 2022, 03:05:47 PM
I got hooked on this for a few weeks, but missed a few days which seemed to reset my streak. Still play most days, my starting word is usually SOARE (a young hawk), maxing out the vowels and using S.

There's also a maths based clone which is a lot of fun too:
Title: Re: Wordle
Post by: Nick on February 24, 2022, 08:03:18 PM
I always start with another word (contains 4 vowels). I begin the day with wordle over breakfast and a coffee, excellent fun website. I also do Worldle which is also excellent but obviously limited.
Title: Re: Wordle
Post by: Slim on February 25, 2022, 08:56:37 AM
Wordle 251 4/6


Unusual game for me, that one. Second consecutive day with 5 blanks on the first go, as well.
Title: Re: Wordle
Post by: Slim on February 26, 2022, 09:58:09 AM
Wordle 252 4/6


Third day in a row I've drawn a blank on the first row. But it does eliminate 5 letters. Unlucky not to think of the right word on the third go.
Title: Re: Wordle
Post by: Nick on February 26, 2022, 03:16:12 PM
I always start with Audio
Title: Re: Wordle
Post by: Slim on February 27, 2022, 09:56:36 AM
Wordle 253 4/6


Quite quick this morning. Still took four goes, though. Nice to get two letters in place on the second go.
Title: Re: Wordle
Post by: Slim on February 28, 2022, 09:23:55 AM
Wordle 254 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle
Post by: Slim on March 01, 2022, 10:05:57 AM
Quick one this morning, less than two minutes. Still took four goes though.

Wordle 255 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle
Post by: Slim on March 02, 2022, 09:41:29 AM
Very quick one this morning. All over in about 45 seconds.

Wordle 256 3/6

Title: Re: Wordle
Post by: Slim on March 03, 2022, 09:25:46 AM
Took me a long time to think of the fourth word.

Wordle 257 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle
Post by: Slim on March 04, 2022, 11:54:20 AM
Wordle 258 4/6


Once again, a lot of deliberation over the fourth word.
Title: Re: Wordle
Post by: Fishy on March 04, 2022, 09:55:46 PM
Got it in 3 today.. first word was semen...
Title: Re: Wordle
Post by: Slim on March 05, 2022, 10:36:07 AM
Got it in three myself today, first time in a while.

Wordle 259 3/6

Title: Re: Wordle
Post by: Slim on March 06, 2022, 10:35:14 AM
Wordle 260 4/6


Didn't take long this morning, but - without intending to, I broke my rule of always using a viable solution on each go.

It can be a good strategy to use a word you know doesn't fit, but I don't like to do that.
Title: Re: Wordle
Post by: Slim on March 07, 2022, 11:01:14 AM
Wordle 261 4/6


Unlucky not to get it on the third go.
Title: Re: Wordle
Post by: Slim on March 08, 2022, 11:28:59 AM
Was really scratching my head over the third word, today. I play in "hard" mode which means only using possible solutions on each go (rather than words that you know can't be the solution, but which yield useful clues). In the end the correct guess was the only word I could think of that would fit.

Wordle 262 3/6

Title: Re: Wordle
Post by: Slim on March 09, 2022, 10:05:25 AM
Wordle 263 3/6*


Title: Re: Wordle
Post by: Slim on March 10, 2022, 10:36:57 AM
Poor effort this morning.

Wordle 264 5/6

Title: Re: Wordle
Post by: Slim on March 11, 2022, 10:37:08 AM
Wordle 265 4/6


Lucky to get two in place on the first round, but it still took three more goes.
Title: Re: Wordle
Post by: Slim on March 12, 2022, 10:36:17 AM
Wordle 266 4/6


Really thought I'd cracked it on the third go. Took me a long time to think of it, as well.
Title: Re: Wordle
Post by: Slim on March 13, 2022, 09:34:50 AM
Wordle 267 3/6


Not too hard this morning.
Title: Re: Wordle
Post by: Slim on March 14, 2022, 09:51:21 AM
Wordle 268 5/6


Poor effort this morning.
Title: Re: Wordle
Post by: Slim on March 15, 2022, 09:47:40 PM
Wordle 269 4/6


Late start today! Average performance.
Title: Re: Wordle
Post by: Slim on March 16, 2022, 10:28:53 AM
Wordle 270 X/6


First failure.
Title: Re: Wordle
Post by: R6GYY on March 16, 2022, 03:28:45 PM
Wordle 270 3/6


I had a go today. Unlucky with that 1st letter James.
Title: Re: Wordle
Post by: R6GYY on March 17, 2022, 10:27:51 AM
Wordle 271 3/6

Title: Re: Wordle
Post by: Slim on March 17, 2022, 11:12:41 AM
Wordle 271 6/6


By several orders of magnitude, this was the hardest one I've done so far. It took me about 20 minutes to think of a viable third word. The fourth one was an act of desperation, I didn't even think it would be in the word list. I had to break my rule and attempt a word I knew couldn't be the solution for the fifth. I was staggered when I realised the solution.

But at least I got it in the end, even if it took about an hour.
Title: Re: Wordle
Post by: captainkurtz on March 17, 2022, 01:07:57 PM
I took a few hours break after the third line...came back and got it in a few seconds...seemed obvious...the brain works in mysterious ways...
Title: Re: Wordle
Post by: R6GYY on March 18, 2022, 10:20:56 AM
Wordle 272 3/6

Title: Re: Wordle
Post by: Slim on March 18, 2022, 10:46:14 AM
Wordle 272 4/6


Quick one this morning, took four goes though.
Title: Re: Wordle
Post by: Slim on March 19, 2022, 08:46:32 AM
Wordle 273 4/6


If I'd thought another minute or so before deploying that third word, I would probably have got it in three. The solution was a more commonplace word.
Title: Re: Wordle
Post by: captainkurtz on March 19, 2022, 01:01:58 PM
I got it in 3.  What was your third guess?
Title: Re: Wordle
Post by: Slim on March 19, 2022, 08:45:42 PM
Title: Re: Wordle
Post by: Neillwith2Ls on March 20, 2022, 08:28:18 AM
There seems to be a lot of clones and variants now, but this musical intros one is keeping my attention:

You get a 1 second snippet of a song intro, you make a guess or can skip, then you get another second etc. You get 6 attempts before it's game over, like in Wordle. No strategy involved however, you either know it or you don't!
Title: Re: Wordle
Post by: Slim on March 20, 2022, 11:45:58 AM
Wordle 274 3/6


Very quick this morning. All over in 30 seconds.
Title: Re: Wordle
Post by: R6GYY on March 20, 2022, 07:56:52 PM
Wordle 274 5/6


Bit more of a challenge for me today.
Title: Re: Wordle
Post by: R6GYY on March 21, 2022, 09:54:57 AM
Wordle 275 2/6


Title: Re: Wordle
Post by: Slim on March 21, 2022, 06:13:38 PM
Took a long time to think of the solution after the first two goes, today. Was trying to think of a noun.
Title: Re: Wordle
Post by: Slim on March 22, 2022, 09:25:24 AM
Wordle 276 4/6


All over in half a minute again.
Title: Re: Wordle
Post by: R6GYY on March 22, 2022, 10:01:11 AM
Wordle 276 4/6


I though my 3rd guess was correct, and was a little surprised that it wasn't. Took me a while to adjust my thinking but I got there.
Title: Re: Wordle
Post by: R6GYY on March 23, 2022, 08:48:09 AM
Wordle 277 3/6

Title: Re: Wordle
Post by: Slim on March 23, 2022, 09:28:53 AM
Wordle 277 4/6


Another pretty quick one.

Title: Re: Wordle
Post by: Slim on March 23, 2022, 09:42:44 AM
Good starting words:

Title: Re: Wordle
Post by: Slim on March 24, 2022, 08:04:22 AM
A bit better this morning.

Wordle 278 3/6

Title: Re: Wordle
Post by: R6GYY on March 24, 2022, 10:35:18 AM
Wordle 278 3/6

Title: Re: Wordle
Post by: Slim on March 25, 2022, 10:19:32 AM
Wordle 279 3/6


Quick one again this morning. When I saw the first three letters of the second row come up green, I thought I'd got it in two! But the solution was obvious after that.
Title: Re: Wordle
Post by: R6GYY on March 25, 2022, 02:43:41 PM
Wordle 279 4/6


Bit more of a struggle for me. I just worked out what your 2nd attempt was James. Unlucky!
Title: Re: Wordle
Post by: R6GYY on March 26, 2022, 05:14:12 PM
Wordle 280 4/6


I was SO unlucky with my 3rd guess.
Title: Re: Wordle
Post by: Slim on March 26, 2022, 11:20:49 PM
Wordle 280 5/6


Took me a long time to get that one. Couldn't think of a viable word on the third go for about an hour.
Title: Re: Wordle
Post by: R6GYY on March 27, 2022, 10:15:08 AM
Wordle 281 4/6


That was a bit of a challenge.
Title: Re: Wordle
Post by: Slim on March 27, 2022, 11:34:04 AM
Wordle 281 4/6


Took about half an hour to think of the third word and was affronted when it turned out not to be the solution. But the fourth came quickly after that.
Title: Re: Wordle
Post by: Slim on March 28, 2022, 11:02:11 AM
I'd say I was unlucky, here

Wordle 282 X/6

Title: Re: Wordle
Post by: R6GYY on March 28, 2022, 12:29:03 PM
Wordle 282 3/6


I was lucky with my 2nd attempt. I do feel for James with that one.
Title: Re: Wordle
Post by: Slim on March 29, 2022, 09:08:57 AM
Wordle 283 5/6


All over in two minutes, but took five goes.
Title: Re: Wordle
Post by: R6GYY on March 29, 2022, 07:40:58 PM
Wordle 283 3/6


Once again, my 2nd guess proved very useful.
Title: Re: Wordle
Post by: Slim on March 30, 2022, 11:24:17 AM
Quick one today

Wordle 284 3/6

Title: Re: Wordle
Post by: R6GYY on March 30, 2022, 01:07:02 PM
Wordle 284 5/6


That was unduly annoying! Thought I had it on the 2nd attempt. Similar to James' struggle with *OUND the other day.
Title: Re: Wordle
Post by: Slim on March 30, 2022, 02:21:01 PM
Quote from: R6GYY on March 30, 2022, 01:07:02 PMThat was unduly annoying! Thought I had it on the 2nd attempt. Similar to James' struggle with *OUND the other day.

I took a screenshot of that one for posterity:

Title: Re: Wordle
Post by: Slim on March 31, 2022, 08:35:09 AM
Another quick one today.

Wordle 285 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle
Post by: R6GYY on March 31, 2022, 10:44:59 AM
Wordle 285 5/6


Got there in the end.
Title: Re: Wordle
Post by: R6GYY on April 01, 2022, 11:29:58 AM
Wordle 286 5/6


Grr . . . another annoying one with multiple options for one particular letter. Could have had it on the 2nd attempt!
Title: Re: Wordle
Post by: Slim on April 01, 2022, 01:59:18 PM
Really weird one for me today. It took me over an hour to think of a viable third word and I was amazed that it accepted my third attempt as a legitimate word. I don't actually think it is! But after that the solution came quickly.

Wordle 286 4/6


Title: Re: Wordle
Post by: R6GYY on April 02, 2022, 02:12:32 PM
Wordle 287 5/6

Title: Re: Wordle
Post by: Slim on April 02, 2022, 02:39:34 PM
Wordle 287 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle
Post by: Slim on April 03, 2022, 11:02:42 AM
Wordle 288 5/6


Intriguing one today. Had to consult the rules!

By the way this is Friday's effort.


That third word was me just juggling with letters in the hope of receiving some inspiration and I only pressed 'enter' out of idle bloody-mindedness. Was very surprised when it turned out to be legit.
Title: Re: Wordle
Post by: R6GYY on April 03, 2022, 10:23:30 PM
Wordle 288 6/6


Ouch. Nearly out for the count.
Title: Re: Wordle
Post by: Slim on April 04, 2022, 08:17:29 AM
Wordle 289 4/6


I hesitated to enter that last word as I seemed to remember that it had been a solution a week or two back .. but perhaps it was an unsuccessful guess.
Title: Re: Wordle
Post by: Slim on April 05, 2022, 08:25:41 AM

Wordle 290 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle
Post by: Slim on April 06, 2022, 10:25:43 AM
The third word was the only one I could think of that would fit. But it took me a long time to come up with it.

Wordle 291 3/6

Title: Re: Wordle
Post by: R6GYY on April 06, 2022, 11:44:17 AM
Wordle 291 3/6


I had a good start  :D
Title: Re: Wordle
Post by: Slim on April 07, 2022, 08:29:39 AM
Took me a while to think of a viable solution, even with three letters in place.

Wordle 292 5/6

Title: Re: Wordle
Post by: R6GYY on April 07, 2022, 09:52:34 AM
Wordle 292 4/6


Same story here James. The final try took quite some though. The mistake I made in my 2nd attempt didn't help. Doh!
Title: Re: Wordle
Post by: Slim on April 08, 2022, 10:00:52 AM
Wordle 293 6/6


Title: Re: Wordle
Post by: R6GYY on April 08, 2022, 11:24:12 AM
Wordle 293 3/6


I tried a different starting word today and was quite lucky.
Slightly disappointed I didn't crack it on the 2nd attempt, and I feel for James again with that pesky 2nd letter as I could easily have fallen down that rabbit hole!

I bet he was going spare 8)
Title: Re: Wordle
Post by: Slim on April 08, 2022, 12:33:10 PM
Well I was quite pleased to get it on the 6th. Here's a frustrating one that someone posted on another forum, this morning:

Wordle 293 6/6


Title: Re: Wordle
Post by: Slim on April 09, 2022, 11:15:09 AM
Wordle 294 5/6

Title: Re: Wordle
Post by: R6GYY on April 09, 2022, 03:04:48 PM
Wordle 294 4/6


So close to getting it in 2 <sigh>.
Title: Re: Wordle
Post by: Slim on April 10, 2022, 10:22:40 AM
All over pretty quickly this morning.

Wordle 295 4/6


Title: Re: Wordle
Post by: R6GYY on April 10, 2022, 11:48:25 AM
Wordle 295 2/6


Title: Re: Wordle
Post by: Slim on April 10, 2022, 12:43:56 PM

"WordleBot solves the 2,309 possible Wordles using the fewest number of guesses when it starts with 'Crane' in normal mode and 'Dealt' in hard mode"

Title: Re: Wordle
Post by: R6GYY on April 11, 2022, 09:13:29 AM
Wordle 296 4/6


Title: Re: Wordle
Post by: Slim on April 11, 2022, 09:15:18 AM
Wordle 296 4/6


Tricky one.
Title: Re: Wordle
Post by: R6GYY on April 12, 2022, 09:20:52 AM
Wordle 297 3/6


Not too much of a challenge today with a reasonable start.
Title: Re: Wordle
Post by: Slim on April 12, 2022, 10:11:33 AM
Wordle 297 4/6


Frustrating, but didn't take too long.
Title: Re: Wordle
Post by: Slim on April 13, 2022, 08:40:27 AM
Wordle 298 4/6


Interesting that one, in that the second and third letters of the third row solved themselves - the second letter was the only possible letter that would fit after the first, and the third was the only one of the available letters that would work after the first two.

I just wish I'd thought of the actual solution word before the one I tried; it should have been more obvious.
Title: Re: Wordle
Post by: R6GYY on April 13, 2022, 05:23:35 PM
Wordle 298 4/6


Hindsight eh? I should have gone with my last choice on the 3rd attempt but hey ho, on with the show  :)
Title: Re: Wordle
Post by: R6GYY on April 14, 2022, 10:46:13 AM
Wordle 299 3/6


Title: Re: Wordle
Post by: Slim on April 14, 2022, 11:13:36 AM
Wordle 299 3/6


All over very quickly this morning. Lucky with the second word.
Title: Re: Wordle
Post by: R6GYY on April 15, 2022, 10:53:24 AM
Wordle 300 5/6


Could have been worse given the final word and possibilities.
Title: Re: Wordle
Post by: Slim on April 15, 2022, 11:52:46 AM
Wordle 300 4/6


Lucky to get it on the fourth, I could think of at least two other possibilities.
Title: Re: Wordle
Post by: Slim on April 16, 2022, 09:49:07 AM
Slim pickings on the first three goes.

Wordle 301 5/6

Title: Re: Wordle
Post by: R6GYY on April 16, 2022, 09:52:22 AM
Wordle 301 4/6


Same start. Zilch!
Title: Re: Wordle
Post by: Slim on April 17, 2022, 10:07:18 AM
Prety quick for me this morning.

Wordle 302 3/6

Title: Re: Wordle
Post by: R6GYY on April 17, 2022, 01:21:51 PM
Wordle 302 4/6


Could have been worse - there were other words that would have fit my 4th attempt.
Title: Re: Wordle
Post by: Slim on April 18, 2022, 09:56:44 AM
All over in a minute this morning. I effectively solved it, as you can see, on the second go.

Wordle 303 3/6

Title: Re: Wordle
Post by: R6GYY on April 18, 2022, 07:49:50 PM
Wordle 303 2/6


Same here. All over inside a miniute.
Title: Re: Wordle
Post by: Slim on April 19, 2022, 09:11:03 AM
Kind of annoying.

Wordle 304 6/6

Title: Re: Wordle
Post by: R6GYY on April 19, 2022, 10:25:23 AM
Wordle 304 3/6


I feel your pain James, now knowing what 3 correct letters you were working with after your 2nd attempt - so many possibilities!
Title: Re: Wordle
Post by: The Letter R on April 19, 2022, 01:19:17 PM
Quote from: Slim on April 19, 2022, 09:11:03 AMKind of annoying.

Wordle 304 6/6


I failed today - my goes 3/4/5/6 look exactly like your goes 2/3/4/5  :-\
Title: Re: Wordle
Post by: Slim on April 20, 2022, 09:06:34 AM
Wordle 305 2/6

Title: Re: Wordle
Post by: R6GYY on April 20, 2022, 10:24:14 AM
Wordle 305 3/6


Took a bit of thinking to get the solution from my 2nd attempt.
Title: Re: Wordle
Post by: Slim on April 20, 2022, 10:47:51 AM
I don't use the same starting word every day; I have five or six that I use regularly. As I entered the first word this morning I thought to myself - maybe this isn't such a good starting word, very few five letter words don't end with that last letter (a vowel). Obviously this diminishes your chances of getting one or more of the vowels in the right place on the first go.

However today's solution does actually end in the same vowel, and by the same principle I'd narrowed the choices down quite a bit.
Title: Re: Wordle
Post by: R6GYY on April 21, 2022, 09:50:59 AM
Wordle 306 4/6


Interesting one today.
Title: Re: Wordle
Post by: Slim on April 21, 2022, 01:33:52 PM
Wordle 306 4/6


Hardest one yet, for me. Had to break my rule and abandon "hard mode" for the third word, simply because I could not think of a word that would fit. But once I had the clues from it, it came quickly.
Title: Re: Wordle
Post by: R6GYY on April 21, 2022, 08:14:06 PM
I didn't realise that there were modes, hard or otherwise. I've only ever just gone to the website and got started.
Title: Re: Wordle
Post by: The Letter R on April 22, 2022, 08:06:07 AM
Wordle 307 2/6


A rare 2 today  8)
Title: Re: Wordle
Post by: R6GYY on April 22, 2022, 08:44:22 AM
Wordle 307 2/6*


Me too!
Title: Re: Wordle
Post by: Slim on April 22, 2022, 10:33:45 AM
Wordle 307 4/6


All over in thirty seconds, but I wish I'd thought of the fourth word before the third.
Title: Re: Wordle
Post by: Slim on April 22, 2022, 10:36:26 AM
Quote from: R6GYY on April 21, 2022, 08:14:06 PMI didn't realise that there were modes, hard or otherwise. I've only ever just gone to the website and got started.

Well - "hard mode" means that each of your attempts has to be a possible solution based on the clues you've had. I call it "optimistic mode". You can  adjust the site settings so that it will enforce this or you can just make it a personal rule, like I do.

It's not necessarily the most logical way to approach the problem but I find it more fun.
Title: Re: Wordle
Post by: Slim on April 23, 2022, 09:34:45 AM
Wordle 308 3/6


Quick one again, about a minute.
Title: Re: Wordle
Post by: R6GYY on April 23, 2022, 10:50:43 AM
Wordle 308 4/6*


Took me a bit longer.
Title: Re: Wordle
Post by: Slim on April 24, 2022, 10:17:19 AM
Another quick one, less than a minute.

Wordle 309 3/6

Title: Re: Wordle
Post by: R6GYY on April 24, 2022, 10:39:04 PM
Wordle 309 4/6*


Took a little while but got there in the end.
Title: Re: Wordle
Post by: Slim on April 25, 2022, 10:15:55 AM
Wordle 310 6/6


Frustrating one.
Title: Re: Wordle
Post by: R6GYY on April 25, 2022, 01:22:31 PM
Wordle 310 4/6*


I quite enjoyed that one.
Title: Re: Wordle
Post by: Slim on April 26, 2022, 09:53:18 AM
Wordle 311 4/6


Surprised I didn't think of the fourth word before the third, because it was considerably more obvious.
Title: Re: Wordle
Post by: R6GYY on April 26, 2022, 10:03:52 AM
Wordle 311 3/6


Luckily, I already had the 1st letter ready for my 3rd attempt  :)
Title: Re: Wordle
Post by: Slim on April 27, 2022, 12:07:59 PM
Wordle 312 3/6


Took a few minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle
Post by: R6GYY on April 27, 2022, 02:50:41 PM
Wordle 312 2/6


I try to use a starting word which doesn't use letters from recent Wordle words, or at least, not from the previous day. Today's paid off  :) !
Title: Re: Wordle
Post by: Slim on April 28, 2022, 10:17:47 AM
Wordle 313 5/6


Interesting one.
Title: Re: Wordle
Post by: R6GYY on April 28, 2022, 01:25:17 PM
Wordle 313 4/6


Took me quite a while to get my head around that.
Title: Re: Wordle
Post by: Slim on April 29, 2022, 08:47:51 AM
Wordle 314 5/6


Quite a diverting one this morning, about ten minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle
Post by: R6GYY on April 29, 2022, 01:40:18 PM
Wordle 314 4/6*


So close to getting it in 2. Sigh.
Title: Re: Wordle
Post by: R6GYY on April 30, 2022, 12:15:48 PM
Wordle 315 5/6


That was a real struggle.
Title: Re: Wordle
Post by: Slim on April 30, 2022, 03:02:36 PM
Yep, difficult one for me too today.

Wordle 315 5/6

Title: Re: Wordle
Post by: Slim on May 01, 2022, 10:33:46 AM
Good one this morning. However I absent mindedly entered a second word that didn't actually fit the clues, which breaks my own rule. If I hadn't done that I would have got it in two, eventually.

Lesson learned, switched on Hard Mode in the settings.

Wordle 316 3/6*

Title: Re: Wordle
Post by: R6GYY on May 01, 2022, 02:11:51 PM
Wordle 316 3/6*


Got there after a bit of thought.
Title: Re: Wordle
Post by: Slim on May 02, 2022, 08:33:05 AM
All over in a minute this time.

Wordle 317 4/6*


Would have got it in three if I'd spend a bit more time considering possibilities for the third word instead of just applying the first one that fit.
Title: Re: Wordle
Post by: R6GYY on May 02, 2022, 10:05:16 AM
Wordle 317 6/6*


Grrr... another one of those!
Title: Re: Wordle
Post by: Slim on May 03, 2022, 08:15:33 AM
Wordle 318 3/6*

Title: Re: Wordle
Post by: Thenop on May 03, 2022, 09:38:53 AM
Didn't know the game. I like it. Now I need to find one in Dutch too.
Wordle 318 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle
Post by: Thenop on May 03, 2022, 09:41:46 AM
hm, Dutch game is nice as well (yes one of those...)
Woordle 318 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle
Post by: Slim on May 03, 2022, 09:57:38 AM
Quote from: Thenop on May 03, 2022, 09:41:46 AMhm, Dutch game is nice as well (yes one of those...)
Woordle 318 4/6


Very strong first word there
Title: Re: Wordle
Post by: Thenop on May 03, 2022, 11:25:15 AM
Quote from: Slim on May 03, 2022, 09:57:38 AM
Quote from: Thenop on May 03, 2022, 09:41:46 AMhm, Dutch game is nice as well (yes one of those...)
Woordle 318 4/6


Very strong first word there

Yeah vowels galore, 4 of them. 3 of these are the most popular in Dutch S,T & R, and used combined very often.
Title: Re: Wordle
Post by: R6GYY on May 03, 2022, 01:02:48 PM
Wordle 318 6/6*


Grrr.....  :D
Title: Re: Wordle
Post by: Slim on May 04, 2022, 08:21:30 AM
All over in 15 seconds!

Wordle 319 3/6*

Title: Re: Wordle
Post by: R6GYY on May 04, 2022, 12:10:54 PM
Wordle 319 3/6*


That was so close to a hole in one!
Title: Re: Wordle
Post by: R6GYY on May 05, 2022, 09:25:51 AM
Wordle 320 4/6*


The answer is not a word that I actually thought of - but it was one of the very few that made any sense when I worked through the possible letters given the 4 letters either side.
Title: Re: Wordle
Post by: Slim on May 05, 2022, 09:37:45 AM
Wordle 320 X/6*


Unfortunately my second word gave me a lot of choices. Too many choices.

Title: Re: Wordle
Post by: Slim on May 06, 2022, 08:47:55 AM
Nice diverting one this morning.

Wordle 321 5/6*

Title: Re: Wordle
Post by: R6GYY on May 06, 2022, 12:34:59 PM
Wordle 321 5/6*


Title: Re: Wordle
Post by: R6GYY on May 07, 2022, 10:15:26 AM
Wordle 322 4/6*


Had to think a bit there.
Title: Re: Wordle
Post by: Slim on May 07, 2022, 11:26:18 AM
Hardest one ever, for me.

Wordle 322 X/6


I knew it was _I_ST after the third go. But I simply could not think of a word to fit. As you can see I abandoned hard mode after thinking about it for 40 minutes. And my last go was me giving up, I knew it couldn't be right but I was fascinated to see the solution.

Of course, I kicked myself.
Title: Re: Wordle
Post by: Slim on May 08, 2022, 08:16:27 AM
Wordle 323 6/6


Close run thing, this morning.
Title: Re: Wordle
Post by: R6GYY on May 08, 2022, 09:52:22 AM
Wordle 323 4/6*


Good effort I thought.
Title: Re: Wordle
Post by: Slim on May 09, 2022, 10:20:24 AM
Wordle 324 3/6


Title: Re: Wordle
Post by: R6GYY on May 09, 2022, 12:11:11 PM
Wordle 324 4/6*


I went for quite an obscure word for my 3rd attempt which didn't do much good. Still, got it on the next go.
Title: Re: Wordle
Post by: dom on May 09, 2022, 07:27:25 PM
Was the word you found the original or its replacement?
Title: Re: Wordle
Post by: Slim on May 09, 2022, 08:00:00 PM
In my case it was the replacement. The first one would have annoyed me for being a US English spelling. Otherwise I'd have been fine with it.
Title: Re: Wordle
Post by: R6GYY on May 10, 2022, 08:20:29 AM
Wordle 325 4/6*


Quite enjoyed that one.
Title: Re: Wordle
Post by: Slim on May 10, 2022, 09:10:55 AM
Wordle 325 3/6


I started with a poor first word - not sure why, but a strange impulse came into my head to use it. I've just realised I ignored hard mode on the second go, absent-mindedly this time. Was surprised when my third go turned out to be the solution.
Title: Re: Wordle
Post by: Slim on May 11, 2022, 08:16:48 AM
Wordle 326 3/6


Very strong progress on the second word, there. All over in a minute.
Title: Re: Wordle
Post by: R6GYY on May 11, 2022, 07:11:19 PM
Wordle 326 3/6*


Didn't take me long either.
Title: Re: Wordle
Post by: Slim on May 12, 2022, 08:46:39 AM
Wordle 327 4/6


Another quick one, took four goes though.
Title: Re: Wordle
Post by: R6GYY on May 12, 2022, 09:03:28 AM
Wordle 327 5/6*


That took more goes than I would have expected after my 2nd attempt.
Title: Re: Wordle
Post by: R6GYY on May 13, 2022, 09:31:27 AM
Wordle 328 4/6*


Not too much of a challenge today.
Title: Re: Wordle
Post by: R6GYY on May 14, 2022, 08:29:49 AM
Wordle 329 3/6*


Nearly in 2  :D
Title: Re: Wordle
Post by: Slim on May 14, 2022, 09:29:50 AM
I never got round to yesterday's, but have found a site where you can do ones you missed, here:

Got this:

Wordle 328 5/6


However the solution was also the solution a couple of weeks ago, so I'm a little dubious. Was it really HOMER yesterday?

Title: Re: Wordle
Post by: Slim on May 14, 2022, 10:47:04 AM
Wordle 329 5/6


Poor progress after so many clues from the second go. But too many options.
Title: Re: Wordle
Post by: R6GYY on May 14, 2022, 11:44:46 AM
Quote from: Slim on May 14, 2022, 09:29:50 AMI never got round to yesterday's, but have found a site where you can do ones you missed, here:

Got this:

Wordle 328 5/6


However the solution was also the solution a couple of weeks ago, so I'm a little dubious. Was it really HOMER yesterday?

No it wasn't James.
Title: Re: Wordle
Post by: Slim on May 14, 2022, 05:26:35 PM
Thanks Reg. The replay site must have a bug then.
Title: Re: Wordle
Post by: Slim on May 15, 2022, 10:09:45 AM
Wordle 330 5/6

Title: Re: Wordle
Post by: dom on May 15, 2022, 10:32:54 AM
I got the same pattern on the 2nd attempt and I can't think of a third word that ends with those 4 letters
Title: Re: Wordle
Post by: Slim on May 15, 2022, 10:40:49 AM
Well - my tactic would be to go through all the remaining letters.
Title: Re: Wordle
Post by: R6GYY on May 15, 2022, 10:47:24 AM
Wordle 330 4/6*


And that is exactly what happened here. I can think of at least 1 more that would have fit.
Title: Re: Wordle
Post by: dom on May 15, 2022, 11:37:42 AM
Just came to me there. Think I got bored before I got that far down!
Title: Re: Wordle
Post by: R6GYY on May 16, 2022, 09:45:07 AM
Wordle 331 5/6*


Ouch. That was a bit of a brutal start!
Title: Re: Wordle
Post by: Slim on May 16, 2022, 10:32:16 AM
Took me a long time to think of a viable word on the third go.

Wordle 331 3/6

Title: Re: Wordle
Post by: R6GYY on May 17, 2022, 08:47:43 AM
Wordle 332 3/6*


I really should have had that in 2. I thought I was being clever with my 2nd attempt. Ho hum.
Title: Re: Wordle
Post by: Slim on May 17, 2022, 10:27:25 AM
Over in 30 seconds this morning.

Wordle 332 3/6

Title: Re: Wordle
Post by: R6GYY on May 18, 2022, 08:43:05 AM
Wordle 333 3/6*


Quicky today.
Title: Re: Wordle
Post by: Slim on May 18, 2022, 10:43:59 AM
Yep, one minute job today for me

Wordle 333 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle
Post by: R6GYY on May 19, 2022, 09:32:27 AM
Wordle 334 6/6*


Struggled to get going on that one.
Title: Re: Wordle
Post by: Slim on May 19, 2022, 10:22:29 PM
Wordle 334 5/6


I had the right solution in mind after the third attempt, but I'm averse to using words with repeated letters. So I tried something else.
Title: Re: Wordle
Post by: R6GYY on May 20, 2022, 11:22:55 AM
Wordle 335 6/6*


That was close, and I'm sure that there were other possibilities.
Title: Re: Wordle
Post by: R6GYY on May 21, 2022, 11:56:50 AM
Wordle 336 4/6*


Fairly quick today.
Title: Re: Wordle
Post by: Slim on May 22, 2022, 03:29:54 PM
All over in seconds! Strong progress from the first to the second word.

Wordle 337 3/6


Title: Re: Wordle
Post by: R6GYY on May 22, 2022, 04:45:22 PM
Wordle 337 5/6*


I had a disastrous start and was getting worried until row 4.
Title: Re: Wordle
Post by: Nickslikk2112 on May 22, 2022, 08:29:21 PM
I don't Wordle, but the boy got it in one today. Mrs S was watching and screamed when he got it right first time. Woke me up it did.
Title: Re: Wordle
Post by: Slim on May 23, 2022, 09:47:56 AM
Quite an absorbing one today although I broke "hard mode" absent-mindedly on the third word.

Wordle 338 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle
Post by: R6GYY on May 23, 2022, 05:53:36 PM
Wordle 338 5/6*


Quite stupidly I used the same 3 letters in the same position for lines 3 and 4. I would have had it in 4 otherwise. I have kicked myself. I have hard mode set, but it doesn't stop you doing this.

That is - it is not idiot proof (me being the idiot).
Title: Re: Wordle
Post by: Slim on May 23, 2022, 08:28:18 PM
Hm that's interesting, i thought it would prevent that.
Title: Re: Wordle
Post by: Slim on May 24, 2022, 11:10:26 AM
Wordle 339 4/6


This took a very long time. I could think of dozens of words with the starting two letters, but none that didn't use letters that hadn't been eliminated.

Until I did, about 45 minutes later.

Title: Re: Wordle
Post by: R6GYY on May 24, 2022, 02:27:04 PM
Wordle 339 3/6*


Had to really think about that. Like James, I had a break and came back to it.
Title: Re: Wordle
Post by: R6GYY on May 25, 2022, 09:17:34 AM
Wordle 340 4/6*


Luckily, there were limited options for the 1st letter once I had the rest. Phew.
Title: Re: Wordle
Post by: Slim on May 25, 2022, 11:13:34 AM

Wordle 340 X/6

Title: Re: Wordle
Post by: R6GYY on May 26, 2022, 10:40:59 AM
Wordle 341 4/6*


Not too tasking, but it could have been worse as there were more options for the 2 starting letters.
Title: Re: Wordle
Post by: Slim on May 26, 2022, 11:05:34 AM
Took me a long time this morning. If I'd done it more methodically, I'd have got it a lot quicker - not in terms of the number of goes, but certainly the elapsed time.

Wordle 341 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle
Post by: R6GYY on May 27, 2022, 11:37:30 AM
Wordle 342 4/6*


Title: Re: Wordle
Post by: Slim on May 27, 2022, 11:56:38 AM
Tried a different choice of first word today, and it turned out to be a belter:

Wordle 342 2/6

Title: Re: Wordle
Post by: R6GYY on May 28, 2022, 10:14:52 AM
Wordle 343 2/6*


What an awesome 2nd guess!
Title: Re: Wordle
Post by: Slim on May 28, 2022, 10:54:21 AM

Quick for me this morning, but three goes.

Wordle 343 3/6


I was thinking of retiring that first word because although it has a good vowel count, they aren't really likely to light up in green. But I think it did me proud today.
Title: Re: Wordle
Post by: R6GYY on May 29, 2022, 10:43:10 AM
Wordle 344 3/6*


Good 2nd word  :)
Title: Re: Wordle
Post by: Slim on May 29, 2022, 01:07:03 PM
I'm actually about to give up. Took me an hour to think of a word that would fit on the third go and I cannot for the life of me think of another one that will fit, even with another clue in place.

Title: Re: Wordle
Post by: Slim on May 29, 2022, 04:52:22 PM
I did just give up. Wouldn't have got that one from where I started.
Title: Re: Wordle
Post by: Slim on May 30, 2022, 09:38:49 AM
By contrast, all over in 30 seconds this morning!

Wordle 345 3/6

Title: Re: Wordle
Post by: R6GYY on May 30, 2022, 11:38:31 AM
Wordle 345 3/6*


Not long here either although nothing from my 1st word.
Title: Re: Wordle
Post by: R6GYY on May 31, 2022, 08:38:08 AM
Wordle 346 3/6*


Quickie today.
Title: Re: Wordle
Post by: Slim on May 31, 2022, 09:30:54 AM
Very quick for me today as well, I was gobsmacked when my second go turned out to be the solution.

Wordle 346 2/6


Title: Re: Wordle
Post by: Slim on June 01, 2022, 10:23:42 AM
Pretty quick, took four goes though.

Wordle 347 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle
Post by: R6GYY on June 01, 2022, 10:56:18 AM
Wordle 347 6/6*


 Nearly blew it.
Title: Re: Wordle
Post by: Slim on June 01, 2022, 11:19:32 AM
Ah yes I can see that I was fortunate to establish the first letter early on, now I think about it.
Title: Re: Wordle
Post by: R6GYY on June 02, 2022, 10:45:02 AM
Wordle 348 4/6*


Not an auspicious start!
Title: Re: Wordle
Post by: R6GYY on June 03, 2022, 10:23:07 AM
Wordle 349 5/6*

Title: Re: Wordle
Post by: Slim on June 03, 2022, 11:25:28 AM
Pretty quick one again.

Wordle 349 4/6


Title: Re: Wordle
Post by: Slim on June 04, 2022, 09:40:03 AM
Wordle 350 3/6


Very strong start there.
Title: Re: Wordle
Post by: R6GYY on June 04, 2022, 01:23:39 PM
Wordle 350 5/6*

Title: Re: Wordle
Post by: Slim on June 05, 2022, 10:40:06 AM
Wordle 351 3/6


If I'd been more patient, I'd have got it in two. I chose a word with only four different letters on the second go, which I prefer not to do.
Title: Re: Wordle
Post by: R6GYY on June 05, 2022, 11:48:56 AM
Wordle 351 4/6*

Title: Re: Wordle
Post by: R6GYY on June 06, 2022, 08:38:31 AM
Wordle 352 5/6*


Bit of a struggle today, although didn't take very long.
Title: Re: Wordle
Post by: Slim on June 06, 2022, 09:23:46 AM
Odd one for me today, no orange squares which I think is a first. Unusual choice of first word as well. A voice in my head made me do it.

Wordle 352 5/6

Title: Re: Wordle
Post by: R6GYY on June 07, 2022, 07:14:39 PM
Wordle 353 5/6*


Pretty good start but slow progress.
Title: Re: Wordle
Post by: Slim on June 07, 2022, 08:12:51 PM
Wordle 353 4/6


Fairly quick today, a few minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle
Post by: Slim on June 08, 2022, 08:56:28 AM
Annoying one, this morning

Wordle 354 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle
Post by: R6GYY on June 08, 2022, 06:51:20 PM
Wordle 354 4/6*


Slightly annoying yes.
Title: Re: Wordle
Post by: Slim on June 09, 2022, 10:19:57 AM
Wordle 355 5/6

Title: Re: Wordle
Post by: R6GYY on June 09, 2022, 11:39:56 AM
Wordle 355 5/6*


Line 4 was an anagram of the answer. 1st time that has happened for me I think.
Title: Re: Wordle
Post by: Nick on June 09, 2022, 04:20:58 PM
Although I don't post my results I find doing a wordle with a coffee before work quite therapeutic and have done it daily for many months now, I also do a worldle as well as I'm partial to maps and geography.

Title: Re: Wordle
Post by: Slim on June 10, 2022, 10:12:40 AM
Good one this morning. Nicely diverting, not too frustrating.

Wordle 356 3/6

Title: Re: Wordle
Post by: R6GYY on June 10, 2022, 10:18:14 AM
Wordle 356 3/6*


Agreed. Very similar progress here.
Title: Re: Wordle
Post by: R6GYY on June 11, 2022, 11:09:04 AM
Wordle 357 5/6*


Could have been worse.
Title: Re: Wordle
Post by: Slim on June 11, 2022, 11:10:01 AM
Wordle 357 4/6


Took me a long time to think of a viable third word.
Title: Re: Wordle
Post by: Slim on June 12, 2022, 09:31:49 AM
Wordle 358 3/6


Unlucky with my choice of second word.
Title: Re: Wordle
Post by: R6GYY on June 12, 2022, 10:30:35 PM
Wordle 358 3/6*


Not too challenging today.
Title: Re: Wordle
Post by: Slim on June 13, 2022, 10:01:15 AM
Wordle 359 3/6


All over in 30 seconds this morning, despite trying a first word that I wouldn't have expected to be as useful as most - just to shake things up.
Title: Re: Wordle
Post by: R6GYY on June 13, 2022, 03:47:38 PM
Wordle 359 4/6*


I had to think a bit, but not too much.
Title: Re: Wordle
Post by: R6GYY on June 14, 2022, 09:08:26 AM
Wordle 360 2/6


Get in.
Title: Re: Wordle
Post by: Slim on June 14, 2022, 10:23:32 AM

Took a long time over the last word today, had to go away and come back an hour later.

Wordle 360 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle
Post by: R6GYY on June 15, 2022, 09:10:11 AM
Wordle 361 4/6


I got it fairly quickly, but I wasn't sure. After getting it right, I then had to look it up to make sure it was a real word!
Title: Re: Wordle
Post by: Slim on June 15, 2022, 10:26:50 AM
Wordle 361 3/6


I thought my second word would probably be rejected. Took a long time to come up with it, but it turned out to be an anagram of the solution.
Title: Re: Wordle
Post by: Slim on June 15, 2022, 08:41:11 PM
Can I assume everyone who visits this thread doesn't mind spoilers? I only come here post-Wordle, not pre-Wordle. But perhaps others do things differently.

Title: Re: Wordle
Post by: Slim on June 16, 2022, 09:50:13 AM
All over in 15 seconds!

Wordle 362 2/6


Title: Re: Wordle
Post by: R6GYY on June 16, 2022, 10:13:49 AM
Wordle 362 4/6


Took me about a minute.
Title: Re: Wordle
Post by: Slim on June 17, 2022, 10:57:38 AM
Not impressive, but it only took two minutes.

Wordle 363 5/6


Oh, about Wednesday's - I'd love to know why VIRGO is not considered a word, but IMPRO and PRIMO are.

Title: Re: Wordle
Post by: R6GYY on June 17, 2022, 11:03:12 AM
Wordle 363 4/6


I had to think a bit for the answer, then smacked my head when I got it.

Re: PRIMO. That is the word I had to look up. It was a bit obscure and is a musical term, "the leading or upper part in a duet".

I have a suspicion that was not what the puzzle setters had in mind though, I think it this definition:

of top quality or importance:
"the primo team in the land"

If it was the latter, then I'm not impressed.
Title: Re: Wordle
Post by: Slim on June 18, 2022, 11:41:31 AM
Wordle 364 5/6


Even with three letters in place and only 14 possible letters to plug into the remaining two, I could not for the life of me see it. I resorted to writing a brief computer program to list out the 196 possible solution words. And I was still a bit dubious when I saw the solution.


left=(Q W Y U O A D F J Z X C V B)

for i in ${left[@]}; do
   for j in ${left[@]}; do
       echo $i"AC"$j"O"
Title: Re: Wordle
Post by: R6GYY on June 18, 2022, 02:23:13 PM
Wordle 364 4/6


I am actually quite pleased with myself. It took quite a while going through possibilities in my head until I did a little mental twist into the realm of re-using letters. I was still a bit unsure when I entered my final attempt but was quite delighted as I watched all the letters turn green.
Title: Re: Wordle
Post by: Slim on June 19, 2022, 10:59:34 AM
Pretty quick one today

Wordle 365 5/6


Title: Re: Wordle
Post by: R6GYY on June 19, 2022, 11:47:03 AM
Wordle 365 4/6


Luckily, not too many options for the 1st letter.
Title: Re: Wordle
Post by: R6GYY on June 20, 2022, 09:49:16 AM
Wordle 366 3/6


Quite pleased.
Title: Re: Wordle
Post by: Slim on June 20, 2022, 11:25:34 AM
Very satisfying when I worked out what it was. But it took me about half an hour.

Wordle 366 3/6

Title: Re: Wordle
Post by: R6GYY on June 21, 2022, 09:23:05 AM
Wordle 367 X/6


Title: Re: Wordle
Post by: Slim on June 21, 2022, 10:16:10 AM
Wordle 367 3/6

Title: Re: Wordle
Post by: R6GYY on June 22, 2022, 10:01:14 AM
Wordle 368 4/6


Took some thinking.
Title: Re: Wordle
Post by: Slim on June 22, 2022, 11:45:16 AM
Two minute job, shame I didn't think of AWFUL before ANNUL though

Wordle 368 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on June 23, 2022, 10:02:52 AM
Wordle 369 4/6


Simple one today.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on June 23, 2022, 10:05:06 AM
Average for me today, 5 mins or so

Wordle 369 4/6


Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on June 24, 2022, 11:13:15 AM
Wordle 370 3/6


I chose a good starting word today.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on June 24, 2022, 11:41:10 AM
A voice in my head told me to use PROUD as the starting word today, so I did. However it wasn't overly successful.

Wordle 370 4/6


I attempted SHITE on the third word, as much to see if it would be accepted as to harvest a few more clues. It was, and that was surprisingly successful.

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on June 25, 2022, 10:44:13 AM
Wordle 371 5/6


I'd thought my fourth word was a poor choice - I just couldn't be bothered hunting for another word to fit, but it led me to the solution quickly.

Also: ALPEN isn't in the word list.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on June 25, 2022, 11:05:21 AM
Wordle 371 4/6


Not a lot to say about that one.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on June 26, 2022, 09:03:07 AM
Wordle 372 3/6


Aha! I think they were trying  to catch us out.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on June 26, 2022, 10:16:18 AM
Wordle 372 3/6


Took a while to think of the third one, but I was sure it was the solution when I saw it.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on June 27, 2022, 10:13:42 AM
Wordle 373 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on June 27, 2022, 10:28:04 AM
Wordle 373 5/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on June 28, 2022, 09:24:03 AM
Wordle 374 4/6


That could have been worse.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on June 28, 2022, 10:55:23 AM
Quite an intriguing one, two minutes' work but took four goes.

Wordle 374 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on June 28, 2022, 01:15:34 PM
Aha. It took me a while to work out what your 3rd attempt was. I hadn't thought of that one.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on June 29, 2022, 10:26:58 AM
Wordle 375 5/6


Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on June 29, 2022, 11:10:49 AM
Wordle 375 4/6


Intreresting one today,  no orange letters at all. I was a bit surprised that my guess on the fourth go was correct.

A voice in my head told me to use FIRST as the first word. I'm a very rational man; I don't believe in telepathy, paranormal intuition or anything like that. But sometimes I go along for the ride.

Not sure I've ever drawn two complete blanks on the first two goes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on June 30, 2022, 09:47:13 AM
Wordle 376 6/6


Steady, but slow progress there. Only two minutes in elapsed time, though.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on June 30, 2022, 10:59:07 AM
Wordle 376 4/6


About 2 minutes for me too. Would have done it in 3 if I had gone with my instinct, but I went alphabetically with the 1st letter. Not always a good move.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on July 01, 2022, 08:59:22 AM
Wordle 377 3/6


I was both surprised and pleased to get this one on the 3rd attempt.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on July 01, 2022, 09:12:36 AM
My first word drew a blank, the second one was an anagram .. after which the solution came very quickly

Wordle 377 3/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on July 02, 2022, 08:51:25 PM
Wordle 378 5/6*


That was a real struggle getting the last word.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on July 03, 2022, 09:57:09 PM
Wordle 379 5/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on July 04, 2022, 12:02:27 PM
Wordle 380 X/6


Too many possibilities  :(
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on July 05, 2022, 01:39:39 PM
Wordle 381 6/6*


Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on July 05, 2022, 02:02:28 PM
Have I even done it today? Been an unusually busy work day.

Crikey, I haven't!
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on July 05, 2022, 02:34:58 PM
Wordle 381 5/6


I actually had four letters in place before I put the fourth word in, by elimination. But it still took another two goes.

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Nick on July 05, 2022, 04:13:17 PM
Just cleared my browser history and lost all my scores.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on July 06, 2022, 09:26:37 AM
Wordle 382 5/6


Well that final word took quite a while to come up with. I had very few letters left to work with.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on July 06, 2022, 10:00:51 AM
Wordle 382 5/6


Had a breakthrough on the fourth word, there. Lucky guess.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on July 07, 2022, 09:27:10 AM
Wordle 383 4/6


Took a couple of mins to think of the last one.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on July 07, 2022, 11:14:03 AM
Wordle 383 4/6


Very similar progress.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on July 08, 2022, 10:31:25 AM
Wordle 384 4/6


About a minute today.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on July 08, 2022, 01:16:31 PM
By contrast, it took me hours. Actual screen-staring time, at least 45 minutes.

Wordle 384 5/6


I made the stupid mistake of disregarding a clue on the second go, and did the same thing on the third. Took ages to think of the fourth.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on July 09, 2022, 10:27:38 AM
Wordle 385 5/6


Very strong progress from the first go to the second, but frustrating progress after that. Still - all done in two minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on July 09, 2022, 12:38:17 PM
Wordle 385 5/6


Could have been worse!
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on July 10, 2022, 11:43:28 AM
Quite a quick one today

Wordle 386 3/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on July 10, 2022, 11:57:47 AM
Wordle 386 5/6


A bit harder for me!
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on July 11, 2022, 09:01:02 AM
Wordle 387 4/6


Fairly simple today.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on July 11, 2022, 10:20:44 AM
I was quite reluctant to plump for that last word, because it only has three different letters. But I couldn't see what else it could be.

Wordle 387 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on July 12, 2022, 09:26:22 AM
Wordle 388 3/6


The solution jumped out at me given the 2nd word response.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on July 12, 2022, 09:43:51 AM
Wordle 388 3/6


I had a near-anagram on the second go, very quick after that.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on July 13, 2022, 11:19:56 AM
Wordle 389 5/6


Got stuck after the third go, for a long time.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on July 13, 2022, 11:53:14 AM
Wordle 389 4/6


Bit of a dull word if you ask me  8)
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on July 14, 2022, 09:59:32 AM
Wordle 390 6/6


Only just!
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on July 15, 2022, 03:35:00 PM
Wordle 391 5/6


Steady progress, although not much from the 1st 2 attempts.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on July 16, 2022, 12:54:19 PM
Wordle 392 4/6


Had to do a bit of thinking towards the end.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on July 16, 2022, 09:27:14 PM
Wordle 392 3/6


Must admit I was surprised when it came up all green.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on July 17, 2022, 02:36:40 PM
Wordle 393 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on July 17, 2022, 05:28:36 PM
Wordle 393 5/6


I'm surprised my 4th word was accepted, but you never know with Americans!
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on July 18, 2022, 10:55:37 AM
Pretty quick

Wordle 394 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on July 18, 2022, 02:32:52 PM
Wordle 394 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on July 19, 2022, 11:38:39 AM
Wordle 395 4/6


Ooh - an anagram on line 3.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on July 19, 2022, 01:15:03 PM
Took me more than an hour to find a word to fit for the third go, even with a near-anagram in place. And it still wasn't right! But the answer came quickly after that.

Wordle 395 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on July 20, 2022, 09:01:42 AM
Wordle 396 X/6


All over in three minutes, but I failed.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on July 20, 2022, 10:00:24 AM
Wordle 396 4/6


Luckily, I had a different 4 letters correct, and less options for the 5th letter. I feel James' pain.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on July 21, 2022, 09:27:11 AM
Wordle 397 3/6


Quite an interesting diversion this morning.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on July 21, 2022, 09:53:37 AM
Wordle 397 3/6


Only took about 5 minutes. The solution popped into my head suddenly after pondering the clues for a minute or two.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on July 22, 2022, 10:45:34 AM
Wordle 398 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on July 22, 2022, 10:45:46 AM
Very quick one, I was lucky on the second go I think.

Wordle 398 3/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on July 23, 2022, 11:07:19 AM
Wordle 399 4/6*

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on July 23, 2022, 05:32:46 PM
Wordle 399 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on July 24, 2022, 09:30:41 AM
Wordle 400 6/6


Slow progress.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on July 24, 2022, 04:28:08 PM
Wordle 400 X/6


Good start, but too many options for the 1st letter and I didn't strike lucky. Meh.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on July 25, 2022, 09:50:27 AM
Wordle 401 4/6


Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on July 25, 2022, 11:32:54 AM
Wordle 401 4/6


Fortunate with the second word.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on July 26, 2022, 08:58:09 AM
Wordle 402 4/6


So nearly had it in 2.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on July 26, 2022, 10:48:48 AM
Wordle 402 X/6


I used a new first word, on the grounds that the last two characters are a feature of quite a lot of English words, and that proved to be true of the solution. Despite this, I failed.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on July 27, 2022, 10:00:34 AM
Wordle 403 4/6


Quite a diverting one this morning. Took about 6 minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on July 27, 2022, 11:23:48 AM
Wordle 403 5/6


I think I was a bit quicker, but took more attempts.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on July 28, 2022, 09:16:34 AM
Wordle 404 4/6


Quick one this morning.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on July 28, 2022, 10:14:28 AM
Wordle 404 6/6


Just in the nick of time
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on July 29, 2022, 09:55:18 AM
Wordle 405 3/6


Although not obvious from the 2 yellows above, my choice of starter word today was actually quite useful.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on July 29, 2022, 01:11:32 PM
Wordle 405 5/6


Took a bit of thinking about, that one.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on July 30, 2022, 09:48:28 AM
Wordle 406 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on July 30, 2022, 12:03:42 PM
Wordle 406 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on July 31, 2022, 10:58:26 AM
I didn't actually get this one. I was completely stuck for the last word so I resorted to writing a quick program to list the (225) possibilities. The solution was the 75th listed.

Wordle 407 6/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on July 31, 2022, 02:16:04 PM
Wordle 407 3/6


I struck lucky with a good choice of starting word.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on August 01, 2022, 10:18:21 AM
Wordle 408 3/6


Quite quick this morning.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on August 01, 2022, 11:27:16 AM
Wordle 408 4/6


Took a bit of thinking about at the end.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on August 02, 2022, 07:40:27 AM
Slow progress. I was surprised that COLLY was allowed.

Wordle 409 6/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on August 02, 2022, 10:25:16 AM
Wordle 409 3/6


Haha! Great choice of 2nd word as it turned out.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on August 03, 2022, 09:19:17 AM
Wordle 410 2/6


Well, that was very quick!
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on August 03, 2022, 11:59:37 AM

Quick one for me as well, still took four goes.

Wordle 410 4/6


Wish I'd had a think before I tried COUTH, YOUTH was a lot more obvious.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on August 04, 2022, 11:31:27 AM
Wordle 411 4/6


Took a bit of thinking to get the answer.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on August 04, 2022, 11:43:55 AM
All over in 40 seconds, this morning

Wordle 411 3/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on August 04, 2022, 02:15:14 PM
That all looks a bit similar. Was your 2nd word REACH by any chance James?
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on August 04, 2022, 02:42:54 PM

No, although actually that sounds like a good first word. Hadn't noticed the similarity there.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on August 05, 2022, 08:51:20 AM
Wordle 412 X/6


Another failure.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on August 05, 2022, 09:41:02 AM
Wordle 412 4/6


The way that was going, I thought a failure was on the cards.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on August 06, 2022, 09:44:29 AM
Wordle 413 6/6


Another lamentable performance. Also, I ignored one of the clues in the second word for the third. Not enough coffee.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on August 06, 2022, 06:28:13 PM
Wordle 413 3/6


Good start, but I really struggled coming up with the solution given what I had to play with. There was a bit of head smacking when I came up with it.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on August 07, 2022, 02:54:13 PM
Wordle 414 4/6*


Cracking start. Could have been worse, although I think there was only one other possibility for the 2nd letter.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on August 07, 2022, 02:58:05 PM
Wordle 414 4/6


Took a long while to think of a third word to fit, but the fourth came quickly after that.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on August 08, 2022, 09:38:44 AM
Wordle 415 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on August 08, 2022, 10:42:11 AM
Wordle 415 4/6


Very quick today.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on August 09, 2022, 09:19:03 AM
Wordle 416 4/6


Another quick one today, although I had to think a bit about my 3rd word.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on August 09, 2022, 11:05:13 AM
Wordle 416 4/6


I was lucky with the second word. Took about seven minutes in all, most of it trying to think of the fourth word.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on August 10, 2022, 08:21:06 AM
Wordle 417 6/6


Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on August 10, 2022, 06:27:32 PM
Decently challenging. Took about 10 minutes.

Wordle 417 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on August 11, 2022, 09:57:08 AM
Wordle 418 4/6


Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on August 12, 2022, 01:14:33 PM
Ah, I missed yesterday. Too busy!

Here is today's. Quite a logical progression.

Wordle 419 5/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on August 12, 2022, 02:08:35 PM
Fairly linear progress. Took 2 minutes.

Wordle 419 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on August 13, 2022, 12:17:03 PM
Wordle 420 X/6


Failure today  :(
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on August 14, 2022, 12:07:55 AM
Bugger, I forgot about it today and it's gone midnight.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on August 14, 2022, 12:11:56 AM
Wordle: #420 2022-08-13
Guesses: 4

🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩 to the rescue! Took about 4 mins.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on August 14, 2022, 11:50:08 AM
This was the most interesting one I've done for a long time.

Wordle 421 6/6


I was stuck for a very long time on the fifth word. I was convinced that it had to begin with a W. Of the remaining options, it seemed the only possibility to precede "HA".


Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on August 15, 2022, 09:48:10 AM
Wordle 422 5/6


Strong progress on the second word, but I failed to capitalise on it.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on August 15, 2022, 07:29:58 PM
Wordle 422 4/6


I guess I was lucky with the letters I had already excluded. I thought I was being clever with my 3rd attempt FOYER but didn't quite nail it.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on August 16, 2022, 09:27:27 AM
Quite a challenge. Gruelling, even. Very happy when I saw it. Like yesterday, I was convinced the solution had to start with a W. Until I wasn't.

Wordle 423 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on August 17, 2022, 10:12:59 AM
Wordle 424 4/6


Highly symmetrical progress, there. If I'd been a bit more methodical I would have got it in three. Oh well. I did use a much obscure word (TOILE) on the third go than the solution.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on August 17, 2022, 11:18:56 AM
Wordle 424 4/6*


Not too difficult today.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on August 18, 2022, 10:42:31 AM

Wordle 425 3/6


Very quick this morning. I effectively had three green squares from the first attempt, because the yellow square letter definitely didn't fit in the second position in the word.

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on August 18, 2022, 11:40:31 AM
Wordle 425 4/6


Mine was quick too, although perhaps if I had stopped to think a bit, I might have had it in 3. My 3rd attempt TWAIN was a bit obscure.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on August 19, 2022, 03:47:09 PM
Wordle 426 3/6


Good result today  :) 
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on August 19, 2022, 11:39:06 PM
Damn I forgot about it today
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on August 20, 2022, 10:25:54 AM
Wow - literally all over in about 6 seconds. Will do yesterday's later.

Wordle 427 2/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on August 20, 2022, 10:43:46 AM
Yesterday's, from


I was adamant that there was no word in the English language in which R was preceded by H, until I remembered that there was.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on August 20, 2022, 02:08:33 PM
Wordle 427 5/6


Great start for James above :)
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on August 21, 2022, 12:29:10 PM
Wordle 428 3/6


Really quick today.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on August 21, 2022, 07:00:53 PM
Wordle 428 4/6


Not a vintage performance, but only took a minute.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: David L on August 21, 2022, 08:39:47 PM
Quote from: Slim on August 20, 2022, 10:43:46 AMYesterday's, from


I was adamant that there was no word in the English language in which R was preceded by H, until I remembered that there was.
Shrub. You were fortunate to not have remembered that one  :)
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on August 21, 2022, 10:32:19 PM
There's also SHREW of course, though I'd eliminated the E. And SHRINE, although that has six letters. And THRUSH.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on August 22, 2022, 09:55:22 AM
Wordle 429 3/6


Took a while, that one. A few minutes anyway.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on August 22, 2022, 11:00:26 AM
Wordle 429 6/6*


That was close.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on August 23, 2022, 03:25:08 PM
Wordle 430 3/6*


Good start, then I had to think for a minute or 2 to get the actual answer.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on August 24, 2022, 09:32:29 AM
Wordle 431 4/6


Not a lot to say.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on August 24, 2022, 09:54:51 AM
Wordle 431 3/6


Quick one today, My third go was a bit lazy (don't like to deploy words with repeating letters but couldn't be bothered to think of an alternative). So I was surprised that it was the solution.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on August 25, 2022, 10:50:43 AM
Wordle 432 4/6


Not a great start!
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on August 25, 2022, 11:05:29 AM
I found that very challenging, I must say. Took a very long time to come up with the fourth word. Of course the last two goes came quickly after that.

Wordle 432 6/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on August 26, 2022, 10:02:14 AM
Wordle 433 4/6


Very quick this morning. Tried a different opening word today, on a whim. The word popped into my head while I was thinking about it; I wouldn't have thought it would be a particularly useful one generally but by chance it was helpful today.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on August 26, 2022, 01:00:00 PM
Wordle 433 3/6


I too chose a new starting word, and got 2 greens.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on August 27, 2022, 09:19:40 AM
Wordle 434 4/6


Quick one, two minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on August 27, 2022, 10:22:58 AM
Wordle 434 3/6


Same here.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on August 28, 2022, 09:47:53 AM
Wordle 435 3/6


Very quick today.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on August 28, 2022, 10:27:02 AM
Wordle 435 6/6


Slow progress for me today. I was convinced I'd got it on the third go, but all I did was eliminate another three letters (the yellow in the third go had to be in the second position).

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on August 29, 2022, 06:04:16 PM
Wordle 436 3/6


Thought I had it in 2. Close.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on August 30, 2022, 06:38:11 AM

Wordle: #436 2022-08-29
Guesses: 5



Wordle 437 3/6


I struggled with a third word to fit on today's, but when I thought of it I was convinced it was the only possible solution. Whether that's true or not, I'm not sure.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on August 30, 2022, 12:38:52 PM
Wordle 437 5/6


I was a bit surprised when my 4th attempt was incorrect. Had to think for a little while to get the answer.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on August 31, 2022, 09:44:55 AM
Wordle 438 6/6


That was close - although I don't think that there were any other options for my final attempt.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on September 01, 2022, 08:41:56 AM
Wordle 439 5/6


Well that was a bit of a challenge this morning.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on September 02, 2022, 11:32:37 AM
Wordle 440 5/6


Another slow start.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on September 02, 2022, 12:51:07 PM
Wordle 440 4/6


Just done this one on a bus in Porto. Two minutes.

Nice here.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on September 03, 2022, 04:35:10 PM
Wordle 441 4/6


I had a bit of inspiration for the 3rd attempt, and it paid off.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on September 04, 2022, 01:10:52 PM
Wordle 442 3/6


Joint effort on the upper deck of a cruise ship parked up in Vigo.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on September 04, 2022, 02:19:23 PM
Wordle 442 4/6


Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on September 05, 2022, 06:09:22 PM
Wordle 443 5/6


Ha ha. Quite clever.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on September 06, 2022, 12:12:44 PM
Wordle 444 5/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on September 06, 2022, 01:14:31 PM
Well I've got a bit of catching up to do having been offline for most of the past week or so, but happily I'm back in the East Midlands now, so:

Wordle 444 4/6


Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on September 06, 2022, 01:24:19 PM
Yesterday's. Took a long time to come up with the third word, so much so that I was a bit surprised that it wasn't the solution. I tried WHOMP for the fourth, unsure if it would be accepted as a word. It was.

Wordle: #443 2022-09-05
Guesses: 5


Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on September 07, 2022, 01:45:49 PM
Wordle 445 2/6


Cracking result on the 1st word today. Still, the answer took a bit of thinking about.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on September 07, 2022, 02:38:20 PM
Wordle 445 4/6


I think that was the hardest one so far, for me! I had to keep coming back to it and didn't come up with the third word for several hours.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on September 07, 2022, 02:46:56 PM
Wordle: #440 2022-09-02
Guesses: 4


Friday's. Three minute job.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on September 07, 2022, 08:23:05 PM
Last Wednesday's. Annoying! But only took four minutes.

Wordle: #438 2022-08-31
Guesses: 6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on September 07, 2022, 08:46:33 PM
Thursday's. Enjoyable one, about 15 minutes.

Wordle: #439 2022-09-01
Guesses: 4


Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on September 08, 2022, 09:30:13 AM
Wordle 446 4/6


Very quick one today. My third go was simultaneously quite lucky and unlucky.

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on September 08, 2022, 11:01:11 AM
Wordle 446 5/6*


Very similar outscome to James, although I was unlucky twice!
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on September 09, 2022, 11:03:18 AM
Wordle 447 4/6


Not too shabby today.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on September 09, 2022, 11:45:39 AM
Wordle 447 5/6


Five goes, but only took three minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on September 10, 2022, 09:04:30 AM
Wordle 448 5/6


 Struggled a little over the fourth word and was surprised when it wasn't the solution. But it only took a minute to solve after that. 
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on September 10, 2022, 01:31:29 PM
Wordle 448 4/6*


Quite an enjoyable challenge that.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on September 11, 2022, 11:47:45 AM
Wordle 449 4/6


To be honest I cheated by looking up words ending in "IA" on a dictionary site. I do know the word, but I'd never have got it if I'd thought about it all day.

Actually I thought even the "IA" option was a long shot, I was near-convinced that the word was A🮙🮙IT

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on September 12, 2022, 12:08:56 PM
Wordle 450 5/6


Took a while, that one. Made a mistake on the fourth go by ignoring a clue.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on September 12, 2022, 12:33:38 PM
Wordle 450 5/6


Took me a while too to think of my 5th word.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on September 13, 2022, 09:26:26 AM
Wordle 451 4/6


Another one requiring a bit of thought.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on September 13, 2022, 04:17:50 PM
Wordle 451 3/6


Thought of the third word straight away - but I took a few minutes to think of alternatives, because it wouldn't have yielded a lot of clues if it was wrong.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on September 14, 2022, 10:28:49 AM
Wordle 452 3/6


Pretty good starting word today, and all done in less than 2 minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on September 14, 2022, 11:35:34 AM

Wordle 452 4/6


Didn't take long, four minutes or so.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on September 15, 2022, 10:15:10 AM
Wordle 453 4/6


I was annoyed that the third go wasn't victorious, because it was very hard to think of a word to fit.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on September 15, 2022, 12:30:48 PM
Wordle 453 2/6


Well. A spectacular 2nd guess.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on September 16, 2022, 12:17:19 PM
Failure, today.

Wordle 454 X/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on September 16, 2022, 12:36:48 PM
Wordle 454 X/6


Ditto. Failed.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on September 17, 2022, 09:02:37 AM
Wordle 455 3/6


Very quick today, about two minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on September 17, 2022, 10:28:48 AM
Wordle 455 3/6


Aided by a very good 2nd word, I too bagged this one in about 2 minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on September 18, 2022, 09:58:58 AM
Wordle 456 6/6


Nick of time. But I wasn't concentrating.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on September 19, 2022, 10:08:02 AM
Wordle 457 6/6


Another "nick of time" one, despite massive progress on the second word.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on September 19, 2022, 01:31:01 PM
Wordle 457 2/6*


Somewhat spectacular today. All over in a trice aided by a lucky choice of starting word.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on September 20, 2022, 10:08:26 AM
Wordle 458 3/6


Very quick this morning, all over in a minute.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on September 20, 2022, 02:47:25 PM
Wordle 458 3/6


Thought I had it in 2 again. Very quick for me too - although it did take me a minute to work out what the 4th letter was.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on September 21, 2022, 10:13:53 AM
Wordle 459 5/6


Bit of a challenge today  :)
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on September 21, 2022, 02:52:38 PM
Wordle 459 4/6


Just right today for me, not too annoying, not too quick. Used a new starting word.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on September 22, 2022, 09:12:22 AM
Wordle 460 3/6


All over in 40 seconds this morning.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on September 22, 2022, 04:21:17 PM
Wordle 460 4/6


Took me a little longer, and slightly miffed I didn't get it in 3 but ho hum.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on September 23, 2022, 09:48:57 AM
Wordle 461 5/6


A bit more challenging today.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on September 23, 2022, 10:35:31 AM
Wordle 461 2/6


I was thinking about some work I need to do in the shower, and the word GROUT came to mind. As it happens, a great starting word!
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on September 24, 2022, 09:24:50 AM
Wordle 462 3/6


A very quick one this morning.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on September 24, 2022, 10:15:37 AM
Wordle 462 4/6


Just started these again. Yesterday's was my best ever but had forgotten how to copy them.🤬
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on September 24, 2022, 10:20:06 AM
Wordle 462 3/6


Done and dusted in a minute this morning.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on September 25, 2022, 12:54:08 PM
Wordle 463 3/6


This freaky three days of form isn't going to last.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on September 25, 2022, 05:57:54 PM
I was sorely tested, today. Took about half an hour to come up with a fourth word to fit. I wasn't convinced it was even a word.

Sorry but you are not allowed to view spoiler contents.

Wordle 463 5/6


Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on September 25, 2022, 08:19:03 PM
Wordle 463 4/6*


I left this one for a few hours after the 3rd word - then came back to it just now and with a bit more mulling over, finally got it.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on September 26, 2022, 09:39:59 AM
A poor start, and I inadvertently ignored the only clue, on the second word. But in the end it only took 7 or 8 minutes.

Wordle 464 3/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on September 26, 2022, 10:51:34 AM
Wordle 464 4/6*


A somewhat alarming start ruling out 4 of the 5 vowels.  Didn't take too long after that though.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on September 26, 2022, 03:02:52 PM
Wordle 464 5/6


Bit panicky today. Didn't think I was getting anywhere.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on September 27, 2022, 10:21:50 AM
Good one. About four minutes.

Wordle 465 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on September 27, 2022, 10:44:11 AM
Wordle 465 4/6


I think this might be good for my brain. I've been becoming more forgetful recently and definitely need to sharpen up.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on September 27, 2022, 12:55:36 PM
Wordle 465 4/6*


Quite entertaining. I was stuck for a few minutes after the 3rd attempt. Then the answer just sort of popped into my head.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on September 28, 2022, 09:57:23 AM
Two minute job this morning.

Wordle 466 4/6


Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on September 28, 2022, 11:24:51 AM
Wordle 466 3/Wordle 466 3/6


Really chuffed today. I always forget to time myself but I think less than five minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on September 28, 2022, 11:45:19 AM
Wordle 466 4/6*


I quite enjoyed that one even if it was over in a couple of minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on September 29, 2022, 09:18:26 AM
Wordle 467 6/6


Only took 3 minutes, but was still a close run thing.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on September 29, 2022, 11:01:58 AM
Wordle 467 3/6


Three minutes. Felt great to get the first three really quickly then a bit of a wobble kicked in for a moment.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on September 30, 2022, 12:16:53 PM
Wordle 468 4/6*


Took about 7 minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on September 30, 2022, 12:56:28 PM
Wordle 468 4/6


4 minutes. Finding this quite addictive now.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on September 30, 2022, 03:22:47 PM
Wordle 468 3/6


Er, about a minute? Quite lucky with my 2nd attempt (or unlucky if you look at it another way).
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on October 01, 2022, 08:28:39 AM
Wordle 469 4/6*


Five minutes this morning. I was surprised when my fifth go came up trumps.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on October 01, 2022, 01:49:52 PM
Wordle 469 3/6


A couple of minutes only today. I think I'm about to run out of luck with my guess words though. I don't know where my mind drags them up from. I should try to formulate some kind of system rather than the random hope for the best stuff.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on October 01, 2022, 06:09:23 PM
Wordle 469 5/6


Took a few minutes, and I thought I was going to run into trouble as I could see all sorts of possibilities, but luckily got there I ran out of goes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on October 02, 2022, 09:23:50 AM
90 seconds. Very strong progress on the second word, there. If I'd thought about it a bit longer I'd have got it in two, because the solution has one of my "deploy if possible" letters that's absent from my second go.

Wordle 470 3/6*


Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on October 02, 2022, 11:24:21 AM
Wordle 470 4/6


Massive, inexplicable, half awake schoolboy error on second guess. Can't believe I did that! 😢
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on October 02, 2022, 08:18:28 PM
Wordle 470 4/6


Couple of minutes. Quite a challenge though I thought with some very heavily used letters to move around.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on October 03, 2022, 10:34:23 AM
Solid, linear progress there. Good starting word. Two minutes.

Wordle 471 4/6*

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on October 03, 2022, 11:59:40 AM
Wordle 471 3/6


Four minutes. Grim start. Fortunate second word.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on October 03, 2022, 02:27:52 PM
I take a complete blank as a positive - it eliminates 5 letters (assuming they're all different, which they should be for a starting word).
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on October 03, 2022, 05:26:05 PM
Wordle 471 4/6


All over very quickly.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on October 04, 2022, 11:04:15 AM
A good half hour, this one. I couldn't for the life of me imagine a word to fit the clues provided by the fourth word, until I did.

Wordle 472 5/6*


Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on October 04, 2022, 11:11:51 AM
Wordle 472 4/6


4 minutes. I enjoy these as part of my day now. Is there any advantage in having a wordle account?
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on October 04, 2022, 05:19:48 PM
Wordle 472 5/6

Went quite quickly until the final word. Still, about 3 or 4 minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on October 05, 2022, 10:06:00 AM
Wordle 473 4/6


One minute today. Was sure I had it in three but hit the bar.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on October 05, 2022, 10:38:45 AM
Wordle 473 3/6*


Very surprised when my third word came up trumps. Lucky.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on October 05, 2022, 06:14:49 PM
Wordle 473 5/6


I thought I was being clever with my 4th word - using the last letter as the first letter too. But it wasn't to be.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on October 06, 2022, 09:48:20 AM
Very quick, less than a minute. Very fruitful second word.

Wordle 474 3/6*

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on October 06, 2022, 10:16:39 AM
Wordle 474 3/6


Two minutes. Second word felt great.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on October 06, 2022, 05:36:21 PM
Wordle 474 3/6


About the same time as James I reckon. A bit surprised that I had nowt on the first word but there you go.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on October 07, 2022, 09:52:04 AM
Took a long time, this one. About 15 minutes trying to think of a third word to fit the clues, even though I had three letters in place. When I finally thought of one I was reluctant to try it, because it had three of the same letter. But the solution came quickly after that.

Sorry but you are not allowed to view spoiler contents.

Wordle 475 4/6*

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on October 07, 2022, 10:25:51 AM
Wordle 475 X/6


Oh well, it was bound to happen sooner rather than later. I had a feeling I had been riding my luck recently.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on October 07, 2022, 12:21:23 PM
Wordle 475 4/6


One of those poor starts as regards to getting actual letters, but 10 letters were ruled out in those 1st 2 words, so that was quite helpful for my 3rd attempt.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on October 08, 2022, 09:14:36 AM
This was a classic.

Wordle 476 4/6*


Took me an eternity to think of a third word to fit the clues, and actually it took a while to think of the solution as well.

Sorry but you are not allowed to view spoiler contents.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on October 08, 2022, 11:24:30 AM
Wordle 476 3/6


Thank goodness for that. Was dreading two failures on the trot. About three minutes. Forgot to time it.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on October 08, 2022, 05:13:03 PM
Wordle 476 4/6


I sat quietly for a few minutes after my 3rd attempt. Then a possible answer popped into my head. I was pleased when the letters all turned green :D
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on October 09, 2022, 11:08:13 AM
Wordle 477 4/6


Still scratching my head as to why I got this.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on October 09, 2022, 11:14:22 AM
Less than a minute today, although I thought the third word was a long shot.

Wordle 477 3/6*

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on October 09, 2022, 06:34:48 PM
Wordle 477 4/6


A bit of a shock getting 2 full blanks. Took me a couple of minutes to play around with the letters that were left. I too, thought my last attempt a bit of a long shot.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on October 09, 2022, 08:13:36 PM
Now that the spoiler risk it out of the way, here's hoping for a few days of non American vernacular or US spelling. Unless it's a Monday/Tuesday of Vapor/Trail.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on October 09, 2022, 08:22:15 PM
Don't worry about posting spoilers in this thread - the thread title has an explicit warning against them and I don't believe anyone visits this thread pre-Wordle on any given day.

I do use spoiler tags sometimes but I'm probably being over-cautious.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on October 10, 2022, 10:02:47 AM
This one took about an hour! Although I was multitasking.

Wordle 478 5/6*


I had a very hard time thinking of a fourth word to fit the clues. When I did, I was already congratulating myself. Prematurely, as it turned out.

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on October 10, 2022, 11:02:51 AM
Wordle 478 2/6


Very happy today. Getting the fourth letter on my first guess was a big help but it took about four minutes for my brain to rattle about with options until the penny dropped. I like this puzzle, probably because there's quite an element of luck as well as thought process, so I don't beat myself up too much on bad days.

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on October 10, 2022, 11:25:13 AM
Wordle 478 5/6


I quite enjoyed the challenge today. I guess that my 4th attempt was the same as James' 4th attempt  8) 
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on October 11, 2022, 10:07:47 AM
Wordle 479 4/6*


Ten minutes, most of it pondering the last word. Tried a new first word, didn't work well today.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on October 11, 2022, 11:18:19 AM
Wordle 479 6/6


Wrong frame of mind I think today. Found it all a bit frustrating so should really have put in down and returned later. Instead committed the defeatist sin of re-using a failed letter just to make an actual word. Fluked it by picking up the first letter. Finding no pride in today's performance, so therefore tomorrow's start word is proud.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on October 11, 2022, 11:21:05 AM
Quote from: Slim on October 11, 2022, 10:07:47 AMWordle 479 4/6*


Ten minutes, most of it pondering the last word. Tried a new first word, didn't work well today.

Very impressed that you solved it from there.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on October 11, 2022, 11:22:28 AM
I don't think I'd have found another word to fit! If indeed there is one.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on October 11, 2022, 01:04:02 PM
Wordle 479 4/6


After the 3rd attempt, a spent some time away. Came back about an hour later and looked again - and got the answer very quickly.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on October 12, 2022, 10:06:21 AM
Wordle 480 4/6


Six minutes. Strangely wasn't immediately obvious to me after third guess but gradually sunk into place.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on October 12, 2022, 11:12:47 AM
Interesting one.

Wordle 480 4/6*


Took about 20 minutes. I was certainly scratching my head after the third word, because the only other word I could think to fit wasn't possible (first letter eliminated). But of course it was straightforward to consider the available possibilities after that.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on October 12, 2022, 01:27:09 PM
Wordle 480 4/6*


Bit cheeky that one I thought.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on October 13, 2022, 10:09:33 AM
Wordle 481 4/6


Calmer attempt today. Eight minutes for the penny to drop.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on October 13, 2022, 11:24:05 AM
Took about an hour, although I did take part in a meeting concurrently.

Wordle 481 5/6*


I was outraged when my fourth word didn't score a win. And it took me a very long time to think of the solution. In the end I was methodically going through every combination of available letters.

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on October 13, 2022, 06:50:08 PM
Wordle 481 5/6


Well that was a real struggle. Kept coming back to it. As the usual suspects have already posted, I think it safe to say without spoiling anything that it took me all day to realise that a Q can go in front of a U <sigh>.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on October 14, 2022, 10:23:40 AM
Wordle 482 5/6


Tricky one today but not too long to solve.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on October 14, 2022, 10:39:34 AM
I deployed the third word reluctantly, because I don't like to use the same letter twice in the same word.

Wordle 482 3/6*

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on October 14, 2022, 11:01:19 AM
Wordle 482 3/6


A real struggle today. Similar thoughts to James. It forced me into the choice as that second letter was causing me anxiety. 24 minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on October 15, 2022, 09:40:38 AM
Wordle 483 2/6


Six minutes of wrestling with the remaining alphabet but a good feeling when they roll in like that.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on October 15, 2022, 10:07:37 AM
Only took five minutes, but resulted in failure.

Wordle 483 X/6*

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on October 15, 2022, 05:27:16 PM
Wordle 483 6/6


That start scared me, and then not being correct on the 4th go surprised me. That could easily have been a failure had I not guessed the correct one of the two possible remaining 1st letters. Having been there before, I do feel James' pain.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on October 16, 2022, 10:33:32 AM
Very quick indeed this morning. The second word was a bit lazy, it had two instances of the same letter and I don't usually do that without spending a few minutes looking for an alternative. But it gave me three letters in place (the yellow result had already been tried in the first position).

About two minutes.

Wordle 484 4/6*


Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on October 16, 2022, 11:11:39 AM
Wordle 484 5/6


This now has a worrying grip on me. Not long after I awake I start to think about what my start word might be. Something usually randomly usually comes to me quite quickly. Two minutes today. Thought I had it as the third word unfolded, then I was sure on the fourth and was taken aback when it wasn't. Took a moment and ran through the remaining letters and was slightly relieved I hadn't picked in haste.

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on October 16, 2022, 12:36:52 PM
These are some of my starting words, interested to hear what other people use.


I used this one for a while but although it contains four vowels, actually I don't think it is as useful as you might think. I don't believe the I or the U are as useful as (say) N or T or R.


I like to get one or more of N / R / T in there as soon as possible, whether on the first word or as soon as possible afterwards.

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on October 16, 2022, 01:38:42 PM
I've only just started taking screenshots of my games, so here are my last five;


I notice we both had train.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on October 16, 2022, 02:14:47 PM
Yes. Two vowels + N,R,T.

PAINT, that's a good one. I've used PROUD in the pat a few times as well, once or twice as a second word where it's fitted the clues.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on October 16, 2022, 03:21:10 PM
Wordle 484 3/6


All over in a couple of minutes.

Today's starting word was OCEAN.

I tend to use random starting words, but usually only with 2 vowels.

Recent ones have included GROUT that I can remember.

These are ones that I probably have used (they tend to be related to what I have seen / thought about during the day prior to having a go) but cannot really remember . . .

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on October 16, 2022, 05:02:15 PM
GROUT, that sounds like a good one.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on October 17, 2022, 09:28:28 AM
Fortuitous choice of starting word this morning. About a minute.

Wordle 485 3/6*

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on October 17, 2022, 10:59:05 AM
Wordle 485 3/6


Thought if would have been easier having the last two letters today, but struggled a bit. Five minutes. Didn't think I'd be doing it today. Off to bed early yesterday evening with really bad 'flu symptoms. Tested negative this morning so I'm assuming some other nasty bug doing the rounds. Will test again tomorrow I think, just in case.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on October 17, 2022, 11:07:17 AM
Sorry to hear that - but my own dose of COVID tested negative in the first 24 hrs of the symptoms so you're wise to give it another go tomorrow.

One thing you should be careful to do is to give your nose a good blow first, to replace the old, uninfected mucus in your nostrils with the newly-infected variety, if it's there.

Have we gone off-topic? ::)
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on October 17, 2022, 11:09:54 AM
Not at all. Thank you. Good advice.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on October 17, 2022, 11:13:41 AM
Wordle 485 2/6*


That looks easier than it was. My starting word gave 4 letters, but it took about 5 minutes to come up with a possible word.

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on October 17, 2022, 07:18:22 PM
I always start with semen..
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on October 18, 2022, 10:08:15 AM
Wordle 486 X/6*


Failure. Made a mistake on the fourth word by disregarding a clue. Careless. Not sure how that was possible as I have "hard mode" enabled in the browser.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on October 18, 2022, 10:23:56 AM
Wordle 486 4/6


One minute flat today. Had a bit of a chuckle when the third line unfolded.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on October 18, 2022, 10:26:03 AM
Quote from: Slim on October 18, 2022, 10:08:15 AMWordle 486 X/6*


Failure. Made a mistake on the fourth word by disregarding a clue. Careless. Not sure how that was possible as I have "hard mode" enabled in the browser.

Am I missing part of the game? I didn't realise there are modes or clues. Do I need to have a NYT account for more content?
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on October 18, 2022, 11:34:44 AM
Wordle 486 4/6


That was a bit of a challenge again.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on October 18, 2022, 11:38:45 AM
Quote from: The Picnic Wasp on October 18, 2022, 10:26:03 AMAm I missing part of the game? I didn't realise there are modes or clues. Do I need to have a NYT account for more content?
There is a settings 'Cog' in the top right hand corner of my screen, which lets you set HARD MODE. This according to the blurb: "Any revealed hints must be used in subsequent guesses".

I am not sure it always remembers the settings though, as I have been caught out before.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on October 18, 2022, 11:44:57 AM
Quote from: The Picnic Wasp on October 18, 2022, 10:26:03 AMAm I missing part of the game? I didn't realise there are modes or clues. Do I need to have a NYT account for more content?

The "clues" just refer to the information provided in the feedback for each entry. So from my effort from today:


The clues from the third word on (for example) are that the solution has an I and a T in the third and fifth positions respectively, and an S somewhere else. The eliminated letters at this point RANFGHPL are also considered clues or hints.

If you click the cog in the top right (in a desktop web browser anyway) you get a settings dialogue:


"Hard mode" is supposed to prevent you from ignoring clues (or "hints") when you input a word, so I don't understand how I was able to deploy the first T in the fourth attempt, when it had been ruled out from being in that position after the first word.

I don't have an NYT account.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on October 18, 2022, 12:10:05 PM
Thank you. Clear now. I'm glad it's this and not actual clues like a crossword. It would spoil the concept.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on October 19, 2022, 10:43:51 AM
Wordle 487 4/6


Bit of a phew, today. Tried a daft hunch from nowhere on line three and it paid off, but could just have easily blown it for me. Seven minutes all in.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on October 19, 2022, 11:21:04 AM
A real challenge for me this morning. Took a very long time to find a word to fit on the fourth word and when I did, I was convinced it was the solution. I was right, for once.

Wordle 487 4/6*

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on October 19, 2022, 02:33:01 PM
Wordle 487 4/6*


I took a while coming up with a 4th word but when I did, I just thought it was good one. Very pleased when the letters all turned green  :D
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on October 20, 2022, 10:28:14 AM
Wordle 488 3/6


Great start with a new guess word. Less than a minute for the first time.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on October 20, 2022, 10:52:10 AM
Wordle 488 3/6*


Took about 10 minutes for me, although I was interrupted by an impromptu work meeting. I also tried a new start word (LAIRD), not sure it's a great one.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on October 20, 2022, 09:19:11 PM
Wordle 488 3/6*


Couple of minutes today.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on October 21, 2022, 09:35:42 AM
Wordle 489 5/6*


Five minutes. I'd thought of two possibilities for the fifth word and fortunately, I picked the right one.

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on October 21, 2022, 11:22:45 AM
Wordle 489 5/6*


Similar progress to James here today.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on October 21, 2022, 11:42:05 AM
Wordle 489 5/6


Seven minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on October 22, 2022, 10:17:15 AM
Wordle 490 5/6*


I could have gone for the actual solution earlier, but I wasn't sure that it would have been allowed. Just a couple of minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on October 22, 2022, 11:39:33 AM
Wordle 490 4/6


15 minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on October 22, 2022, 11:52:55 PM
Wordle 490 3/6*


Tough one. The third word was the only word I could think of to fit, so in that sense the feedback from the first two goes was very useful, despite the absence of green squares.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on October 23, 2022, 09:06:53 AM
Wordle 491 X/6*


Failure today.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on October 23, 2022, 10:56:05 AM
Wordle 491 5/6*


I deployed that last word very reluctantly, because it contained no new letters!

I was surprised my fourth word was accepted.

Sorry but you are not allowed to view spoiler contents.

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on October 23, 2022, 11:35:55 AM
Wordle 491 5/6


Six minutes. Fortunate choice of new start word. Don't think I've had a 1,2,3,4,5 progression before.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on October 24, 2022, 11:14:58 AM
Wordle 492 3/6*


Five minute one this morning.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on October 24, 2022, 11:53:48 AM
Wordle 492 6/6


A real struggle today. Over half an hour. Real skin of the teeth stuff.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on October 24, 2022, 02:54:11 PM
Wordle 492 5/6*


About 2 minutes I think.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on October 25, 2022, 10:03:47 AM
Wordle 493 5/6


Really panicky as that third line unfolded, but rapid progress thereafter. Five minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on October 25, 2022, 10:25:36 AM
Wordle 493 3/6*


Didn't take long. Surprised when the third go came up trumps. It was the first word I could think of to fit, not an ideal choice from a point of view of provoking clues and I thought I was being a bit lazy.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on October 25, 2022, 12:53:22 PM
Wordle 493 5/6*


Could have been worse! Only a couple of minutes though.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on October 26, 2022, 10:15:58 AM
Wordle 494 4/6*


Highly linear progress this morning. About two minutes. Fortunate choice of second word.

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on October 26, 2022, 10:58:24 AM
Wordle 494 3/6


Three minutes today. Sometimes I feel the solution comes purely from inspiration, then I quickly realise it's just the squeeze on the alphabet.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on October 26, 2022, 11:28:55 AM
Wordle 494 4/6*


Pretty straightforward today.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on October 27, 2022, 10:38:49 AM
Wordle 495 3/6


First guess was "not again"! Second line was a yahoo. So two minutes. Yahoo would be a brave first word.😁
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on October 27, 2022, 10:51:14 AM
Wordle 495 5/6*


Took five goes, but only 6 minutes or so.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on October 27, 2022, 11:01:01 AM
Wordle 495 2/6*


Less than a minute. I thought I would be 'clever' and go for a double letter combo, and was really pleased when everything came out green  :)
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on October 28, 2022, 10:37:00 AM
That was hard work for me this morning. I attempted a word I'd never heard of on the fifth go.

Wordle 496 5/6*

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on October 28, 2022, 11:09:40 AM
Wordle 496 4/6


Off to a good start and should have been simple after line three, but took me an age. Well, fifteen minutes. Had to go analog with pen and paper to juggle things about, otherwise I think I'd still be stuck.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on October 28, 2022, 05:22:00 PM
Wordle 496 4/6*


Took me nearly all day, as there were (unintentionally) a few hours between attempts 2 and 3.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on October 29, 2022, 10:39:24 AM
About ten minutes.

Wordle 497 4/6*

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on October 29, 2022, 11:03:40 AM
Wordle 497 5/6


Took me about 15 minutes today, mostly spent on the last word.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on October 29, 2022, 04:18:43 PM
Wordle 497 4/6*


I thought today's challenge would have been harder. I thought I was being 'clever' with my 3rd word, only using 3 different letters. I led quite quickly to the actual answer though  :D
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on October 30, 2022, 10:06:53 AM
Wordle 498 5/6*


I liked that. About 5 minutes, with about 3 trying to figure out what letter 5 could be.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on October 30, 2022, 12:51:38 PM
Definitely the hardest ever, for me. I was beaten. After about an hour I gave up, turned hard mode off and just typed random words in to find out the answer.

Sorry but you are not allowed to view spoiler contents.

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on October 30, 2022, 03:08:42 PM
Wordle 498 5/6


Line three. Don't ask what was going on there. All I can say was very distracted trying to do several things at once and the dogs not recognising the clocks going back and demanding lunch. Had a hunch about an American word with a seldom used letter and just did the crazy knee jerk thing. About half an hour today and less enjoyable than usual.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on October 31, 2022, 11:03:35 AM
Wordle 499 4/6*


Quite an interesting challenge today, but not too long timewise.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on October 31, 2022, 11:28:29 AM
Wordle 499 5/6


Had to sacrifice a letter on line three just to come up with a word to move on. That juggled things quite nicely but still took a bit of head scratching. 12 minutes today.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on October 31, 2022, 05:52:12 PM
I was defeated again. I was outraged when my third word wasn't accepted as the solution. And rightly so, because I had to give up about an hour later.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on November 01, 2022, 10:22:06 AM
Huge relief this morning. Not sure how I'd have taken three defeats in a row. I must say though, my second and third choices were both rather fortunate. The solution is a questionable word IMO, but luckily there was only one vaguely viable option.

All done in about 3 minutes.

Wordle 500 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on November 01, 2022, 11:07:35 AM
Wordle 500 5/6*


I concur James - that solution looks somewhat dubious.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on November 01, 2022, 11:57:20 AM
Wordle 500 3/6


Boo! That's not a word. Worried that my second line was a racist word, but seems the "solution" might also be questionable in that regard (as well as smelling (tree-ey). An off day for the editor I think. 5 minutes today.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on November 02, 2022, 09:33:28 AM
Wordle 501 3/6


Very quick, about 35 seconds.

The solution is a word that I considered using as a starting word on Monday! To reflect my performance from the previous day.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on November 02, 2022, 10:47:11 AM
Wordle 501 2/6


Thank you James. My quickest ever at about one minute due to your clue. First guess wrong but gave me four letters. Please don't be offended if you figure out my initial attempt as it's not an opinion.😁

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on November 02, 2022, 03:36:40 PM
Wordle 501 3/6*


I did in about a minute too. My starting word was one that popped into my head - NACHO. My 2nd word lead very quickly to the final solution. Ooh - FINAL, might use that one day.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on November 03, 2022, 09:15:09 AM

About 8 seconds. Pure luck.

Wordle 502 2/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on November 03, 2022, 11:04:31 AM
Wordle 502 4/6


About seven minutes due to me noseying at a police helicopter hovering nearby. Tried a might not be a word third line, then kicked myself as it was so close to the solution but didn't enter my thoughts.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on November 03, 2022, 11:54:12 AM
Don't let them take you alive
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on November 03, 2022, 02:16:14 PM
Wordle 502 3/6*


Annoyed a little - I didn't move one of the 2 yellow letters from the 1st attempt. Stupid! And it was such a good start with such an unassuming word - BOARD.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on November 03, 2022, 03:37:00 PM
Quote from: Slim on November 03, 2022, 11:54:12 AMDon't let them take you alive

Sadly, the body of a 59 year old man was discovered at a loch close to my home. Tragic.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on November 04, 2022, 10:19:18 AM
Wordle 503 5/6


Pretty much figured out what the last three letters had to be but still couldn't work it out for quite a while. Feel a bit thick when that happens. Twelve minutes today.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on November 04, 2022, 11:57:54 AM
Wordle 503 4/6*


About 2 minutes today.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on November 04, 2022, 05:28:16 PM
Good one this morning. Fortunate with the second word, though it took me a few minutes to think of the solution even with three letters in place.

I was sure that no word existed starting with PHO that didn't have N as the fourth letter. But I went through all of the available letters, methodically plugging them into the fourth position until the solution was obvious.

Wordle 503 3/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on November 05, 2022, 10:09:04 AM
Wordle 504 2/6


I wish I'd set a stopwatch today. Must have been around ten seconds.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on November 05, 2022, 10:21:24 AM
Well this one really annoyed me. Took about a minute but agonisingly, the solution is one of my regular starting words.

Wordle 504 3/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on November 05, 2022, 11:07:27 AM
Wordle 504 5/6*


Not long to do, but given the 3 central letters, it could have been worse I think.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on November 05, 2022, 03:21:36 PM
Quote from: The Picnic Wasp on November 05, 2022, 10:09:04 AMWordle 504 2/6


I wish I'd set a stopwatch today. Must have been around ten seconds.

I was so pleased about this I was sorry that I was the first in today as I so wanted to use the tabloid headline;

GREAT start
DREAM finish

I need to get a life.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on November 06, 2022, 08:54:34 AM
Wordle 505 3/6


Very quick again, about 30 seconds.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on November 06, 2022, 11:26:29 AM
Wordle 505 4/6


One minute today. This can't last.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on November 06, 2022, 05:04:58 PM
Wordle 505 5/6*


Great result from my starting word, but so many possibilities for the remaining 2 letters I thought I might have been defeated.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on November 07, 2022, 11:05:33 AM
Wordle 506 4/6


Slow progress. Took a long time to think of the solution word, even though it's relatively common. I'd guess a few people got it in one today, it's not a bad starting word either.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on November 07, 2022, 11:37:09 AM
Wordle 506 4/6


Two minutes. A good steady progress day.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on November 07, 2022, 03:49:04 PM
Wordle 506 4/6*


Pretty quick today with another good result from a random starting word - NAIVE.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on November 08, 2022, 09:43:09 AM
Wordle 507 5/6


Slow progress, took about four minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on November 08, 2022, 10:41:24 AM
Wordle 507 5/6


Not paying attention on line three, so lucky to get away with it. Thought I might run out of lines as I knew of at least one other possibility for the solution, but got there in the end. Five minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on November 08, 2022, 11:09:59 AM
Maybe we can have an internal BTW Wordle competition.

I'll keep score over the next ten games. Fewest overall number of goes wins.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on November 08, 2022, 11:46:44 AM
Wordle 507 5/6*


Thought I had in 2 today, but not quite!
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on November 08, 2022, 11:47:41 AM
Quote from: Slim on November 08, 2022, 11:09:59 AMMaybe we can have an internal BTW Wordle competition.

I'll keep score over the next ten games. Fewest overall number of goes wins.
Sounds good to me.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on November 08, 2022, 01:06:58 PM
Quote from: Slim on November 08, 2022, 11:09:59 AMMaybe we can have an internal BTW Wordle competition.

I'll keep score over the next ten games. Fewest overall number of goes wins.

Oh dear! Pressure! I can feel myself crumble already.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on November 09, 2022, 10:12:38 AM
Six seconds!
Wordle 508 2/6


Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on November 09, 2022, 10:14:13 AM
Wordle 508 3/6*


<Sigh> I thought I did well until I saw your result!
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on November 09, 2022, 10:54:33 AM
Wordle 508 4/6


Gutted! A more regularly used start word would have taken me almost straight there. The irony of the solution too. My dogs have turned part of the garden into a quagmire recently.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on November 09, 2022, 11:00:16 AM
I was fortunate in that my most frequently-used starting word (TRAIN) had four of the solution letters in the right order. So a possible solution presented itself immediately.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on November 09, 2022, 01:58:39 PM
Shall we say that a complete failure is an 8? They aren't common fortunately but they'd need to be counted somehow. A 7 presumes that you'd get it on the next go which is not necessarily true.

Of course it's just a bit of fun and perhaps I'm overthinking it.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on November 09, 2022, 06:35:03 PM
Quote from: Slim on November 09, 2022, 01:58:39 PMShall we say that a complete failure is an 8? They aren't common fortunately but they'd need to be counted somehow. A 7 presumes that you'd get it on the next go which is not necessarily true.

Of course it's just a bit of fun and perhaps I'm overthinking it.
So more overthinking then . . .

Perhaps score in reverse order? 6 points for getting it in one (no extra points - as that is just luck really), and 1 point for getting it on the 6th attempt.

Then if you fail completely, you get 0.

So today you score 5, I score 4 and The Picnic Wasp gets 3.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on November 10, 2022, 09:40:55 AM
Wordle 509 3/6


Pretty quick today. The second word was more helpful than it looks, because the second yellow had to be in one of the first two positions. And there was no way on Earth that the two yellow letters could be side by side in the first two positions. Therefore the penultimate letter of the solution was already known.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on November 10, 2022, 10:25:16 AM
Wordle 509 4/6


Bah! Fie! Fiddlesticks!

Should've clawed a point back there but went for the anagram of the solution on line three. About two minutes though as a new random start word was quite useful, so mustn't complain. All still to play for.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on November 10, 2022, 11:56:24 AM
Wordle 509 3/6*


Another quick one today. I simply reversed the 2 yellow letters in the 2nd word and the answer popped into my head. It could have been other words though, so I count myself lucky to have picked the correct one.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on November 11, 2022, 10:08:43 AM
Wordle 510 4/6*


Bit more of a challenge today I thought.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on November 11, 2022, 10:52:03 AM
Wordle 510 4/6


I really need to stop the random way I select a start word and stick to a plan. Nearly went with VOCAL which would have given me a nice little last two letters start (although a V is a bit adventurous). But no, decided on BROTH with only one vowel but felt like inspiration (but wasn't). Three buts in that sentence. Messy!
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on November 11, 2022, 11:20:25 AM
Wordle 510 5/6


Got stuck after the second word, for a while. My cycling habit arguably gave me a disadvantage on the fourth word.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on November 11, 2022, 01:02:06 PM
So after four days, the scoreboard looks like this:


Interestingly I have the best and worst scores; I'm statistically the least consistent player.

Still everything to play for.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on November 12, 2022, 08:11:56 AM
Wordle 511 4/6


About 15 minutes, most of it pondering the clues from the second word, which I did find a bit confounding for a while. I was delighted to think of a word to fit. Disappointed and surprised it wasn't the solution, but going through the remaining possibilities in my head suggested another candidate within a minute or so.

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on November 12, 2022, 11:27:25 AM
Wordle 511 4/6


I knew I needed to make up some ground today but alas, it was not to be. I tried for some inspiration, picking a Rush song TEARS as my start word. Good start but came to nought when superstition had to be replaced by thinking. I thought I had it on three, but I'll use being distracted by the roofer arriving to repair a hip tile as my reason for a stupid error. Onwards.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on November 12, 2022, 12:18:17 PM
Wordle 511 4/6*


I thought I would start with a LAUGH today. Steady progress after that, with a time of I guess around 6 or 7 minutes.

I try to start with a 2 vowel word, but mix up those 2 vowels on different days.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on November 13, 2022, 09:33:36 AM
Wordle 512 3/6*


About 2 minutes today. Pretty good starting word.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on November 13, 2022, 10:53:37 AM
Wordle 512 2/6


Good old GRAIN! Once I had mentally juggled the letters I could only think of two possibilities. I wasn't sure that one was actually a real word so this fell nicely for me today. About three minutes mostly spent worrying that I was being hasty.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on November 13, 2022, 12:43:13 PM
Wordle 512 4/6


I was reluctant to use DREAM as a starting word today because it was the solution a few days ago - and therefore it wasn't going to to be the solution today. Of course the odds against getting it in one are very high, but I don't like to rule it out.

Nonetheless I did use DREAM. It wasn't very useful.

I was stuck for ten minutes after the third word - even though I had three in place. Ended up writing down all of the possible first letters and going through candidates for the fourth letter methodically against all of them. I ruled out some of the first letters beforehand of course, eg it was never going to be XNA-E or HNA-E.

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on November 14, 2022, 07:41:23 AM
Wordle 513 3/6*


Quite pleased with that.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on November 14, 2022, 10:17:06 AM
Wordle 513 4/6


About 5 minutes.

By the way the live scoreboard can be seen here (
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on November 14, 2022, 10:39:37 AM
Wordle 513 5/6


😢 picked the wrong tree. Let's just call line 2 a typo.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on November 15, 2022, 09:07:22 AM
Wordle 514 3/6*


Another good result for me today. I wonder if I am starting to 'get in their heads' a little.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on November 15, 2022, 10:39:52 AM
So close to getting it in two.

Wordle 514 3/6


Took a while to think of a second word to fit.

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on November 15, 2022, 10:44:22 AM
Wordle 514 3/6


Went quickly and well today. Fortunately I ditched my initial start word idea which had been niggling away at me since yesterday and just picked something sensible. It was a hole-in-one fantasy notion, buy hey, desperate times. Not as desperate as the weather. I think there's been an unreported partial eclipse. So dark and miserable.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on November 15, 2022, 10:48:07 AM
Oh dear! All in now and nobody tripped up badly today. Sorry to sound so ungracious. It's only a game.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on November 15, 2022, 10:48:11 AM
Two rounds left ..
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on November 15, 2022, 10:48:52 AM
Quote from: The Picnic Wasp on November 15, 2022, 10:48:07 AMOh dear! All in now and nobody tripped up badly today. Sorry to sound so ungracious. It's only a game.

There's a strong element of chance, as well.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on November 15, 2022, 10:50:09 AM
I should be grateful that I don't have the SYRUP egg on my face today. 😂
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on November 16, 2022, 09:48:17 AM
Wordle 515 4/6


About 5 mins.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on November 16, 2022, 10:57:05 AM
Wordle 515 X/6


Took ages for a big fat fail. I was determined to get this on three, but the number of possibilities conspired against me. I'll get my coat.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on November 16, 2022, 06:31:41 PM
Wordle 515 3/6*


Well - a great starting word, inspired by last night's GBBO final (BREAD). How close I was with my thought! Should have had it in 2 in hindsight. I really feel Picnic's pain - we have all been in that position more than once :(
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on November 16, 2022, 07:02:16 PM
So with all the penultimate round scores in, it's Reg's to lose on 34 points. Mathematically, I could still win (only 3 points behind). I could still come third, as well. Both highly improbable, I feel.


Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on November 16, 2022, 07:08:04 PM
Quote from: R6GYY on November 16, 2022, 06:31:41 PMWordle 515 3/6*


Well - a great starting word, inspired by last night's GBBO final (BREAD). How close I was with my thought! Should have had it in 2 in hindsight. I really feel Picnic's pain - we have all been in that position more than once :(

What a spooky choice Reg, well done. I almost started with SYRUP the day after MAPLE was the conclusion. I know full well that Wordle doesn't operate that way, but my "desperation" made me hope that the new editor perhaps has a Canadian connection (and maybe a sense of humour). Kicking myself today though as I changed my start word with at the last minute. It was going to be TOKEN which would have given me a great chance of an early guess. I steered away from the letter K though and opted for TEACH. That'll teach me. Good luck to you both for tomorrow. I'll be really annoyed if I hit an ace.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on November 17, 2022, 08:29:20 AM
Wordle 516 3/6*


3 minutes, of which 1 was spent deciding on a starting word sufficiently different from yesterday.

Bad start but a good recovery. When I saw the last 2 letters turn green, and given the limited vowels left to play with, the answer was obvious.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on November 17, 2022, 09:39:31 AM

Wordle 516 4/6


Well, that's me back to boring old consistency.

Well done Reg! 👏 👍
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on November 17, 2022, 10:18:53 AM
Wordle 516 4/6


Kicked myself because I actually thought of the solution before my third word. I eschewed it because it had a repeated letter, and because it seemed too commonplace. Ah well lesson learned.

So: Reg increased his lead at the last gasp there, for a decisive victory. Also a very consistent performance, solving it in 3 goes 8 times out of 10. But Picnic and I can console ourselves with the joint best score.


That was fun, let's do one again some time - maybe over Christmas? If you were to miss a day you can use and retrospective entries would be accepted.

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on November 18, 2022, 10:16:42 AM
Wordle 517 3/6


Oh come on Tracy Bennett! There's a whole world of 5 letter words out there that people actually use. I got lucky with my second guess, but I had to resort to trawling the dictionary to find a possible solution. That's not fun. Strangely it didn't take that long, but that's not the point.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on November 18, 2022, 10:52:31 AM
Wordle 517 4/6


Slim pickings on my first two. Took about 5 minutes after the third word to think of a word to fit. I was very confident it was the right word, nothing else would have worked. I was already certain of the third letter. Couldn't be anything else.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on November 18, 2022, 10:57:54 AM
Wordle 517 4/6*


I had a key letter from the off which helped.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Pudders on November 18, 2022, 08:32:43 PM
Wordle 517 3/6


Thought I'd just drop in with this one today. Used one of my usual start words, then a back up and still little joy. Was rescued by the fact that on the odd occasion I do the multi board games I use a third word to get more letters out and, with a hint from the previous guess, went with it and struck lucky ;)
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on November 18, 2022, 09:40:45 PM
Oh well, it wasn't just me then. BTW players should be proud.

A certain word has infuriated a number of Wordle players who struggled to solve a particularly uncommon five-letter word on Friday, November 18, 2022.

Wordle players have been totally stumped by yet another tricky five-letter word as the game makers at the New York Times challenged players to solve an unfamiliar word.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on November 19, 2022, 09:10:03 AM
Wordle 518 4/6


Quick one, about a minute.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on November 19, 2022, 10:35:13 AM
Wordle 518 3/6


Cracking start today. Could have been a two if I'd just taken a bit more time.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on November 19, 2022, 03:50:12 PM
Wordle 518 4/6*


Thought I was being clever with my 3rd word but I missed the boat this time. I might have had in 3 but there you go.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on November 20, 2022, 09:41:03 AM
Wordle 519 5/6


Below-par performance this morning. Didn't take the greatest care with my choices, they were a bit lazy.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on November 20, 2022, 11:43:16 AM
Wordle 519 3/6


Yeah, story of my life. Hit a run of form when it doesn't matter.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on November 20, 2022, 02:41:51 PM
Wordle 519 6/6*


Only just scraped by today.  One of those words with plenty of options though.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on November 21, 2022, 12:24:43 PM
Wordle 520 3/6*


About 3 minutes today. The yellow letter from the 1st entry proved to be very helpful. This ended up being the last letter.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on November 21, 2022, 12:50:26 PM
Wordle 520 4/6


Quite straightforward progress today. Getting the first and last on line three was a great help.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on November 21, 2022, 02:55:57 PM
About five hours of elapsed time today, including at least ninety minutes of concentration.

Wordle 520 5/6


I rejoiced when I finally found a third word to fit, so I was outraged when it turned out not to be the solution. Twenty minutes of exasperation later I found a fourth word and again, to my profound chagrin, no joy.

But the solution came about twenty seconds later. Very satisfying in the end. Not exactly a stellar performance but what a relief.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on November 22, 2022, 09:47:39 AM
Wordle 521 3/6


Very quick one this morning, less than a minute.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on November 22, 2022, 11:50:00 AM
Wordle 521 5/6*


Slightly longer for me - but still over in a couple of minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on November 22, 2022, 01:01:00 PM
Wordle 521 4/6


Yes, very quick today. Thought I had it on three.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on November 23, 2022, 10:08:32 AM
My quickest one ever, about 6 seconds.

Wordle 522 2/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on November 23, 2022, 10:18:30 AM
Wordle 522 6/6*


Quite quick, but skin of my teeth today!
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on November 23, 2022, 01:21:02 PM
Wordle 522 3/6


About two minutes today. I was glad when the solution unveiled as I am having one of those low ebb patience days.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on November 24, 2022, 09:50:20 AM
Wordle 523 3/6


About a minute today. Good to get the middle and last on first guess.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on November 24, 2022, 09:56:07 AM
Two minutes, most of it thinking about the third word.

Wordle 523 3/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on November 24, 2022, 02:49:05 PM
Wordle 523 3/6*


Less than 2 minutes today.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on November 25, 2022, 08:31:33 AM
Wordle 524 3/6


Spent about 15 minutes scratching my head trying to think of a third word to fit. Then I did something else for a few minutes. Then when I returned to the task, I saw a word that worked within a few seconds. I was pretty confident it was the solution; don't think there's another word that would have worked.

Just tested that theory with an online Wordle solver I've just found and there are three, although I've never heard of one of them.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on November 25, 2022, 11:13:50 AM
Wordle 524 3/6*


Great result on the 2nd word, but I struggled for a few minutes as I was thrown by those 4 letters actually being a word. Then I smacked my head and just moved all 4 letters one space to the left, and tagged the required letter onto the end to make the solution.

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on November 25, 2022, 11:52:23 AM
Wordle 524 2/6


Good choice of start word today, STING. Went on the hunch I was first and got it after a quick head scratch (sorry).
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on November 25, 2022, 12:25:02 PM
Quote from: The Picnic Wasp on November 25, 2022, 11:52:23 AMWordle 524 2/6


Good choice of start word today, STING. Went on the hunch I was first and got it after a quick head scratch (sorry).


I beat you to it.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on November 25, 2022, 12:31:41 PM
Sorry, didn't notice. Not the most sensible thread in which to plagiarise.😁

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on November 26, 2022, 09:34:38 AM
Wordle 525 4/6


Took a while. 15 minutes or so.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on November 26, 2022, 11:44:38 AM
Wordle 525 3/6


Quite quick today. About four minutes. Having a definite run of fortune with regards to the position of correctly guessed letters.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on November 26, 2022, 01:11:23 PM
Wordle 525 4/6*


Not a particularly exciting word today. Couple of minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on November 27, 2022, 09:12:58 AM
Wordle 526 4/6


Slim pickings from the first couple of words there, but only took 2 minutes.

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on November 27, 2022, 01:14:15 PM
Wordle 526 5/6*


Slow start, and in hindsight, it could have been a worse result so I count myself lucky here.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on November 27, 2022, 02:18:30 PM
Wordle 526 3/6


Very, very lucky guess on three. Felt I was going nowhere until they all turned green.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on November 28, 2022, 10:38:16 AM
Wordle 527 3/6*


Probably a 15 minute break after the 2nd go for brunch.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on November 28, 2022, 10:51:28 AM
Wordle 527 3/6


Took a very long time to think of a second word to fit, but the third came quickly after that.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on November 28, 2022, 12:46:08 PM
Wordle 527 3/6


Annoyed at myself. If I had taken another few seconds to read my initial successes in reverse order, I think it would have been a two.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on November 29, 2022, 09:44:11 AM
Wordle 528 3/6*


Aha! Got in their headspace today I think  8)
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on November 29, 2022, 10:55:49 AM
Wordle 528 4/6


Took a long time between the third and fourth, was very pleased when I saw it.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on November 29, 2022, 12:54:45 PM
Wordle 528 6/6


Didn't think it was happening for me today. Just those two letters after each crazy guess.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on November 30, 2022, 10:14:07 AM
Wordle 529 6/6*


So nearly blew it today - although I am not sure if there were any (or many) more possibilities.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on November 30, 2022, 10:26:17 AM
Wordle 529 2/6


Tried a different starting word today, one I didn't think was a particularly good one. But I wanted to do something a bit different. All over in a minute!

I think my second word choice was lucky, perhaps I'll have a look to see how many options I had with an online solver later.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on November 30, 2022, 11:48:14 AM
Wordle 529 5/6


Bad start, then good progress on line two. Seemed it should have been easier when only one vowel available, but turned out there were a number of possibilities, so two misses thereafter.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on December 01, 2022, 09:55:26 AM
Took a while pondering the fourth word, maybe ten minutes. Started going through the possibilities methodically and it came quickly after that.

Wordle 530 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on December 01, 2022, 11:48:35 AM
Wordle 530 6/6


Very nearly chucked it today and was about to throw anything in to reveal the solution when the second letter fell in by chance. Not enjoyable. Just addiction. Took around 30 minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on December 01, 2022, 10:10:41 PM
Wordle 530 4/6


Took about 5 minutes today. Mostly thinking about the 4th word. I was actually taken a little by surprise when my 3rd word was accepted as valid. All the regulars have posted now - so no spoilers in saying that it was "ENLIT". I have looked it up since, and it is a valid word, just not one that I was aware of until now.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on December 02, 2022, 09:22:45 AM
Wordle 531 3/6


Pretty quick today, 3 or 4 mins.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on December 02, 2022, 11:07:38 AM
Wordle 531 4/6*


Poor start, but I had a bit of inspiration with the 4th word, and of course, I had already eliminated quite a few possible letters.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on December 02, 2022, 12:23:31 PM
Wordle 531 4/6


Being too random with my starts. I need to stick to a more regimented formula and not work against the law of averages. It must just be that thought of how good a hole-in -one would be. No dramas though, steady build in about five minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on December 03, 2022, 08:29:56 AM
Wordle 532 4/6*


A word popped into my head this morning which I thought might be a good starter. It wasn't! Followed by another line of blanks. Not too long to crack it after that.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on December 03, 2022, 11:40:34 AM
Wordle 532 3/6


Bad start but eliminated useful vowels. Good to get three on the second line, but slow thinking this morning meant is was a fair old while until I got there.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on December 03, 2022, 09:54:13 PM
Wordle 532 4/6


Took about 15 minutes. Nearly all the words I could think of ending in O had already been eliminated, so I had high hopes for my second go. Made an error on the third by not including the second O which was already known.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on December 04, 2022, 11:21:31 AM
Wordle 533 4/6


About ten minutes. Weirdly the solution didn't jump out at me straight away after line three.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on December 04, 2022, 12:30:50 PM
Wordle 533 4/6


Hard one today. Getting four of the letters in the second go seemed to be more of a curse than a blessing. About 25 minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on December 04, 2022, 03:36:21 PM
Wordle 533 5/6*


Quite a challenge today, and I agree with James that having quite a few of the letters wasn't immediately helpful. I spent about 10 minutes working out my 4th attempt.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on December 05, 2022, 08:24:57 AM
Five minutes, but took six goes.

Wordle 534 6/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on December 05, 2022, 08:59:23 AM
Wordle 534 5/6*


About the same time as James, and I we had the same result with the 3rd letter.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on December 05, 2022, 11:23:56 AM
Wordle 534 4/6


Made another of my daft errors on line three, as I had a gut feeling about double letters today (wrong again). Fortunately very little collateral damage due to picking up the first two with my too hasty guess. Three minutes today with a niggle that it could have been a wipe-out.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on December 06, 2022, 09:59:23 AM
Wordle 535 5/6*


Steady progress, and all over in a few minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on December 06, 2022, 10:18:32 AM
About 20 minutes, most of it spent on the last entry.

Wordle 535 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on December 06, 2022, 11:11:38 AM
Wordle 535 4/6


Surprised and pleased that guess three AMOUR was permitted as it was a great help. About five minutes today.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on December 07, 2022, 09:26:31 AM
Wordle 536 4/6*


A little worried after the 1st 2 attempts, but pulled it back with my 3rd word. Couple of minutes today.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on December 07, 2022, 10:40:11 AM
Wordle 536 4/6


Quick one for a change, about three minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on December 07, 2022, 02:32:40 PM
Wordle 536 4/6


Lucky guess on three which gave me a BOOST. "Slightly rippled with a flat underside". I liked that Vic & Bob ad. I also think Bob's new partnership with Paul Whitehouse works brilliantly. I'd like to see them develop that outwith Gone Fishing. Sorry. Incorrect thread content twice there.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on December 08, 2022, 10:05:44 AM
Wordle 537 X/6*


Well, it has been a long time since I had a complete failure, but there it is.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on December 08, 2022, 10:38:28 AM
Five goes, but pretty quick - maybe three minutes.

Wordle 537 5/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on December 08, 2022, 01:40:45 PM
Wordle 537 3/6


Wow! One minute. Disaster start with LUCKY on a whim. Switched to TRAIN and bingo. Quickest for a long time. Niggling regret that I didn't begin with TRAIN though. Could've been a line two finish. Oh well. Guaranteed any kind of form will evaporate if there is a Christmas contest.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on December 08, 2022, 06:44:38 PM
How about we have a Christmas Wordle league starting on 14th Dec and culminating on 24th - everyone up for that? Same points system as before. If you miss a day due to other commitments you can make a late entry using at any time.

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on December 08, 2022, 07:40:20 PM
I'm up for that James. I wonder if we will get any more takers beyond the usual 3.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on December 08, 2022, 09:26:59 PM
Sounds good to me. Eleven days of disastrous form awaits me. Pity I can't use HUMBUG. Hey, there's an idea! Maybe we should have to use a different Christmas related word as a start line each day and declare it after all entries are in. I'm claiming HOLLY right now as I can't think of any others off the top of my head. I think Fishy has mentioned playing Wordle before but I think he's relying on C*#*Y as the solution. Not very Christmassy. Matt probably wouldn't be interested in a contest where the words only have five letters.😉 Sorry Matt.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on December 09, 2022, 09:08:31 AM
Wordle 538 6/6*


Crikey. That was another hairy one. Nearly blew it again.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on December 09, 2022, 10:30:35 AM
I tried a new first word, which drew a blank. My second word was very useful. But I wish I'd had a more thorough look before deploying the third word, which was a long shot. All done in about three minutes anyway.

Wordle 538 4/6


Pleasantly symmetrical, if nothing else.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on December 09, 2022, 11:31:08 AM
Yeah I enjoy wordle and nerdle...
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on December 09, 2022, 01:09:34 PM
Wordle 538 3/6


Thank you Reg! New start word gave me a D so I went with your Bake Off inspired BREAD. Shooty-in after that. One minute, maybe less. Dreading the 14th 😁
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on December 09, 2022, 02:13:29 PM
Quote from: Fishy on December 09, 2022, 11:31:08 AMYeah I enjoy wordle and nerdle...

Are you in then? All you need to do is post your Wordle results here on the 11 days from 14th - 24th Dec. If you miss a day you can use the historical Wordle site to do one you've missed, and post it here whenever.

Everyone welcome :)
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on December 09, 2022, 03:29:56 PM
How do I post the result without showing the letters...?
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on December 09, 2022, 04:55:25 PM
Quote from: Fishy on December 09, 2022, 03:29:56 PMHow do I post the result without showing the letters...?

On the web version: if you click on the little bar chart icon at the top right you get a "share" button - click that and it will copy the little pictogram to your clipboard.

Then just do 'paste' in a post:

Wordle 538 4/6


Alternatively - just post how many goes it took as that's all the score's based on. That would do just as well.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on December 09, 2022, 05:14:29 PM
Wordle 538 5/6


Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on December 09, 2022, 07:15:23 PM
Dammit! Looks like I'll be fourth now. Didn't realise third was the glory days.😁
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on December 10, 2022, 09:56:18 AM
Wordle 539 5/6


Interesting one, that. I tried the N in every single position.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on December 10, 2022, 11:19:47 AM
Wordle 539 4/6*


I was getting a worried a little after rattling through the first 3 attempts, then sat back for a few minutes exploring possibilities and came up with what I thought was a good word to fit, and it did  8) .
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on December 10, 2022, 02:52:17 PM
Wordle 539 X/6


Failed. Got a last ditch chance and picked the wrong one.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on December 10, 2022, 03:02:30 PM
Wordle 539 5/6

Found that very tough.. that's taken me the whole day on and off...
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on December 11, 2022, 09:05:18 AM
Wordle 540 4/6

Bit quicker today
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on December 11, 2022, 10:30:34 AM
Wordle 540 X/6



Tough one, that.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on December 11, 2022, 03:30:39 PM
Wordle 540 5/6*


That could have been worse.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on December 11, 2022, 04:00:45 PM
Wordle 540 4/6


Difficult today. Always hate the ending in an E words.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on December 12, 2022, 07:37:49 AM
Wordle 541 4/6


Interesting one today and pretty quick for me
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on December 12, 2022, 10:03:41 AM
Wordle 541 3/6


Very pleasing one today. Didn't expect my third word to come up all in green. About 5 minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on December 12, 2022, 01:54:56 PM
Wordle 541 4/6*


Almost had it in 3. I think my 3rd word was more pleasing, but it wasn't correct.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on December 12, 2022, 07:38:51 PM
Wordle 541 2/6


I have no idea how this just happened. Hand on heart, nothing dodgy occurred. Very bad hangover today with sludge running through my brain for most of it. Weird beyond belief.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on December 13, 2022, 07:56:59 AM
Wordle 542 4/6


Pretty quick today and quite fitting😀
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on December 13, 2022, 08:03:33 AM
Wordle 542 5/6


Quick one for me too. Five mins.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on December 13, 2022, 01:36:15 PM
Wordle 542 5/6*


Thought I had it in 2 for a brief moment!
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on December 13, 2022, 02:54:50 PM
Wordle 542 3/6


Nearly another two. What's going on? The next few days are going to be a joke.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on December 13, 2022, 05:22:53 PM
So fatalist.

Anyway! So as of tomorrow results will be recorded in a league table, culminating with the Dec 24th entries. Participants are requested to visit this thread (or others on the web) only after completing their own effort, as even the pictograms can yield useful clues.

The Reg Wordle Scoring SystemTM will be used: 0 points if you fail, 1 if you get it in 6, 2 if you get it in 5 - and so on.

Retrospective entries will be accepted if you miss a day, please use or an equivalent site to do the one you missed.

Best of luck everyone and remember - there are no losers. The winning's in the taking part.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on December 13, 2022, 05:43:40 PM
Better get my game face on  8)
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on December 14, 2022, 10:33:31 AM
Wordle 543 5/6


Manchester United style start to the season.

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on December 14, 2022, 10:52:02 AM
Wordle 543 4/6


Took me an age from choice 3 to 4.. just could not think of a word
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on December 14, 2022, 11:25:19 AM
Wordle 543 6/6


Bad start. Very nearly a fail. Early days.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on December 14, 2022, 04:36:56 PM
Wordle 543 5/6*


Not an auspicious start. Nice one Fishy - you take an early lead  :)
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on December 14, 2022, 05:11:43 PM
Quote from: R6GYY on December 14, 2022, 04:36:56 PMWordle 543 5/6*


Not an auspicious start. Nice one Fishy - you take an early lead  :)

I'm sure it won't last🙄
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on December 14, 2022, 05:30:21 PM
Well, we had no POWER for a couple of hours last night, and no WATER when we got up this morning, so I thought I would go with one of those as a starter. I chose WATER as it was the most recent event. I wonder if I had gone with POWER and drawn a blank on the first go, would the end result have been better or worse.

I'll never know. Nothing to see here, just thinking out loud. Move along now.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on December 15, 2022, 08:58:07 AM
Wordle 544 4/6


Bit of luck there with the 4th guess
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on December 15, 2022, 09:40:16 AM
Wordle 544 4/6*


Slightly disappointed I didn't get it in 3. Ho hum.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on December 15, 2022, 10:20:45 AM
Wordle 544 5/6


Still kicking myself over a mistake, but marginally better than yesterday. Found it quite tough today.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on December 15, 2022, 10:46:43 AM
Wordle 544 3/6


Took me about 20 minutes to think of the third word. I'd resigned myself to returning to it after my bike ride but had one last look, and it popped into my head. Would have been very annoyed if it wasn't the solution!

Made up a little bit of ground there.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on December 16, 2022, 08:51:00 AM
Wordle 545 6/6


Bit of scramble there to get it in 6.. phew indeed....
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on December 16, 2022, 09:32:54 AM
Wordle 545 X/6*


And sadly, failure for me  :(
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on December 16, 2022, 09:44:38 AM
Wordle 545 4/6


Nearly had it in three .. should have had a better look at my options
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on December 16, 2022, 11:29:41 AM
Wordle 545 6/6


Dumb error again. Then picked the wrong option for four.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on December 16, 2022, 11:36:24 AM
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on December 17, 2022, 09:12:01 AM
Wordle 546 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on December 17, 2022, 11:06:12 AM
Wordle 546 3/6*


Woohoo! Big grin when that dropped in 3 after yesterday's failure.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on December 17, 2022, 11:10:14 AM
Wordle 546 5/6


Ridiculously, it took me about half an hour to find the solution with three green squares in place. I methodically went through every possible combination in my head, but I discounted that one because phonetically, it doesn't sound like a word - if you see what I mean.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on December 17, 2022, 11:24:11 AM
Wordle 546 3/6


Relief more than anything. Very quick today.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on December 18, 2022, 10:06:29 AM
Wordle 547 3/6


Shot in the dark guess for 3rd attempt which proved correct👍
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on December 18, 2022, 10:23:17 AM
Wordle 547 3/6*


I feel lucky to have got this on the 3rd attempt as there were perhaps so many possibilities.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on December 18, 2022, 10:47:22 AM
Wordle 547 2/6


Fortunate first word choice, though it's one of my regulars. The second word was the first one I found to fit! About three minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on December 18, 2022, 11:32:56 AM
Wordle 547 3/6


Good to get the last letter quite quickly and eliminate a middle possibility at the same time. Was left with a nervy go for line three and delighted when all went green. Just as well given everyone's performance today. James on the steroid Weetabix obvs. 😁
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on December 18, 2022, 11:50:42 AM
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on December 19, 2022, 08:08:42 AM
Wordle 548 4/6


Very quick, about a minute.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on December 19, 2022, 08:39:02 AM
Quite a few could have beens..... nice arrow diagram do I get a bonus point?? 🙄

Wordle 548 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on December 19, 2022, 09:42:32 AM
Wordle 548 3/6*


Another solid attempt today, aided by a good starting word.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on December 19, 2022, 11:43:08 AM
Wordle 548 5/6


Big grin on line two and then the realisation hit of just how many possibilities remained. Probably lucky to get there before my options ran out. All over very quickly.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on December 19, 2022, 02:23:00 PM
Now that all player's results are in, I can reveal that today's starting word, inspired by a film I am about to see, was WATER.

Followed by STEAM and finally the answer.

It just struck me that the 3 words reflected 3 states of matter. Liquid, gas, and finally solid.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on December 19, 2022, 04:59:35 PM
Past the half way point now and I have a slender lead! I'm sure I've peaked too early, Arsenal-style. You should be always be able to see the table here (; the spreadsheet will be updated daily of course.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on December 20, 2022, 09:07:36 AM
Wordle 549 3/6


Pretty quick, four or five minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on December 20, 2022, 09:19:02 AM
Wordle 549 4/6

Tricky one that but got there...
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on December 20, 2022, 10:09:51 AM
Wordle 549 3/6*


Given the limitations in vowel choice left to me after the first 2 efforts, the answer came fairly quickly after a couple of moments reflection.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on December 20, 2022, 11:46:31 AM
Wordle 549 3/6


Pinched one of Reg's start words in the hope it might bring me some luck. I'll send you some dough! 😂 It proved (sorry) quite useful but I don't think I've risen (and again) very far up the table. Crumbs, they were bad puns.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on December 21, 2022, 09:07:02 AM
Wordle 550 3/6


Pretty quick today
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on December 21, 2022, 10:00:08 AM
Wordle 550 3/6*


Conversely, it took me about 1/2 hour to come up with the 3rd word.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on December 21, 2022, 11:13:36 AM
Wordle 550 4/6


Nah! Needed a result today as I'm off the pace and still slipping. Went for the Google poll best start word, and although it hit three matches, I just could get anything to go green. You guys are too consistent. Maybe James will start a league division two.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on December 21, 2022, 11:32:51 AM
Wordle 550 3/6


This was very painful. Took me about an hour to see the third word. I was optimistic that I'd get it in three though, because there clearly weren't many words that would have worked (I suspect it was the only one). What a relief when I saw it.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on December 22, 2022, 09:28:38 AM
Wordle 551 3/6


From zero to hero.. that was lucky...
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on December 22, 2022, 10:37:34 AM
Wordle 551 5/6


The only words I can think of now are very bad ones. Chased a single letter all over the shop and couldn't buy a vowel. I shall limp on regardless with my Christmas smile painted on. Good luck guys it's all still there to play for.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on December 22, 2022, 12:18:09 PM
This was even more painful than yesterday.

Wordle 551 5/6


Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on December 22, 2022, 05:28:35 PM
Wordle 551 3/6*


Well I went with a SLICE of the BREAD that the Picnic Wasp started with the other day, and it was a very fruitful slice.

When I got the final 2 letters I had to think quite a bit to get a word ending with them.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on December 22, 2022, 06:29:16 PM
I actually thought of a word to fit - INCEL pretty soon after my third go. But I really wanted to get it in four, and I was pretty sure it wasn't the solution. In the end I gave up. Of course it didn't take long with three green squares in place.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on December 22, 2022, 06:51:04 PM
Quote from: Slim on December 19, 2022, 04:59:35 PMPast the half way point now and I have a slender lead! I'm sure I've peaked too early, Arsenal-style. You should be always be able to see the table here (; the spreadsheet will be updated daily of course.

Just quoting the post with the link to the table .. as you can see my lead has evaporated now. Still very close at the top of the table with one point separating the top three places. But mathematically, with two rounds to go, anyone can win it.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on December 23, 2022, 09:05:56 AM
Wordle 552 4/6*


I thought I would get in early today, as I've got a lot on. G'luck y'all.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on December 23, 2022, 10:25:37 AM
Wordle 552 4/6


Quick one this morning for a change, five minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on December 23, 2022, 11:06:45 AM
Wordle 552 3/6


That took an age to work out.. got there in the end...
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on December 23, 2022, 11:40:37 AM
Wordle 552 3/6


I really felt something was on for a moment. My start word ADORE popped in my head from Adeste Fideles and when three letters appeared including the first, I was sure divine intervention was at work and that a line two finish was a certainty. As you religious guys are all too aware these types of thoughts are sinful, so my arrogance was quickly put in check 😁. I wasn't quite sure where to place the smiley face in that last sentence. 😂
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on December 23, 2022, 12:13:43 PM
Well that's certainly set us up for a tantalising sprint finish tomorrow. Best of luck, everyone.

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on December 23, 2022, 12:49:05 PM
Wow! Looks like you might need to set up a tie-breaker James. Unless you all flop and I roll a six.😉
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on December 23, 2022, 12:52:03 PM
Well I could suggest that the person with the highest single score would win in the event of a tie, but - that would be a bit self-serving. Also it wouldn't usually work in the general case. We'll just settle for a tied first and/or second place.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on December 23, 2022, 02:54:25 PM
Good luck everyone.. it's quite exciting this😀
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on December 23, 2022, 03:04:56 PM
I agree James - we don't have to have a winner  :D
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on December 23, 2022, 03:17:47 PM
Quote from: R6GYY on December 23, 2022, 03:04:56 PMI agree James - we don't have to have a winner  :D

Humbug!!! I'm going for it! 😁🍾🏆🥇🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿😂
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on December 24, 2022, 08:15:13 AM
Very quick (three minutes), but a very average score..

Wordle 553 4/6


Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on December 24, 2022, 09:30:37 AM
Wordle 553 3/6


 Very lucky .. picked the correct one from quite a few possibles
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on December 24, 2022, 11:03:29 AM
Wordle 553 5/6


Oh well! Finished slightly better than I started. Playing my very best NP mental drum roll for you Fishy. But for me;

When the dust has cleared
And victory denied
A summit too lofty
River a little too wide

You guys are good!

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on December 24, 2022, 03:27:53 PM
Wordle 553 2/6*


Sorry guys. I had chosen my starting word, PEARL some time ago, and it gave me a great start.

I then ummed and ahhed between PIECE and POISE and Sian was taken a bit aback with all the shouting and fist-pumping that occurred when those letters all turned green.

She made some comment about me not being competitive.

Thanks y'all, and seasonal best wishes to everyone.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on December 24, 2022, 03:48:18 PM
Congrats, Reg! No need for penalties. A nice, conclusive result. Thanks everyone for taking part.

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on December 24, 2022, 04:38:24 PM
Yes, well done Reg. Saving the best 'til last you rascal! As James said, good to have a clear champion with no VAR. The stuff of relegation for me though.😢 I'm off to join a tiddlywinks league.

Thanks again folks. It was fun.

Have a happy, restful Christmas.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on December 24, 2022, 08:17:11 PM
Well done Reg👍  Have a good Christmas one and all👍🥃🍺
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on December 25, 2022, 10:55:06 AM
Wordle 554 2/6*


Woohoo! I'm on a roll!
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on December 25, 2022, 12:04:56 PM
Wordle 554 4/6


Another indifferent performance for me.

Sorry but you are not allowed to view spoiler contents.

Still, only took ten minutes. A spare five minutes this morning, and five just now.

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on December 25, 2022, 12:08:58 PM
Wordle 554 4/6


Got there in the end
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on December 25, 2022, 04:30:42 PM
Wordle 554 2/6


As Victor Meldrew would say, "I don't.........arrrggghh"!!!!!!! 😢😢😢
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on December 26, 2022, 09:45:48 AM
Wordle 555 5/6


Very linear progress. About 11 minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on December 26, 2022, 10:36:33 AM
Wordle 555 5/6*


Well, there goes my 'roll'  8)
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on December 26, 2022, 10:42:17 AM
Wordle 555 6/6


So many possibilities 🙄
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on December 26, 2022, 11:16:49 AM
Tough one today.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on December 26, 2022, 12:28:00 PM
Wordle 555 2/6


I need to only play this game when hungover. I can't quite take this in. Lucky first word STAGE which I'd never thought of before. Very quick today. Probably just over a minute.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on December 27, 2022, 10:34:57 AM
Wordle 556 X/6


Failure, today.

Sorry but you are not allowed to view spoiler contents.

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on December 27, 2022, 11:23:00 AM
Wordle 556 5/6*


Not quite a failure, but also not entirely happy with the word.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on December 27, 2022, 12:48:48 PM
Wordle 556 2/6


I'm in a state of disbelief so that no one else has to be. Bill Gates to thank for today's start word. I knew the solution was on a very short list and my other US inspired word had a yellow in the middle position. A poor solution for us Brits as we have to keep a part of our brain open to their little language foibles. Perhaps I should stop for a while. This'll never happen again.

PS - I'm glad this didn't occur during our competition. I think there would have been raised eyebrows.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on December 27, 2022, 01:35:25 PM
Wordle 556 4/6


That took all morning on and off...
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on December 28, 2022, 09:01:31 AM
Wordle 557 4/6


Was getting nowhere really tried a word ... sorted👍
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on December 28, 2022, 10:03:56 AM
Wordle 557 4/6


Really thought I'd got it on the third go .. but the solution came quickly after that. In effect I had four green squares.

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on December 28, 2022, 10:24:36 AM
Wordle 557 3/6*


About a minute today.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on December 28, 2022, 11:52:08 AM
Wordle 557 5/6


I feel a sense of reality has returned today. Tried the word INCEL James had mentioned the other day,which I wouldn't have conjured up for myself for line four. I think without those last two letters today would have been a fail, so thank you sir.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on December 29, 2022, 10:14:18 AM
Wordle 558 5/6


Tricky one that...
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on December 29, 2022, 10:20:49 AM
Wordle 558 3/6


Very good progress on the second word, but it still took four or five minutes to see the solution after that.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on December 29, 2022, 10:42:26 AM
Wordle 558 4/6


Quite lucky to hit so many letters by line three or this would have been a definite fail. A good Wordle example of moving letters out of impossible positions to where they might be correct. Fortunately not many possible solutions remained, but a strange one.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on December 29, 2022, 12:43:33 PM
Wordle 558 5/6*


Quite challenging today. Took me about an hour on and off.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on December 30, 2022, 09:49:41 AM
Wordle 559 6/6

Only just.....
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on December 30, 2022, 09:55:02 AM
Wordle 559 4/6*


Good starting word  :D
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on December 30, 2022, 10:23:44 AM
Wordle 559 4/6


Bit annoying today. Sometimes too many squares seem more of a hindrance. I suppose they aren't really.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on December 30, 2022, 11:45:02 AM
Wordle 559 X/6


Concentration rubbish today. Two mistakes and unbelievable wrong last choice considering I have the dentist in a couple of weeks to repair said broken item.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on December 31, 2022, 09:08:58 AM
Wordle 560 4/6


Last one of 2022
Something from nothing really...
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on December 31, 2022, 10:23:36 AM
Wordle 560 3/6


Quick one. Five minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on December 31, 2022, 10:54:09 AM
Wordle 560 X/6


Bit miffed to be honest. I was left with too many possibilities. I could have been guessing all day. Paying for my recent hat trick now.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on December 31, 2022, 12:40:29 PM
Wordle 560 5/6*


Took a few goes, but quite quick overall. About 3 minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on January 01, 2023, 09:36:02 AM
Wordle 561 4/6

Good start for the new year👍
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on January 01, 2023, 10:41:52 AM
Wordle 561 3/6*


About a minute, and so nearly done in 2  :D
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on January 01, 2023, 11:31:49 AM
Wordle 561 4/6


Three minutes. Different start word today, inspired by something that was on the radio a few minutes before I started. Just to try something different.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on January 01, 2023, 12:50:18 PM
Wordle 561 4/6


Very quick. Glad to get off to a decent start.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on January 02, 2023, 09:55:13 AM
Wordle 562 4/6*


Couple of minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on January 02, 2023, 10:02:41 AM
Wordle 562 3/6


About five minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on January 02, 2023, 11:21:09 AM
Wordle 562 3/6

Lucky with the second guess
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on January 02, 2023, 01:06:33 PM
Wordle 562 3/6


About two minutes today. Nice when it moves along the way you want.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on January 03, 2023, 09:07:37 AM
Wordle 563 4/6


Should have had it in 3...
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on January 03, 2023, 10:39:12 AM
Wordle 563 4/6*


About 10 minutes today.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on January 03, 2023, 11:25:12 AM
Wordle 563 4/6


Quite annoying because the solution is actually the first word I thought of for the second go. I discounted it because it's a word that is never used in the singular.

Anyway at least it all took no more than four minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on January 03, 2023, 01:22:27 PM
Wordle 563 2/6


Good start word and one that I use regularly but I have to be completely honest and state that I strayed from my usual M.O and read others' attempts before I began. James's comment probably gave me a bit of an unfair advantage with my guess.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on January 04, 2023, 09:43:03 AM
Wordle 564 5/6*


Annoyed with myself for a mistake on line 2. Should have had it in 4 I think but hey ho, no failure at least  :D
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on January 04, 2023, 10:18:42 AM
Wordle 564 5/6


Took a few goes to get there, but it only took three minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on January 04, 2023, 11:34:32 AM
Wordle 564 5/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on January 04, 2023, 02:06:13 PM
Wordle 564 5/6


Seemed a long time before anything turned green today. About five minutes all in.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on January 04, 2023, 02:09:07 PM
Very consistent performance across the board, today. Tough one.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on January 05, 2023, 08:49:23 AM
Wordle 565 5/6*


Another one done in 5. I think there was at least one more possibility given my options so it could have been worse.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on January 05, 2023, 09:48:40 AM
Wordle 565 5/6


Struggled a bit there
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on January 05, 2023, 10:07:17 AM
Quick one, about two minutes. I didn't really want to use a word with a repeated letter on the second go, but it turned out very well.

Wordle 565 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on January 05, 2023, 12:15:10 PM
Wordle 565 4/6


Always good to get a green on the first line and guess one also eliminated two vowels. Good fun after that and quite quick.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on January 05, 2023, 01:50:48 PM
Has anyone actually got the word first time ??? On checking my stats I got it correct twice  on the second go.... but never on the first
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on January 05, 2023, 02:43:25 PM
Quote from: Fishy on January 05, 2023, 01:50:48 PMHas anyone actually got the word first time ??? On checking my stats I got it correct twice  on the second go.... but never on the first

I was a bit obsessed with that thought for a wee while, to the point where I looked up the list of all the solutions there has already been. I just checked just now and the Scrabble dictionary lists 9,000 five letter words so I think the chances for any of us hitting that hole-in-one are limited (by our honesty!)😂
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on January 06, 2023, 09:54:30 AM
Quote from: Fishy on January 05, 2023, 01:50:48 PMHas anyone actually got the word first time ??? On checking my stats I got it correct twice  on the second go.... but never on the first

I haven't. Got it in two a few times. Closest I came was when one of my regular starting words was the solution, but of course I didn't use it that day.

Anyway .. today's was a bit tougher than usual. Took about twenty minutes.

Wordle 566 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on January 06, 2023, 12:01:08 PM
Wordle 566 6/6


Didn't think I would get it today. I was just firing in words as quickly as I could think of any and trying to avoid silly errors. A lucky day rather than a patient, thoughtful one.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on January 06, 2023, 12:49:35 PM
Wordle 566 3/6*


Aha! I got in their heads with my 3rd go  8)
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on January 07, 2023, 10:06:56 AM
Wordle 567 4/6


Lucky 3rd guess made it very easy
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on January 07, 2023, 10:17:39 AM
Wordle 567 4/6


7 or 8 minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on January 07, 2023, 11:23:28 AM
Wordle 567 4/6


My line three and four guesses amused me.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on January 07, 2023, 12:24:48 PM
Wordle 567 2/6*


Not quite in one.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on January 08, 2023, 09:40:20 AM
Remarkable one this morning.

Wordle 568 5/6


The odds of having the same three letters all miss their spot four times in a row must be very high. Of course with those three letters implicitly in place by the fifth go, the answer came quickly.

I shall record this one for posterity here:

Sorry but you are not allowed to view spoiler contents.

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on January 08, 2023, 09:43:15 AM
Wordle 568 3/6


Took ages to think of a third which turned out very lucky..
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on January 08, 2023, 11:24:04 AM
Wordle 568 3/6


That's the way Wordle should be and rarely is for me. A couple of letters to start including a green. Then either a first or last letter on the next. Bliss! Still took about four or five minutes with a bit of head scratching for the solution.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on January 08, 2023, 02:14:51 PM
Quote from: Slim on January 08, 2023, 09:40:20 AMThe odds of having the same three letters all miss their spot four times in a row must be very high.

I'll have a stab at this. Let's frame this as the probability of misplacing three letters which are present in a string of five letters, four times.

For the 1st row: the probability of misplacing the E is 4/5. Ditto the other two. So the probability of misplacing all three is (4/5)^3.

For the 2nd row: the odds are 3/4 (ie there are four places the E could go, three of them are wrong). So for all three it's (3/4)^3.

For the 3rd row it's (2/3)^3

For the 4th, (1/2)^3

Therefore the probability of misplacing all three four times in a row is: (4/5)^3 * (3/4)^3 * (2/3)^3 * (1/2)^3

= 0.512 * 0.421875 * 0.29629629629  * 0.125

Exactly 0.008, or a bit less than 1%.

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on January 08, 2023, 04:57:49 PM
Wordle 568 3/6*


Good choice of starting word today 👌
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on January 08, 2023, 06:51:25 PM
Quote from: Slim on January 08, 2023, 02:14:51 PMTherefore the probability of misplacing all three four times in a row is: (4/5)^3 * (3/4)^3 * (2/3)^3 * (1/2)^3

= 0.512 * 0.421875 * 0.29629629629  * 0.125

Exactly 0.008, or a bit less than 1%.

I worked this out using fractional arithmetic, to eliminate rounding error in the floating point maths.

So (4/5)^3 * (3/4)^3 * (2/3)^3 * (1/2)^3

is the same as

(4 * 4 * 4 * 3 * 3 * 3 * 2 * 2 * 2) / (5 * 5 * 5 * 4 * 4 * 4 * 3 * 3 * 3 * 2 * 2 * 2)

.. which comes to 13824 / 1728000

.. or 1/125

= 0.008
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on January 09, 2023, 08:55:10 AM
Wordle 569 6/6


Kin hell.. that was tough going...
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on January 09, 2023, 11:33:41 AM
Wordle 569 5/6


That was hard. Rapidly running out of letters.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on January 09, 2023, 12:46:26 PM
Wordle 569 5/6


Took all morning, and a bit of the afternoon. Seriously impacted my productivity.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on January 09, 2023, 01:40:43 PM
Wordle 569 6/6*


Grr - wasn't paying attention on my 3rd go. I re-used a yellow from the 1st back in the same place.

Should pay more attention dagnabit.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on January 10, 2023, 08:38:28 AM
Wordle 570 5/6

Terrible start but somehow managed to get there...
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on January 10, 2023, 09:41:28 AM
Wordle 570 5/6


At least it only took two minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on January 10, 2023, 11:57:48 AM
Wordle 570 3/6


Four minutes today. Enjoyed that. Thought I had a two.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on January 10, 2023, 12:58:31 PM
Wordle 570 3/6*


Very quick today, thanks to a very good result from my starting word.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on January 11, 2023, 08:29:07 AM
Wordle 571 3/6


Shot in the dark with the third guess which turned out to be the one
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on January 11, 2023, 09:52:22 AM
Wordle 571 4/6


Glad about that. Swithered for a while over one of two options for the solution and went the right way.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on January 11, 2023, 10:17:17 AM
Wordle 571 3/6


Nice & quick.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on January 11, 2023, 10:24:36 AM
Wordle 571 5/6*


Quite quick, but still challenging due to the possible combinations of where those 3 yellows could go.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on January 12, 2023, 08:35:19 AM
Wordle 572 6/6

Very lucky.. a few alternatives for the last guess..
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on January 12, 2023, 09:00:31 AM
Wordle 572 3/6


Good second word from a not so great start. Nice and quick today.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on January 12, 2023, 10:02:32 AM
Wordle 572 4/6*


Bit annoyed that I didn't stop to think about my 3rd attempt or I think I would have got it. Oh well - it is still a win  :D
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on January 12, 2023, 11:29:45 AM
Wordle 572 3/6


I chose a Jeff Beck themed first word and surprisingly, it worked out quite well. Took about 20 mins though.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on January 13, 2023, 08:57:23 AM
Wordle 573 3/6


Bit better today
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on January 13, 2023, 11:11:47 AM
Wordle 573 3/6


Strong performance today, three minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on January 13, 2023, 11:32:29 AM
Wordle 573 3/6


Nice and quick today. Felt like two to three minutes. Great feeling to get the last two letters so quickly.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on January 13, 2023, 12:03:16 PM
I've just used a Wordle solver to find potential starting words with A, N, E & O.

BEANO (really?)

Will give one a try tomorrow.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on January 13, 2023, 12:05:47 PM
Quote from: Slim on January 13, 2023, 12:03:16 PMI've just used a Wordle solver to find potential starting words with A, N, E & O.

BEANO (really?)

Will give one a try tomorrow.
OCEAN was my very first starting word when I started Wordle.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on January 13, 2023, 02:33:40 PM
Wordle 573 3/6*


So I went with it again today, just out of interest, and it worked very well  8)

I did leave it a couple of hours between the 2nd and 3rd goes due to an interruption, but probably 5 to 10 minutes overall, with most of the time spent thinking about the 3rd go.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on January 14, 2023, 09:21:37 AM
Wordle 574 3/6


Nice one...
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on January 14, 2023, 10:49:32 AM
Awkward one for me, that. Finally got it by going through the options methodically. Even with two greens and a yellow it took 20 minutes.

Wordle 574 5/6


Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on January 14, 2023, 10:56:52 AM
Wordle 574 4/6


Thank you to Bill Gates again for the quick eliminations. Three yellows in a row also reduced the options to something manageable.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on January 14, 2023, 12:52:00 PM
Wordle 574 6/6*


I thought I had blown it today, but with the limited letters left by line 6, I managed to get a word that fit. I was bit unsure about it, but it worked.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on January 15, 2023, 08:52:30 AM
Wordle 575 3/6


Easiest one for a while .. less than 30 secs
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on January 15, 2023, 09:20:50 AM
Wordle 575 3/6


Same here, possibly 40 seconds at the most.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on January 15, 2023, 11:20:49 AM
Wordle 575 4/6*


I enjoyed that. Nice word.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on January 15, 2023, 11:50:49 AM
Wordle 575 X/6


Gutted! My most frustrating attempt ever. I was so well placed at three, or so I thought, and then the penny dropped that I could think of five possibles with only three shots remaining. I ruled out the solution because I thought it sounded too English for a US puzzle. Failed and racist to boot.😢
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on January 16, 2023, 09:13:14 AM
Wordle 576 3/6


Not too bad today...
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on January 16, 2023, 11:02:50 AM
About a minute.

Wordle 576 3/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on January 16, 2023, 12:39:41 PM
Wordle 576 5/6


Strange one today. Wiped out on line one, then straight onto the last three letters with a variety of words to choose. Thankfully didn't run out of guesses this time. I must make a print out of all the previous solutions, as I have a feeling I might have duplicated one along the way today (and yesterday).
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on January 16, 2023, 07:36:39 PM
Wordle 576 2/6*


Took me about 5 minutes in all. I didn't want to waste those 3 yellows so had a good think and as luck would have it, I struck gold. Well green actually.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on January 17, 2023, 08:23:37 AM
Wordle 577 3/6


Pretty quick today
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on January 17, 2023, 10:35:23 AM
Wordle 577 3/6


About a minute today. Could have been a two. Two options and picked the wrong one.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on January 17, 2023, 10:50:43 AM
Wordle 577 6/6*


Crikey that was close!
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on January 17, 2023, 11:54:17 AM
This one took all morning. I kicked myself when I finally - after about three hours, on and off - saw the third word. Imagine my anguish when it wasn't the solution. But the fourth word came quickly after that of course.

Wordle 577 4/6


Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on January 18, 2023, 08:29:45 AM
Wordle 578 5/6

Couple of minutes.. pretty easy
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on January 18, 2023, 10:17:51 AM
Wordle 578 5/6


About three minutes, but I was quite surprised when my third word didn't work like a charm.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on January 18, 2023, 10:47:37 AM
Wordle 578 6/6

I felt comfortable for most of this that I was going to get there
but had to work at it. Quite quick though.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on January 18, 2023, 11:00:29 AM
Wordle 578 4/6*


Very linear progression today. About 2 minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on January 19, 2023, 08:16:54 AM
Wordle 579 4/6


Less than a minute .. thought I'd nailed it on the 3rd attempt as well
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on January 19, 2023, 09:36:46 AM
Wordle 579 4/6*


Not too difficult this morning. Couple of minutes I think.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on January 19, 2023, 09:52:59 AM
Wordle 579 5/6


Got there eventually.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on January 19, 2023, 11:00:54 AM
Wordle 579 4/6


Been a while since I drew a blank on the first two rows. Surprised that what is, to me anyway, a Northern-English slang word is the solution.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on January 20, 2023, 10:16:59 AM
Wordle 580 3/6


Very quick, about 40 seconds.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on January 20, 2023, 10:22:21 AM
Wordle 580 2/6*


Even quicker I think!
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on January 20, 2023, 11:02:16 AM
Wordle 580 6/6


Very much a struggle today, even with a good start.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on January 20, 2023, 12:41:34 PM
Wordle 580 4/6

Took a while ...
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on January 21, 2023, 10:46:49 AM
Wordle 581 5/6


Bit tricky but got there ..
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on January 21, 2023, 10:55:38 AM
Interesting one, about four minutes. Thought it was going to take hours after the second word. Was surprised my third word didn't come up all green.

Wordle 581 5/6


Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on January 21, 2023, 11:00:02 AM
Wordle 581 3/6


About two minutes. Funny word!
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on January 21, 2023, 03:42:19 PM
Wordle 581 4/6*


Quite interesting that one. No more than 5 minutes though.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on January 22, 2023, 11:03:54 AM
Wordle 582 4/6


Should have had a closer look before submitting the third word. Anyway all done in 5 minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on January 22, 2023, 11:40:41 AM
Wordle 582 4/6*


Hmm..not a great word, but the only one that fit the letters that were left.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on January 22, 2023, 12:06:59 PM
Wordle 582 6/6


10 minutes. Another almost out of options day. Stupid word!
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on January 22, 2023, 02:06:28 PM
Wordle 582 5/6


Struggled a bit there
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on January 23, 2023, 08:42:43 AM
Wordle 583 3/6


Took a while to get the third word..
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on January 23, 2023, 10:46:07 AM
Wordle 583 3/6


Very pleased with that. From drawing a blank to the conclusion within two minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on January 23, 2023, 11:50:40 AM
I was so sure I'd cracked it on the third go. And even more certain on the fourth. Quite annoying. Still - only took three minutes.

Wordle 583 5/6


Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on January 23, 2023, 12:13:48 PM
Wordle 583 4/6*


Took a bit of thinking  for the 4th word. I do feel James' pain above.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on January 24, 2023, 08:32:08 AM
Wordle 584 3/6


About 20 secs this morning
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on January 24, 2023, 09:47:30 AM
Wordle 584 5/6*


Bit longer for me - a few minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on January 24, 2023, 10:11:15 AM
Wordle 584 3/6


A bit relieved as there were quite a few possibilities remaining with that last letter. A bit of luck today and about five minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on January 24, 2023, 10:43:18 AM
Wordle 584 3/6


Solid progress there, but it did take about 15 minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on January 25, 2023, 08:40:24 AM
Wordle 585 5/6


So many possibilities .. got there eventually
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on January 25, 2023, 10:53:19 AM
Wordle 585 4/6


Bit of a struggle due to being foggy headed today. Just couldn't think of words then one popped up.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on January 25, 2023, 01:50:38 PM
Wordle 585 4/6


I started this at about 10AM this morning - got sidetracked - then forgot about it until just now! But it only took about five minutes of contact time. Interesting one, lots of options to fit those first two green squares.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on January 25, 2023, 05:31:49 PM
Wordle 585 4/6*


Could have been much worse, and pleased I got this in 4, and in about 5 minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on January 26, 2023, 08:59:35 AM
Wordle 586 4/6


Took a while to think of a 4th word...
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on January 26, 2023, 12:23:54 PM
Wordle 586 5/6


Getting annoyed with this woman now. "Where's the bloke, luv?"
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on January 26, 2023, 12:33:22 PM
Wordle 586 5/6*


Quite a struggle to day. Bit of a meaty challenge.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on January 26, 2023, 12:36:26 PM
Quote from: R6GYY on January 26, 2023, 12:33:22 PMWordle 586 5/6*


Quite a struggle to day. Bit of a meaty challenge.

Had a bit of Bovril with it myself, Reg.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on January 26, 2023, 01:23:38 PM
I was about to give up. Huge relief when I saw a word to fit on the fourth go. Took a lot of juggling, and mentally going through the remaining letters in the available spaces.

Wordle 586 4/6


Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on January 27, 2023, 08:47:33 AM
Wordle 587 6/6


Just managed it
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on January 27, 2023, 10:21:47 AM
Quick one, five minutes

Wordle 587 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on January 27, 2023, 10:24:17 AM
Wordle 587 3/6*


Cracking start, Gromit. When I get a good start like that, I tend to panic a bit as I don't want to blow it!
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on January 27, 2023, 12:50:53 PM
Wordle 587 5/6


I took an absolute flyer at this today. I really haven't attempted Wordle in such a haphazard way before. Started with CLOUD off the top of my head. Then OASIS bizarrely. Then MOWER. Why? It just fell into place after that and only took about a minute. I really expected a fail with such slackness.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on January 28, 2023, 08:44:05 AM
Wordle 588 3/6

Easiest one for me for a few days .. 30 seconds
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on January 28, 2023, 10:17:45 AM
Wordle 588 3/6


Couple of minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on January 28, 2023, 12:51:56 PM
Wordle 588 4/6*


Not a great start, but got there in a few minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on January 28, 2023, 01:16:55 PM
Wordle 588 3/6


Good start with a regular opener. Couldn't think of a word for line two for a couple of minutes, but about three minutes all told.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on January 29, 2023, 08:56:10 AM
Wordle 589 4/6


Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on January 29, 2023, 09:06:45 AM
Wordle 589 3/6


Did struggle to think of a third word for a few minutes there. But all done in about 7 minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on January 29, 2023, 01:34:21 PM
Wordle 589 4/6


No way!!!!!!! Surely!!!!!!! Absolutely fantastic!!!!!!!

I knew it was a fix. 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

Best answer ever. Nothing tops that.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on January 29, 2023, 05:24:15 PM
Wordle 589 3/6*


No way!  8)
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on January 30, 2023, 09:16:43 AM
Wordle 590 6/6*


Just a couple of minutes, but nearly blew it.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on January 30, 2023, 09:57:35 AM
Wordle 590 4/6

So many possibilities...
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on January 30, 2023, 10:27:45 AM
Wordle 590 X/6


Failure. Too many options. I will admit though that if I'd spent longer on it I'd have deployed the 6th word sooner. And then I'd have got the solution in time. All over in 5 minutes though.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on January 30, 2023, 12:54:23 PM
Wordle 590 6/6


Started with JAMES today. Why not? Just made it in the end, but all over quite quickly.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on January 30, 2023, 12:56:01 PM
Cunty is on the way  I can feel it.. lol
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on January 31, 2023, 08:19:03 AM
Wordle 591 4/6


Terrible start but nailed it
2 mins
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on January 31, 2023, 09:35:01 AM
Wordle 591 6/6*


Another brush with failure, but just managed it.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on January 31, 2023, 10:03:45 AM
Wordle 591 X/6


Two failures in a row. At least I didn't spend more than five minutes on it.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on January 31, 2023, 12:50:06 PM
Wordle 591 6/6


A bit of a trudge but got there in the end. Always a relief to be left with the likely word for the solution.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on February 01, 2023, 08:38:16 AM
Wordle 592 4/6


Couple of mins .. too many alternatives
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on February 01, 2023, 09:29:04 AM
Wordle 592 2/6


Very quick this morning, done & dusted in two minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on February 01, 2023, 11:35:24 AM
Wordle 592 3/6


Good to get that middle letter quickly. Ruled out a couple of possible line threes as I think they had been fairly recent solutions and luckily chose the correct one straight off. About three minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on February 01, 2023, 02:27:24 PM
Wordle 592 5/6*


Slightly better than yesterday. Still, only a couple of minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on February 02, 2023, 08:49:16 AM
Wordle 593 3/6


A complete shot in the dark for the third that worked out...
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on February 02, 2023, 09:32:23 AM
Really annoyed because I thought of the solution word for the second go, then discounted it as being a bit unlikely. Then on the third go I couldn't think of anything else, so I went with it. Groaned when it came up all in green.

Wordle 593 3/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on February 02, 2023, 11:47:02 AM
Wordle 593 4/6


Annoyed not to get a third line finish after a really good start.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on February 02, 2023, 11:53:01 AM
Wordle 593 4/6*


A better performance today.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on February 03, 2023, 08:48:08 AM
Wordle 594 3/6


Took a couple of mins to get a second word after that game over😀
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on February 03, 2023, 10:53:51 AM
Wordle 594 4/6


Once again, I thought of the solution but tried something else instead (on the third go). In this case because I didn't want to repeat a letter.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on February 03, 2023, 11:43:07 AM
Wordle 594 5/6


Strange that I should try a slightly left-field starter for the first time. Very helpful, but left with various options. About six minutes today.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on February 03, 2023, 12:25:11 PM
Wordle 594 4/6*


Couple of minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on February 04, 2023, 09:23:41 AM
Wordle 595 3/6


Pretty easy today.. 2 mins
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on February 04, 2023, 09:50:26 AM
Wordle 595 3/6


Very strong progress on the second word there. In fact it literally told me the solution. All over in 20 seconds.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on February 04, 2023, 11:21:11 AM
Wordle 595 4/6


Steady progress after duff start. About six minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on February 04, 2023, 11:36:42 AM
Wordle 595 5/6*


Couple of minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on February 05, 2023, 08:55:27 AM
Wordle 596 3/6


That third word took a long while
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on February 05, 2023, 09:12:02 AM
Four minutes and four goes, should have got it a bit quicker.

Wordle 596 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on February 05, 2023, 11:22:43 AM
Wordle 596 3/6


Five minutes today.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on February 05, 2023, 12:01:09 PM
Wordle 596 3/6*


About 2 minutes today.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on February 06, 2023, 08:56:46 AM
Wordle 597 X/6

Failure.. too many alternatives.....
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on February 06, 2023, 09:38:02 AM
Wordle 597 4/6


Pretty quick - a minute.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on February 06, 2023, 09:51:25 AM
Wordle 597 6/6*


A real struggle today despite a seemingly promising start. About 10 minutesoverall. I definitely feel Fishy's pain!
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on February 06, 2023, 11:21:20 AM
Wordle 597 4/6


Annoyed as this could have been better if I had gone with my initial thought for a start word. I didn't as I thought it was a bit weird but couldn't resist it for line two as one of its letters was there, and BINGO! About three minutes as I couldn't see the th ending straight away.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on February 07, 2023, 08:21:58 AM
Wordle 598 6/6


Scraped thru.. too many fucking alternatives again...
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on February 07, 2023, 09:40:02 AM
Wordle 598 3/6


Another very quick one, one minute.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on February 07, 2023, 11:54:02 AM
Wordle 598 5/6


Very lucky to pick up consecutive letters due to the long list of possibles. Quite quick though.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on February 07, 2023, 01:39:13 PM
Wordle 598 2/6*


Now that was a good choice of starting word :D
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on February 08, 2023, 08:49:58 AM
Wordle 599 5/6


Couple of mins today.. bit of a struggle tho
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on February 08, 2023, 10:14:27 AM
Wordle 599 4/6


About three minutes. Noticed that the Wordle site is using a different font now. Preferred the old one.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on February 08, 2023, 10:56:16 AM
Wordle 599 5/6*


Could have been worse I guess. I wonder if my lines 2 to 5 are the same as James' 1 to 4. Same pattern of greens  8)
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on February 08, 2023, 11:27:54 AM
Wordle 599 6/6


Almost a fail which would have been quite deserved due to lack of concentration on line four. About five minutes but just made it.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on February 08, 2023, 11:38:14 AM
Quote from: R6GYY on February 08, 2023, 10:56:16 AMWordle 599 5/6*


Could have been worse I guess. I wonder if my lines 2 to 5 are the same as James' 1 to 4. Same pattern of greens  8)

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on February 08, 2023, 07:33:32 PM
I'm not sure what prompted my starting word but it sprang to mind and I went with it. Normally I go with at least 2 vowels. Hmm...vowel, might try that tomorrow if I remember.

Anyway, here we go:

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on February 08, 2023, 09:54:40 PM
For a laugh I might start with the worst starting word I can think of tomorrow, JAZZY.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on February 09, 2023, 08:31:08 AM
Wordle 600 4/6


Bout a minute....
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on February 09, 2023, 09:54:42 AM
Wordle 600 4/6


Three minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on February 09, 2023, 02:41:56 PM
Wordle 600 6/6*


My. That was close. I went with Vowel as a starting word. Got myself in quite a state by the end.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on February 10, 2023, 08:51:19 AM
Wordle 601 5/6

Bit of a struggle there.. 10 mins
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on February 10, 2023, 09:58:36 AM
Wordle 601 4/6


Another quick one. Three minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on February 10, 2023, 10:01:57 AM
Wordle 601 4/6*


Pretty quick here too.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on February 11, 2023, 09:25:11 AM
Wordle 602 3/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on February 11, 2023, 11:42:59 AM
Wordle 602 4/6


Pretty slow here. I did think of my third word quite quickly but spent about 15 minutes trying to think of something else, because I didn't think it would be very useful unless it happened to be the solution, which of course it wasn't. I was right about that. Then it took another 15 minutes trying to think of the next word to fit.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on February 11, 2023, 02:39:33 PM
Wordle 602 5/6*


Quite a nice challenge that. About 5 minutes all in.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on February 12, 2023, 07:55:10 AM
Wordle 603 3/6


Poor start, but a massive recovery on the second word. Twenty-five seconds.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on February 12, 2023, 09:49:40 AM
Wordle 603 5/6

5 mins.. should have done better...
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on February 12, 2023, 11:53:06 AM
Wordle 603 3/6


That's how a second line should be. A minute today.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on February 12, 2023, 02:37:52 PM
Wordle 603 4/6*


Not a huge challenge today. Well it was, in a way. A minute or two.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on February 13, 2023, 08:39:23 AM
Wordle 604 3/6


Couple of mins today .. bit easier this one for me
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on February 13, 2023, 10:34:39 AM
Absolute shocker. Even with three letters in place, it took me about 40 minutes to think of that fourth word.

Wordle 604 4/6


Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on February 13, 2023, 02:30:17 PM
Wordle 604 4/6


I just kept missing those greens. About six minutes but I think on another day this would have been a fail.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on February 13, 2023, 06:32:28 PM
Wordle 604 4/6*


I had a feeling that there would be an E and U today, and went with DEBUT to kick things off. A minute or two after that.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on February 14, 2023, 08:57:42 AM
Wordle 605 4/6


Going nowhere fast then very lucky...
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on February 14, 2023, 09:06:48 AM
Wordle 605 5/6


Five goes and no yellow letters! Took about four minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on February 14, 2023, 10:48:53 AM
Wordle 605 3/6*


Less than a minute today although my starting word was a non-starter.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on February 14, 2023, 12:18:34 PM
I wonder if I can get a list of solution words somewhere.. might run an analysis on it for the most common letters.

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on February 14, 2023, 03:21:17 PM
Wordle 605 3/6


Couldn't believe the result of my line two guess. I don't think I've experienced that before. I thought it was in the bag at that stage then it dawned on me how many first letters could make a word. Luck was in today obviously. Very quick.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on February 14, 2023, 03:24:34 PM
Quote from: Slim on February 14, 2023, 12:18:34 PMI wonder if I can get a list of solution words somewhere.. might run an analysis on it for the most common letters.

I did a screenshot of all the previous solutions a few weeks ago from a Google search. I haven't really consulted it more than once or twice but I'd be fascinated by whatever a studied breakdown might show.

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on February 14, 2023, 08:07:35 PM
For the first 605 solutions, the number of occurrences of each character are:

6 Q
7 J
10 Z
12 X
36 V
45 W
57 K
61 F
70 B
86 M
87 G
99 D
101 Y
102 P
109 H
112 U
124 C
136 N
154 S
175 I
183 L
211 T
213 O
243 R
270 A
316 E

... so TROPE might be a good starting word, as might STORE. RATIO is one I use frequently and that looks like a good choice as well. STILE is probably a good one.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on February 14, 2023, 09:04:26 PM
I've been using Acute as my opener recently...
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on February 15, 2023, 12:56:12 AM
I quite fancy TAROT for tomorrow.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on February 15, 2023, 01:08:05 AM
Wordle 606 6/6


Gradual progress and always good to hit green on first line.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on February 15, 2023, 08:47:37 AM
Wordle 606 5/6


Made heavy weather of that.. about 3 mins...
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on February 15, 2023, 10:33:22 AM
Wordle 606 4/6*


Given the choice of letters I had left, I struggled for a minute or 2 coming up with the solution.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on February 15, 2023, 10:39:36 AM
Wordle 606 4/6


Ten minutes, most of it spent staring at options for the fourth word! Slightly tricky.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on February 16, 2023, 08:39:37 AM
Wordle 607 3/6


5 mins.. 4 of it thinking of a third word
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on February 16, 2023, 09:47:58 AM
Wordle 607 2/6*


Iiiiiiin 2. About a minute.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on February 16, 2023, 12:13:47 PM
Half a minute, but three goes.

Wordle 607 3/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on February 17, 2023, 08:35:27 AM
Wordle 608 3/6


About a minute
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on February 17, 2023, 09:42:29 AM
Wordle 608 5/6


Ten minutes. I used a word on the fourth go that I think is North-Eastern slang and highly unlikely to be the solution. But I was curious to see if it would be accepted.

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on February 17, 2023, 10:27:25 AM
Wordle 608 4/6*


Couple of minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on February 18, 2023, 08:49:36 AM
Wordle 609 3/6


Took forever to think of a third word
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on February 18, 2023, 10:17:45 AM
Wordle 609 5/6*


Quite a challenge today, about 10 minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on February 18, 2023, 11:08:37 AM
Wordle 609 5/6


Sorry but you are not allowed to view spoiler contents.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on February 19, 2023, 08:01:39 AM
Wordle 610 4/6


Three minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on February 19, 2023, 09:15:01 AM
Wordle 610 3/6


5 mins .. 4 mins guessing the third word
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on February 19, 2023, 09:53:14 AM
Wordle 610 5/6*


Slightly annoyed with myself that I didn't get this earlier. Oh well. About 5 minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on February 19, 2023, 12:04:09 PM
Wordle 610 4/6


Very fortunate to hit middle and last as otherwise no chance of guessing that solution. Four minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on February 20, 2023, 08:41:53 AM
Wordle 611 5/6


About a minute today...
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on February 20, 2023, 09:13:46 AM
Wordle 611 3/6*


Same here. About a minute.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on February 20, 2023, 10:31:52 AM
Wordle 611 4/6


About ten minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on February 20, 2023, 11:25:30 AM
Wordle 611 3/6


Six minutes today. Rather shocked I picked the correct option first time with others available. New start word.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on February 21, 2023, 08:17:02 AM
Wordle 612 X/6

Fuck!.. too many choices.. came down to 50-50 on the last one and I picked wrong .. stupid bloody word game .. lol
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on February 21, 2023, 09:51:12 AM
Bit of a challenge. About seven minutes. Unlike Fishy I couldn't actually think of a different word than the solution on the fourth go, so perhaps I was lucky. Or more probably, I'd ruled out different letters.

Wordle 612 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on February 21, 2023, 11:27:57 AM
Wordle 612 4/6*


I struggled for the 4th word for a few minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on February 21, 2023, 12:59:29 PM
Wordle 612 4/6


Line two turned out an inspirational guess. I wish that could happen more often. Four minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on February 21, 2023, 02:01:55 PM
A Y is always a decent bet for the last letter.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on February 22, 2023, 08:46:14 AM
Wordle 613 5/6


Going down the lines of too many choices again but managed to salvage it...
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on February 22, 2023, 10:00:27 AM
Wordle 613 4/6


Half a minute this morning. Got lucky with the second word, but arguably unlucky with the third.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on February 22, 2023, 10:18:47 AM
Wordle 613 5/6*


A couple of minutes, most of it spent going through the alphabet to identify the first letter.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on February 22, 2023, 10:57:43 AM
Wordle 613 3/6


About two minutes. Went for a Lent themed second word which was fortunate.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on February 23, 2023, 08:48:51 AM
Wordle 614 4/6


Couple of mins today.. guess 3 helped a lot..
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on February 23, 2023, 10:06:26 AM
Five minute one.

Wordle 614 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on February 23, 2023, 11:11:02 AM
Wordle 614 4/6


Four minutes today and lucky with correct guess with other possibilities available.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on February 23, 2023, 12:01:37 PM
Wordle 614 3/6*


Quite quick today - maybe 2 minutes?
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on February 24, 2023, 08:35:24 AM
Wordle 615 4/6


Took a while thinking of the fourth word..
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on February 24, 2023, 09:39:03 AM
Wordle 615 5/6


Ten minutes, most of them trying to find a word to fit for the fourth go. Ignored one of the clues on the second go, annoyingly.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on February 24, 2023, 09:42:42 AM
Wordle 615 3/6


3 mins, did not anticipate this word to be honest.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on February 24, 2023, 10:42:12 AM
Wordle 615 5/6


One minute despite the Americans trying to spoil the party.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on February 24, 2023, 11:52:20 AM
Wordle 615 5/6*


Couple of minutes. Strange, but in my head, I've always thought of this particular word spelled that way.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on February 25, 2023, 08:31:33 AM
Wordle 616 5/6


Down the dreaded too many possibilities road again but managed it.. just
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on February 25, 2023, 10:01:53 AM
Wordle 616 5/6


Very similar story here .. had to methodically go through the combinations to find the solution.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on February 25, 2023, 11:06:46 AM
Wordle 616 4/6


Got away with one there. Stupid mistake on line two.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on February 25, 2023, 01:45:51 PM
Wordle 616 5/6*


Bit of a slow start. Then spent a few minutes thinking about line 4. Should have had it in 4 as I had actually ruled out the fifth letter already. My starter was CHOKE.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on February 25, 2023, 06:11:07 PM
Made the end. Wordle 616 6/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on February 26, 2023, 09:53:18 AM
Wordle 617 4/6


Very quick one, about 90 seconds.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on February 26, 2023, 11:05:03 AM
Wordle 617 4/6


Steady progress, joyous third guess, about three minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on February 26, 2023, 01:08:59 PM
Wordle 617 4/6*


About 3 minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on February 26, 2023, 01:33:23 PM
Wordle 617 4/6

About 5 mins
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on February 26, 2023, 06:10:47 PM
Wordle 617 3/6


oohh.. 20 seconds... ;D
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on February 27, 2023, 09:24:38 AM
20 seconds here as well, but so frustrating.

Wordle 618 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on February 27, 2023, 12:13:06 PM
Wordle 618 4/6


Two minutes today.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on February 27, 2023, 12:55:31 PM
Wordle 618 4/6


About 5 mins
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on February 27, 2023, 01:41:56 PM
got the end.
Wordle 618 6/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on February 27, 2023, 10:18:43 PM
Wordle 618 4/6*


Could have been worse, I guess.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on February 28, 2023, 07:36:48 AM
Wordle 619 5/6


A bit of a struggle. Took about ten minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on February 28, 2023, 08:49:19 AM
Wordle 619 4/6


Lucky 4th guess...
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on February 28, 2023, 08:55:54 AM
Wordle 619 5/6*


Mm.. tricky one today. About 5 minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on February 28, 2023, 10:30:43 AM
Spent too long on this one. Gave up and used a Wordle solver at this point:
Sorry but you are not allowed to view spoiler contents.

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on March 01, 2023, 08:30:06 AM
Wordle 620 6/6


Fuck ..the dreaded too many options word.. got it .. just
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on March 01, 2023, 08:45:26 AM
Wordle 620 4/6*


About a minute today. 2nd attempt was very useful.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on March 01, 2023, 10:13:32 AM
Took a while to think of the fourth word. Ten minutes in all.

Wordle 620 5/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on March 01, 2023, 10:36:13 AM
Wordle 620 3/6


Two minutes. Good feeling on that second guess. Quite lucky.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on March 01, 2023, 07:38:46 PM
Quote from: Fishy on March 01, 2023, 08:30:06 AMWordle 620 6/6


Fuck ..the dreaded too many options word.. got it .. just
Did you think you were goosed? Or maybe you felt the noose around your neck?
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on March 02, 2023, 08:40:06 AM
Wordle 621 4/6


5 mins
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on March 02, 2023, 09:48:09 AM
Wordle 621 4/6


Very quick, a minute. But if I'd explored options for that third word a little longer, I'd have got it in three.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on March 02, 2023, 09:52:30 AM
Wordle 621 5/6


Quite relieved to be honest as I didn't really think I was getting this today. About ten minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on March 02, 2023, 07:20:30 PM
Wordle 621 3/6*


About a minute.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on March 03, 2023, 08:41:49 AM
Wordle 622 3/6


Took a few minutes to think of that third word...
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on March 03, 2023, 10:19:44 AM
Wordle 622 5/6*


I too, took a few minutes coming up with the actual answer.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on March 03, 2023, 10:37:14 AM
Wordle 622 4/6


Bad start, only took seven minutes though.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on March 03, 2023, 11:36:42 AM
Wordle 622 5/6


Five minutes, but tricky. A letter that never jumps out at me.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on March 04, 2023, 07:42:05 AM
Wordle 623 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on March 04, 2023, 10:50:22 AM
Wordle 623 2/6


Wow! Thirty seconds. What a start word. Only the second time I've used it I think.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on March 04, 2023, 11:09:55 AM
Wordle 623 3/6


10 mins .. 8 mins thinking of the third word
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on March 04, 2023, 04:05:07 PM
Wordle 623 5/6*


Bit of a dull word for a Saturday.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on March 05, 2023, 08:54:48 AM
Wordle 624 5/6

About 5 mins .. but again journeying down the too many options road..
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on March 05, 2023, 10:52:29 AM
Wordle 624 5/6


Picked the wrong one of two for line four but got there. Four minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on March 05, 2023, 12:03:01 PM
Wordle 624 6/6*


Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on March 06, 2023, 09:20:41 AM
Wordle 625 5/6

More travels along the too many possibilities road.. very lucky 5th guess...
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on March 06, 2023, 10:28:12 AM
Wordle 625 4/6


That rattled along nicely. Two minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on March 06, 2023, 11:21:47 AM
Wordle 625 3/6*


Very quick today aided by a good starting word.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on March 07, 2023, 08:03:16 AM
Wordle 626 3/6*


Another quick today.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on March 07, 2023, 08:16:14 AM
Wordle 626 3/6


2nd guess was very helpful .. about 20 seconds
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on March 07, 2023, 11:50:23 AM
Wordle 626 3/6


Pretty peeved as this was going to be one of my new start words but didn't get used today. Two minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on March 08, 2023, 08:39:01 AM
Wordle 627 4/6


Couple of mins today
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on March 08, 2023, 08:48:42 AM
Wordle 627 3/6*


Curses. Thought I had it in 2 today.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on March 08, 2023, 10:54:49 AM
Wordle 627 2/6


Six minutes working around that second last letter.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on March 09, 2023, 10:43:24 AM
Wordle 628 5/6


Ten minutes. A bit of a struggle.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on March 09, 2023, 11:55:44 AM
Wordle 628 4/6*


About 5 minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on March 09, 2023, 06:30:36 PM
Wordle 628 4/6

20 seconds
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on March 10, 2023, 08:15:56 AM
Wordle 629 6/6


Phew indeed....
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on March 10, 2023, 08:47:55 AM
Wordle 629 4/6*


About 2 minutes
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on March 10, 2023, 10:22:24 AM
Wordle 629 6/6


Four minutes, but just. Options, options.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on March 11, 2023, 08:54:34 AM
Wordle 630 4/6


That was tricky...
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on March 11, 2023, 10:59:26 AM
Wordle 630 3/6


Five minutes, good start. Why are my grey squares black today?
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on March 11, 2023, 02:32:35 PM
Wordle 630 4/6*


Mmm. Had to check that the answer was actually a word, as I had convinced myself that there was a hyphen involved.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on March 11, 2023, 07:01:52 PM
Had to put pen to paper to sort this Ducht although meaning the same, it is written indeed slightly different...
Wordle 630 6/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on March 12, 2023, 08:41:45 AM
Wordle 631 5/6

About 5 mins
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on March 12, 2023, 09:54:25 AM
Wordle 631 3/6*


Less than a minute.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on March 12, 2023, 10:39:11 AM
Wordle 631 4/6


About 3 mins.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on March 12, 2023, 10:39:52 AM
Wordle 631 3/6


Very quick. About a minute, maybe less.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on March 12, 2023, 09:17:50 PM
Took about 15 mins today.

Wordle 631 4/6


Now that I'm back in Blighty I shall catch up on the ones I missed using

Wordle 624 4/6


About two minutes. Strong second word that.

Wordle 625 4/6


Another quick one. Two minutes or a bit less.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on March 13, 2023, 08:43:55 AM
Wordle 632 5/6


About a minute
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on March 13, 2023, 09:10:40 AM
Wordle 632 4/6


Nice'n'quick, about a minute here as well.


Wordle 626 3/6


About 10 mins. Could only see the third word as a possible solution, but I was surprised it came up trumps.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on March 13, 2023, 09:24:00 AM
Wordle 632 4/6*


About a minute today.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on March 13, 2023, 11:16:24 AM
Wordle 632 6/6


Fifteen minutes, and very nervy until that second last line.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on March 13, 2023, 01:19:20 PM

Two more from last week

Wordle 627 3/6


.. about 20 minutes. Took a long time to see that third word.

Wordle 628 4/6


30 seconds! But I stupidly put the yellow I from the second word in the same place in the third.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on March 13, 2023, 03:39:51 PM
Wordle 632 4/6


About a minute and a half. Not bad.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on March 14, 2023, 08:18:18 AM
Wordle 633 5/6


Took an age to think of a second word.... about 10 mins...
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on March 14, 2023, 10:08:19 AM
Wordle 633 4/6


Three minutes.

And ..

Wordle 629 4/6


About 10 minutes
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on March 14, 2023, 10:27:38 AM
Wordle 633 5/6*


Bit more of a challenge today - juggling the yellows. About 5 minutes in all.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on March 14, 2023, 10:58:48 AM
Wordle 633 5/6


A bit miffed that after a lucky third guess it took two more goes. Three minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on March 14, 2023, 11:30:20 AM
Wordle 633 5/6


It was the only real possibility left. never heard the word before I have to admit.
Probably 5 minutes this one
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on March 15, 2023, 07:32:19 AM
Quick, about a minute. Useful second word but in the end, too many options again.

Wordle 634 5/6


and ..

Wordle 630 4/6


About two minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on March 15, 2023, 08:09:19 AM
Wordle 634 5/6


Couple of minutes...
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on March 15, 2023, 11:10:34 AM
Wordle 634 5/6*


Very similar here.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on March 15, 2023, 11:17:02 AM
Wordle 634 4/6


Four minutes. Lucky to pick the correct possible option first time.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on March 15, 2023, 11:18:22 AM
Wordle 634 3/6

About 3 mins, had to think hard after the first word where to go next.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on March 16, 2023, 09:35:52 AM
Wordle 635 3/6*


2 minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on March 16, 2023, 09:47:57 AM
Wordle 635 4/6


Two minutes, quite fortunate with the first go.

Was about to do another ReWordle, but it looks like I'm already caught up now.

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on March 16, 2023, 09:51:32 AM
Wordle 635 6/6


That was a close one...
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on March 16, 2023, 10:53:01 AM
Wordle 635 X/6


Ach well! First flop in a while. Couldn't see it. Idiot!
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on March 16, 2023, 11:09:34 AM
5 mins or so. Needed to think after row 4 what to do.
Wordle 635 5/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on March 17, 2023, 05:00:39 AM
Wordle 636 3/6

Real lucky with the starting word today. 1 minute.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on March 17, 2023, 08:41:09 AM
Wordle 636 5/6


That took a while....
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on March 17, 2023, 08:53:11 AM
Wordle 636 4/6


Two minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on March 17, 2023, 10:54:37 AM
Wordle 636 3/6


Five minutes. My papa used to describe some pigeons as this. I don't think that's a spoiler for Reg though.😁
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on March 17, 2023, 12:41:07 PM
Wordle 636 2/6*


Spectacular starting word. I then spent a good few minutes working out my 2nd word, as I was desperate to get it in 2.

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on March 18, 2023, 06:11:20 AM
Wordle 637 4/6


Took me a while even though the Dutch word is very similar.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on March 18, 2023, 08:47:51 AM
Wordle 637 4/6*


About 2 minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on March 18, 2023, 09:49:01 AM
Wordle 637 3/6


About 5 mins.. 4 mins on the third word
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on March 18, 2023, 10:55:02 AM
Wordle 637 3/6


Three minutes, but a bit annoyed (again) that I've considered this as a start word before. Maybe I wouldn't play it again if I ever hit it in one though.

Edit: Result no longer a mystery.😉
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on March 18, 2023, 01:41:55 PM
Wordle 637 4/6


Took about half an hour to think of that fourth word.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on March 19, 2023, 09:52:54 AM
Wordle 638 4/6

10 mins
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on March 19, 2023, 09:57:38 AM
Wordle 638 3/6


40 seconds today. Lucky with the first word.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on March 19, 2023, 11:01:28 AM
Wordle 638 2/6


It's all about the first word.. 8)
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on March 19, 2023, 11:06:44 AM
Wordle 638 5/6


Five minutes. Still hurting over yesterday. Finger was on the trigger with YACHT so many times.😢
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on March 19, 2023, 02:04:45 PM
Wordle 638 3/6*


Not too shabby. 2 minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on March 20, 2023, 04:26:55 AM
took a minute or five today
Wordle 639 5/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on March 20, 2023, 08:38:50 AM
Wordle 639 4/6


2 mins.. the solution would have been my third word but I mistyped..
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on March 20, 2023, 10:17:02 AM
Wordle 639 5/6


Five minute one.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on March 20, 2023, 10:44:42 AM
Wordle 639 2/6*


Spectacular starting word today. Less than a minute.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on March 20, 2023, 11:19:04 AM
Wordle 639 4/6


Four minutes. Nice and steady.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on March 21, 2023, 08:21:52 AM
Wordle 640 4/6


Couple of minutes...
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on March 21, 2023, 09:38:38 AM
Wordle 640 6/6*


A few minutes today, thought I was going to blow it.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on March 21, 2023, 09:38:52 AM
Wordle 640 5/6


Thought I had it on line four in two minutes, then it dawned they hadn't all gone green. Unbelievably it took about another minute for the penny to drop.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on March 21, 2023, 10:23:25 AM
Wordle 640 4/6


Well that wasn't too, er, hard. Three minutes. Don't think I've ever had a row of five yellows before.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on March 21, 2023, 11:09:55 AM
Wordle 640 3/6


not too bad.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on March 22, 2023, 08:38:11 AM
Wordle 641 4/6


About 5 mins
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on March 22, 2023, 09:12:03 AM
Wordle 641 3/6


Five minutes. Line two guess was a big help with its eliminations.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on March 22, 2023, 09:57:45 AM
Wordle 641 3/6


About 90 seconds. Fortunate second word.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on March 22, 2023, 10:44:29 AM
Wordle 641 3/6*


About the same time as Slim.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on March 22, 2023, 11:10:46 AM
process of exclusion led to a word. We don't use it in the Netherlands, but who cares? I found the word..
Wordle 641 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on March 23, 2023, 07:57:32 AM
Wordle 642 5/6


Tricky.. 10 mins
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on March 23, 2023, 10:48:14 AM
Wordle 642 4/6


Great start and should have been a tap-in after line two, but there were a couple of possibles. Still, only about a minute but frustrating when line two was a distinct possibility today.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on March 23, 2023, 10:59:32 AM
Well that was unexpectedly quick.
Wordle 642 3/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on March 23, 2023, 11:22:45 AM
Wordle 642 5/6*


About 5 minutes, and a fair bit of worry after those first 3 lines!
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on March 23, 2023, 11:34:34 AM
Woordle 642 X/6


Tried it in Dutch for a laugh. Got the last four letters but can't show my failure as I don't know any Dutch, so couldn't find a word that looked like share.😁
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on March 23, 2023, 01:10:13 PM
Wordle 642 3/6


Very quick, 20 seconds! Strong performance from the starting word, there.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on March 23, 2023, 04:17:12 PM
Quote from: The Picnic Wasp on March 23, 2023, 11:34:34 AMTried it in Dutch for a laugh. Got the last four letters but can't show my failure as I don't know any Dutch, so couldn't find a word that looked like share.😁

Dutch word was 'namen' which is Dutch for names. It is 'one of those' words where you get to -a-en and there over 15 to 20 words you can make.
Dutch uses a lot of the letter N. Every other word ends on it. It is by far the most used vowel in our vocabulary.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on March 23, 2023, 05:17:38 PM
Quote from: Thenop on March 23, 2023, 04:17:12 PM
Quote from: The Picnic Wasp on March 23, 2023, 11:34:34 AMTried it in Dutch for a laugh. Got the last four letters but can't show my failure as I don't know any Dutch, so couldn't find a word that looked like share.😁

Dutch word was 'namen' which is Dutch for names. It is 'one of those' words where you get to -a-en and there over 15 to 20 words you can make.
Dutch uses a lot of the letter N. Every other word ends on it. It is by far the most used vowel in our vocabulary.

Thank you. I revisited my attempt and clicked Delen. That copied my answer so I inserted it above. It was good fun because I had to just think of five letter words which might be Dutch. Most weren't 😁. Very slightly annoyed that I didn't start with an N as it seems more logical now. I think I'll check if there's a French version as at least I have a schooldays smattering of that at least. Or maybe Latin 😂.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on March 23, 2023, 05:35:10 PM
Wordle 🇫🇷 French Unlimited


French result. Great start word. Ten minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on March 23, 2023, 08:56:45 PM
Quote from: The Picnic Wasp on March 23, 2023, 05:17:38 PM
Quote from: Thenop on March 23, 2023, 04:17:12 PM
Quote from: The Picnic Wasp on March 23, 2023, 11:34:34 AMTried it in Dutch for a laugh. Got the last four letters but can't show my failure as I don't know any Dutch, so couldn't find a word that looked like share.😁

Dutch word was 'namen' which is Dutch for names. It is 'one of those' words where you get to -a-en and there over 15 to 20 words you can make.
Dutch uses a lot of the letter N. Every other word ends on it. It is by far the most used vowel in our vocabulary.

Thank you. I revisited my attempt and clicked Delen. That copied my answer so I inserted it above. It was good fun because I had to just think of five letter words which might be Dutch. Most weren't 😁. Very slightly annoyed that I didn't start with an N as it seems more logical now. I think I'll check if there's a French version as at least I have a schooldays smattering of that at least. Or maybe Latin 😂.

And in Latin.......nearly got there!


My vocabulary memory let me down. It was a long time ago.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on March 24, 2023, 08:13:24 AM
Wordle 643 5/6


About 10 mins.. third word took a long time...
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on March 24, 2023, 08:30:39 AM
Wordle 643 5/6


Went off script for word 3 to get a better idea fo what I was looking for.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on March 24, 2023, 09:23:57 AM
Wordle 643 4/6*


A couple of minutes, and the solution is a word that I once used as a starter. I remember that  ;D
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on March 24, 2023, 12:13:18 PM
Wordle 643 4/6


Took about 25 minutes! Most of it deliberating the second word actually. I thought of it in about a minute but wasn't keen. But I didn't find a plausible alternative.

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on March 24, 2023, 12:34:09 PM
Wordle 643 2/6


Thirty seconds, but as soon as I got it I couldn't wait to get on here as I was sure someone had quoted this as a start word in the past. Unlucky Reg!
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on March 25, 2023, 06:21:02 AM
Wordle 644 5/6


Minute or 3. Built op quite well this attempt.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on March 25, 2023, 08:57:47 AM
Wordle 644 4/6


About 5 mins...
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on March 25, 2023, 09:08:14 AM
Wordle 644 3/6


One minute. Used a new starting word but actually the starting word I've used most frequently over the last few weeks would have done an even better job.

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on March 25, 2023, 11:13:58 AM
Wordle 644 X/6


Nah! Knew it was going to be a struggle after line three. I could think of five options going into my last chance.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on March 25, 2023, 12:03:16 PM
Wordle 644 4/6*


About 4 minutes. I did have to think quite a bit for the final solution.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on March 26, 2023, 06:41:03 AM
Wordle 645 2/6


Amazed myself today. Big time.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on March 26, 2023, 09:24:01 AM
Wordle 645 2/6


Wow .. took about 5 mins thinking of that second word.. only the 5th time I've got it in 2
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on March 26, 2023, 11:04:25 AM
Wordle 645 3/6


20 minutes. I resorted to juggling letters around in a text editor until the solution popped out.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on March 26, 2023, 12:35:59 PM
Wordle 645 4/6


Five minutes. Had a premature silent cheer on three but the last letter rolled in black. I was stumped for about a minute after that as I mentally pronounced the possibles incorrectly.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on March 26, 2023, 02:04:15 PM
Wordle 645 4/6*


A good 5 minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on March 27, 2023, 06:27:59 AM
Wordle 646 3/6


Took me a good 10 mins to think of word 3. But when I did I knew it had to be the correct one. And it was.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on March 27, 2023, 08:13:45 AM
Wordle 646 5/6

About 15 mins.. 14 on the solution
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on March 27, 2023, 10:15:22 AM
Wordle 646 4/6


Took about half an hour. My third word was actually one of those made-up words that you enter half out of desperation, I'd honestly never heard of it. But it told me where the two yellows were.
Sorry but you are not allowed to view spoiler contents.

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on March 27, 2023, 10:43:40 AM

Wordle 646 4/6


Four minutes. Bad start, odd finish.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on March 27, 2023, 09:53:53 PM
Wordle 646 4/6*


Took a while coming up with solution.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on March 28, 2023, 10:32:47 AM
Wordle 647 4/6*


Less than 2 minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on March 28, 2023, 11:04:15 AM
Wordle 647 5/6


About five minutes today. Took a while to build something.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on March 28, 2023, 11:29:28 AM
Wordle 647 4/6


5 mins, more or less.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on March 28, 2023, 12:06:07 PM
Wordle 647 6/6


Just in the nick of time ..

Actually only took three minutes, while I was in a meeting. Too many options.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on March 28, 2023, 01:12:57 PM
Wordle 647 3/6

5 mins.. stab in the dark third word turned out very good
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on March 29, 2023, 06:19:02 AM
Wordle 648 5/6


Used my favourite opening word, which was a succes. With all the guessing it took me a minute and a half.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on March 29, 2023, 08:48:32 AM
Wordle 648 4/6


About 10 mins.. tricky...
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on March 29, 2023, 09:14:55 AM
Wordle 648 4/6


Delighted to get that after a ropey start. Five minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on March 29, 2023, 11:01:41 AM
Ten minutes, most of them trying to think of the fourth word when I already had three letters in place ..

Wordle 648 4/6


Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on March 29, 2023, 06:14:27 PM
Wordle 648 4/6*


Couple of minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on March 30, 2023, 07:58:11 AM
Wordle 649 5/6

About 30 seconds
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on March 30, 2023, 08:30:53 AM
Wordle 649 3/6


About a minute. I use a lot of different start words and i don't think I'm alone on here as having used this one before.🤬
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on March 30, 2023, 10:11:03 AM
Wordle 649 3/6


Two minutes here. Very helpful second word. I do think I've used the solution as a start word in the past.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on March 30, 2023, 11:03:30 AM
Wordle 649 2/6


1 minute.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on March 30, 2023, 12:23:12 PM
Wordle 649 4/6*


Bugger! Turned out to be another word that I had previously used as a starter. I did start to get a little worried when I saw the results of line 3, as there were so many possibilities for juggling the 3 letters.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on March 30, 2023, 01:48:32 PM
Quote from: R6GYY on March 30, 2023, 12:23:12 PMWordle 649 4/6*


Bugger! Turned out to be another word that I had previously used as a starter. I did start to get a little worried when I saw the results of line 3, as there were so many possibilities for juggling the 3 letters.

That's twice now, Reg. It must be going to happen for you soon. I remember this being one of your Bake Off series of starters. I might try something granary as a start word myself tomorrow.😁
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on March 31, 2023, 06:00:47 AM
Wordle 650 2/6


Again within a minute. Lucky with the first letter I suppose.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on March 31, 2023, 08:13:47 AM
Wordle 650 5/6


Tricky 10 mins
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on March 31, 2023, 08:27:01 AM
Wordle 650 6/6*


Well I think that is what you would call a close call.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on March 31, 2023, 09:25:29 AM
Wordle 650 4/6


One minute today.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on March 31, 2023, 10:23:27 AM
Wordle 650 4/6


Interesting one in that the three yellow letters in the third word were effectively three green letters .. two of them were the same letter (don't think I've had two yellow letters that were the same before) and the position in the solution of all three was implicit.

Despite that, it still took me five minutes to come up with the solution. Seven minutes in all.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on April 01, 2023, 08:41:45 AM
Wordle 651 2/6


Couldn't quite believe it when that came up all green! About two minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on April 01, 2023, 08:42:34 AM
Wordle 651 4/6


About a minute
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on April 01, 2023, 08:48:58 AM
Wordle 651 3/6*


About 2 minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on April 01, 2023, 10:24:30 AM
Wordle 651 6/6


About seven minutes. When I woke this morning I thought of APRIL as a start word but changed my mind.😂
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on April 01, 2023, 10:53:27 AM
Wordle 651 3/6


2 minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on April 01, 2023, 12:13:17 PM
Everyone up for an Easter Wordle League? Once again using the Reg Scoring System, if you miss a day you can use or to submit a late entry, perhaps taking place on the 10 days leading up to Easter Monday.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on April 01, 2023, 12:21:30 PM
Quote from: Slim on April 01, 2023, 12:13:17 PMEveryone up for an Easter Wordle League? Once again using the Reg Scoring System, if you miss a day you can use or to submit a late entry, perhaps taking place on the 10 days leading up to Easter Monday.

Bring it on.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on April 01, 2023, 01:20:41 PM
Quote from: Slim on April 01, 2023, 12:13:17 PMEveryone up for an Easter Wordle League? Once again using the Reg Scoring System, if you miss a day you can use or to submit a late entry, perhaps taking place on the 10 days leading up to Easter Monday.

Oh go on then! Although the last time I finished last, at least it was to folk to whom English is their first language. This could be messy! 😂
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on April 01, 2023, 01:58:11 PM
I'm in!
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on April 01, 2023, 03:10:54 PM
I'm in👍
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on April 01, 2023, 07:04:35 PM
OK so I've just realised that there aren't 10 days leading up to Easter Monday, so as much as I'd like to get in an early lead and call today the first round, instead we shall start tomorrow (Sunday) and there will be 9 rounds, with the final round taking place on 10th April.

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on April 02, 2023, 06:19:26 AM
Assuming I need to post here?
Wordle 652 5/6

Bit disappointing, 2 points  :(
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on April 02, 2023, 07:14:51 AM
Wordle 652 3/6


Good start! Two minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on April 02, 2023, 08:26:55 AM
Wordle 652 3/6


2nd guess opened the door.. 2 mins...
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on April 02, 2023, 10:48:53 AM
Wordle 652 4/6


Not my worst start. Four minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on April 02, 2023, 08:06:49 PM
Wordle 652 3/6*


Reasonable start. About 3 minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on April 03, 2023, 06:12:21 AM
Wordle 653 3/6


Much better than yesterday. In Dutch the word is the same actually.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on April 03, 2023, 08:04:12 AM
Wordle 653 4/6


Recovered from a pretty horrible start
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on April 03, 2023, 10:20:41 AM
Wordle 653 3/6


Glad for a slight improvement today.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on April 03, 2023, 10:44:50 AM
Seven or eight minutes today.

Wordle 653 4/6


I'll start a league table spreadsheet later :)
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on April 03, 2023, 02:31:42 PM
Wordle 653 3/6*


About 5 hours today with interruptions, but that 3rd word was a real struggle with the 4 letters I had to juggle.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on April 03, 2023, 05:08:11 PM
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on April 04, 2023, 08:09:36 AM
Wordle 654 5/6


Stupid 4th guess copied letters already knew were right but in the wrong place .. what a douche
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on April 04, 2023, 09:22:47 AM
Wordle 654 3/6


Took about half an hour.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on April 04, 2023, 09:31:37 AM
Wordle 654 3/6*


About 5 minutes. Good result with the 2nd word  :)
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on April 04, 2023, 09:43:58 AM
Very consistent performance so far Reg, which maintains your one point lead - unless Picnic gets it in 2 today, or Thenop gets it in 1.

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on April 04, 2023, 10:10:24 AM
Wordle 654 3/6


This could have been a line two today. Very pleased with my Easter starter word so played much more tactically than my usual fire and forget method. After checking the previous solution list (which I wouldn't normally, but I had that first letter) I got it down to two possibles that I could think of. Picked the wrong one but still quite pleased.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on April 04, 2023, 11:07:41 AM
Wordle 654 5/6


not exactly in 1...very disappointed with myself again. Should have caught this one much earlier.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on April 05, 2023, 08:27:13 AM
Wordle 655 3/6


Much better today.. 2 mins
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on April 05, 2023, 09:57:26 AM
Wordle 655 5/6


Not good. Ten minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on April 05, 2023, 10:22:09 AM
Wordle 655 3/6


First letter again on line one. The careful method again today. Twenty five minutes so much more laborious for an impatient type like me, but it's working so far.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on April 05, 2023, 11:09:32 AM
Wordle 655 5/6


disappointing again. Well at least I got there in the end.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on April 05, 2023, 01:21:45 PM
Wordle 655 6/6*


Bloody annoyed with myself. I re-used a letter on line 4 that had already failed earlier. Still - happy not to get zero!
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on April 05, 2023, 01:39:17 PM
After four rounds, we have:

Picnic  15
Reg     13
Slim    13
Fishy   13
Thenop  10

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on April 05, 2023, 04:23:25 PM
I need to step up!
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on April 05, 2023, 05:00:08 PM
Quote from: Thenop on April 05, 2023, 04:23:25 PMI need to step up!

Nah! Relax, enjoy Easter. Plenty of beer and late nights. You can step up next week.😉😁
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on April 06, 2023, 08:49:43 AM
Wordle 656 5/6


Dreadful start then into the too many options scenario... nightmare....
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on April 06, 2023, 09:25:31 AM
Wordle 656 4/6


Thought it was going to be a bit of a disaster after the second word, but I was unlucky not to get it in three.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on April 06, 2023, 11:04:59 AM
Wordle 656 4/6


Quite relieved as I had a couple of options left.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on April 06, 2023, 11:28:17 AM
Wordle 656 3/6


Happy today. Took me a great while to think of what to put for the 3rd attempt.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on April 06, 2023, 12:31:50 PM
Quote from: Thenop on April 06, 2023, 11:28:17 AMWordle 656 3/6


Happy today. Took me a great while to think of what to put for the 3rd attempt.

You ignored my good, honest advice then? 😂
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on April 06, 2023, 01:16:58 PM
Wordle 656 4/6*


Well, a bit better than yesterday, and no mistakes today.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on April 06, 2023, 02:13:32 PM
Quote from: The Picnic Wasp on April 06, 2023, 12:31:50 PM
Quote from: Thenop on April 06, 2023, 11:28:17 AMWordle 656 3/6


Happy today. Took me a great while to think of what to put for the 3rd attempt.

You ignored my good, honest advice then? 😂
Sorry... I never even listened to my mother...
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on April 07, 2023, 06:19:41 AM
Wordle 657 4/6


Hmm. Not the easiest one.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on April 07, 2023, 08:32:35 AM
Wordle 657 4/6*


Curses. So nearly in 3.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on April 07, 2023, 08:56:50 AM
Wordle 657 4/6


Curses.. so nearly in 3.. lol
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on April 07, 2023, 09:06:41 AM
Wordle 657 5/6


I was sure I'd got it on the fourth. But at least I was close.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on April 07, 2023, 10:25:25 AM
Wordle 657 3/6


Quicker today. About fifteen minutes. Used the most significant Good Friday word for line two which was a real help. Could only conjure up two options thereafter and one had already been a previous solution, so very satisfying.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on April 07, 2023, 05:10:32 PM
Three rounds left and Picnic has a decisive lead:

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on April 07, 2023, 06:25:01 PM
Quote from: Slim on April 07, 2023, 05:10:32 PMThree rounds left and Picnic has a decisive lead:


Going for a resurrection here...
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on April 07, 2023, 06:56:40 PM
I had an idea for the next Wordle competition, perhaps in a few weeks' time? Rather than scoring points per game, it would be a knockout competition. Anyone failing to complete their Wordle in 4 goes or less leaves the contest, and the last man standing wins.

The downside is that it's likely to be a short competition; for example if we were playing those rules this time, Picnic would have won on the fourth day.

On the other hand we could make it 5 goes or less, in which case it could run for a long time. On that basis, only Reg would have dropped out so far.

Just a thought, anyway.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on April 07, 2023, 07:00:25 PM
I think a short run is not bad at all. It gives everyone the opportunity to participate and when you're out, it won't be long before a next competition comes up.

I like it.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on April 08, 2023, 06:18:07 AM
Wordle 658 4/6


Aaaaaahhhh, Should have really got it the third line.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on April 08, 2023, 08:57:01 AM
Wordle 658 5/6


Not good ..
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on April 08, 2023, 09:07:15 AM
Wordle 658 4/6


Lucky guess.. was looking bad there
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on April 08, 2023, 10:32:06 AM
Wordle 658 3/6


This is a very laborious method and I couldn't be bothered with it for the day-to-day challenges, but it's worked well for me this week so far. I know you guys love my Easter themed words, so I started off with a very appropriate Holy Saturday symbol, which was very kind to me. I thought a line two might be on, but the more I thought, the more the list of options grew and grew. Fortunately line two eliminated all but two of them (and a couple of unlikelies) so it fell into place nicely.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on April 08, 2023, 07:09:31 PM
Wordle 658 4/6


Well, that was a challenge.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on April 08, 2023, 09:11:51 PM
Picnic 26
Reg    22
Fishy  21
Thenop 20
Slim   20

It's not over yet!
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on April 09, 2023, 06:33:15 AM
Wordle 659 6/6


Well... I can honestly say I have never heard of this word. I just tried until something stuck.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on April 09, 2023, 08:38:43 AM
Wordle 659 4/6


I deployed the fourth word reluctantly, because although I was sure it would be accepted - I didn't think it was likely to be the solution.

About 5 minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on April 09, 2023, 10:52:19 AM
Wordle 659 5/6


Well, that was hard.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on April 09, 2023, 12:05:45 PM
Wordle 659 3/6


A complete shot in the dark .. 45 mins trying to think of a third word..
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on April 09, 2023, 05:59:27 PM
Wordle 659 3/6


I was lucky with my 1st go in a way - my first yellow was what turned out to be letter 4 of the answer. Very helpful.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on April 09, 2023, 10:46:40 PM
Well, it's close.

Picnic  28
Reg     26
Fishy   25
Slim    23
Thenop  21
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on April 10, 2023, 12:57:42 AM
Wordle 660 5/6


Ach well, I should probably have attempted it sober. See you down the road sometime.......................!
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on April 10, 2023, 06:13:36 AM
Wordle 660 4/6


That's it.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on April 10, 2023, 09:11:08 AM
Wordle 660 2/6


Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on April 10, 2023, 09:11:15 AM
Wordle 660 3/6


Decent effort at the last gasp. Two minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on April 10, 2023, 12:55:27 PM
Wordle 660 3/6


Took me a little longer than 2 minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on April 10, 2023, 01:47:07 PM
Well, well. It's a photo finish!

And first place is shared by Reg, Picnic and Fishy.


Well done chaps. I enjoyed that.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on April 10, 2023, 01:56:16 PM
So did I, even coming in last. All the more reason to keep trying and practicing.

As an aside, the only one scoring 30 points and having a daily high score if 5 is Fishy. Well done!
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on April 11, 2023, 08:38:33 AM
Wordle 661 2/6


Blimey.. again....
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on April 11, 2023, 09:00:45 AM
Wordle 661 4/6


Five minutes, pleased when I saw a possible solution there on the fourth word.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on April 11, 2023, 10:25:21 AM
Wordle 661 3/6


About 5 minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on April 11, 2023, 11:07:55 AM
Wordle 661 4/6


5 mins, give or take.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on April 12, 2023, 08:44:38 AM
Wordle 662 5/6


Normal service resumed
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on April 12, 2023, 10:59:22 AM
Wordle 662 6/6


Nick of time. Too many options from the third word on, but even when the available free letters were considerably limited, I didn't see the solution for a long time.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on April 12, 2023, 11:11:21 AM
Wordle 662 5/6*


Bit of a challenge today.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on April 12, 2023, 11:23:17 AM
Wordle 662 X/6


No joy. No clue what this word is, will go and look it up now.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on April 13, 2023, 08:28:08 AM
Wordle 663 3/6*


Splendid. About 5 minutes. Mostly on the third word.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on April 13, 2023, 08:44:04 AM
Wordle 663 3/6


About 10 mins.. most of it on the third word
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on April 13, 2023, 09:22:58 AM
Wordle 663 4/6


Sorry but you are not allowed to view spoiler contents.

Still - three diverting minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on April 13, 2023, 11:19:45 AM
Wordle 663 2/6


YES ;D Pleased today.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on April 14, 2023, 05:13:49 AM
Wordle 664 3/6


Meh, 1 minute.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on April 14, 2023, 11:20:16 AM
Wordle 664 4/6


About 25 minutes to be honest .. most of it looking for a third word that would fit.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on April 14, 2023, 12:51:54 PM
Wordle 664 3/6


2 mins
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on April 14, 2023, 07:45:09 PM
Wordle 664 5/6


Hard work! About 10 minutes in all.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on April 15, 2023, 06:14:31 AM
Wordle 665 4/6


5 mins.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on April 15, 2023, 08:43:27 AM
Wordle 665 3/6


Took a while to think of the third word
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on April 15, 2023, 09:45:09 AM
Wordle 665 3/6


Well that wasn't too painful. Two minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on April 15, 2023, 01:08:21 PM
Wordle 665 4/6*


About 5 minutes
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on April 16, 2023, 06:45:43 AM
Wordle 666 4/6


Took me all of making breakfast. Hello Sunday.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on April 16, 2023, 11:38:05 AM
Took me a very long time to find a fourth word to fit, so I was sure it must be the solution.

I literally tried every available letter in turn for the fifth word. I'm not familiar with the solution at all.

Sorry but you are not allowed to view spoiler contents.

Wordle 666 5/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on April 16, 2023, 01:15:44 PM
Wordle 666 3/6*


Quite quick today. Couple of minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on April 16, 2023, 05:15:47 PM
Wordle 666 6/6


Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on April 17, 2023, 06:22:56 AM
Wordle 667 5/6


Around 5 minutes
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on April 17, 2023, 06:48:35 AM
Wordle 667 5/6


Three minutes, very incremental progress though.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on April 17, 2023, 07:56:14 AM
Wordle 667 5/6


Bit of a struggle but got there.. just
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on April 17, 2023, 03:12:42 PM
Wordle 667 5/6


Very similar here.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on April 18, 2023, 10:52:31 AM
Wordle 668 4/6


5 mins.. took a break for quick shower and the possible solution came to mind
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on April 18, 2023, 10:58:54 AM
Wordle 668 5/6

yeah, well. Just a minute or 2.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on April 18, 2023, 11:09:51 AM
Oh dear. A minute, but one of those "too many options" ones.

Wordle 668 X/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on April 18, 2023, 07:21:15 PM
Wordle 668 X/6*


Same here  :(
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on April 19, 2023, 08:16:49 AM
Wordle 669 3/6


Easy 1 minute.. that doesn't happen often for me
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on April 19, 2023, 08:36:34 AM
Wordle 669 5/6


About 4 minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on April 19, 2023, 09:28:23 AM
Wordle 669 4/6


Fairly quick, 3 mins.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on April 19, 2023, 03:30:54 PM
Wordle 669 5/6

Didn't take long, just a lot of tries.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on April 20, 2023, 08:57:57 AM
Wordle 670 2/6


20 seconds
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on April 20, 2023, 08:58:05 AM
Wordle 670 3/6


Nice quick one today, less than a minute.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on April 20, 2023, 11:03:04 AM
Wordle 670 2/6


Seems like an easy day for all
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on April 20, 2023, 07:02:52 PM
Wordle 670 2/6*


Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on April 21, 2023, 06:48:47 AM
Wordle 671 3/6


That was a looooong think.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on April 21, 2023, 11:46:41 AM
Wordle 671 5/6


I think that may have been the toughest one ever. Took about an hour to get to the fifth entry, then another three seconds to find the solution.

I groaned when the third effort didn't turn up any more clues (save the eliminated letters of course). Took about half an hour to find that word.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on April 21, 2023, 12:05:15 PM
Wordle 671 3/6


Took an age to think of a third word
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on April 21, 2023, 12:53:24 PM
Wordle 671 4/6


I guess I was lucky with my 2nd attempt. Given the 3rd attempt the answer was then staring me in the face.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on April 22, 2023, 08:15:38 AM
Wordle 672 4/6


Quick one, three minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on April 22, 2023, 08:21:21 AM
Wordle 672 5/6


2 mins.. feared it was too many options mode again
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on April 22, 2023, 08:47:49 AM
Wordle 672 3/6*


Very quick today. 2 minutes. Getting the starting letter on line 2 was a stroke of luck.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on April 22, 2023, 11:01:02 AM
Wordle ;)  672 2/6


Under a minute. Not bad for a Dutchie ;)
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on April 23, 2023, 06:21:33 AM
Wordle 673 3/6


5 mins or so, mainly to think of word 3.
Don't think I ever had nothing on line 1.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on April 23, 2023, 09:57:49 AM
Wordle 673 4/6


Tricky but got there
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on April 23, 2023, 11:11:54 AM
Annoying one today. I deployed that third word very reluctantly, because it had a double letter, as well as a letter with a low probability of being useful in most circumstances. Irritating when it came up three yellows again.

Wordle 673 4/6


Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on April 23, 2023, 02:07:08 PM
Wordle 673 5/6


A struggle for me too. My 3rd word I wasn't even sure was real, I thought it was a made up word that I had read in a book (Alastair Reynold's Revenger) but hey ho it was accepted. Got there in the end though.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on April 23, 2023, 02:08:53 PM
Hmm.. I just looked that word up, and it is a real word, but the meaning used in the book is completely different.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on April 24, 2023, 06:23:40 AM
Wordle 674 4/6


Right. Would not have thought this to see ever in a wordgame.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on April 24, 2023, 08:47:32 AM
Wordle 674 3/6


Second guess helped a lot but struggled for a few mins to get it.. about 10 mins...
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on April 24, 2023, 09:43:46 AM
Wordle 674 4/6


I'd say I was unlucky with my first three choices.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on April 24, 2023, 03:10:31 PM
Wordle 674 4/6*


I had to think for about 5 minutes before my 3rd attempt and was delighted as 2 came up green and then bummed out when the 3rd letter was a dud.
Didn't take too long to work out the answer from there though.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on April 25, 2023, 08:11:56 AM
Wordle 675 4/6


Too many possibilities ... got lucky
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on April 25, 2023, 09:05:49 AM
About a minute.

Wordle 675 4/6


Annoying one though, because

Sorry but you are not allowed to view spoiler contents.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on April 25, 2023, 10:55:51 AM
Wordle 675 4/6


Ok-ish, I guess
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on April 25, 2023, 07:45:05 PM
Wordle 675 5/6


When I saw the possibilities that might be left after the 4th word, I had a bit of a panic. Then I looked carefully at the letters that were left, and one word sprang to mind. Luckily - that was it  :)
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on April 26, 2023, 08:42:34 AM
Wordle 676 5/6


About 5 mins
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on April 26, 2023, 11:25:44 AM
Wordle 676 3/6


about 5 mins as well
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on April 26, 2023, 12:10:28 PM
Wordle 676 4/6


About 45 minutes!
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on April 26, 2023, 07:36:41 PM
Wordle 676 4/6


About 7 minutes, with most of it spent trying to think of a possible 4th word.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on April 27, 2023, 06:15:21 AM
Wordle 677 4/6


5 mins or so. Over breakfast.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on April 27, 2023, 08:41:26 AM
Wordle 677 5/6


5 mins
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on April 27, 2023, 09:05:14 AM
Wordle 677 2/6


Nice! About a minute.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on April 27, 2023, 11:58:40 AM
Wordle 677 4/6


Not as quick as James, but still, about 3 minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on April 28, 2023, 06:17:33 AM
Wordle 678 3/6


4 minutes, to think of the 3rd word only
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on April 28, 2023, 08:25:50 AM
Wordle 678 5/6


Tricky.. 10 mins...
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on April 28, 2023, 10:13:21 AM
Wordle 678 4/6


About 15 mins, mostly spent coming up with a third word to fit.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on April 28, 2023, 11:10:16 AM
Wordle 678 3/6*


Had a good think over breakfast about the 2nd word.

The actual answer came shortly after that as my options were limited.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on April 29, 2023, 06:25:49 AM
Bit of an exclusion process.
Wordle 679 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on April 29, 2023, 08:35:31 AM
Wordle 679 3/6


2 mins....
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on April 29, 2023, 09:58:43 AM
Wordle 679 5/6


Quite an irritating one, ten minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on April 29, 2023, 02:27:48 PM
Wordle 679 4/6*


About 5 minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on April 30, 2023, 06:21:31 AM
Wordle 680 6/6


That was close...
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on April 30, 2023, 08:18:58 AM
Wordle 680 5/6


10 mins... 5th guess took about a while tho
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on April 30, 2023, 10:41:45 AM
Wordle 680 4/6


10 mins here as well. Tricky.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on April 30, 2023, 04:19:21 PM
Wordle 680 6/6


About 10 minutes, and a real struggle.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on May 01, 2023, 06:29:12 AM
Wordle 681 3/6


Took me a while to see it
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on May 01, 2023, 08:27:48 AM
Wordle 681 4/6


About 10 mins on the 3rd guess which pretty much gave me the solution
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on May 01, 2023, 08:41:26 AM
Super quick one today, all over in 40 seconds.

Wordle 681 3/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on May 01, 2023, 11:33:39 AM
Wordle 681 4/6*


Curses. I've used the answer as a starter before.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on May 02, 2023, 08:18:23 AM
Wordle 682 5/6


5 mins ....
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on May 02, 2023, 10:38:22 AM
Wordle 682 6/6


That was a bit tricky.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on May 02, 2023, 10:57:55 AM
Wordle 682 4/6


Quick one today. Minute and a half or so.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on May 02, 2023, 11:42:38 AM
Wordle 682 5/6


10 minutes. Should have explored options for the fourth word a bit longer.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on May 03, 2023, 08:23:39 AM
Wordle 683 4/6


Four minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on May 03, 2023, 08:33:38 AM
Wordle 683 3/6


2 mins .. second guess helped a lot..
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on May 03, 2023, 09:38:54 AM
Wordle 683 4/6


OK I guess.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on May 03, 2023, 08:28:46 PM
Wordle 683 4/6*


Not too shabby. A few minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on May 04, 2023, 06:15:07 AM
Wordle 684 4/6


Not difficult.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on May 04, 2023, 08:34:49 AM
Wordle 684 5/6


Too many alternatives but managed.. just
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on May 04, 2023, 09:23:00 AM
About seven minutes .. the solution was a word I considered using on the third go. Bit annoying.

Wordle 684 5/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on May 04, 2023, 01:21:50 PM
Wordle 684 5/6


Scary start.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on May 04, 2023, 02:27:22 PM
Yes, long time since I started with two blank lines myself.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on May 05, 2023, 06:18:55 AM
Wordle 685 4/6


Bit unlucky with the first 2 attempts
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on May 05, 2023, 08:45:32 AM
Wordle 685 3/6


3rd guess was a bit of luck tbh...
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on May 05, 2023, 11:32:59 AM
About 90 minutes, most of it finding a third word to fit. Suppose I'd better do some work now!

Wordle 685 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on May 05, 2023, 07:58:21 PM
Wordle 685 4/6*


About 5 minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on May 06, 2023, 06:17:09 AM
Wordle 686 4/6


That was a lot more difficult than I thought with 4 letters on row 2.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on May 06, 2023, 08:10:19 AM
Wordle 686 5/6


Kin hell that was tricky....
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on May 06, 2023, 08:21:17 AM
Wordle 686 4/6


Just right this morning, ten diverting minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on May 06, 2023, 12:26:09 PM
Wordle 686 4/6*


About 5 minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on May 07, 2023, 04:52:48 AM
Wordle 687 3/6


A minute! Which is good because I don't have a lot of time this morning.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on May 07, 2023, 07:22:11 AM
Wordle 687 X/6


No joy whatsoever and it took me nearly an hour. I just gave up.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on May 07, 2023, 12:50:36 PM
Wordle 687 4/6

Took ages to think of that 4th word...
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on May 07, 2023, 08:27:51 PM
Wordle 687 3/6*


Tricky. Took a bit of thought that.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on May 08, 2023, 06:27:09 AM
Wordle 688 6/6


Seemed to be the only word that fit. Not that I would have thought of it.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on May 08, 2023, 08:52:20 AM
Wordle 688 4/6


Wasn't even sure it was a word.. bit of a guess
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on May 08, 2023, 10:45:23 AM
About three minutes.

Wordle 688 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on May 08, 2023, 09:14:14 PM
Wordle 688 3/6*


Just remembered after a gap of some hours that I left this unfinished after 2 attempts.

The unintended pause seems to have worked wonders!
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on May 09, 2023, 06:17:14 AM
Wordle 689 4/6


Yes, well. First 2 attempts a bit unfortunate.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on May 09, 2023, 07:56:09 AM
Wordle 689 3/6*


Good starter today. About 2 minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on May 09, 2023, 08:16:57 AM
Wordle 689 3/6


5 mins
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on May 09, 2023, 10:36:55 AM
Wordle 689 6/6


Well that was an odd one .. about 30 minutes, ten of them even after I had three green letters. I didn't realise my fifth effort was even a word, was just going through possibilities.

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on May 10, 2023, 08:46:00 AM
Wordle 690 4/6


Took 10 mins on the solution.. about 30 secs on the rest of it...
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on May 10, 2023, 11:06:25 AM
Wordle 690 4/6


Gah.. about half an hour, nearly all finding a third word to fit.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on May 10, 2023, 11:12:10 AM
Wordle 690 4/6


Exclusion process worked. Nice.
Sorry but you are not allowed to view spoiler contents.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on May 10, 2023, 04:48:29 PM
Wordle 690 4/6


Surprisingly I spent most time on the final word, and in hindsight, it wasn't that difficult. Good word though.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on May 11, 2023, 08:20:53 AM
Wordle 691 4/6


Nice n easy .. about 4 mins...
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on May 11, 2023, 08:37:09 AM
Bit annoying because I thought of the solution for the fourth word. Then I looked for something else instead.

Wordle 691 5/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on May 11, 2023, 11:06:16 AM
Wordle 691 5/6


That took a bit.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on May 11, 2023, 02:32:00 PM
Wordle 691 3/6*


Pleased with that 3rd word  8)
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on May 12, 2023, 06:03:21 AM
692 3/6


Under a minute today
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on May 12, 2023, 08:23:46 AM
Wordle 692 5/6


Aaaagghhh too many alternatives......
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on May 12, 2023, 11:57:48 AM
Very quick, a minute

Wordle 692 3/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on May 12, 2023, 12:04:30 PM
Wordle 692 3/6*


Cracking 2nd attempt. About 3 minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on May 13, 2023, 06:13:22 AM
Wordle 693 4/6


Didn't know the word but it stuck.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on May 13, 2023, 08:29:27 AM
Wordle 693 3/6


About 6 minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on May 13, 2023, 09:15:16 AM
Wordle 693 4/6


Off to a flyer then got a bit stuck.. about 10 mins
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on May 13, 2023, 06:01:58 PM
Wordle 693 3/6


Pretty good going, in about 3 minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on May 14, 2023, 06:00:35 AM
Wordle 694 4/6


Quick, maybe a minute and a half
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on May 14, 2023, 09:31:06 AM
Wordle 694 3/6


About a minute
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on May 14, 2023, 09:44:26 AM
Wordle 694 5/6


Unfolded nicely but took 5 goes. 2 mins.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on May 14, 2023, 07:42:47 PM
Wordle 694 4/6


That 3rd result was a bit of a shock, but still, led nicely to the solution given the limited positions left for the letters to go in.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on May 15, 2023, 05:57:35 AM
Wordle 695 3/6


Under a minute, superfast today
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on May 15, 2023, 08:37:02 AM
Wordle 695 5/6


10 mins.. tricky...
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on May 15, 2023, 12:42:51 PM
Wordle 695 4/6


Four goes, but about two minutes.

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on May 15, 2023, 02:10:29 PM
Wordle 695 5/6


Has this been a solution before? About the same time as James.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on May 15, 2023, 05:54:47 PM
Quote from: R6GYY on May 15, 2023, 02:10:29 PMWordle 695 5/6


Has this been a solution before?
According to - no. No repeats so far.

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on May 16, 2023, 04:29:09 AM
Wordle 696 3/6


30 seconds
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on May 16, 2023, 09:39:23 AM
Very annoying one. Only took two minutes, though. Thought I was fortunate with the second word.

Wordle 696 6/6


Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on May 16, 2023, 12:08:08 PM
Wordle 696 4/6


2 minutes
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on May 16, 2023, 07:45:42 PM
Wordle 696 5/6


That took longer than I think it should have.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on May 17, 2023, 08:37:10 AM
Wordle 697 3/6


20 secs.. nice n easy
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on May 17, 2023, 09:33:45 AM
Wordle 697 4/6*


2 minutes. 
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on May 17, 2023, 10:02:24 AM
40 seconds. Gobsmacked when that came up all green.

Wordle 697 2/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on May 17, 2023, 10:59:56 AM
Wordle 697 3/6


Weirdest one so far, with just one letter in the middle the rest popped up like magic. Unreal.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on May 18, 2023, 02:50:59 AM
Wordle 698 5/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on May 18, 2023, 06:17:11 AM
Wordle 698 6/6


Ending up trying every letter left til something stuck. No idea what this word is.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on May 18, 2023, 09:16:38 AM
Wordle 698 4/6


Two minute one.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on May 18, 2023, 01:25:06 PM
Wordle 698 3/6


So close to 2.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on May 19, 2023, 06:01:20 AM
Wordle 699 4/6


Under 2 minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on May 19, 2023, 08:45:42 AM
Wordle 699 5/6


About 10 mins
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on May 19, 2023, 08:48:03 AM
Wordle 699 3/6


About a minute today.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on May 19, 2023, 09:46:37 AM
Wordle 699 5/6


About two minutes. Very incremental progress.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on May 20, 2023, 06:10:25 AM
Wordle 700 4/6


About 3 minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on May 20, 2023, 09:24:55 AM
Wordle 700 3/6


Couple of minutes
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on May 20, 2023, 09:41:22 AM
Wordle 700 4/6


Unfolded nicely. About two minutes
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on May 20, 2023, 01:45:45 PM
Wordle 700 3/6


About a minute today.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on May 21, 2023, 06:13:41 AM
Wordle 701 4/6


Another quick one. Tried a new start word on an impulse and it did well, but the word I was going to try originally would have done better.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on May 21, 2023, 06:34:58 AM
Wordle 701 X/6


No luck today. Probably an everyday word but I never heard of it.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on May 21, 2023, 08:17:16 AM
Wordle 701 3/6


Nice n easy.. about a minute...
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on May 21, 2023, 01:50:38 PM
Wordle 701 3/6*


Another quick one today. About 2 minutes thinking of the 2nd word, then the answer was very quick after that.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on May 22, 2023, 06:26:57 AM
Wordle 702 4/6


Quite some time to be honest. Had no idea it spelled like it is.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on May 22, 2023, 09:27:49 AM
Wordle 702 3/6


The solution was the word I considered using on the second go. Annoying.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on May 22, 2023, 10:34:04 AM
Wordle 702 5/6


Struggled a bit with this.  Guess 5 took a while...
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on May 22, 2023, 08:58:20 PM
Wordle 702 4/6*


Took some 🤔 thinking did that.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on May 23, 2023, 08:16:44 AM
Wordle 703 3/6


2nd guess helped a lot.. about 3 mins
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on May 23, 2023, 09:44:08 AM
Wordle 703 3/6


About 6 mins.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on May 23, 2023, 11:15:33 AM
Wordle 703 6/6


Very unlucky today, glad I made it
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on May 23, 2023, 12:59:53 PM
Wordle 703 3/6*


Quickie today. Under 2 minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on May 24, 2023, 08:47:19 AM
Wordle 704 3/6


About 5 mins.. third guess took a while
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on May 24, 2023, 11:16:38 AM
Wordle 704 5/6

Took me forever, I simply didn't see it
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on May 24, 2023, 11:32:38 AM
Wordle 704 4/6


20 seconds, very useful first word. I considered using the solution on the third go. Bit annoying.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on May 24, 2023, 11:36:11 AM
Anyone up for a round of Wordle Knockout (

More than four goes and you're out. Last man standing wins.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on May 24, 2023, 04:20:22 PM
Wordle 704 4/6*


A few minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on May 24, 2023, 04:37:19 PM
Quote from: Slim on May 24, 2023, 11:36:11 AMAnyone up for a round of Wordle Knockout (

More than four goes and you're out. Last man standing wins.
yep I'm in.. and probably quickly out..,
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on May 24, 2023, 05:55:29 PM
Quote from: Slim on May 24, 2023, 11:36:11 AMAnyone up for a round of Wordle Knockout (

More than four goes and you're out. Last man standing wins.

yes please
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on May 24, 2023, 07:45:27 PM
Quote from: Slim on May 24, 2023, 11:36:11 AMAnyone up for a round of Wordle Knockout (

More than four goes and you're out. Last man standing wins.
Okey dokey fokies.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on May 24, 2023, 08:10:56 PM
Excellent - OK let's start tomorrow then. May the best man win! In which case it won't be me, that's for sure.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on May 24, 2023, 10:18:55 PM
G'luck everyone!
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on May 25, 2023, 08:52:10 AM
Wordle 705 4/6


Only just......
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on May 25, 2023, 10:51:59 AM
Wordle 705 2/6


lucky today  :D
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on May 25, 2023, 11:56:32 AM
Wordle 705 4/6*


Sweating on the 4th attempt. Right to the wire that one.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on May 25, 2023, 12:07:30 PM
Wordle 705 4/6


Phew! Five minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on May 25, 2023, 05:10:23 PM
Wordle 705 4/6


Scraped it!
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on May 25, 2023, 05:57:22 PM
Quote from: The Picnic Wasp on May 25, 2023, 05:10:23 PMWordle 705 4/6


Scraped it!
Are you in?

If so then the current list of survivors stands as:


Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on May 25, 2023, 07:42:17 PM
Quote from: Slim on May 25, 2023, 05:57:22 PM
Quote from: The Picnic Wasp on May 25, 2023, 05:10:23 PMWordle 705 4/6


Scraped it!
Are you in?

If so then the current list of survivors stands as:


Probably not for long given the new format.😁
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on May 25, 2023, 08:00:56 PM
Quote from: Slim on May 25, 2023, 05:57:22 PM
Quote from: The Picnic Wasp on May 25, 2023, 05:10:23 PMWordle 705 4/6


Scraped it!
Are you in?

If so then the current list of survivors stands as:


Good to see we all survived...just
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on May 26, 2023, 06:09:29 AM
Wordle 706 5/6


I am out, too many options, not enough luck.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on May 26, 2023, 08:44:13 AM
Wordle 706 4/6


Scraped thru again.. 2nd guess helped a lot but then too many options scenario.. nervy stuff....
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on May 26, 2023, 11:41:07 AM
Wordle 706 4/6


Lucky there.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on May 26, 2023, 12:24:33 PM
Wordle 706 5/6


For attempt 4, I had worked out that there were 2 alternatives left. I didn't choose correctly.

Oh woe is me  :(
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on May 26, 2023, 12:31:40 PM
Wordle 706 3/6


Very annoyingly I thought of the solution for the second word, then tried something else. That's the third time in about a week that I've done that.

Anyway, I survived .. commiserations to our fallen comrades.

Reg out 26/5
Thenop out 26/5

By the way since it's possible that all remaining participants will leave the process on the same day, I suggest we use the number of attempts as the tiebreaker. Failing that, it's a draw.

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on May 27, 2023, 05:58:08 AM
Out of contest entry  8)
Wordle 707 3/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on May 27, 2023, 09:33:42 AM
Wordle 707 4/6


Clinging on.. just ...wasn't even sure it was a word tbh
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on May 27, 2023, 10:14:12 AM
Wordle 707 4/6


Phew. Took about half an hour, mostly finding a second word to fit.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on May 27, 2023, 11:03:48 AM
Wordle 707 4/6


Complete fluke! I was pretty much throwing in the towel with that fourth guess.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on May 27, 2023, 07:14:48 PM
Wordle 707 6/6*


Sweating on that final attempt!
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on May 28, 2023, 06:09:58 AM
If I wasn't out already, I'd be now

Wordle 708 5/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on May 28, 2023, 08:20:07 AM
Wordle 708 4/6


Scraped thru again...A hopeless start.. 3rd guess helped a lot
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on May 28, 2023, 09:21:35 AM
Wordle 708 4/6


Bad start, similar to Fishy. Took about 15 minutes to find a fourth word to fit! But that made me optimistic that when I did, it would probably come back all green.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on May 28, 2023, 10:58:49 AM
Wordle 708 3/6


Line two was one of those "flipping heck, where did that come from?" moments.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on May 28, 2023, 01:13:21 PM
Wordle 708 4/6


Quite quick today, despite the inauspicious start.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on May 29, 2023, 06:05:03 AM
Out of competition, under a minute
Wordle 709 3/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on May 29, 2023, 08:38:13 AM
Wordle 709 4/6


Clinging on...
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on May 29, 2023, 10:34:34 AM
Wordle 709 5/6



Poor start. Took about 15 mins in all.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on May 29, 2023, 11:26:46 AM
Wordle 709 3/6


Ridiculously good luck again today with seemingly throwaway guesses. Great to get the middle and end immediately. Good luck Fishy! Didn't foresee myself in the final, but I'll take it.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on May 29, 2023, 01:29:34 PM
Slim out 29/5
Reg out 26/5
Thenop out 26/5
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on May 29, 2023, 06:28:01 PM
Wordle 709 4/6*


Steady progress here outside of the KO Cup.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on May 30, 2023, 12:16:13 AM
Wordle 710 4/6


Totally surprised when that went green. The last letter being incorrect on lines two and three did eliminate quite a few options. Let's see what the morning brings.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on May 30, 2023, 08:16:22 AM
Wordle 710 4/6


Pretty bad start but 3rd guess helped a lot...
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on May 30, 2023, 09:39:16 AM
Wordle 710 5/6


About half an hour, good job I work from home. Thought for sure I'd got it on the fourth go.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on May 30, 2023, 11:04:41 AM
Wordle 710 4/6


Still out of competition, but made it in time
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on May 30, 2023, 07:59:39 PM
Wordle 710 5/6


Bit of a challenge today, but managed it.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on May 31, 2023, 09:09:48 AM
Wordle 711 2/6

Very lucky second guess
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on May 31, 2023, 09:24:51 AM
Wordle 711 3/6


Five minute one today.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on May 31, 2023, 09:47:56 AM
Wordle 711 5/6


Well done Fishy, sir! Great way to win a final.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on May 31, 2023, 10:54:52 AM
Wordle 711 4/6


Out of contest again of course. Still, made it in time.
Well done Fishy!
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on May 31, 2023, 12:10:33 PM
Congrats Fishy!
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on May 31, 2023, 12:23:27 PM
Thanks.. was good fun that👍
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on May 31, 2023, 03:25:29 PM
Well done Fishy  ;D

Wordle 711 3/6


Good result today - all over in a minute.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on June 01, 2023, 07:45:45 AM
Wordle 712 6/6


Hah!  Terrible start then into too many alternatives horror...
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on June 01, 2023, 11:23:57 AM
Wordle 712 X/6


Unbelievable I only managed to get 2 letters, in total!
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on June 01, 2023, 12:00:41 PM
Wordle 712 X/6


Well I managed one better! Too many possibilities today. Failure!
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on June 01, 2023, 12:18:00 PM
Wordle 712 4/6


That took a long time. A few months ago in a piece I read somewhere, today's solution was identified as one of the worst possible starting words. I only really attempted it partly for a laugh, and partly because I couldn't think of anything else.

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on June 01, 2023, 12:41:38 PM
Wordle 712 3/6


I wasn't going to attempt Wordle today as my eyes have been quite painful of late, and screen time makes things worse. I think this wretched disease flares up in warmer weather. However, after a quick look at your comments today, I couldn't resist. James' post made me go for QUEUE. It drew the blank above, so Zs and Ys seemed logical, and so it proved. I nearly stupidly went for ZAZZY thinking it was really obscure before realising the obvious. I'd never had got the solution without reading the posts, but I don't suppose it's too much of a cheat given that I hadn't intended to play. Oh, FIZZY was my line two.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on June 02, 2023, 06:11:38 AM
Wordle 713 5/6


Oh well...
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on June 02, 2023, 07:58:00 AM
Wordle 713 4/6


Guess 3 opened the door...
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on June 02, 2023, 07:59:09 AM
Wordle 713 4/6*


At least there weren't oodles of options like yesterday.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on June 02, 2023, 10:33:10 AM
Wordle 713 4/6


Well I thought that would be a quick one when the two last letters came up in green, but it took a good 20 minutes after that. I'd listed ten five-letter words ending in those two letters before I ultimately found one to fit.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on June 03, 2023, 06:13:17 AM
Wordle 714 X/6


Ran out of tries, too much possibilities.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on June 03, 2023, 08:35:07 AM
Wordle 714 6/6


Very nearly ran out of goes myself. Tricky one.

I can inform readers that
Sorry but you are not allowed to view spoiler contents.

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on June 03, 2023, 09:47:28 AM
Wordle 714 X/6


Too many fucking possibilities.. asagghhhh
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on June 03, 2023, 11:12:07 AM
Wordle 714 4/6


Lucky guess for four.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on June 03, 2023, 04:27:45 PM
Wordle 714 3/6


An inspired 3rd attempt I thought  8)
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on June 04, 2023, 12:41:14 AM
Wordle 715 5/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on June 04, 2023, 06:07:21 AM
Wordle 715 6/6


My most used opening word, my one shot at getting it right first time and I didn't think of it ::)
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on June 04, 2023, 10:33:02 AM
Wordle 715 3/6


About two minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on June 04, 2023, 11:12:32 AM
Wordle 715 4/6


Annoying! Thought I had it on line three but checked afterwards and that solution had already been used. I must get that list printed.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on June 04, 2023, 05:04:10 PM
Wordle 715 4/6*


Took a bit of thinking that one.  About 10 minutes in all.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on June 05, 2023, 06:24:41 AM
Wordle 716 6/6


No idea why I put that last word there, it just popped up in my head. Anyway, even though just the 6th attempt, still happy to have made it.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on June 05, 2023, 07:48:15 AM
Wordle 716 3/6


About 10 mins
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on June 05, 2023, 11:58:49 AM
Quick one, three minutes

Wordle 716 4/6


Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on June 05, 2023, 12:33:58 PM
Wordle 716 4/6


So glad when that letter slid along to the end.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on June 05, 2023, 01:43:47 PM
Wordle 716 5/6


Bit more of a challenge for me.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on June 06, 2023, 07:44:28 AM
Wordle 717 2/6


About 10 seconds...
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on June 06, 2023, 09:19:54 AM
Wordle 717 3/6


50 seconds.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on June 06, 2023, 10:22:00 AM
Wordle 717 3/6


Within a minute.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on June 06, 2023, 10:50:07 AM
Wordle 717 3/6


A couple of minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on June 06, 2023, 05:33:45 PM
Wordle 717 2/6


Less than a minute aided by a good result from my starting word  ;D
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on June 06, 2023, 06:30:02 PM
Looks like we expended about 5 minutes in total today!
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on June 06, 2023, 07:48:56 PM
Quote from: Slim on June 06, 2023, 06:30:02 PMLooks like we expended about 5 minutes in total today!
Must be a BtW Wordle record.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on June 07, 2023, 07:49:40 AM
Wordle 718 4/6


Mmmm...5 mins bit of an odd word...
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on June 07, 2023, 10:11:16 AM
Wordle 718 3/6


About 5 mins.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on June 07, 2023, 10:46:31 AM
Minute and a half. Odd choice for a word.

Wordle 718 5/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on June 07, 2023, 11:00:44 AM
Wordle 718 5/6


Kicking myself! Great start but quickly realised the possibles list was massive. However, I was too lazy to consult the previous solutions list and two of those appear on my second and fourth lines. Idiot! I need to learn how to print from an iPad or buy a new computer asap.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on June 07, 2023, 12:25:06 PM
Wordle 718 3/6


Another good starting word today. Took a few minutes to work out the anagram that I needed though so about 5 minutes overall.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on June 08, 2023, 07:45:58 AM
Wordle 719 5/6


Should have had it in 4..
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on June 08, 2023, 08:49:56 AM
Wordle 719 4/6


Poor start, but I found the solution fairly quickly on the fourth go. About four minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on June 08, 2023, 10:40:34 AM
Wordle 719 3/6


Quite quick this one. In a way lucky that I could exclude a lot to find this.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on June 08, 2023, 10:40:59 AM
Wordle 719 4/6


Steady progress today. About three minutes all in.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on June 08, 2023, 03:09:31 PM
Wordle 719 4/6


About the same here as Mr. Wasp.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on June 09, 2023, 07:53:49 AM
Wordle 720 X/6


Only took 3 mins to fail....
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on June 09, 2023, 10:40:59 AM
Wordle 720 4/6


I thought I was heading for a washout but had a very lucky third guess. I sold a bit of this in my time. Hardly a spoiler!
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on June 09, 2023, 10:42:11 AM
I gave up after about an hour, and entered a word I'd already used for the last two goes.

Wordle 720 X/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on June 09, 2023, 11:36:49 AM
Wordle 720 3/6


Took about 5 minutes to come up with my 3rd word, but as soon as it is was in my head I thought Aha!

I would have been a bit miffed if it hadn't been the solution.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on June 09, 2023, 01:04:43 PM
Wordle 720 6/6


Just in time although I just put in what fit. Now I have to go look it up...
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on June 09, 2023, 01:17:31 PM
Bedtime story:
I used to sell large section Balsa to film and TV production companies. They used it to manufacture furniture which would collapse in fight scenes. I used to keep a piece measuring
6" x 4" x 6 feet long leaning against the wall behind my desk. Occasionally when an unsuspecting victim arrived, when they were about 10 feet away, someone would ask them "what species do you think this is?" and lob it in their direction. Oh, how we laughed! It is in fact a hardwood in case it ever comes up in your local pub quiz.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on June 10, 2023, 05:57:07 AM
Wordle 721 4/6


Quick one, minute and a half or so
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on June 10, 2023, 09:34:19 AM
Wordle 721 4/6


Tricky one .. about 10 mins
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on June 10, 2023, 09:57:08 AM
Wordle 721 5/6


Yes, quite tricky!
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on June 10, 2023, 10:49:05 AM
Wordle 721 4/6


Got lucky on the third word but even then it took a while to see it .. I typed out the possibilities with all the available letters in the second position into a text editor like this:

Sorry but you are not allowed to view spoiler contents.

Then I went through them hoping the solution would jump out. It did, but not for a few minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on June 10, 2023, 11:08:18 AM
Wordle 721 3/6


New start word. Worked quite well. Two minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on June 11, 2023, 05:58:28 AM
Wordle 722 6/6


Nick of time today.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on June 11, 2023, 07:50:27 AM
Wordle 722 3/6


30 seconds
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on June 11, 2023, 10:34:18 AM
Wordle 722 3/6


Five minute one.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on June 11, 2023, 10:47:33 AM
Wordle 722 4/6


Five minutes here too. I have to mention though that my list of start words has been seriously shortened since I began consulting the previous solutions list.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on June 11, 2023, 07:15:07 PM
Wordle 722 3/6


Very quick - no more than 2 mintutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on June 12, 2023, 05:38:20 AM
Wordle 723 5/6


Quick, even though I needed 5 tries
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on June 12, 2023, 07:50:52 AM
Wordle 723 5/6


Tricky..10 mins..
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on June 12, 2023, 07:51:23 AM
Wordle 723 5/6


Hard work. I was lucky on line four that my fourth and last letter ruled some options out. 10 minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on June 12, 2023, 09:17:08 AM
Wordle 723 4/6


About 90 seconds.

I suppose I should have thought a little longer on the third word. If I had, I'd have got it in three.

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on June 12, 2023, 04:28:22 PM
Wordle 723 4/6


Took me about 5 minutes going through possibilities in my head for the 4th attempt.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on June 13, 2023, 06:29:53 AM
Wordle 724 5/6


First 2 attempts had me worried.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on June 13, 2023, 08:38:44 AM
Wordle 724 4/6


About 3 mins
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on June 13, 2023, 09:45:20 AM
Wordle 724 5/6


Unfolded quite neatly that one. I like it when it's all green & black. Four minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on June 13, 2023, 10:34:34 AM
Wordle 724 4/6


Two minutes. Should have been a line three finish but thought the solution was too stupid a word so went for the sensible option (which was a previous solution).🤬
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on June 13, 2023, 02:18:22 PM
Wordle 724 5/6


Somewhat annoyingly, I thought of the actual answer first for line 4, but went with a different option. You win some, you lose some.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on June 14, 2023, 08:24:18 AM
Wordle 725 4/6


About a minute
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on June 14, 2023, 09:53:28 AM
Wordle 725 2/6


Fastest one ever I think. Five seconds.

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on June 14, 2023, 10:33:30 AM
Wordle 725 4/6


Thought I had a dream start then realised it was going to be a slog of eliminating all the long list of options. Breathed a sigh of relief when it ended up not being a regular start word. I've decided to only use that start word from now on in.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on June 14, 2023, 11:01:13 AM
Wordle 725 5/6


Lot of options once I got down to row 3.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on June 14, 2023, 01:23:20 PM
Wordle 725 3/6


So nearly in 2!
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on June 15, 2023, 08:32:56 AM
Wordle 726 5/6

  Tricky 10 mins
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on June 15, 2023, 09:43:44 AM
Interesting one, about 15 mins. Awful start.

Wordle 726 6/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on June 15, 2023, 10:18:31 AM
Wordle 726 3/6


It was good that second to last letter on line two falling where it did. Wiped out a few possibles.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on June 15, 2023, 11:21:17 AM
Supertricky. Got there in the end.

Wordle 726 6/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on June 15, 2023, 12:34:16 PM
Wordle 726 5/6


Very steady progression. About 5 minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on June 16, 2023, 05:59:33 AM
Wordle 727 3/6


Under a minute, very good 2nd word.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on June 16, 2023, 08:37:29 AM
Wordle 727 6/6


Chasing 3 letters round the board.. 10 mins
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on June 16, 2023, 09:32:16 AM
Wordle 727 2/6


Another very quick one, about 10 seconds. Was looking forward to that, feel a bit cheated now.

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on June 16, 2023, 10:41:42 AM
Wordle 727 3/6


Another kind day using the permanent starter. I'm due a few bad ones until I get that one-liner.😁
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on June 16, 2023, 11:16:25 AM
Wordle 727 4/6


I think that could have taken more goes so quite pleased really.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on June 17, 2023, 02:03:48 AM
About 50 seconds.

Wordle 728 3/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on June 17, 2023, 06:01:38 AM
Wordle 728 3/6


Same here.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on June 17, 2023, 08:10:36 AM
Wordle 728 2/6


10 seconds....
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on June 17, 2023, 10:05:12 AM
Wordle 728 3/6


Lucky guess to finish. Five minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on June 17, 2023, 06:17:10 PM
Wordle 728 4/6


Sometimes it is difficult to see the woods for the trees when you have a few letters to play with. About 5 minutes in all.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on June 18, 2023, 05:59:01 AM
Wordle 729 5/6


That was very hard.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on June 18, 2023, 09:27:52 AM
Wordle 729 4/6


Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on June 18, 2023, 10:37:49 AM
Wordle 729 4/6


Weird! Thought it was a certain fail and then only one option available.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on June 18, 2023, 12:52:29 PM
Wordle 729 4/6*


By the time I got to the 4th attempt, I don't think there were many possibilities left.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on June 18, 2023, 01:25:38 PM
Wordle 729 4/6


Took about 10 minutes. Very few people will have got it in one today, I suspect. I'd eliminated all the vowels by the fourth go so it wasn't too hard to work out the solution.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on June 19, 2023, 06:10:21 AM
Wordle 730 5/6


Great word! Some stupid decisions on my part getting there though.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on June 19, 2023, 08:50:46 AM
Wordle 730 5/6


Terrible start.. took an age  to get the word .. 15 mins
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on June 19, 2023, 10:24:22 AM
Wordle 730 5/6


Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on June 19, 2023, 11:25:00 AM
Wordle 730 4/6


Good start, but that was a bit of a nice challenge. About 10 minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on June 19, 2023, 12:07:58 PM
I gave up after three goes and just put the same wrong word in three times. Annoying
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on June 20, 2023, 08:03:52 AM
Wordle 731 5/6

About a minute
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on June 20, 2023, 08:37:12 AM
Wordle 731 4/6


I made two mistakes here; I reused one of the yellows from the first word in the same position for the second go. Then I failed to think long enough about the third. Still. About a minute.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on June 20, 2023, 09:55:36 AM
Wordle 731 3/6


Better today. About four minutes.

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on June 20, 2023, 10:30:30 AM
Wordle 731 4/6


Very quick today - less than 2 miniutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on June 20, 2023, 11:06:09 AM
Wordle 731 3/6


Not bad, good choice for a second word. Minute or 2.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on June 20, 2023, 11:33:33 AM
Well now the results are all in, I can confirm that the word BONER was accepted as first word today.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on June 20, 2023, 11:42:21 AM
Quote from: Slim on June 20, 2023, 11:33:33 AMWell now the results are all in, I can confirm that the word BONER was accepted as first word today.

A legitimate word in the butchery industry I understand.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on June 21, 2023, 08:13:40 AM
Wordle 732 3/6


About a minute
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on June 21, 2023, 10:05:01 AM
Wordle 732 3/6


Enjoyed that! One minute.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on June 21, 2023, 11:01:44 AM
Quick, but too many options!
Wordle 732 5/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on June 21, 2023, 03:44:24 PM
Wordle 732 3/6


Wow - a heroic comeback from a dismal start! 2 minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on June 21, 2023, 06:27:39 PM
Somehow forgot about Wordle today and only remembered just now! About 30 seconds.

Wordle 732 3/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on June 22, 2023, 07:39:10 AM
Wordle 733 3/6


30 seconds
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on June 22, 2023, 10:15:02 AM
Wordle 733 4/6


A few minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on June 22, 2023, 10:53:21 AM
Wordle 733 2/6


Great start finding first and last letters. A lot of possibles left so about five minutes pondering those and eliminating previous solutions. A very lucky guess first time out of those remaining. Permastarter doing ok so far.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on June 22, 2023, 10:55:23 AM
Literally 10 seconds  8)
Wordle 733 2/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on June 22, 2023, 11:36:13 AM
Wordle 733 5/6


When I was faced with the line 2 result I thought I was in trouble given the potentially vast array of possibilities, so quite pleased I got there in time. Only took about 3 minutes though.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on June 23, 2023, 05:51:55 AM
About 2 minutes.
Wordle 734 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on June 23, 2023, 07:56:13 AM
Enjoyable one, about 15 minutes - most of it spent trying to find a third word to fit.

Wordle 734 5/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on June 23, 2023, 09:00:32 AM
Wordle 734 3/6


About five minutes. Going through a better spell at the moment.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on June 23, 2023, 09:17:53 AM
Wordle 734 6/6


Struggled a bit..15 mins
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on June 23, 2023, 10:53:48 AM
Wordle 734 3/6


A starter word popped into my head today and when those first 2 letters turned green my heart started racing - but then letter 3 drew a blank. Still, 3 out of 5 - a spectacular start.

About 3 minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on June 24, 2023, 05:55:21 AM
Minute and a half, quick one again.
Wordle 735 3/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on June 24, 2023, 09:04:15 AM
Wordle 735 4/6


About four minutes. Steady progress.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on June 24, 2023, 09:44:58 AM
Wordle 735 4/6


Five minutes. Should have had a longer look before applying the third word.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on June 24, 2023, 01:55:31 PM
Wordle 735 3/6*


Good 2nd word. 2 minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on June 24, 2023, 05:43:05 PM
Wordle 735 5/6


5 mins...
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on June 25, 2023, 05:59:57 AM
Took me a minute or 3 to think of word no.2 for some reason.
Wordle 736 5/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on June 25, 2023, 07:57:58 AM
Wordle 736 5/6


Took a while to think of the solution even after the 4th guess..
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on June 25, 2023, 09:37:28 AM
Wordle 736 5/6


About two minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on June 25, 2023, 10:32:49 AM
Wordle 736 3/6*


2 minutes.

I was going to start with GLAVE but it isn't in Wordle's word list. Ho hum.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on June 25, 2023, 12:19:25 PM
Wordle 736 3/6


I thought this had been a previous solution but apparently not. About five minutes with very few likely possibles after second line. Strange!
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on June 26, 2023, 06:06:14 AM
Wordle 737 4/6


A minute or 3.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on June 26, 2023, 08:39:26 AM
Wordle 737 4/6


About a minute.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on June 26, 2023, 08:43:44 AM
Wordle 737 3/6


5 mins.. struggled again to think of that third word...
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on June 26, 2023, 11:54:13 AM
Wordle 737 3/6


Still on a roll with the lucky guesses. About five minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on June 26, 2023, 02:54:33 PM
Wordle 737 2/6


Genuine freak out moment as the 1st 4 letters turned green! Quickest ever for me.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on June 27, 2023, 08:08:24 AM
Wordle 738 2/6


5 seconds...
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on June 27, 2023, 08:37:07 AM
Wordle 738 4/6


About 3 mins.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on June 27, 2023, 10:03:32 AM
Wordle 738 3/6*


2 minutes. On a bit of a roll with my starter word choices 👌
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on June 27, 2023, 11:13:58 AM
5 mins or so.
Wordle 738 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on June 27, 2023, 12:25:51 PM
Wordle 738 3/6


About five minutes thinking of words not used as previous solutions. This run of lucky guesses is baffling though.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on June 28, 2023, 08:25:11 AM
Wordle 739 4/6


Slow one today.. 20 seconds 😀
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on June 28, 2023, 08:56:14 AM
Wordle 739 4/6


Very good choice of starting word today but I still only got it in four. About 15 seconds.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on June 28, 2023, 10:53:07 AM
Was OK, a minute or so.
Wordle 739 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on June 28, 2023, 11:24:26 AM
Wordle 739 3/6


About two minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on June 28, 2023, 12:16:17 PM
Wordle 739 4/6


About 2 minutes. I wonder if Thenop and I had the same starter?
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on June 29, 2023, 08:58:29 AM
Wordle 740 5/6


About 5 mins...
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on June 29, 2023, 09:08:05 AM
Wordle 740 5/6


About a minute. I did think of the solution on the fourth go, but went with something else instead.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on June 29, 2023, 11:05:31 AM
Average. Would have liked it quicker, but I took my time.
Wordle 740 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on June 29, 2023, 01:03:13 PM
Wordle 740 4/6


A couple of minutes getting lots of letters quickly, but still took until line four.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on June 29, 2023, 04:43:57 PM
Wordle 740 4/6


Another splendid starter  8)
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on June 30, 2023, 05:58:53 AM
2 minutes.
Wordle 741 5/6

🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩 Wordle 741 5/6
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on June 30, 2023, 08:20:25 AM
Wordle 741 5/6


A minute ....too many alternatives
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on June 30, 2023, 09:39:07 AM
Wordle 741 4/6


About thirty seconds.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on June 30, 2023, 11:27:49 AM
Wordle 741 3/6


About two minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on June 30, 2023, 12:14:08 PM
Wordle 741 5/6


About 3 minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on July 01, 2023, 06:07:54 AM
Couple of minutes.
Wordle 742 5/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on July 01, 2023, 08:36:54 AM
Poor start, but about five minutes.

Wordle 742 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on July 01, 2023, 08:59:32 AM
Wordle 742 4/6


10 mins
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on July 01, 2023, 11:03:39 AM
Wordle 742 4/6


Three minutes. Surprised line three wasn't the solution.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on July 01, 2023, 11:11:28 AM
I now always refer to the previous solutions list as I play. I don't know if this is the norm amongst regular players, but it does seem to be becoming a simpler puzzle as that list grows. Makes sense I suppose. I wonder if the editor might start to repeat solutions.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on July 01, 2023, 03:56:48 PM
Wordle 742 4/6


Ah - not paying attention! Put the yellow in the same place on my 3rd go. Annoyed with myself.

Still, a couple of minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on July 01, 2023, 06:13:10 PM
Quote from: The Picnic Wasp on July 01, 2023, 11:11:28 AMI now always refer to the previous solutions list as I play. I don't know if this is the norm amongst regular players, but it does seem to be becoming a simpler puzzle as that list grows. Makes sense I suppose. I wonder if the editor might start to repeat solutions.

Never seen the list.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on July 02, 2023, 12:09:58 AM
Quote from: Thenop on July 01, 2023, 06:13:10 PM
Quote from: The Picnic Wasp on July 01, 2023, 11:11:28 AMI now always refer to the previous solutions list as I play. I don't know if this is the norm amongst regular players, but it does seem to be becoming a simpler puzzle as that list grows. Makes sense I suppose. I wonder if the editor might start to repeat solutions.

Never seen the list.

This is the site I refer to.

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on July 02, 2023, 06:07:31 AM
Wordle 743 4/6


Lucky on the fourth try I guess.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on July 02, 2023, 09:28:34 AM
Wordle 743 5/6


Lucky third guess opened the door...
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on July 02, 2023, 10:20:52 AM
Quite a diverting one, ten minutes

Wordle 743 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on July 02, 2023, 12:10:33 PM
Wordle 743 6/6


Skin of the teeth stuff but only about three minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on July 02, 2023, 04:12:33 PM
Wordle 743 4/6*


That 1st solo yellow was quite important actually. About 3 minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on July 03, 2023, 05:58:03 AM
Little under 2 minutes
Wordle 744 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on July 03, 2023, 08:28:59 AM
Wordle 744 5/6


About 3 mins.stupid guess on line 3 .. but guess 4 helped a lot..
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on July 03, 2023, 10:18:04 AM
Wordle 744 5/6


About 6 minutes I think. Slow progress.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on July 03, 2023, 11:06:24 AM
Wordle 744 3/6


Five minutes including a schoolboy error on two omitting a letter already guessed correctly, but a good guess helped to finish.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on July 03, 2023, 01:15:36 PM
Wordle 744 4/6


About 5 minutes, with most of it spent juggling those 3 yellows in my head to come up with the 3rd attempt. and then the answer came quickly after that.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on July 04, 2023, 07:56:04 AM
Wordle 745 4/6


About 2 mins .. straying  into too many alternatives territory...
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on July 04, 2023, 09:30:59 AM
Wordle 745 3/6


30 seconds, despite what appeared to be a poor choice of starting word.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on July 04, 2023, 11:18:19 AM
Wordle 745 X/6


Nope, would've never guessed, don't know the word.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on July 04, 2023, 11:37:59 AM
Wordle 745 2/6


Less than a minute. Good old permastarter today!
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on July 04, 2023, 11:43:12 AM
Wordle 745 6/6


WEll that was cutting it fine!
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on July 05, 2023, 06:40:20 AM
Wordle 746 4/6

About 5 mins
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on July 05, 2023, 10:09:48 AM
Wordle 746 4/6


About ten minutes of head scratching today just trying to think of words not used before. I don't think I've had four yellows lined up like that before. Weird.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on July 05, 2023, 10:16:19 AM
Wordle 746 4/6


Took about 15 minutes that one, most of it trying to find a third word to fit. When I did find one I was highly confident it wouldn't have been chosen as the solution by the editor. But it set me on the right path.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on July 05, 2023, 11:04:28 AM
Wordle 746 3/6


Glad to get this so quick. Just eliminating got me here.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on July 05, 2023, 11:49:43 AM
Wordle 746 4/6


Line 3 was very helpful. About 3 minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on July 06, 2023, 06:21:55 AM
Wordle 747 4/6


About a minute despite a terrible start
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on July 06, 2023, 10:01:25 AM
Wordle 747 5/6


A poor start here as well, but picked up nicely from the third go. Three minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on July 06, 2023, 10:03:05 AM
Wordle 747 4/6


Five minutes today.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on July 06, 2023, 11:02:33 AM
3 mins as well, more or less.
Oddly enough had nothing in place but still managed to figure out what to do with the letters I had.
Wordle 747 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on July 06, 2023, 11:44:33 AM
Wordle 747 4/6


Could have been worse I guess. I went with that ending letter originally as a hunch - because we haven't seen it for quite a while.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on July 07, 2023, 05:27:44 AM
Wordle 748 3/6


One minute!
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on July 07, 2023, 05:51:51 AM
Me too, more tries but was very quick
Wordle 748 5/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on July 07, 2023, 07:29:44 AM
Wordle 748 4/6

2 mins
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on July 07, 2023, 10:59:47 AM
Wordle 748 4/6


Four minutes. You guys must all be multilingual.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on July 07, 2023, 07:09:42 PM
Wordle 748 3/6


About 3 minutes, mostly juggling with vowels.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on July 08, 2023, 06:06:48 AM
Wordle 749 X/6


Way too many options
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on July 08, 2023, 08:02:38 AM
Wordle 749 5/6


Aaaabggghh too many could bes..... 3 mins
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on July 08, 2023, 09:55:44 AM
Wordle 749 4/6


A minute.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on July 08, 2023, 10:10:38 AM
Wordle 749 3/6*


Couple of minutes today.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on July 08, 2023, 10:33:04 AM
Wordle 749 4/6


Annoying when it's a choice of two and you pick the wrong one. Two minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on July 08, 2023, 10:34:48 AM
Quote from: Thenop on July 08, 2023, 06:06:48 AMWordle 749 X/6


Way too many options

Ouch! That's a nasty line two.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on July 09, 2023, 06:10:36 AM
Couple of minutes, first 3 lines very frustrating getting the same letters in the wrong place 3 times in a row.
Wordle 750 5/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on July 09, 2023, 08:23:34 AM
Wordle 750 3/6


About 5 mins
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on July 09, 2023, 09:53:21 AM
Was looking forward to a leisurely Wordle this morning, then it was all over in 30 seconds.

Wordle 750 3/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on July 09, 2023, 10:07:41 AM
Out of curiosity, I've just tried a Wordle solver to see how many words I had to choose from for the third go. There was only one possible solution.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on July 09, 2023, 10:31:23 AM
Quote from: Slim on July 09, 2023, 10:07:41 AMOut of curiosity, I've just tried a Wordle solver to see how many words I had to choose from for the third go. There was only one possible solution.

I am a bit of a noob when it comes to things like this still. I had no idea it existed.
I don't think I have the makings of a tech billionaire. But it's OK, I've come to terms with that...
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on July 09, 2023, 10:57:55 AM
Wordle 750 2/6


Great start! Less than a minute.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on July 09, 2023, 03:20:16 PM
Wordle 750 5/6*


Poor start. A few minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on July 10, 2023, 05:57:35 AM
quite quick, 2 mins or so. Fun word I think.
Wordle 751 5/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on July 10, 2023, 08:48:17 AM
Wordle 751 4/6


About 3 mins terrible start..wasn't expecting the 4th guess to come up😀
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on July 10, 2023, 09:13:38 AM
Wordle 751 4/6


I got in their headspace with line 3. About 3 minutes overall.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on July 10, 2023, 10:52:20 AM
Wordle 751 5/6


About two minutes although I didn't think it was happening today so quite relieved.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on July 10, 2023, 11:42:47 AM
Wordle 751 4/6


Took about half an hour though I returned to it intermittently. Finding a third word was the hardest part. The fourth came quickly after the third.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on July 11, 2023, 06:27:49 AM
Wordle 752 2/6


10 seconds...
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on July 11, 2023, 09:43:31 AM
Five minutes. The solution was the starting word I used yesterday. I can't tell you how much that's annoyed me.

Wordle 752 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on July 11, 2023, 10:00:30 AM
Wordle 752 3/6


About 2 minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on July 11, 2023, 10:33:01 AM
I would have sworn the solution had already been a solution..
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on July 11, 2023, 10:33:44 AM
Wordle 752 4/6


About five minutes of frustrated juggling after a good start. I thought for a moment it was going to be a previous Rush song title I used as a starter once, but alas no.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on July 11, 2023, 10:35:44 AM
Quote from: Fishy on July 11, 2023, 10:33:01 AMI would have sworn the solution had already been a solution..

It doesn't appear on the list I usually use, I although forgot to check my last attempt line today.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on July 11, 2023, 11:17:58 AM
Juggling for a bit and then it clicked.
Wordle 752 3/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on July 12, 2023, 08:44:24 AM
Wordle 753 4/6


Dreadful start but came good fairly quickly 4 mins...
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on July 12, 2023, 10:16:33 AM
Wordle 753 4/6


About five minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on July 12, 2023, 11:13:13 AM
Wordle 753 4/6


About 15 mins. If I'd only had a quick think about other possibilities after the third word came into my head, I'd have got it in 3. Lesson taught (but never learned). Probably
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on July 12, 2023, 11:42:53 AM
4 mins.
Wordle 753 3/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on July 12, 2023, 12:14:18 PM
Wordle 753 5/6


I (again!) stupidly re-used a yellow in the same place later on. Grr. About 5 minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on July 13, 2023, 08:25:13 AM
Wordle 754 4/6


5 mins
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on July 13, 2023, 09:56:56 AM
Wordle 754 3/6


Surprisingly good second word choice .. 25 seconds.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on July 13, 2023, 10:56:26 AM
Wordle 754 3/6


Three minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on July 13, 2023, 11:21:54 AM
About 3 minutes, nice build up
Wordle 754 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on July 13, 2023, 11:32:03 AM
Wordle 754 5/6


Quite a challenge today - about 5 minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on July 14, 2023, 06:17:11 AM
Took a bit of a think today over breakfast
Wordle 755 5/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on July 14, 2023, 08:50:28 AM
Wordle 755 3/6

About 7 mins .. 5 mins on trying to think of a third word...
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on July 14, 2023, 09:18:22 AM
Wordle 755 4/6


About 4 minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on July 14, 2023, 11:30:18 AM
Wordle 755 4/6


About five minutes. Went for a plural on line three which was stupid.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on July 14, 2023, 11:43:03 AM
Wordle 755 3/6*


Took me about 5 minutes to come up with the 3rd attempt.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on July 15, 2023, 06:06:01 AM
Too many options and it ends up being a word I don't know  :(
Wordle 756 X/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on July 15, 2023, 08:40:34 AM
Wordle 756 4/6


My 2nd attempt was actually one of my early starter words. If I had gone with that to start with . . .
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on July 15, 2023, 08:43:08 AM
Wordle 756 4/6

I thought of the solution for the third attempt but discounted it as wasn't sure it was a word...
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on July 15, 2023, 09:58:21 AM
Wordle 756 4/6


I also thought of the solution for the third word, but thought that something else was more likely. About a minute.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on July 15, 2023, 10:22:43 AM
Wordle 756 5/6


I was certain it was going to be line four as it's a word constantly in the news now. Quite relieved to get there after line two looked a bit ominous. About three minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on July 16, 2023, 06:09:43 AM
Had the word in my mind at line 2 but figured nah, that'll never be it. Lessons learnt.
Wordle 757 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on July 16, 2023, 08:22:40 AM
Wordle 757 4/6


Terrible start.. but still only 2 mins
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on July 16, 2023, 10:13:39 AM
Wordle 757 4/6


Pretty run of the mill performance, about five minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on July 16, 2023, 12:20:03 PM
Wordle 757 3/6


About four minutes with most of that thinking of a third word as I was surprised that my line two wasn't the solution.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on July 16, 2023, 02:22:40 PM
Wordle 757 4/6*


Line 4 did take a few minutes thinking 🤔
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on July 17, 2023, 06:01:28 AM
That took a bit of thinking.. but in the end I managed

Wordle 758 5/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on July 17, 2023, 08:34:57 AM
Wordle 758 3/6

Terrible start.. a very lucky third guess
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on July 17, 2023, 08:49:39 AM
Wordle 758 3/6


Given those 2 yellows, and the excluded letters, it was quite a challenge coming up with a word that fit. Took me about half an hour on and off.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on July 17, 2023, 12:02:55 PM
Wordle 758 4/6


About seven minutes. Struggled to think of words today.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on July 18, 2023, 07:59:44 AM
Wordle 759 X/6

Fucked it.. only took 3 mins tho to fail..
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on July 18, 2023, 09:40:47 AM
Wordle 759 4/6


About 5 mins.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on July 18, 2023, 11:11:25 AM
2 mins. First try was good. Scared it was going to be one of those too many options, but it went OK.
Wordle 759 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on July 18, 2023, 01:01:01 PM
Wordle 759 3/6


Ten minutes with a hugely lucky guess.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on July 18, 2023, 03:06:08 PM
Wordle 759 4/6


About 5 minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on July 19, 2023, 05:51:03 AM
5 minutes, I was sure I had it at line 4..but I didn't

Wordle 760 5/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on July 19, 2023, 07:03:58 AM
Wordle 760 3/6


Better today about a minute
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on July 19, 2023, 09:44:47 AM
Wordle 760 3/6


20 seconds.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on July 19, 2023, 12:33:12 PM
Wordle 760 2/6


A guess out of nowhere today. Two minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on July 19, 2023, 01:10:15 PM
Wordle 760 4/6


2 minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on July 20, 2023, 06:14:34 AM
Phew indeed.
Wordle 761 6/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on July 20, 2023, 08:56:25 AM
Wordle 761 5/6


Alternatives hell again.. about a minute
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on July 20, 2023, 09:10:00 AM
Wordle 761 5/6


Yes. One of those days!
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on July 20, 2023, 09:12:59 AM
Wordle 761 4/6


3 minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on July 20, 2023, 10:33:50 AM
Wordle 761 5/6


Annoying when it's only two remaining possibles and picking the wrong one. About five minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on July 21, 2023, 05:58:00 AM
Maybe 2 minutes.
Wordle 762 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on July 21, 2023, 08:51:35 AM
Wordle 762 5/6

About 4 mins .. tricky..
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on July 21, 2023, 09:07:08 AM
Wordle 762 3/6


Two minutes. I'd used up every vowel but one so there weren't a lot of options for the third line and it only took 30 seconds to spot it.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on July 21, 2023, 09:50:35 AM
Wordle 762 3/6


Similar. Vowels were all but gone and yet another extremely lucky guess. Aided by the previous answers list as always which I couldn't do without now.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on July 21, 2023, 03:36:25 PM
Wordle 762 5/6*


Steady progress in about 5 minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on July 22, 2023, 05:52:17 AM
OK, about 4 minutes.
Wordle 763 5/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on July 22, 2023, 08:38:16 AM
Wordle 763 5/6


Alternatives hell again... 5 mins
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on July 22, 2023, 10:15:54 AM
Wordle 763 3/6


About 3 mins. Second word turned out to be very handy. I'm going to stick with the same starting word permanently now. One day it will come up!
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on July 22, 2023, 11:57:37 AM
Wordle 763 4/6


About three minutes. Second time I've used line three recently, thinking it's very topical. Using the same permanent starter seems to work reasonably well.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on July 22, 2023, 12:26:20 PM
Wordle 763 5/6*


Another multiple options day . . .
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on July 23, 2023, 06:05:06 AM
Oh my... 10 seconds Wordle 764 2/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on July 23, 2023, 08:48:23 AM
Wordle 764 3/6


Couple of minutes
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on July 23, 2023, 09:01:48 AM
Wordle 764 2/6*


Less than a minute.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on July 23, 2023, 09:48:34 AM
Wordle 764 3/6


About a minute, I think.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on July 23, 2023, 09:49:05 AM
Seems to have been an easy one all round today!
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on July 23, 2023, 11:43:00 AM
Wordle 764 4/6


Struggled today. Surprised to get there in the end. Four minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on July 24, 2023, 05:53:42 AM
Even though it took 4 attempts, it went really quick. Just over a minute, weas able to exclude a lot in those 3 attempts.
Wordle 765 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on July 24, 2023, 08:34:48 AM
Wordle 765 5/6

Terrible start but came good.. about 3 mins
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on July 24, 2023, 09:29:21 AM
Wordle 765 4/6


So close on the third go, there. Three minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on July 24, 2023, 12:56:29 PM
Wordle 765 5/6


Did this earlier and forgot to post it, such is my state of mind at the moment. Probably accounts for the stupid line four error too.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on July 24, 2023, 01:17:01 PM
Wordle 765 5/6


Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on July 25, 2023, 06:08:06 AM
 :o Couldn't believe it, was a not so clever guess at best (intentional though) and if you see the word you will know why.
Wordle 766 2/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on July 25, 2023, 08:22:56 AM
Wordle 766 4/6


Terrible start but worked out ok.. about 4 mins
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on July 25, 2023, 09:41:49 AM
Wordle 766 5/6


Awful start here as well, about ten minutes. Really thought I'd got it on the fourth, but I saw the solution quickly after that.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on July 25, 2023, 09:57:54 AM
Wordle 766 3/6


About 10 minutes, mostly trying to think of a second line. Very fortunate choice in the end after a lot of dithering.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on July 25, 2023, 10:22:47 AM
Wordle 766 3/6


Good choice of starter today. About 3 minutes, most of it thinking about the 3rd attempt.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on July 26, 2023, 06:17:31 AM
Woefully overthinking it. Oh well, 4 minutes.
Wordle 767 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on July 26, 2023, 08:34:13 AM
Wordle 767 3/6


Off to a flyer... about 2 mins
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on July 26, 2023, 09:27:03 AM
Very quick, 30 seconds

Wordle 767 3/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on July 26, 2023, 11:04:36 AM
Wordle 767 3/6


Great start but about five minutes mostly eliminating previous solutions.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on July 26, 2023, 03:17:59 PM
Wordle 767 4/6


About 3 minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on July 26, 2023, 09:46:18 PM
Wordle 767 3/6


I don't share these usually but I've never gotten 5 letters all in the wrong place before!
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on July 27, 2023, 06:09:47 AM
Had to think a little on line 3, 2 minutes.
Fun word!
Wordle 768 3/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on July 27, 2023, 08:43:14 AM
Wordle 768 4/6

Took a few mins to get the word despite knowing four of the letters
5 mins
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on July 27, 2023, 11:02:14 AM
Wordle 768 3/6


Amazingly lucky line two after a poor start. Left with only one option. Happy days! Three minutes mostly spent on line two.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on July 27, 2023, 11:58:41 AM
Tough one. Took about 45 minutes of returning to it intermittently.

Wordle 768 3/6


Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on July 27, 2023, 12:00:02 PM
Quote from: dom on July 26, 2023, 09:46:18 PMWordle 767 3/6


I don't share these usually but I've never gotten 5 letters all in the wrong place before!

Didn't know you were a Wordler, Dom. Perhaps we can persuade you to take part in one of our occasional competitions.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on July 27, 2023, 06:35:39 PM
Wordle 768 4/6


About 5 minutes - mostly on the 3rd word.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on July 28, 2023, 06:04:06 AM
Surprised myself here. Took me ages to sort out what could fit on row 3.
Wordle 769 3/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on July 28, 2023, 08:20:09 AM
Wordle 769 3/6


About four minutes. The second word came quickly but even with four letters, it took a while to see the solution. I resorted to juggling letters around in a text editor to see if something jumped out.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on July 28, 2023, 08:41:12 AM
Wordle 769 5/6


Chasing certain letters round the board...5 mins
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on July 28, 2023, 10:31:59 AM
Wordle 769 3/6


Quite pleased with that. About 3 minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on July 28, 2023, 11:38:08 AM
Wordle 769 4/6


Three minutes including a mistake. Have to say though, always using the same starter has worked better than I would have thought.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on July 29, 2023, 06:09:34 AM
2 minutes, thinking of line 3 mostly. Suprisingly my first attempt at it was correct.
Wordle 770 3/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on July 29, 2023, 08:18:38 AM
Wordle 770 3/6

Just over a minute
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on July 29, 2023, 08:21:36 AM
Wordle 770 4/6


About 90 seconds I think.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on July 29, 2023, 10:43:51 AM
Wordle 770 3/6


Two minutes. Me until my forties.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on July 29, 2023, 01:59:15 PM
Wordle 770 5/6


Surprised that my 3rd effort wasn't the answer. Never mind. About 3 minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on July 30, 2023, 05:57:49 AM
Choosing the difficult route again ::)
2 minutes
Wordle 771 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on July 30, 2023, 08:03:26 AM
Wordle 771 3/6


5 mins.. 4 of them on the third guess
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on July 30, 2023, 09:21:43 AM

Wordle 771 5/6


Couple of minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on July 30, 2023, 11:34:23 AM
Wordle 771 3/6


Two minutes. Very fortunate guess.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on July 30, 2023, 09:34:45 PM
Wordle 771 4/6*


Steady progress in about 2 minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on July 31, 2023, 07:53:19 AM
very pleased today
Wordle 772 3/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on July 31, 2023, 08:22:43 AM
Wordle 772 3/6

30 seconds
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on July 31, 2023, 08:47:23 AM
About half a minute here as well.

Wordle 772 3/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on July 31, 2023, 09:44:38 AM
Wordle 772 4/6


Couple of minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on July 31, 2023, 12:14:21 PM
Wordle 772 4/6


About three minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on August 01, 2023, 08:43:24 AM
Wordle 773 6/6


Too many alternatives hell again.. about 6 mins
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on August 01, 2023, 09:15:15 AM
Wordle 773 4/6


Interesting one, two mins.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on August 01, 2023, 09:16:45 AM
Wordle 773 4/6


2 minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on August 01, 2023, 11:12:40 AM
Phew..just about
Wordle 773 6/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on August 01, 2023, 12:17:39 PM
Wordle 773 4/6


Two minutes. Nice build.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on August 02, 2023, 06:30:59 AM
That took at least 10 minutes.
Wordle 774 5/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on August 02, 2023, 08:38:23 AM
Wordle 774 4/6


Bit of an odd word about 10 mins
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on August 02, 2023, 09:36:39 AM
Wordle 774 5/6


Tough one, about 6 mins. I disregarded the green letter from the first word absent-mindedly. Although this phone has very poor contrast and it's hard to see the colours properly 
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on August 02, 2023, 10:54:32 AM
Wordle 774 4/6


Tricky . . . probably 5 minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on August 02, 2023, 01:14:25 PM
Wordle 774 3/6


Very Biblical! About five minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on August 03, 2023, 08:08:28 AM
Quick one, 2 mins.

Wordle 775 3/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on August 03, 2023, 08:35:32 AM
Wordle 775 3/6

Yep 2 mins here as well
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on August 03, 2023, 09:19:24 AM
Wordle 775 4/6


About 3 minutes. Poor start, but good recovery with the 2nd word.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on August 03, 2023, 11:00:39 AM
yeah 2 mins.
Wordle 775 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on August 03, 2023, 12:04:52 PM
Wordle 775 3/6


Permanent starter still working well. Two minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on August 03, 2023, 01:11:54 PM
Quote from: Slim on July 27, 2023, 12:00:02 PM
Quote from: dom on July 26, 2023, 09:46:18 PMWordle 767 3/6


I don't share these usually but I've never gotten 5 letters all in the wrong place before!

Didn't know you were a Wordler, Dom. Perhaps we can persuade you to take part in one of our occasional competitions.

For sure!  Keep me informed!
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on August 04, 2023, 06:01:19 AM
10 seconds.. no joke!
Wordle 776 3/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on August 04, 2023, 08:39:21 AM
Wordle 776 3/6


30 seconds.. no joke either😀
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on August 04, 2023, 08:41:22 AM
Wordle 776 2/6


All over in 20 seconds.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on August 04, 2023, 10:15:21 AM
Wordle 776 3/6


Didn't take long to navigate to a solution given the letters that I had excluded.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on August 04, 2023, 11:51:31 AM
Quote from: Slim on August 04, 2023, 08:41:22 AMWordle 776 2/6


All over in 20 seconds.

what's with the colours?
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on August 04, 2023, 12:28:48 PM
Wordle 776 3/6


Took me three minutes.😳
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on August 04, 2023, 10:27:53 PM
Quote from: Thenop on August 04, 2023, 11:51:31 AM
Quote from: Slim on August 04, 2023, 08:41:22 AMWordle 776 2/6


All over in 20 seconds.

what's with the colours?

I'm on holiday at the moment at the top of Scotland so I'm using either a tablet or this phone. For some reason the usual Wordle colours are barely visible on the phone but I found a high contrast option in the Wordle settings. And it gives these colours. Makes a nice change :)
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on August 04, 2023, 10:32:22 PM
Also good for colour blind folks I'm told..
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on August 05, 2023, 12:13:11 AM
Wordle 777 6/6


Close one
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on August 05, 2023, 06:16:05 AM
Nice built op today
Wordle 777 5/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on August 05, 2023, 09:28:15 AM
Wordle 777 3/6


About 6 mins.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on August 05, 2023, 11:18:42 AM
Wordle 777 5/6


About five minutes I think. Bit of a struggle today. Couldn't see that last word for a while. Too long out of school.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on August 05, 2023, 11:42:19 AM
Wordle 777 5/6


Bit of a challenge today. About 5 minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on August 06, 2023, 06:35:35 AM
Never in a million years I would have guessed this
Wordle 778 X/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on August 06, 2023, 08:35:15 AM
Wordle 778 6/6


Just... odd word
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on August 06, 2023, 08:44:30 AM
2 mins this morning.

Wordle 778 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on August 06, 2023, 12:47:15 PM
Wordle 778 4/6


Scary word. Five minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on August 06, 2023, 06:41:28 PM
Wordle 778 5/6


I'd like to say that line 2 was a deliberate attempt to try 5 different letters, but I can't - 'twas a mistake.

That line 4 anagram caused a bit of a headache. Got there though. About 5 minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on August 07, 2023, 05:58:58 AM
About 2 minutes
Wordle 779 5/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on August 07, 2023, 08:19:43 AM
Wordle 779 5/6


30 seconds
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on August 07, 2023, 08:39:47 AM
Wordle 779 5/6


About 2 mins.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on August 07, 2023, 09:47:18 AM
Wordle 779 4/6


About 3 minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on August 07, 2023, 11:59:54 AM
Wordle 779 4/6


About five minutes. Pleased to get to two options remaining and picking the correct one. You guys are clearly morning coffee drinkers though.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on August 08, 2023, 09:42:41 AM
Wordle 780 4/6


About a minute.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on August 08, 2023, 11:11:03 AM
Wordle 780 4/6


Ten minutes, with most of that trying to think of a second guess. Struck very lucky by hitting that first letter or I think I was heading for a fail.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on August 08, 2023, 11:27:02 AM
A minute
Wordle 780 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on August 08, 2023, 12:12:51 PM
Wordle 780 4/6


Strong, unexpected progress on the third there. Greetings from a services on the A9.

Four minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on August 08, 2023, 02:54:44 PM
Wordle 780 4/6


Did it this morning from Glasgow airport.. and forgot to post ...about 3 mins
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on August 09, 2023, 07:31:51 AM
Wordle 781 X/6


Oh dear complete failure... very bad
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on August 09, 2023, 08:21:52 AM
Wordle 781 3/6


90 seconds.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on August 09, 2023, 11:19:06 AM
Took me a couple of though, 2 minutes or so.
Wordle 781 5/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on August 09, 2023, 12:19:56 PM
Wordle 781 6/6


Scary one with those last two letters but just made it. Five minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on August 09, 2023, 07:24:34 PM
Wordle 781 6/6


Phew! About 2 minutes. There were more choices available at the end so I count myself lucky.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on August 09, 2023, 11:55:47 PM
Wordle 781 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on August 10, 2023, 07:07:32 AM
Wordle 782 3/6

That's better.. 30 secs
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on August 10, 2023, 10:32:12 AM
Wordle 782 4/6


About 3 minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on August 10, 2023, 10:56:45 AM
Wordle 782 4/6


Same here. About 3 minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on August 10, 2023, 11:22:22 AM
Wordle 782 3/6


The good old Scottish teenage party.😁 Only a spoiler for Fishy and he's already in.😉 Four minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on August 10, 2023, 11:55:52 AM
Quote from: The Picnic Wasp on August 10, 2023, 11:22:22 AMWordle 782 3/6


The good old Scottish teenage party.😁 Only a spoiler for Fishy and he's already in.😉 Four minutes.

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on August 10, 2023, 01:02:25 PM
couple of minutes
Wordle 782 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on August 11, 2023, 12:24:31 AM
Wordle 783 4/6


That was quite an unusual experience, when a seemingly endless list of possible words suddenly plummeted to just two. Five minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on August 11, 2023, 06:00:38 AM
Well that was easy, 30 seconds
Wordle 783 3/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on August 11, 2023, 07:15:44 AM
Wordle 783 5/6

2 mins
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on August 11, 2023, 09:31:09 AM
Wordle 783 6/6

About 15 minutes.

Sorry but you are not allowed to view spoiler contents.

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on August 11, 2023, 07:53:25 PM
Wordle 783 3/6*


A minute or 2.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on August 12, 2023, 06:23:45 AM
A minute or 5, had to think for a while there...
Wordle 784 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on August 12, 2023, 07:01:28 AM
Wordle 784 2/6


About 15 seconds...
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on August 12, 2023, 10:05:12 AM
Wordle 784 4/6


Four minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on August 12, 2023, 11:06:13 AM
Wordle 784 5/6


Thought this was getting away from me until a lucky twist. Five minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on August 12, 2023, 11:07:29 AM
Quote from: Fishy on August 12, 2023, 07:01:28 AMWordle 784 2/6


About 15 seconds...

Desperate to state the obvious here, but don't know the spoiler trick.😁
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on August 12, 2023, 11:21:53 AM
Quote from: The Picnic Wasp on August 12, 2023, 11:07:29 AM
Quote from: Fishy on August 12, 2023, 07:01:28 AMWordle 784 2/6


About 15 seconds...

Desperate to state the obvious here, but don't know the spoiler trick.😁
Just select the text you want to conceal, then press the (
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on August 12, 2023, 12:16:32 PM
Wordle 784 4/6*


3 minutes?
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on August 13, 2023, 06:13:01 AM
Couple of minutes.
Wordle 785 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on August 13, 2023, 07:02:39 AM
Wordle 785 2/6


10 seconds.. very lucky second guess..
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on August 13, 2023, 10:15:20 AM
Wordle 785 4/6


About a minute. For a moment I thought one of my old start words had come up.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on August 13, 2023, 11:38:21 AM
Wordle 785 4/6


Two minutes, with a stupid, daft mistake on line three.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on August 13, 2023, 11:01:21 PM
Wordle 785 4/6


Bit late to the party - only just remembered. Very quick - about 2 minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on August 14, 2023, 12:38:41 AM
By contrast, I couldn't wait and I've gone early at 00:35. I'll have to find something else to occupy myself with over my morning coffee tomorrow now.

Wordle 786 4/6


Quick one though, about a minute so it wouldn't have occupied me for long.

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on August 14, 2023, 06:07:43 AM
Quite quick, but I made a very stupid mistake being wanting to finish hastily.
If you know the word, you know the mistake...

Wordle 786 5/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on August 14, 2023, 07:09:52 AM
Wordle 786 5/6


Couple of mins today....
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on August 14, 2023, 10:57:48 AM
Wordle 786 5/6


Took me a little longer today - about 5 minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on August 14, 2023, 11:21:17 AM
Wordle 786 5/6


About ten minutes. Strange word.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on August 15, 2023, 06:41:12 AM
Wordle 787 4/6*


Early start for me today. 2 minutes I guess.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on August 15, 2023, 07:11:51 AM
Wordle 787 5/6


Tricky ..10 mins
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on August 15, 2023, 09:43:41 AM
Wordle 787 4/6


Bit of a challenge this morning, about 15 mins.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on August 15, 2023, 11:23:47 AM
Wordle 787 3/6


Three minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on August 15, 2023, 11:28:54 AM
Took me a bit..
Wordle 787 6/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on August 16, 2023, 07:03:08 AM
Wordle 788 3/6


About 45 seconds
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on August 16, 2023, 08:35:59 AM
Wordle 788 4/6


Three minutes, unfolded quite nicely.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on August 16, 2023, 12:01:27 PM
Wordle 788 3/6


Five minutes. Good when that letter moved from two to three.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on August 16, 2023, 12:07:22 PM
Struggled a bit timewise, after attempts 1/2 I really had to think hard. But then it fell in place.
Wordle 788 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on August 16, 2023, 12:37:20 PM
Wordle 788 5/6


About 5 minutes I think.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on August 17, 2023, 05:22:44 AM
Wordle 789 4/6


Scratched my head over the last word, even with three letters in place. About 10 mins.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on August 17, 2023, 07:19:04 AM
Wordle 789 4/6


That took an age.. spent about 15 mins on a third word .. even then it took a while to think of a fourth..
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on August 17, 2023, 10:49:42 AM
Wordle 789 3/6


Three minutes. Fell into place nicely today with the first and middle letters by line two.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on August 17, 2023, 11:22:14 AM
Took ages, ended up just trying whatever would stick.
This stuck.
Wordle 789 5/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on August 17, 2023, 07:37:08 PM
Wordle 789 4/6*


2 or 3 minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on August 18, 2023, 06:09:15 AM
That went well, nice word I think.
Wordle 790 3/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on August 18, 2023, 10:15:30 AM
Wordle 790 3/6


Still enjoying all those greens on line two. One minute.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on August 18, 2023, 11:55:09 AM
Wordle 790 4/6*


Took a little thinking, but under 5 minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on August 18, 2023, 12:13:50 PM
Wordle 790 3/6


So relieved when I finally saw this, after about three hours on and off.

I adopted a very methodical approach of listing the possible last three letters then going through the others to see if a word popped out.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on August 18, 2023, 04:48:28 PM
Wordle 790 4/6


Completed at Palma airport earlier..about 3 minutes
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on August 19, 2023, 06:23:17 AM
Built up well, but just in time..
Wordle 791 6/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on August 19, 2023, 07:00:50 AM
Wordle 791 4/6


Awful start..15 mins tricky
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on August 19, 2023, 09:43:08 AM
Wordle 791 4/6


About four minutes. The third word was a lazy effort, I just applied the first word I thought of that would fit. Generally it wouldn't have been that useful, but it came up trumps.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on August 19, 2023, 10:34:14 AM
Wordle 791 4/6


Four minutes today.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on August 19, 2023, 06:52:41 PM
Wordle 791 4/6*


I thought after line 2 that it was going to be difficult, but I had a good 3rd word to lead in to the solution.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on August 20, 2023, 06:01:49 AM
That made me happy
Wordle 792 3/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on August 20, 2023, 08:19:51 AM
Wordle 792 5/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on August 20, 2023, 09:43:13 AM
Wordle 792 4/6


Despite three letters still took a while ..10 mins
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on August 20, 2023, 09:43:53 AM
Wordle 792 3/6


About four minutes I think. Took a while to think of a word to fit on the third go.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on August 20, 2023, 11:45:53 AM
Wordle 792 4/6


About three minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on August 20, 2023, 04:00:34 PM
Wordle 792 3/6


About a minute today.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on August 21, 2023, 06:04:45 AM
30 seconds

Wordle 793 3/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on August 21, 2023, 08:58:24 AM
Wordle 793 5/6


About a minute but the hell of too many alternatives..
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on August 21, 2023, 09:03:52 AM
Wordle 793 3/6


Pretty quick, two minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on August 21, 2023, 11:03:41 AM
Wordle 793 2/6


One of those flukey guesses that happen all too rarely. Good feeling. One minute.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on August 21, 2023, 11:23:18 AM
Wordle 793 5/6*


Should have got it in 4. The 1st letter of line 4 was one I had already ruled out above. Rookie mistake.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on August 22, 2023, 05:55:57 AM
Plenty of options, did not take more than 2 mins though.
Wordle 794 5/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on August 22, 2023, 08:02:16 AM
Wordle 794 3/6


About 45 seconds.. lucky third guess
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on August 22, 2023, 09:53:51 AM
Wordle 794 4/6


Surprisingly useful second word. About 90 seconds.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on August 22, 2023, 10:06:37 AM
Wordle 794 6/6


Well now that was quick, but close to bugging out!
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on August 22, 2023, 10:32:36 AM
Wordle 794 3/6


The permanent starter worked a treat today. One minute.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on August 23, 2023, 06:16:24 AM
Just in time. Kind of means the same in Dutch, not something I use daily.
Wordle 795 6/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on August 23, 2023, 08:39:07 AM
Wordle 795 X/6


Fucked that totally...
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on August 23, 2023, 10:58:00 AM
Wordle 795 4/6


Three minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on August 23, 2023, 03:25:58 PM
Wordle 795 6/6


Only just .. only took about 3 mins though. Wouldn't have thought there were so many choices for the fourth word.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on August 24, 2023, 06:08:09 AM
That was a fantastic 2nd guess here!
Wordle 796 3/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on August 24, 2023, 08:55:29 AM
Wordle 796 5/6


Scraped  thru there ..10 mins.. too many alternatives hell again..
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on August 24, 2023, 09:57:43 AM
Wordle 796 4/6


About two minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on August 24, 2023, 10:50:55 AM
Wordle 796 4/6


Enjoyed that. I think that's the first time I have ever achieved an anagram before the solution. Looks like Thenop hit the same word, only quicker. Three minutes, mostly on line two.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on August 24, 2023, 10:58:20 AM
Quote from: The Picnic Wasp on August 24, 2023, 10:50:55 AMWordle 796 4/6


Enjoyed that. I think that's the first time I have ever achieved an anagram before the solution. Looks like Thenop hit the same word, only quicker. Three minutes, mostly on line two.
Speaks to our state of mind ;D
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on August 24, 2023, 11:05:40 AM
Wordle 796 5/6*


About 2 or 3 minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on August 24, 2023, 11:06:40 AM
Quote from: Thenop on August 24, 2023, 10:58:20 AM
Quote from: The Picnic Wasp on August 24, 2023, 10:50:55 AMWordle 796 4/6


Enjoyed that. I think that's the first time I have ever achieved an anagram before the solution. Looks like Thenop hit the same word, only quicker. Three minutes, mostly on line two.
Speaks to our state of mind ;D

I think my permanent starter relates more closely to my state of mind.😉 Can you see what it is yet? 😂 Probably shouldn't use that phrase anymore though.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on August 25, 2023, 06:07:24 AM
Early morning letter juggle ;D
Wordle 797 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on August 25, 2023, 07:50:13 AM
Difficult one. One of those times when having an abundance of yellow squares seems to make it harder instead of easier. I was delighted when, after about 45 minutes, I found a third word to fit - then outraged when none of the letters came up green. But the solution came quickly after that.

Wordle 797 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on August 25, 2023, 08:37:48 AM
Wordle 797 3/6*


Nooooo! I have used the solution as a starter quite a few times. But not today.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on August 25, 2023, 08:40:37 AM
Wordle 797 2/6


5 mins.. second guess took a while.. very lucky...
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on August 25, 2023, 10:59:50 AM
Wordle 797 4/6


Five minutes. Repeated a wrong letter on line two. So stupid.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on August 26, 2023, 06:06:03 AM
Oh my, 10 seconds. Good first word then, gave me the exact letters I needed for line 2.
We didn't start the competition yet, did we  ;D
Wordle 798 2/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on August 26, 2023, 10:08:42 AM
Wordle 798 3/6


About 2 mins. Fortunate third guess possibly, not sure how many options there were.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on August 26, 2023, 11:07:34 AM
Wordle 798 2/6


About 15 seconds. A very lucky second guess
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on August 26, 2023, 11:22:04 AM
Wordle 798 3/6


Annoying! I had two guesses in mind for line two and picked the wrong one first.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on August 26, 2023, 01:36:42 PM
Wordle 798 2/6*


Cracking start. Then I chose wisely from the options left to me for the 2nd go. Nice.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on August 26, 2023, 02:10:12 PM
Is today the best all round performance to date?
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on August 26, 2023, 02:54:16 PM
Quote from: The Picnic Wasp on August 26, 2023, 02:10:12 PMIs today the best all round performance to date?
I suspect it is!
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on August 26, 2023, 05:03:00 PM
I can confess now that yesterday's solution OCEAN was my very first starter word when I started Wordle.

I do remember that an anagram CANOE was a Wordle solution a while back too.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on August 27, 2023, 06:06:26 AM
New starter today, did not work out. Reverted to the one I have been using lately, et voila!
Wordle 799 3/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on August 27, 2023, 09:35:57 AM
Wordle 799 5/6

About a minute
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on August 27, 2023, 09:56:59 AM
Wordle 799 4/6


Quick one. No yellow squares! Two minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on August 27, 2023, 12:06:10 PM
Wordle 799 4/6


Three minutes. Quite surprised not to get this on line three after good guess on two.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on August 27, 2023, 01:42:32 PM
Wordle 799 5/6*


More of a struggle today. Lots of options.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on August 28, 2023, 05:26:27 AM
Wordle 800 3/6


20 seconds
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on August 28, 2023, 05:53:13 AM
yes, half a minute and I should have gotten it in two attempts
Wordle 800 3/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on August 28, 2023, 09:21:24 AM
Wordle 800 6/6


Poor play by not including the letters I had - twice!
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on August 28, 2023, 10:04:45 AM
Wordle 800 3/6


All over in 30 seconds
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on August 28, 2023, 10:32:48 AM
Wordle 800 4/6*


I had a choice of 2 words for the 3rd attempt and chose the wrong one. Ho hum.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on August 28, 2023, 12:05:24 PM
Wordle 800 2/6


Good old permanent starter today. About a minute.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on August 29, 2023, 08:42:07 AM
Wordle 801 4/6


Quick. A minute. I think I've made at least an average start over the first two rounds.

Will post the scoreboard later.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on August 29, 2023, 08:59:14 AM
Wordle 801 4/6


About 5 mins...stupidly used the same correct letter in same wrong space.. happy to get it in 4 tbh
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on August 29, 2023, 11:20:51 AM
Bad day a the office...
Wordle 801 6/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on August 29, 2023, 11:42:33 AM
Wordle 801 2/6


Well, the starter working wonders again today. Very lucky guess though. One minute.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on August 29, 2023, 12:39:25 PM
Unfortunate but got there in the end

Wordle 801 6/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on August 29, 2023, 01:10:18 PM
Quote from: dom on August 29, 2023, 12:39:25 PMUnfortunate but got there in the end

Wordle 801 6/6


Alternative hell 😩
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on August 29, 2023, 10:03:30 PM
Wordle 801 6/6*


Alternative hell indeed.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on August 29, 2023, 10:06:38 PM
Crikey it's been a rough couple of days for some of our regular participants, unfortunately coinciding with the start of the competition. I'll post the scores in the other thread, thanks everyone.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on August 30, 2023, 08:42:40 AM
Wordle 802 3/6


About 5 mins... despite having most of the letters...bit tricky...
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on August 30, 2023, 09:07:40 AM
Wordle 802 2/6


Well, all I can say is this must seem a bit dubious. I've had three line two finishes in succession once before, but not during one of the competitions and probably not with a guess from one letter. I've used this solution as my start word in the past though. I've often wondered why I've diligently taken screenshots of all my efforts going back to my first attempt. Probably paranoid due to the strictness of the school I attended. Show your working and all that.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on August 30, 2023, 09:42:32 AM
Wordle 802 3/6


Another decent effort, took a few minutes though.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on August 30, 2023, 10:41:17 AM
Couldn't believe it showed up at attempt 3. Happy though!
Wordle 802 3/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on August 30, 2023, 01:13:32 PM
Wordle 802 5/6


Took a while to make my 4th guess 5- 10 mins, but once I came up with a word I was convinced it was right. Was surprised when the final tile didn't turn green! At least I got it on the next guess this time!
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on August 30, 2023, 02:19:46 PM
Wordle 802 3/6*


That took about 10 minutes. Quite a struggle to think of a word that fit that didn't use letters that I had already ruled out.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on August 31, 2023, 07:00:15 AM
Wordle 803 5/6


2 mins....
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on August 31, 2023, 08:38:55 AM
Wordle 803 2/6


Well, the unreal run continues. Good start with my fixture line one which I thought had taken me to alternative nightmare territory. However, after eliminating previous solutions from the list I was left with three possibles, one being very unlikely and again picked luckily with the 50/50. About three minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on August 31, 2023, 09:32:36 AM
20 seconds, very lucky with the opening word here.
Wordle 803 2/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on August 31, 2023, 10:01:10 AM
90 seconds, or thereabouts. Nice incremental progress but took four goes.

Wordle 803 4/6


Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on August 31, 2023, 10:07:27 AM
Quote from: Thenop on August 31, 2023, 09:32:36 AM20 seconds, very lucky with the opening word here.
Wordle 803 2/6


Looking at your line one I think I could hazard a guess at what that word might be. If so, then it appears on the list of previous solutions which I consult when playing. I use it all the time now so hope that's ok in the spirit of fair play. It's certainly been of great help to me, especially recently which makes sense as the list of eliminations grows ever larger. If no one else is using this list then please disregard my results in the league table and I will carry on for fun only as Wordle is strangely addictive.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on August 31, 2023, 10:46:51 AM
Quote from: The Picnic Wasp on August 31, 2023, 10:07:27 AM
Quote from: Thenop on August 31, 2023, 09:32:36 AM20 seconds, very lucky with the opening word here.
Wordle 803 2/6


Looking at your line one I think I could hazard a guess at what that word might be. If so, then it appears on the list of previous solutions which I consult when playing. I use it all the time now so hope that's ok in the spirit of fair play. It's certainly been of great help to me, especially recently which makes sense as the list of eliminations grows ever larger. If no one else is using this list then please disregard my results in the league table and I will carry on for fun only as Wordle is strangely addictive.

I bet you can, and I bet it is. But is gets increasingly more difficult to find words that meet my criteria that have not been used, that I know of. I don't really care either. If one day with a stroke of luck I hit a hole in one, it'll be that more satisfying.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on August 31, 2023, 11:12:57 AM
Quote from: Thenop on August 31, 2023, 10:46:51 AM
Quote from: The Picnic Wasp on August 31, 2023, 10:07:27 AM
Quote from: Thenop on August 31, 2023, 09:32:36 AM20 seconds, very lucky with the opening word here.
Wordle 803 2/6


Looking at your line one I think I could hazard a guess at what that word might be. If so, then it appears on the list of previous solutions which I consult when playing. I use it all the time now so hope that's ok in the spirit of fair play. It's certainly been of great help to me, especially recently which makes sense as the list of eliminations grows ever larger. If no one else is using this list then please disregard my results in the league table and I will carry on for fun only as Wordle is strangely addictive.

I bet you can, and I bet it is. But is gets increasingly more difficult to find words that meet my criteria that have not been used, that I know of. I don't really care either. If one day with a stroke of luck I hit a hole in one, it'll be that more satisfying.

Just answered this a moment ago and got timed out.🤬 That's why I decided to stick with the same start word every day, hoping that it might just go all green on that first hit. I don't know what I'd do if it happened. Maybe once the itch is scratched I'd need to move onto something else. My start word has been unnaturally successful of late not having bombed too often at all but I find using the previous solutions list enormously helpful. My main issue is usually thinking of a line two guess so this run is exceptionally welcome.

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on August 31, 2023, 11:59:33 AM
Wordle 803 5/6


Too many alternatives again!
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on August 31, 2023, 12:27:59 PM
Similar story with my attempt this morning...

Wordle 803 6/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on September 01, 2023, 05:55:46 AM
Again, under a minute.
Wordle 804 3/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on September 01, 2023, 08:44:33 AM
Wordle 804 4/6


30 seconds
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on September 01, 2023, 09:16:57 AM
Wordle 804 3/6


About 15 seconds, arguably unlucky not to get it in two. Will post the scores in the other thread when the remaining entries for today are in.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on September 01, 2023, 10:02:12 AM
Wordle 804 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on September 01, 2023, 10:25:57 AM
Wordle 804 6/6*


Not having a good run in this competition 😕
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on September 01, 2023, 11:11:41 AM
Wordle 804 4/6


About five minutes of eliminating. Wish I'd picked my remaining lines in alphabetical order.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on September 02, 2023, 06:10:26 AM
Not quite in 1 go, but still, not bad
Wordle 805 3/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on September 02, 2023, 08:38:27 AM
Wordle 805 4/6


Terrible start.  5 mins..
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on September 02, 2023, 10:08:24 AM
Wordle 805 3/6


Pretty annoying because I considered using the solution on the second go.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on September 02, 2023, 11:05:17 AM
Wordle 805 4/6


Really annoyed for the most ironic of reasons which I will reveal at some point. Four minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on September 02, 2023, 11:06:40 AM
Quote from: The Picnic Wasp on September 02, 2023, 11:05:17 AMWordle 805 4/6


Really annoyed for the most ironic of reasons which I will reveal at some point. Four minutes.
Looking over your shoulder yet?
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on September 02, 2023, 11:10:49 AM
Quote from: Thenop on September 02, 2023, 11:06:40 AM
Quote from: The Picnic Wasp on September 02, 2023, 11:05:17 AMWordle 805 4/6


Really annoyed for the most ironic of reasons which I will reveal at some point. Four minutes.
Looking over your shoulder yet?

Nah, too busy studying Feyenoord's recent form and worrying about the transfer window slamming shut last night.😁🍀

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on September 02, 2023, 11:22:35 AM
Wordle 805 4/6*


Rubbish start again.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on September 02, 2023, 12:18:26 PM
Quote from: Thenop on September 02, 2023, 11:06:40 AM
Quote from: The Picnic Wasp on September 02, 2023, 11:05:17 AMWordle 805 4/6


Really annoyed for the most ironic of reasons which I will reveal at some point. Four minutes.
Looking over your shoulder yet?

If I end up losing this, today's solution will haunt me forever.😂
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on September 02, 2023, 04:38:52 PM
Wordle 805 5/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on September 03, 2023, 06:02:03 AM
Hmmm, couple of minutes and at least one try too much for my liking.
Wordle 806 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on September 03, 2023, 09:04:22 AM
Wordle 806 3/6

That took a while
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on September 03, 2023, 09:17:28 AM
Wordle 806 4/6


Three minutes on the first three tries after midnight, then about a minute thinking about it after I woke up.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on September 03, 2023, 10:59:50 AM
Wordle 806 4/6


Five minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on September 03, 2023, 12:46:11 PM
Wordle 806 4/6*


About 10 minutes in all.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on September 03, 2023, 07:32:55 PM
Wordle 806 2/6


Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on September 04, 2023, 06:20:07 AM
Trying out less conventional opening words paid off. Having the first letter is such a help. Extremely lucky with the guess on line no. 2!
Wordle 807 2/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on September 04, 2023, 08:28:35 AM
Wordle 807 4/6

🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩  About 2 mins .. lucky not to descend into alternative hell
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on September 04, 2023, 09:30:47 AM
Wordle 807 4/6


Another average showing.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on September 04, 2023, 09:46:33 AM
Wordle 807 3/6


About 5 mins.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on September 04, 2023, 10:10:08 AM
Wordle 807 4/6


About three minutes. Almost an answer for another thread.😉😁
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on September 04, 2023, 05:38:29 PM
Just got in. Poor choice of letters but found today's effort much more rewarding than yesterday's

Wordle 807 6/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on September 05, 2023, 06:06:37 AM
Alright, took me a while, but in the end 3 tries is not bad at all.
Wordle 808 3/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on September 05, 2023, 08:36:18 AM
Wordle 808 3/6


Four minutes, lucky with the third go probably.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on September 05, 2023, 10:49:23 AM
Wordle 808 3/6


Mix of stupidity and luck on line two. Weirdly I had thoughts of the solution at various times yesterday. Four minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on September 05, 2023, 11:51:33 AM
Wordle 808 4/6


About 10 mins
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on September 05, 2023, 01:12:03 PM
Wordle 808 4/6


<Sulk> Not catching anyone up today!
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on September 05, 2023, 10:33:16 PM
Wordle 808 5/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on September 06, 2023, 05:53:12 AM
Walking the dogs I thought of the opener, then I wanted to put in the pbvious but decided it was probably used before, so went for an alternative. Overjoyed with this early morning 2nd liner.
Wordle 809 2/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on September 06, 2023, 08:21:59 AM
Wordle 809 4/6


About 2 mins..
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on September 06, 2023, 09:11:10 AM
Oh dear. Oh dear, oh dear. 15 minutes.

Wordle 809 6/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on September 06, 2023, 11:10:28 AM
Wordle 809 6/6


Congratulations Mr Nop (if that's the definite article in your username?). My starter ran out of steam and I made a mistake into the bargain.😭 Nearly went for a Count Floyd inspired line two which would have been a big help, but the pressure must have got to me.😂 Anyway, still got the possibility of revenge in the champions league.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on September 06, 2023, 05:00:26 PM
Wordle 809 4/6


Well that has taken me all day. Not that I was thinking about it all day. But I did have real difficulty coming up with line 4.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on September 06, 2023, 08:23:23 PM
Awful word and i made a right hash! of it too

Wordle 809 5/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on September 07, 2023, 05:57:19 AM
That came together very nicely even if it took 4 attempts
Wordle 810 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on September 07, 2023, 05:58:49 AM
Wordle 810 5/6


Terrible start.. bit of a struggle with this one .. 10 mins
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on September 07, 2023, 08:21:37 AM
Wordle 810 4/6


Took a while .. 15 mins
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on September 07, 2023, 03:37:19 PM
Wordle 810 4/6


Quite quick today - about 2 minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on September 07, 2023, 04:19:57 PM
Wordle 810 5/6


Very unlucky not to get it in 4 (I thought)
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on September 08, 2023, 05:59:01 AM
Another 3 liner, not bad.
Wordle 811 3/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on September 08, 2023, 07:12:22 AM
Wordle 811 4/6


Tricky . 10 mins
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on September 08, 2023, 09:34:41 AM
Wordle 811 5/6


Bad start and unlucky again with row 4
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on September 08, 2023, 10:31:08 AM
Wordle 811 2/6


For half a second, as the first two letters turned green, I thought it was my big day. Alas - not yet.

10 seconds.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on September 08, 2023, 12:25:52 PM
Wordle 811 5/6


Didn't take long at all - but a lot of goes!
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on September 09, 2023, 05:56:51 AM
Hmmm, 4 tries. Went fast but still
Wordle 812 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on September 09, 2023, 07:12:13 AM
Wordle 812 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on September 09, 2023, 08:56:23 AM
Wordle 812 4/6


couple of mins...
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on September 09, 2023, 10:31:07 AM
Wordle 812 3/6


About ten mins. Got stuck on the third word for a while.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on September 09, 2023, 10:53:28 AM
Wordle 812 3/6*


Best effort for a while.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on September 10, 2023, 06:18:01 AM
Took me a bit...
Wordle 813 5/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on September 10, 2023, 07:58:57 AM
Wordle 813 3/6


15 seconds
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on September 10, 2023, 10:59:12 AM
Wordle 813 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on September 10, 2023, 12:10:34 PM
Wordle 813 4/6*


2 mins.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on September 10, 2023, 01:23:02 PM
I was convinced I had it on the third go, because it took a long time to find a word to fit. About 15 mins in all.

Wordle 813 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on September 11, 2023, 08:27:35 AM
Wordle 814 5/6


About 4 mins....took a while to think of a fourth word..
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on September 11, 2023, 09:42:01 AM
Could have sworn I did this one before..
Wordle 814 3/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on September 11, 2023, 10:41:36 AM
Wordle 814 6/6*


Well a bit rubbish today.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on September 11, 2023, 10:46:11 AM
A minute. I absent-mindedly reused the second yellow from the first word in the same position. But I doubt I'd have got it in three. Maybe.

Wordle 814 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on September 11, 2023, 08:17:44 PM
Wordle 814 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on September 12, 2023, 07:02:49 AM
A minute, fast one today
Wordle 815 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on September 12, 2023, 08:19:24 AM
Wordle 815 4/6


About a minute bad start but improved slowly..
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on September 12, 2023, 09:55:01 AM
Good one, five minutes

Wordle 815 3/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on September 12, 2023, 11:04:23 AM
Wordle 815 5/6


Not a great start but slowly got there.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on September 12, 2023, 03:21:18 PM
Wordle 815 5/6


3 mins
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on September 13, 2023, 07:28:04 AM
Spectacular opener left only room for one solution:
Wordle 816 2/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on September 13, 2023, 08:18:29 AM
Wordle 816 2/6


10 seconds...
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on September 13, 2023, 09:34:07 AM
Wordle 816 4/6


About 12 minutes, something like that. Unusual to have no greens on the first three, I think.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on September 13, 2023, 03:34:58 PM
Wordle 816 4/6


4 mins approx
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on September 13, 2023, 08:52:19 PM
Wordle 816 3/6*


3 minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on September 14, 2023, 06:39:51 AM
2 mins
Wordle 817 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on September 14, 2023, 08:34:27 AM
Wordle 817 4/6


Terrible start.. that a while .. 15 mins..
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on September 14, 2023, 09:52:49 AM
Wordle 817 4/6


About 6 mins.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on September 14, 2023, 12:13:37 PM
Wordle 817 4/6


Thought I had cracked it on the 3rd attempt but no. Still, a nice diversion today - about 4 minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on September 14, 2023, 01:39:04 PM
Couple of minutes. Ok it was on the 5th go but pleased with my guess

Wordle 817 5/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on September 15, 2023, 06:26:54 AM
Options, options
Wordle 818 5/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on September 15, 2023, 08:48:22 AM
Wordle 818 4/6


About 7 mins.. tried a rush drummer in guess 3..  😀
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on September 15, 2023, 10:35:56 AM
Took 20 minutes. Stuck for a long time on the third word even with three greens.

Wordle 818 3/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on September 15, 2023, 01:31:32 PM
Wordle 818 5/6


Well that was somewhat bizarre. Really scratching my head after line 3!
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on September 15, 2023, 04:44:15 PM
Five minutes for the word itself. 30 seconds on first 2 lines

Wordle 818 3/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on September 16, 2023, 06:09:27 AM
About 2 minutes
Wordle 819 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on September 16, 2023, 08:18:31 AM
Wordle 819 6/6


10 mins.. only just made it..
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on September 16, 2023, 10:12:06 AM
Wordle 819 3/6


Very quick one, 40 seconds.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on September 16, 2023, 01:56:29 PM
25 minutes! Just couldn't think of a word that would fit

Wordle 819 5/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on September 16, 2023, 06:04:43 PM
Wordle 819 2/6


About 5 minutes - deciding which of 2 answers to go with! Luckily I chose wisely  8)

Quite a result getting a full anagram on the 1st go.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on September 17, 2023, 06:20:31 AM
Terrible effort considering the word.
Oh well..
Wordle 820 5/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on September 17, 2023, 08:19:44 AM
Wordle 820 4/6


5 mins.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on September 17, 2023, 08:41:50 AM
Wordle 820 4/6


10 mins...
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on September 17, 2023, 09:47:56 AM
Tough one!
15 minutes

Wordle 820 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on September 17, 2023, 11:06:02 AM
Wordle 820 2/6


I'm having a bit of a run!
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on September 18, 2023, 06:04:33 AM
Just in time
Wordle 821 6/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on September 18, 2023, 08:54:52 AM
Wordle 821 4/6


30 seconds
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on September 18, 2023, 09:18:32 AM
Wordle 821 3/6


2 minutes
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on September 18, 2023, 12:52:48 PM
2 mins, 90 seconds on final guess, going through the alphabet!

Wordle 821 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on September 18, 2023, 02:54:51 PM
Wordle 821 5/6


About 4 mins
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on September 19, 2023, 07:55:53 AM
Wordle 822 3/6


Quick one, a minute
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on September 19, 2023, 08:14:44 AM
Wordle 822 3/6

Easy.. 20 secs...
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on September 19, 2023, 09:43:37 AM
Wordle 822 2/6


Five second one, this morning.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on September 19, 2023, 12:31:19 PM
Wordle 822 3/6


Thought I had in 2 this morning, but not quite.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on September 19, 2023, 03:39:38 PM
5 minutes

Wordle 822 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on September 20, 2023, 07:13:01 AM
10 minutes

Wordle 823 5/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on September 20, 2023, 08:19:32 AM
30 secs. Used it as an opener before..
Wordle 823 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on September 20, 2023, 08:47:54 AM
Wordle 823 4/6


30 secs.. easy...
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on September 20, 2023, 09:45:03 AM
Wordle 823 5/6


Another very quick one. about 30 secs.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on September 20, 2023, 12:05:55 PM
Wordle 823 3/6


About 7 minutes - but I was distracted for about 5 of them  ;D
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on September 21, 2023, 06:36:40 AM
2 minutes

Wordle 824 5/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on September 21, 2023, 08:28:20 AM
Wordle 824 3/6


Dammit. The actual answer - I was going to use it for line 2 but hesitated thinking it was 'too easy' and went for something a little more challenging. So could have been 2 again. Still, very quick this morning.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on September 21, 2023, 08:36:52 AM
Oh my..
Wordle 824 2/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on September 21, 2023, 08:52:24 AM
Wordle 824 6/6


About 5 mins.. the dreaded too many alternatives scenario..
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on September 21, 2023, 09:18:40 AM
Wordle 824 2/6


Probably the quickest ever. Four seconds. Maybe three.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on September 21, 2023, 12:23:20 PM
Wordle 824 3/6


Thirty seconds. A bit tired of my always starter, but onwards.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on September 22, 2023, 06:08:35 AM
stupid mistake on line 3 (it's early), otherwise an easy effort this morning over breakfast.
Wordle 825 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on September 22, 2023, 09:18:34 AM
About 90 seconds.
Wordle 825 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on September 22, 2023, 10:30:22 AM
Wordle 825 4/6


Four minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on September 22, 2023, 10:30:53 AM
Wordle 825 3/6


About a minute....
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on September 22, 2023, 11:20:21 AM
Wordle 825 3/6


About a minute.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on September 22, 2023, 03:01:07 PM
2 minutes

Wordle 825 5/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on September 23, 2023, 06:11:02 AM
Minute or 3, mostly shuffling letters around
Wordle 826 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on September 23, 2023, 08:11:25 AM
Wordle 826 5/6


About 3 minutes
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on September 23, 2023, 08:14:28 AM
Wordle 826 4/6

Ha.. 5 mins.. my wife will be pleased...
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on September 23, 2023, 08:35:39 AM
Wordle 826 5/6


Quite a diverting one, 11 or 12 minutes. Don't know what the probability of getting three yellows with the same three letters, three times in a row is. Perhaps I'll work it out later.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on September 23, 2023, 10:57:56 AM
Wordle 826 4/6


Five minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on September 23, 2023, 01:35:55 PM
Wordle 826 3/6*


About 5 minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on September 24, 2023, 12:40:12 AM
Wordle 827 2/6


Very quick, 20 seconds.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on September 24, 2023, 06:19:25 AM
I had the hardest time getting this one.
Wordle 827 5/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on September 24, 2023, 08:40:43 AM
Wordle 827 3/6


5 mins .. 4 and a half mins thinking of a third word...
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on September 24, 2023, 11:16:44 AM
Wordle 827 3/6


Two minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on September 24, 2023, 12:27:23 PM
Wordle 827 3/6*


2 minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on September 24, 2023, 01:20:43 PM
Had to break my guesses to get ready for the morning spin. Probably 15 mins in total

Wordle 827 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on September 25, 2023, 06:02:24 AM
Unexpected ;D
Wordle 828 2/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on September 25, 2023, 06:13:38 AM
Wordle 828 5/6


Slow progress there. About three minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on September 25, 2023, 08:13:01 AM
Wordle 828 3/6


40 seconds
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on September 25, 2023, 08:48:45 AM
Wordle 828 5/6


Ooh - worst result in about a week. About 2 or 3 minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on September 25, 2023, 10:47:26 AM
Wordle 828 5/6


Long wait for a green. Five minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on September 25, 2023, 08:37:57 PM
Wordle 828 4/6


1 minute!
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on September 26, 2023, 09:16:22 AM
Wordle 829 4/6


3 minutes today.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on September 26, 2023, 10:10:07 AM
Wordle 829 4/6


5 mins
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on September 26, 2023, 10:25:47 AM
Wordle 829 6/6


About half an hour, most of it spent trying to think of that sixth word.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on September 26, 2023, 10:28:49 AM
Wordle 829 4/6


Five minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on September 26, 2023, 11:54:30 AM
Took me while to think of the word for line 5.
Wordle 829 5/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on September 26, 2023, 01:51:27 PM
Wordle 829 4/6


Approx 7 mins split over 2 attenpts
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on September 27, 2023, 06:17:52 AM
Not bad, considering all the options.
Wordle 830 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on September 27, 2023, 08:10:58 AM
Wordle 830 5/6


About 2 mins .. and too many alternatives...
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on September 27, 2023, 10:18:58 AM
Wordle 830 3/6


Lots of alternatives but I could only think of two, and I picked the right one. A minute.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on September 27, 2023, 10:45:43 AM
Wordle 830 5/6


Four minutes, running out of alphabet.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on September 27, 2023, 03:19:13 PM
Wordle 830 3/6


Couple of minutes. Maybe 3.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on September 27, 2023, 03:20:59 PM

Wordle 830 X/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on September 27, 2023, 04:41:05 PM
Ouch Dom. That must have hurt.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on September 27, 2023, 06:57:04 PM
Well I really wasted my 2nd and 3rd guesses and that really cost me
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on September 28, 2023, 06:48:31 AM
Wordle 831 3/6


Quick one, two minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on September 28, 2023, 08:55:40 AM
Wordle 831 3/6


Yep about a minute here as well..
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on September 28, 2023, 09:07:16 AM
Wordle 831 4/6


Took me a little longer today, about 5 minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on September 28, 2023, 10:50:42 AM
Wordle 831 5/6


Four and a half minutes. Mistakenly thought I had finished on line four as I was distracted by a wasp. When I eventually realised, it took me another thirty seconds to complete the task.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on September 28, 2023, 11:06:22 AM
30 secs
Wordle 831 3/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on September 28, 2023, 07:37:13 PM
Wordle 831 5/6


2 mins
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on September 29, 2023, 06:11:32 AM
It took me good 10 minutes to go over the possibilities after I determined letters 1, 4 and 5.
Not an easy one and I was only saved due to a personal connection.

Wordle 832 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on September 29, 2023, 08:45:00 AM
Wordle 832 2/6


30 secs
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on September 29, 2023, 10:15:22 AM
Wordle 832 5/6


Ten minutes. Took surprisingly long, considering
Sorry but you are not allowed to view spoiler contents.

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on September 29, 2023, 11:15:17 AM
Wordle 832 4/6


About three minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on September 29, 2023, 11:34:47 AM
Came back to it 4 hours after starting around 5 minutes in total.

Was sure my final guess was going to be wrong, but it wasn't!

Wordle 832 6/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on September 29, 2023, 03:30:17 PM
Wordle 832 3/6*


So nearly in 2.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on September 30, 2023, 06:10:51 AM
Hmmm. Just about made it.
Wordle 833 6/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on September 30, 2023, 08:25:58 AM
Struggled with that one! Nearly 10 minutes

Wordle 833 6/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on September 30, 2023, 08:27:27 AM
Wordle 833 3/6


Terrible start with 3rd attempt a bit of a shot in the dark that worked..
5 mins
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on September 30, 2023, 09:12:39 AM
Wordle 833 5/6


Tough one, 7 or 8 minutes. Very few people will have got that one in one.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on September 30, 2023, 10:52:20 AM
Wordle 833 5/6


Bit panicky at finding only one letter by line three but lucky line four. Five minutes. Solution made me think about time.

Edit: In November my father will have been gone 43 years. I often think about what he might have been like as an older man and what kind of relationship we might have had.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on September 30, 2023, 11:44:30 AM
Wordle 833 5/6


About 2 minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on October 01, 2023, 12:29:32 AM
Wordle 834 4/6


Tricky. Five mins.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on October 01, 2023, 06:03:25 AM
indeed, 5 mins
Wordle 834 5/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on October 01, 2023, 08:07:34 AM
Wordle 834 5/6*


Another challenge. About 5 minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on October 01, 2023, 09:01:24 AM
Wordle 834 4/6


2 mins
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on October 01, 2023, 12:01:58 PM
Wordle 834 3/6


Two minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on October 01, 2023, 03:29:24 PM
Frustrating and annoying. Spent over 5 minutes on the 4th guess alone. Got so frustrated that I left out a letter I had already discovered. Only realised that on the 6th attempt!

Don't think I'm very good at this!

Wordle 834 6/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on October 01, 2023, 03:54:44 PM
Quote from: dom on October 01, 2023, 03:29:24 PMFrustrating and annoying. Spent over 5 minutes on the 4th guess alone. Got so frustrated that I left out a letter I had already discovered. Only realised that on the 6th attempt!

Don't think I'm very good at this!

Wordle 834 6/6


I'd be lost without this.

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on October 02, 2023, 05:53:23 AM
2 minutes, surprised myself with a best guess on line 4.
Wordle 835 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on October 02, 2023, 08:54:46 AM
Wordle 835 5/6


That was tricky.... Terrible start
About 15 mins...
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on October 02, 2023, 09:09:53 AM
Wordle 835 3/6


About half an hour as a background task.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on October 02, 2023, 10:31:22 AM
Quote from: The Picnic Wasp on October 01, 2023, 03:54:44 PM
Quote from: dom on October 01, 2023, 03:29:24 PMFrustrating and annoying. Spent over 5 minutes on the 4th guess alone. Got so frustrated that I left out a letter I had already discovered. Only realised that on the 6th attempt!

Don't think I'm very good at this!

Wordle 834 6/6


I'd be lost without this.

Thanks for that, amazing the niches people find to fill!
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on October 02, 2023, 01:12:47 PM
Wordle 835 4/6


Got away with a stupid mistake on line two. Five minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on October 02, 2023, 02:25:33 PM
Wordle 835 X/6


Smeg! After a good start too - or so I thought  :(
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on October 02, 2023, 06:16:06 PM
Back of the net!

Wordle 835 2/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on October 03, 2023, 08:10:06 AM
Wordle 836 4/6


About a minute...
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on October 03, 2023, 09:14:05 AM
Came together quick, but it took some tries..
Wordle 836 5/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on October 03, 2023, 09:27:00 AM
Wordle 836 3/6


90 secs or so.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on October 03, 2023, 10:23:25 AM
Less than 2 mins

Wordle 836 3/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on October 03, 2023, 10:32:51 AM
Wordle 836 4/6


Better attempt than yesterday! About 3 minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on October 03, 2023, 12:06:21 PM
Wordle 836 3/6


Five minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on October 04, 2023, 08:41:59 AM
Wordle 837 3/6


About 3 mins.  Lucky on the 3rd guess..
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on October 04, 2023, 09:34:30 AM
Wordle 837 3/6


About a minute. Annoying because I thought of the solution for the second go, but decided to try something else.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on October 04, 2023, 11:03:37 AM
That was a thrilling 30 seconds... ::)
Wordle 837 3/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on October 04, 2023, 11:39:01 AM
Wordle 837 4/6


Annoyed when I didn't get it on line two. Even more annoyed that line three was wrong as I'd decided to go for the less dodgy sounding word of the two. Three minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on October 04, 2023, 12:24:08 PM
5 mins, should have done better!

Wordle 837 5/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on October 04, 2023, 08:00:18 PM
Wordle 837 4/6*


A few minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on October 05, 2023, 06:58:39 AM
Wordle 838 4/6


Three minutes. Slim pickings on the first two.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on October 05, 2023, 08:14:31 AM
Very quick, courtesy of a strong opener
Wordle 838 3/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on October 05, 2023, 08:56:02 AM
Wordle 838 3/6


30 secs
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on October 05, 2023, 11:34:02 AM
Wordle 838 4/6


Eliminated lots of vowels quickly. Two minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on October 05, 2023, 01:06:06 PM
Wordle 838 4/6


I spent about 5 minutes on the 4th word before it hit me.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on October 05, 2023, 05:38:36 PM

Wordle 838 6/6


Thanks a !!
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on October 06, 2023, 06:00:48 AM
Little over a minute, came together quite nicely
Wordle 839 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on October 06, 2023, 06:53:57 AM
Wordle 839 5/6


2 - 3 mins
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on October 06, 2023, 08:01:11 AM
Wordle 839 3/6


About 45 secs
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on October 06, 2023, 09:16:39 AM
Wordle 839 2/6


Couldn't quite believe it when they all came up green! About 15 seconds.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on October 06, 2023, 11:36:13 AM
Wordle 839 3/6


One minute.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on October 06, 2023, 12:09:46 PM
Wordle 839 2/6


Less than a minute.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on October 07, 2023, 06:18:51 AM
That took a fair bit of time. Each time I moved letters around they wer ein the wrong place :o
Anyway, made it.
Wordle 840 5/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on October 07, 2023, 08:32:58 AM
Wordle 840 6/6


10 mins.. was going nowhere until 4th guess.. tricky one that...
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on October 07, 2023, 10:08:56 AM
Wordle 840 4/6


Struggled today. About ten minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on October 07, 2023, 12:58:56 PM
Wordle 840 4/6


Took about twenty minutes! Very annoying one.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on October 07, 2023, 03:41:33 PM
Wordle 840 3/6


Took me hours to come up with a 3rd word.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on October 07, 2023, 07:47:57 PM
That was tough. Spent all day coming back to it. Probably an hour in total!

Wordle 840 5/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on October 08, 2023, 05:55:33 AM
That came along nicely and rather quick, about 2 minutes, spending the last minute and a half thinking of what would fit.
Wordle 841 3/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on October 08, 2023, 06:10:54 AM
Wordle 841 3/6


Another quick one, three minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on October 08, 2023, 08:17:52 AM
Wordle 841 4/6


Not the best of starts.. about 7 mins
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on October 08, 2023, 11:41:57 AM
Wordle 841 4/6*


Bit of a challenge but about 5 minutes in all.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on October 08, 2023, 12:06:44 PM
Wordle 841 3/6


Three minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on October 09, 2023, 05:56:50 AM
Interesting word, 2 minutes.
Wordle 842 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on October 09, 2023, 08:59:06 AM
Wordle 842 2/6


10 mins.. just could not think of a second word...
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on October 09, 2023, 09:47:39 AM
The old too many alternatives problem. About a minute.

Wordle 842 6/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on October 09, 2023, 11:17:17 AM
Wordle 842 4/6


Great start. About a minute.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on October 09, 2023, 12:11:35 PM
3 mins

Wordle 842 5/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on October 09, 2023, 05:40:20 PM
Wordle 842 5/6


2 stupid mistakes! Top tip to self - don't do this when tired!
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on October 10, 2023, 06:08:53 AM
30 secs
Wordle 843 3/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on October 10, 2023, 11:38:45 AM
Wordle 843 5/6


About three minutes. Line four to five amused me.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on October 10, 2023, 11:56:41 AM
Wordle 843 5/6


Room for improvement!
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on October 10, 2023, 12:25:03 PM
Wordle 843 4/6


About 2 mins.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on October 10, 2023, 03:36:36 PM
Wordle 843 4/6


About 2 mins
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on October 10, 2023, 04:04:40 PM
Wordle 843 4/6*


About 3 minutes in total.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on October 11, 2023, 06:00:46 AM
About 2 minutes

Wordle 844 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on October 11, 2023, 08:46:38 AM
Wordle 844 3/6


About a minute....
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on October 11, 2023, 09:15:36 AM
Wordle 844 5/6


Should have got it in three, I actually considered the solution for the third word. About 2 mins.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on October 11, 2023, 11:09:49 AM
Wordle 844 4/6


Going nowhere for a while, then a break. Four minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on October 11, 2023, 03:23:26 PM
Wordle 844 4/6


Stopped me for a couple of minutes before the answer came into view.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on October 11, 2023, 05:27:23 PM
Couple of mins

Wordle 844 4/6


Thought i would go through every option bar the correct one again
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on October 12, 2023, 06:08:13 AM
Was going nowhere, so I cooked breakfast and then it came to me, weird how that happens:
Wordle 845 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on October 12, 2023, 08:29:27 AM
Wordle 845 3/6


Took longer than you'd think to come up with the third word with three in place.. about 6 minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on October 12, 2023, 09:29:58 AM
Wordle 845 5/6


That was very tricky... 20 mins
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on October 12, 2023, 11:02:31 AM
Wordle 845 4/6


Oops! Ten minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on October 12, 2023, 12:47:29 PM
Wordle 845 3/6


Good start, and I thought I had it in a minute on line 2 but no. Then spent about 10 minutes struggling to find a possibility for line 3.

Nice challenge I thought.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on October 12, 2023, 03:20:54 PM
15 mins over 3 attempts, virtually all on line 4

Wordle 845 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on October 13, 2023, 06:05:53 AM
4 minutes, did not see it until I did.
Wordle 846 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on October 13, 2023, 09:29:08 AM
About 5 mins

Wordle 846 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on October 13, 2023, 09:43:56 AM
Thought we'd had that solution before, so I deployed the fourth word reluctantly. 10 minutes.

Wordle 846 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on October 13, 2023, 10:46:19 AM
Wordle 846 3/6


Rather pleased when that happened. Two minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on October 13, 2023, 11:18:05 AM
Wordle 846 3/6


10 mins.. 9 mins on a third guess..
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on October 13, 2023, 12:10:42 PM
Wordle 846 3/6


A quicker one today - 3  minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on October 14, 2023, 12:19:28 AM
Wordle 847 3/6


About 2 mins.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on October 14, 2023, 06:17:11 AM
2 mins as well.
Wordle 847 3/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on October 14, 2023, 08:30:33 AM
Wordle 847 4/6


10 mins.. struggled to think of words
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on October 14, 2023, 11:36:16 AM
Wordle 847 5/6


Tricky. About five minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on October 14, 2023, 02:22:00 PM
Sometimes getting it on the last go is disappointing, but I was pleased with that especially after the poor start...

Wordle 847 6/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on October 14, 2023, 07:22:05 PM
Wordle 847 3/6


About 1 minute.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on October 15, 2023, 05:58:40 AM
Even though it took 5 attempts it came together very quickly and fell nicely into place.
Wordle 848 5/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on October 15, 2023, 08:46:39 AM
Wordle 848 4/6


Chasing 2 letters around for 10 mins.. guess 4 was an attempt to try and nail them down . et voila ..bit of luck there
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on October 15, 2023, 09:18:07 AM
Wordle 848 4/6


Came together very nicely, about 4 mins. Lazy second word choice.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on October 15, 2023, 10:40:47 AM
Good 2nd line. Thought I was going to get it sooner. Lucky in the end as I had to choose between 2

Wordle 848 6/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on October 15, 2023, 01:22:26 PM
Wordle 848 4/6


Very surprised when that came up. Five minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on October 15, 2023, 05:21:55 PM
Wordle 848 4/6


I honestly thought I had it in 2 but hey ho, on with the show. Less than 2 minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on October 16, 2023, 06:07:00 AM
That 5th attempt took a real bit of thought
Wordle 849 5/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on October 16, 2023, 07:20:05 AM
Wordle 849 4/6


Came together quickly, about 90 secs.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on October 16, 2023, 08:57:04 AM
Wordle 849 4/6


About 5 mins...
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on October 16, 2023, 12:05:34 PM
Wordle 849 3/6


Struggled for that third word. Fifteen minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on October 16, 2023, 05:10:46 PM
Considering I had 4 letters the final go took a very long time! Approx 20 mins

Wordle 849 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on October 16, 2023, 06:56:34 PM
Wordle 849 3/6*


Took me a couple of minutes to find the 3rd word although I think it was the only option.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on October 17, 2023, 06:04:24 AM
about 3 minutes
Wordle 850 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on October 17, 2023, 08:23:14 AM
Wordle 850 2/6


About 7 mins.. just could not think of a second word...
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on October 17, 2023, 10:45:47 AM
Wordle 850 4/6


Took about 15 mins that one, mostly on the fourth word.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on October 17, 2023, 10:53:15 AM
Wordle 850 3/6*


About 10 minutes. That solution took a little thinking.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on October 17, 2023, 12:49:49 PM
Wordle 850 4/6


About four minutes. A bit annoying getting four yellows.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on October 17, 2023, 04:09:58 PM
Happy with that. Put some thought into line 2 and it paid off. 4 mins approx

Wordle 850 3/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on October 18, 2023, 06:02:07 AM
3rd line was a shot in the dark, had I given it more thought I might have come up with the solution there.

Wordle 851 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on October 18, 2023, 08:33:53 AM
Wordle 851 5/6


Chasing two letters round the board again with a stupid 4th guess

10 mins
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on October 18, 2023, 09:46:28 AM
Wordle 851 4/6


Odd one. I was struggling on the fourth go so I left it alone for a few minutes, then when I came back to it - the solution jumped out immediately.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on October 18, 2023, 10:46:00 AM
Wordle 851 4/6


Seemed almost familiar to something recent this one. Same guesses, nearly the same word. Five minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on October 18, 2023, 02:53:20 PM
Wordle 851 5/6


Took a while on the 5th go. Approx 10- 15 in total
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on October 18, 2023, 03:38:55 PM
Wordle 851 X/6


Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on October 19, 2023, 12:41:40 AM
Wordle 852 3/6


About 90 secs, quick one.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on October 19, 2023, 06:00:09 AM
About 2 mins
Wordle 852 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on October 19, 2023, 08:34:18 AM
Wordle 852 4/6


Pretty easy today.. about 45 seconds
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on October 19, 2023, 10:09:41 AM
Wordle 852 3/6


Two minutes. I thought my line two was a more likely solution. Strange one.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on October 19, 2023, 01:31:53 PM
Wordle 852 4/6


Had a bit of deja vu from yesterday, thinking I was going to fail again with too many options.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on October 19, 2023, 06:58:02 PM
About a minute

Wordle 852 3/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on October 20, 2023, 06:09:39 AM
Interesting one, took me bit to think of word 3.
Wordle 853 3/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on October 20, 2023, 08:40:01 AM
Wordle 853 3/6

2 mins
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on October 20, 2023, 11:13:17 AM
Wordle 853 4/6


Satisfying elimination and positional work today. Three minutes.

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on October 20, 2023, 12:07:24 PM
Wordle 853 4/6


Took about an hour, on and off.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on October 20, 2023, 03:50:16 PM
Must have spent half an hour on the 5th line. Tough one!

Wordle 853 5/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on October 21, 2023, 06:07:08 AM
about 3 minutes, mostly thinking of line 3, after which 4 came very quick.
Wordle 854 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on October 21, 2023, 09:04:22 AM
Wordle 854 3/6


2 mins.. terrible start and a shot in the dark third guess
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on October 21, 2023, 09:39:57 AM
Wordle 854 3/6


Very lucky second word, or possibly unlucky, depending on how you look at it. A minute.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on October 21, 2023, 10:21:33 AM
Wordle 854 3/6


Two minutes, despite stupid error.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on October 21, 2023, 12:47:28 PM
Wordle: #853 2023-10-20
Guesses: 4


Didn't get around to it yesterday
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on October 21, 2023, 12:50:21 PM
Wordle 854 3/6*


And today's in 2 minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on October 21, 2023, 09:18:47 PM
Wordle 854 4/6


7  -  8 mins with an hour's break in the middle
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on October 22, 2023, 05:56:18 AM
That fourth line took quite some thinking.
Wordle 855 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on October 22, 2023, 08:51:17 AM
Wordle 855 5/6

10 mins.. stupid guess on line 4...
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on October 22, 2023, 12:02:58 PM
Wordle 855 3/6


Five minutes. Lucky guess.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on October 22, 2023, 01:01:38 PM
Wordle 855 5/6*


Ooh multiple yellows can be challenging. About 6 minutes I think.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on October 22, 2023, 03:28:07 PM
15 minutes - most devoted to the last line...

Wordle 855 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on October 23, 2023, 06:07:00 AM
Quite quick, a minute or so
Wordle 856 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on October 23, 2023, 08:46:30 AM
Wordle 856 4/6


About 5 mins.. chasing two letters around the board again...
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on October 23, 2023, 12:10:32 PM
Wordle 856 2/6


Great start. About a minute.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on October 23, 2023, 12:55:14 PM
Wordle 856 3/6


Quite a quick one today. Two minutes.

I took a break during yesterday's and never finished it! So I've done it again today. I used the same starting word and managed to remember what I'd done (the first three words). Took about 20 minutes after that, tricky one.

Wordle: #855 2023-10-22
Guesses: 5


Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on October 23, 2023, 02:53:35 PM
Wordle 856 5/6


About 5 minutes, and a careless mistake along the way too.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on October 23, 2023, 04:19:48 PM
10 mins, 9.5 on the final go!

Wordle 856 4/6


Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on October 24, 2023, 06:43:50 AM
Wordle 857 4/6


About 10 mins, took a long time on the second word.

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on October 24, 2023, 07:41:18 AM
Took me a bit, couldn't think of line 4

Wordle 857 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on October 24, 2023, 07:44:45 AM
Wordle 857 5/6*


Steady progress over about 5 minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on October 24, 2023, 08:14:07 AM
Wordle 857 2/6


About 45 secs.. good first guess helped a lot
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on October 24, 2023, 08:36:23 AM
Wordle 857 4/6


Four minutes. Happy after that third guess.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on October 24, 2023, 04:33:27 PM
Tricky, again trying to get that lsst word, 20 mins

Wordle 857 5/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on October 25, 2023, 08:41:41 AM
Wordle 858 3/6


10 mins..9 mins on a third word
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on October 25, 2023, 09:24:55 AM
Thinking was involved, not the easiest.
Wordle 858 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on October 25, 2023, 11:28:46 AM
Wordle 858 3/6


Enjoyed that. One minute.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on October 25, 2023, 03:37:54 PM
10 mins most on lines 4 and 5

Wordle 858 5/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on October 25, 2023, 03:50:28 PM
Wordle 858 3/6


5 mins, was stuck on the second word for 4 of them.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on October 25, 2023, 07:25:32 PM
Wordle 858 5/6*


Was getting a little worried there.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on October 26, 2023, 07:34:05 AM
Wordle 859 4/6


Good one, about 5 mins. Slim pickings on the first two lines but the third opened it up nicely.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on October 26, 2023, 08:00:17 AM
No joy today..
Wordle 859 X/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on October 26, 2023, 08:30:44 AM
Wordle 859 3/6


5 mins..4 mins on a third guess
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on October 26, 2023, 11:42:47 AM
Wordle 859 3/6


Two minutes. My permanent starter working ridiculously well recently. Expecting a slump soon unless I hit the jackpot.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on October 26, 2023, 02:09:51 PM
Wordle 859 5/6


Annoyed. I was so delighted that I got the 1st letter, that I completely didn't see the yellow until I was checking for my 5th attempt.

Grrrr with myself.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on October 26, 2023, 05:10:16 PM
Tricky, 5 mins on attempt 3 and 10 on my 4th go!

Wordle 859 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on October 27, 2023, 06:01:30 AM
Real lucky guess on line 3
Wordle 860 3/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on October 27, 2023, 08:43:35 AM
Wordle 860 5/6


Tricky..10 mins
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on October 27, 2023, 10:02:11 AM
Wordle 860 4/6


Didn't take long, three minutes. Lazy effort on the third word.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on October 27, 2023, 10:56:12 AM
Wordle 860 3/6


The dreaded last letter start, but dream guess on line two. Two minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on October 27, 2023, 12:27:06 PM
Very quick guesses today - perhaps too quick! 90 secs

Wordle 860 6/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on October 27, 2023, 08:41:14 PM
Wordle 860 4/6*


Took a little thinking towards the end 🤔
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on October 28, 2023, 05:59:01 AM
That went very quick
Wordle 861 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on October 28, 2023, 08:32:57 AM
Wordle 861 5/6


Thought I had it in 4... 10 mins
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on October 28, 2023, 10:30:04 AM
Wordle 861 5/6


Very tough one for me, half an hour. One of those where the yellow letters seem to hinder you instead of helping.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on October 28, 2023, 10:53:17 AM
Wordle 861 3/6


Sshhh! One minute.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on October 28, 2023, 03:23:55 PM
Wordle 861 6/6


Crikey that was close.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on October 28, 2023, 05:12:39 PM
5 mins

Wordle 861 5/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on October 29, 2023, 01:49:32 AM
Wordle 862 3/6


Good second guess allowing an inebriated, clocks going back two minute finish.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on October 29, 2023, 05:40:55 AM
Not bad
Wordle 862 3/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on October 29, 2023, 07:46:28 AM
Wordle 862 4/6


Good start, and honestly thought I had it in 3.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on October 29, 2023, 08:14:01 AM
Wordle 862 3/6


All over in ten seconds!
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on October 29, 2023, 08:29:45 AM
Wordle 862 4/6


Terrible start. 10 mins.. 8 of them on a fourth word..
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on October 29, 2023, 01:22:58 PM
Wordle 862 4/6


Thought that was going to keep going. Was running out of options though! A bit over 5 mins
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on October 30, 2023, 05:33:44 AM
5 attempts in minute :o , must also be some kind of record

Wordle 863 5/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on October 30, 2023, 11:11:57 AM
Very useful second word choice. All over in a minute.

Wordle 863 3/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on October 30, 2023, 11:12:23 AM
Wordle 863 4/6


Couple of minutes
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on October 30, 2023, 11:30:42 AM
Wordle 863 4/6


Of course - 3 possibilities, and it took 3 attempts <sigh>
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on October 30, 2023, 11:57:01 AM
No correct letters in the wrong place for me today!

Wordle 863 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on October 30, 2023, 12:12:53 PM
Wordle 863 4/6


About four minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on October 31, 2023, 05:56:14 AM
Nice build up until the solution was inevitable
Wordle 864 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on October 31, 2023, 07:25:03 AM
Wordle 864 5/6


About three minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on October 31, 2023, 08:12:41 AM
Wordle 864 5/6

🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩 About 5 mins.. too many options
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on October 31, 2023, 08:28:50 AM
Wordle 864 3/6


Six minutes, mostly on the second guess which turned out well.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on October 31, 2023, 09:40:55 AM
Wordle 864 3/6*


Pretty quick that one. 3 mins?
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on October 31, 2023, 02:48:57 PM
Couple of minutes

Wordle 864 5/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on November 01, 2023, 08:27:29 AM
Quite quick.
Wordle 865 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on November 01, 2023, 09:45:01 AM
Wordle 865 5/6


Wouldn't have thought I'd have quite so many choices there. 7 mins.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on November 01, 2023, 10:32:36 AM
Wordle 865 2/6


Well that was well under a minute. Although do you count the time thinking of a first word? If so, about 5 minutes in all.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on November 01, 2023, 11:07:29 AM
Wordle 865 3/6


15 mins.. just could not think of a third word
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on November 01, 2023, 11:28:20 AM
Wordle 865 5/6


Nervy one. Thought I might run out of chances today. About seven minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on November 01, 2023, 11:32:50 AM
Slow start!

Wordle 865 5/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on November 02, 2023, 05:20:57 AM
Should have been 3 tries really
Wordle 866 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on November 02, 2023, 08:46:06 AM
Wordle 866 4/6


5 mins
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on November 02, 2023, 09:35:08 AM
Wordle 866 5/6


Took about half an hour! I was surprised that fourth word was accepted.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on November 02, 2023, 10:10:26 AM
Wordle 866 4/6


Three minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on November 02, 2023, 03:31:15 PM
Wordle 866 4/6


I came to a grinding halt after line 3, until the answer came to me after a few minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on November 02, 2023, 07:14:36 PM
Another 5er

5 minutes too

Wordle 866 5/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on November 03, 2023, 06:06:36 AM
Took a bit of thinking, but what a great word.
Wordle 867 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on November 03, 2023, 06:47:40 AM
Wordle 867 3/6


Five minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on November 03, 2023, 07:47:37 AM
Wordle 867 X/6


Ah failed....
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on November 03, 2023, 11:08:20 AM
Wordle 867 5/6


Five minutes after my stupid second line guess. If you use an unlikely letter, why not use it twice?
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on November 03, 2023, 11:15:06 AM
Wasn't 100% sure that was how it was spelt¡

Wordle 867 3/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on November 03, 2023, 11:45:45 AM
Wordle 867 X/6


Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on November 04, 2023, 05:57:39 AM
That took me a bit
Wordle 868 6/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on November 04, 2023, 07:15:20 AM
Wordle 868 4/6


About 7 mins.. tricky...
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on November 04, 2023, 09:40:48 AM
Wordle 868 4/6


Five mins I think.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on November 04, 2023, 10:29:06 AM
Wordle 868 4/6


About eight minutes. Stupid, carelessness on line three, saved by a lucky guess to finish.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on November 04, 2023, 11:29:42 AM
First 3 lines were very quick, then between 5- 7 mins on go 4. Struggled with that

Wordle 868 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on November 04, 2023, 05:25:20 PM
Wordle 868 3/6


Couple of minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on November 05, 2023, 06:07:36 AM
Nicely build up, about 2 minutes
Wordle 869 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on November 05, 2023, 09:00:40 AM
Wordle 869 5/6


Three minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on November 05, 2023, 09:33:27 AM
Wordle 869 4/6


1 minute...
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on November 05, 2023, 10:28:10 AM
2 mins

Wordle 869 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on November 05, 2023, 12:55:22 PM
Wordle 869 4/6


I think that could have been worse.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on November 05, 2023, 01:27:58 PM
Wordle 869 3/6


Five hungover minutes, with a very lucky third line guess.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on November 06, 2023, 06:09:49 AM
30 secs
Wordle 870 3/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on November 06, 2023, 09:24:57 AM
Wordle 870 3/6


2 mins
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on November 06, 2023, 09:39:49 AM
Very quick, 30 seconds.

Wordle 870 3/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on November 06, 2023, 12:50:04 PM
Wordle 870 2/6


Dream start. Thirty seconds seems to be the order of the day.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on November 06, 2023, 12:51:23 PM
Quote from: Fishy on November 06, 2023, 09:24:57 AMWordle 870 3/6


2 mins

Ooft! Very slow! 😂
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on November 06, 2023, 02:11:49 PM
Slowly slowly catchy monkey!  About 5 mins

Wordle 870 5/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on November 06, 2023, 11:10:59 PM
Wordle 870 3/6*


2 minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on November 07, 2023, 05:59:30 AM
Should have gotten it in 3 really.
Wordle 871 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on November 07, 2023, 07:22:59 AM
Wordle 871 4/6


5 mins.. 4 mins on a fourth guess..
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on November 07, 2023, 10:20:02 AM
A mere thirty minutes.

Wordle 871 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on November 07, 2023, 10:31:12 AM
90 seconds!

Wordle 871 3/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on November 07, 2023, 12:58:01 PM
Wordle 871 5/6


Struggled today. Eight minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on November 08, 2023, 11:13:48 AM
Well that took a bit. 15 mins for sure, mainly on row 4.

Wordle 872 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on November 08, 2023, 11:19:49 AM
Wordle 872 4/6


Most of the morning on and off..
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on November 08, 2023, 11:22:13 AM
I gave up eventually. Spent about three hours on it, on and off. Had to break hard mode for the fourth word, then when I still couldn't see it I just abandoned it.

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on November 08, 2023, 11:34:59 AM
Wordle 872 4/6


Seven minutes. Surprised at the solution.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on November 08, 2023, 12:53:25 PM
Really tough one!  20 minutes

Wordle 872 5/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on November 08, 2023, 12:54:10 PM
Quote from: Slim on November 08, 2023, 11:22:13 AMI gave up eventually. Spent about three hours on it, on and off. Had to break hard mode for the fourth word, then when I still couldn't see it I just abandoned it.

What's hard mode?
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on November 08, 2023, 02:53:55 PM
Quote from: dom on November 08, 2023, 12:54:10 PMWhat's hard mode?

So: by default, Wordle will allow you to try words that can't be correct, based on the previous clues. For example today, I deployed MANIA despite knowing that the second letter wasn't an A, from the feedback from my second word:


However although it can be useful, I don't like to play in that mode. I prefer to try only words that are potential solutions, ie "hard mode". You can enforce this in the settings (click the cog icon)

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on November 08, 2023, 06:02:40 PM
Wordle 872 6/6


Well that was a struggle. Took me a couple of hours on and off.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on November 09, 2023, 07:33:35 AM
Wordle 873 6/6*


I actually thought of the solution for the third word! Should have gone with my instinct. Four minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on November 09, 2023, 07:34:46 AM
Couple of minutes, eliminating possibilities in my head mainly.

Wordle 873 3/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on November 09, 2023, 08:31:55 AM
Wordle 873 6/6

About 7 mins ..  waaaay too many alternatives hell
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on November 09, 2023, 10:22:16 AM
Wordle 873 5/6


Tricky. Always hate that start. Ten minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on November 09, 2023, 02:30:09 PM
Thought I was done today...

Wordle 873 6/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on November 10, 2023, 05:53:08 AM
Minute and a half
Wordle 874 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on November 10, 2023, 08:43:37 AM
Wordle 874 5/6


About 10 mins.. made a right meal of that one ..
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on November 10, 2023, 09:16:08 AM
Wordle 874 3/6*


About twelve seconds.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on November 10, 2023, 11:15:37 AM
Wordle 874 4/6


About fifteen minutes. Worried, even with those four yellows.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on November 10, 2023, 05:23:25 PM
Wordle 874 4/6


Took about 10 minutes juggling letters after line 3.

I missed yesterday, and when I looked for yesterday's wordle it came up with the answer. Ho hum.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on November 10, 2023, 06:11:59 PM
2 mins thought it was going to be 30 secs when i got lucky with guess 2

Wordle 874 5/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on November 11, 2023, 05:56:21 AM
Chasing the yellows for about 4 minutes
Wordle 875 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on November 11, 2023, 08:29:38 AM
Wordle 875 3/6*


About 10 minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on November 11, 2023, 08:31:50 AM
Wordle 875 2/6


Thought I had it there on the first line when the first two came up..

1 min
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on November 11, 2023, 08:44:54 AM
Wordle 875 4/6


Couple of minutes
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on November 11, 2023, 08:58:23 AM
Wordle 875 3/6*


Couple of minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on November 11, 2023, 11:21:32 AM
Wordle 875 3/6


Nice! Two minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on November 12, 2023, 05:55:51 AM
30 secs.
Wordle 876 3/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on November 12, 2023, 08:31:17 AM
Wordle 876 3/6


2 mins
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on November 12, 2023, 10:57:48 AM
Struggled with that! 10 mins

Wordle 876 5/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on November 12, 2023, 11:01:10 AM
Wordle 876 X/6*


About twenty minutes. Two minutes on the first five, then eighteen minutes trying to think of another word to fit. Which I did eventually, but to no avail.

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on November 12, 2023, 11:12:17 AM
Wordle 876 4/6


Forty five seconds. Didn't even notice my line two mistake until I had finished.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on November 12, 2023, 05:33:46 PM
Wordle 876 6/6


Just! About 5 minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on November 13, 2023, 06:02:03 AM
About a minute and a half watching yellows turn to green
Wordle 877 5/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on November 13, 2023, 06:33:21 AM
Wordle 877 4/6*


Three minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on November 13, 2023, 06:57:05 AM
Wordle 877 5/6


3 - 4 minutes
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on November 13, 2023, 08:30:03 AM
Wordle 877 4/6


About 4 mins.. a very lucky second guess put me on the right track..
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on November 13, 2023, 11:28:26 AM
Wordle 877 4/6


One minute. Nice progression.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on November 13, 2023, 07:54:42 PM
Wordle 877 3/6


Ah! So close to 2! 3 minutes or thereabouts.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on November 14, 2023, 08:26:20 AM
Wordle 878 6/6


Just.. alternative hell..... 10 mins
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on November 14, 2023, 08:45:50 AM
Indeed far too many alternatives. No joy today
Wordle 878 X/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on November 14, 2023, 09:15:14 AM
10 mins, literally couldn't find anything else that would fit!

Wordle 878 6/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on November 14, 2023, 09:21:37 AM
Wordle 878 5/6*


Good one, unfolded nicely. About 8 mins.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on November 14, 2023, 11:02:32 AM
Wordle 878 4/6


A couple of minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on November 14, 2023, 11:13:39 AM
Wordle 878 5/6


Five minutes. Panicky start.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on November 15, 2023, 08:38:46 AM
Wordle 879 3/6


Going nowhere.. very lucky third guess.. 5 mins
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on November 15, 2023, 10:10:29 AM
About 5 minutes
Wordle 879 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on November 15, 2023, 10:15:53 AM
Wordle 879 4/6*


Decent challenge, about six minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on November 15, 2023, 11:07:39 AM
Wordle 879 4/6


Three minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on November 15, 2023, 01:10:22 PM
Wordle 879 4/6*


I don't know why it took me so long to get the solution after line 3, but it did. About 10 minutes in all.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on November 15, 2023, 05:53:39 PM
I knew how the word ended but spent ages trying to think of any words that ended that way! 20 minutes

Wordle 879 5/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on November 16, 2023, 08:41:16 AM
Wordle 880 4/6


About a minute
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on November 16, 2023, 10:02:10 AM
Minute and a half
Wordle 880 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on November 16, 2023, 10:36:58 AM
Wordle 880 2/6


Yes! First two letters. Ten seconds.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on November 16, 2023, 10:38:01 AM
Wordle 880 5/6*


Bum. Thought I had it in 3. About 5 minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on November 16, 2023, 12:07:08 PM
Wordle 880 3/6*


Fifteen seconds.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on November 16, 2023, 04:18:55 PM
Happy with that guess - about a minute

Wordle 880 3/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on November 17, 2023, 06:06:34 AM
That took longer than it should have

Wordle 881 5/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on November 17, 2023, 08:46:38 AM
Wordle 881 5/6


About 6 mins...
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on November 17, 2023, 09:19:16 AM
On a bit of a roll! 1 minute

Wordle 881 3/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on November 17, 2023, 10:24:50 AM
Wordle 881 5/6*


About six minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on November 17, 2023, 11:23:56 AM
Wordle 881 2/6


Another good start. Thirty seconds.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on November 17, 2023, 01:33:44 PM
Wordle 881 4/6*


About 4 minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on November 18, 2023, 06:06:08 AM
More options than I'd liked, but got there.
Wordle 882 5/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on November 18, 2023, 08:17:47 AM
Wordle 882 3/6

2mins...a lucky third guess..
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on November 18, 2023, 09:51:14 AM
Wordle 882 2/6*


Very lucky second word, about fifteen seconds.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on November 18, 2023, 09:59:39 AM
Wordle 882 2/6


Fifteen seconds. It's been a good Wordle week.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on November 18, 2023, 02:58:06 PM
Wordle 882 3/6*


Ah - so close to 2 again! 2 minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on November 18, 2023, 03:56:50 PM
5 minutes, most of which was spent on  the 4th guess

Wordle 882 5/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on November 19, 2023, 06:03:33 AM
Shot in the dark on line 3, not bad at all
Wordle 883 3/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on November 19, 2023, 10:19:50 AM
Quote from: Thenop on November 19, 2023, 06:03:33 AMShot in the dark on line 3, not bad at all
Wordle 883 3/6



Wordle 883 3/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on November 19, 2023, 10:51:00 AM
Wordle 883 4/6*


About a minute. I thought of the solution for the third go, but decided to try something else.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on November 19, 2023, 12:55:06 PM
Wordle 883 5/6


There wasn't much of the alphabet left. Four minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on November 19, 2023, 01:40:17 PM
Wordle 883 3/6

2 mins...
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on November 19, 2023, 07:16:57 PM
Wordle 883 6/6*


Well that was a struggle. But by the time I got to line 6 - I'm pretty sure that was the only possible word.

10 minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on November 20, 2023, 12:05:39 AM
Wordle 884 4/6*


Ha! The solution was 100% implicit from the third word feedback. Three minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on November 20, 2023, 01:22:19 AM
Wordle 884 4/6


Had two or three guesses lined up and rather pleased when number one hit the target. Ten minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on November 20, 2023, 04:47:33 AM
Quick, but too many tries needed to my liking.
Wordle 884 5/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on November 20, 2023, 10:29:56 AM
Most time spent on the 3rd guess. 5 mins in total

Wordle 884 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on November 20, 2023, 11:17:25 AM
Wordle 884 5/6

5 mins.. feel I should have got it earlier
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on November 20, 2023, 04:38:16 PM
Wordle 884 2/6*


About a minute.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on November 21, 2023, 08:22:22 AM
Wordle 885 4/6


About 3 mins...
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on November 21, 2023, 08:46:36 AM
Wordle 885 5/6


Would have liked it quicker..
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on November 21, 2023, 10:55:49 AM
Wordle 885 2/6*


About 15 mins!
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on November 21, 2023, 12:39:38 PM
Wordle 885 3/6


Weird second guess was surprisingly fruitful. Four minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on November 21, 2023, 05:23:17 PM
5 mins

3rd and 4th guess took time (especially 3rd)
Wordle 885 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on November 22, 2023, 01:29:18 AM
Wordle 886 4/6


Well, decided to have a go after far too much tequila. Surprisingly things worked out quite ok. Now at that that stage of the night where I'm considering buying a Geddy tour ticket. Wish me luck!
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on November 22, 2023, 08:41:41 AM
Wordle 886 4/6


5 mins
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on November 22, 2023, 08:49:33 AM
Not bad I think
Wordle 886 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on November 22, 2023, 10:57:53 AM
Wordle 886 5/6*


Very slow progress, about 20 mins over three or four sessions.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on November 22, 2023, 04:23:40 PM
Less than a minute!Guess 2 made it pretty simple

Wordle 886 3/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on November 22, 2023, 06:16:34 PM
Wordle 886 3/6*


2 minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on November 23, 2023, 06:02:57 AM
It dawned on me while cooking breakfast.
Wordle 887 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on November 23, 2023, 08:36:19 AM
Wordle 887 3/6


About 6 mins..... most of that spent on a second guess
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on November 23, 2023, 09:47:42 AM
Wordle 887 4/6*


Good one, about seven minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on November 23, 2023, 12:19:59 PM
5 mins...

Wordle 887 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on November 23, 2023, 09:14:00 PM
Wordle 887 4/6*


A few minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on November 24, 2023, 06:01:17 AM
Took me a good 10 minutes to come up with line 4
Wordle 888 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on November 24, 2023, 08:36:53 AM
Wordle 888 3/6

45 seconds
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on November 24, 2023, 10:21:41 AM
Wordle 888 5/6*


Six mins, or so.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on November 24, 2023, 04:59:59 PM
Wordle 888 4/6*


About 4 minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on November 24, 2023, 06:52:07 PM
Was certain i had it on go 4 - about 2 mins

Wordle 888 5/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on November 25, 2023, 06:05:21 AM
Couple of minutes, still too long and too many tries for my liking
Wordle 889 5/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on November 25, 2023, 08:59:27 AM
Wordle 889 5/6


10 mins .. tricky..
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on November 25, 2023, 10:44:25 AM
Wordle 889 4/6*


About 3 mins.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on November 25, 2023, 06:24:22 PM
Couple of mins

Wordle 889 5/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on November 26, 2023, 12:45:55 AM
Wordle 890 3/6*


30 seconds.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on November 26, 2023, 05:55:17 AM
A minute
Wordle 890 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on November 26, 2023, 09:41:18 AM
Wordle 890 3/6

20 seconds
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on November 26, 2023, 11:42:37 AM
15 minutes! Struggled with that

Wordle 890 3/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on November 26, 2023, 07:29:59 PM
Wordle 890 4/6


Not long at all. 2 minutes?
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on November 27, 2023, 06:22:52 AM
Took a bit, in the end it clicked.
Wordle 891 5/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on November 27, 2023, 08:46:11 AM
Wordle 891 6/6


Just made it.. about 12 mins
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on November 27, 2023, 09:42:14 AM
Wordle 891 5/6*


Good one, 6 or 7 mins.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on November 27, 2023, 12:45:10 PM
Thought I was done for today...

Wordle 891 6/6


About 5 minutes, didn't have much to choose from come the end
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on November 27, 2023, 01:57:50 PM
Wordle 891 6/6


Nick of time, although I'd considered it for line four. Five minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on November 27, 2023, 05:50:53 PM
Wordle 891 2/6*


Going for a starter that had that very significant middle letter turn green was an awesome start.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on November 28, 2023, 08:07:26 AM
Wordle 892 4/6*


2 mins.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on November 28, 2023, 08:21:00 AM
Wordle 892 4/6


About 2 mins. With a minute in alternative hell
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on November 28, 2023, 09:25:25 AM
Wordle 892 3/6


About a minute.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on November 28, 2023, 10:58:26 AM
Less than a minute.
Wordle 892 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on November 28, 2023, 12:16:37 PM
Wordle 892 3/6*


Ooh - nearly in 2 again. Happy with that  :D
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on November 28, 2023, 01:40:12 PM
About a minute!

Wordle 892 3/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on November 29, 2023, 12:09:39 AM
Wordle 893 5/6


Five minutes. Strange pattern as it unfolded.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on November 29, 2023, 05:19:44 AM
Nice effort, minute or 2 before it sank in.
Wordle 893 3/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on November 29, 2023, 08:37:39 AM
Wordle 893 4/6


10 mins... tricky one
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on November 29, 2023, 09:31:19 AM
Wordle 893 5/6*


Yes, quite tricky. Really thought I'd got it on the fourth, took a bit of thinking after that. Ten mins.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on November 29, 2023, 05:32:12 PM
Wordle 893 5/6*


Indeed, tricky. About 5 minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on November 29, 2023, 09:22:32 PM
Didn't like that one - 15 minutes

Wordle 893 5/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on November 30, 2023, 07:32:56 AM
About 2 minutes
Wordle 894 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on November 30, 2023, 08:31:22 AM
Wordle 894 3/6*


Three mins.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on November 30, 2023, 10:08:50 AM
Wordle 894 3/6


About 5 mins
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on November 30, 2023, 11:04:54 AM
Wordle 894 X/6


Probably the greatest level of stupidity and carelessness I have applied to any single task in a very long time. Proof that lack of sleep and distractions are unhealthy. Fortunately the mystery black lines which appeared on the rear wing of my car came off with a bit of elbow grease.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on November 30, 2023, 08:51:58 PM
Wordle 894 2/6*


Get in. About 5 minutes coming up with, to be fair, not a lot of choices, but I picked the right one.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on December 01, 2023, 12:03:35 AM
Nearly lost my streak there! Got it started just before midnight and even though I finished after it's the starting time that counts.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on December 01, 2023, 06:00:58 AM
Complete shot in de dark on line 3, just putting in letters to rule out
Wordle 895 3/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on December 01, 2023, 08:27:59 AM
Wordle 895 3/6


1 min
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on December 01, 2023, 10:03:16 AM
Wordle 895 4/6*


Not an easy one; fortunately I have a particular set of skills. Five minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on December 01, 2023, 11:33:57 AM
Wordle 895 3/6


Good second guess. Makes up for yesterday's shambles. Two minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on December 01, 2023, 12:27:24 PM
Quote from: dom on December 01, 2023, 12:03:35 AMNearly lost my streak there! Got it started just before midnight and even though I finished after it's the starting time that counts.

Thought I'd shared that Wordle! Obviously not. Is there a way of sharing earlier wordles. Couldn't see that option.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on December 01, 2023, 02:26:59 PM
Couple of minutes

Wordle 895 4/6


Disappointed my streak has gone! Completing it after midnight is a disqualification it seems. I was at 52
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on December 01, 2023, 07:06:47 PM
Wordle 895 5/6*


A decent challenge today - about 5 minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on December 02, 2023, 05:55:17 AM
About 3 mins.
Wordle 896 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on December 02, 2023, 08:48:03 AM
Wordle 896 4/6


20 mins.. tricky..
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on December 02, 2023, 10:15:20 AM
Wordle 896 3/6


Five minutes. Nice steady build up.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on December 02, 2023, 10:18:19 AM
Wordle 896 4/6*


Took about half an hour, most of it trying to come up with the third word. The solution came about 20 seconds after that.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on December 02, 2023, 11:08:12 AM
Wordle 896 5/6


5 minutes approx
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on December 02, 2023, 07:11:08 PM
Wordle 896 5/6*


I found that quite a struggle. About 10 minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on December 03, 2023, 06:43:37 AM
Really tricky one! Wrecking my brain for 10 mins to think of line 4.
Wordle 897 5/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on December 03, 2023, 09:22:55 AM
Wordle 897 5/6


That took quite a while...
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on December 03, 2023, 09:56:22 AM
First choice really set me on the way. 30 seconds

Wordle 897 3/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on December 03, 2023, 10:06:08 AM
Wordle 897 3/6*


Bit of a challenge again, that one. About 12 mins.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on December 03, 2023, 11:01:16 AM
Wordle 897 2/6


Lucky with letters that popped up. One minute.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on December 03, 2023, 10:25:41 PM
Wordle 897 5/6*


I didn't time it - but was a challenge. Around 10 minutes I think.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on December 04, 2023, 06:08:01 AM
Couple of minutes thinking time
Wordle 898 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on December 04, 2023, 08:39:29 AM
Wordle 898 5/6

Stupid mistake on 4.. re- using a duff letter.. about 7 mins
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on December 04, 2023, 09:34:16 AM
Wordle 898 2/6*


15 seconds.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on December 04, 2023, 11:43:36 AM
Wordle 898 4/6


Great line two. Three minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on December 04, 2023, 01:57:46 PM
4 - 5 minutes

Wordle 898 5/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on December 04, 2023, 09:41:00 PM
Wordle 898 2/6*


Cracking start. Under a minute.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on December 05, 2023, 08:32:40 AM
Wordle 899 3/6


About 7 mins . Just couldn't think of a third word
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on December 05, 2023, 09:17:25 AM
Same here, actually I was stuck on the third word for at least half an hour.

Wordle 899 3/6*

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on December 05, 2023, 09:20:13 AM
2 minutes
Wordle 899 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on December 05, 2023, 10:58:49 AM
Wordle 899 4/6


Five minutes. I'd have been surprised if line three came up correct.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on December 05, 2023, 11:38:43 AM
3 minutes

Happy with the guess after a slow start

Wordle 899 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on December 05, 2023, 09:27:11 PM
Wordle 899 4/6*


About the same as Dom.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on December 06, 2023, 08:46:54 AM
Wordle 900 4/6


About 5 mins.. stupid guess on 3  .  Using a placed letter in the wrong place.. idiot..
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on December 06, 2023, 09:22:44 AM
Wordle 900 4/6*


About 5 mins.

Sorry but you are not allowed to view spoiler contents.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on December 06, 2023, 09:58:31 AM
Wordle 900 3/6


Thankful for a lucky guess on two. Three minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on December 06, 2023, 10:17:12 AM
30 seconds
Wordle 900 3/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on December 06, 2023, 12:15:33 PM
Just under 10 mins. Half of which was spent on line 4. Ended up selecting  a word I wasn't even sure was one. It was and made line 5 straightforward

Wordle 900 5/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on December 06, 2023, 05:31:32 PM
Wordle 900 5/6*


Stupid mistake on line 3. About 5 minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on December 06, 2023, 07:29:26 PM
Very similar path to mine R6GYY!
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on December 07, 2023, 07:52:27 AM
Wordle 901 3/6

About a minute

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on December 07, 2023, 08:57:31 AM
Wordle 901 3/6


Yep about a minute as well
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on December 07, 2023, 08:58:29 AM
Wordle 901 3/6*


About a minute. Very consistent set of performances, so far.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on December 07, 2023, 10:56:49 AM
Wordle 901 3/6


Two minutes. Didn't use the previous solutions list today but looked just now and line two was already used.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on December 07, 2023, 11:07:21 AM
a minute
Wordle 901 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on December 07, 2023, 07:52:17 PM
Wordle 901 2/6*


Get in. 30 secs?
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on December 07, 2023, 08:20:46 PM
Everyone up for a Christmas Wordle Competition? Same rules as last time. I propose 10 rounds, starting on the 15th and culminating in a tense climax on Christmas Eve, but I welcome suggestions.

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on December 07, 2023, 08:23:38 PM
Sounds good!
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on December 07, 2023, 08:27:14 PM
Yep. I'm in!
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on December 07, 2023, 08:54:39 PM
Yes please.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on December 07, 2023, 09:03:34 PM
I'm in...
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on December 07, 2023, 10:35:47 PM
Me too!
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on December 08, 2023, 12:20:03 AM
Another 30 second one.

Wordle 902 3/6*

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on December 08, 2023, 05:55:34 AM
Very quick, maybe 45 seconds
Wordle 902 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on December 08, 2023, 07:45:59 AM
2 minutes

Wordle 902 5/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on December 08, 2023, 08:22:45 AM
Wordle 902 2/6


10 seconds... very lucky second guess..
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on December 08, 2023, 11:00:43 AM
Wordle 902 3/6


Three minutes, mainly on second guess.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on December 08, 2023, 06:42:04 PM
Wordle 902 4/6*


Steady progress over a few minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on December 09, 2023, 05:55:02 AM
A minute
Wordle 903 3/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on December 09, 2023, 09:43:51 AM
20 seconds, or thereabouts.

Wordle 903 3/6*

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on December 09, 2023, 10:14:39 AM
Wordle 903 4/6

Couple of mins..
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on December 09, 2023, 10:37:20 AM
Wordle 903 4/6


Two minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on December 09, 2023, 02:42:14 PM
Really should have got it in 4. Forgot about a letter I'd already revealed!

Wordle 903 5/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on December 09, 2023, 08:25:38 PM
Wordle 903 4/6*


I was starting to get a little worried after line 3, wondering if this was one of those words with endless possibilities. Still - about 4 minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on December 10, 2023, 05:54:47 AM
15 seconds. For 3 letters my eyes lit up..
Wordle 904 3/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on December 10, 2023, 09:24:15 AM
About a minute...

Wordle 904 3/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on December 10, 2023, 10:02:54 AM
Wordle 904 3/6*


About a minute here, as well.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on December 10, 2023, 10:56:21 AM
Wordle 904 4/6


Oh dear! Five minutes today. Everyone else on the Red Bull early it seems.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on December 10, 2023, 10:57:14 AM
Quote from: Thenop on December 10, 2023, 05:54:47 AM15 seconds. For 3 letters my eyes lit up..
Wordle 904 3/6


I hate when that happens at the lottery results.😁
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on December 10, 2023, 12:31:53 PM
Wordle 904 4/6

2 mins..
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on December 10, 2023, 08:38:46 PM
Wordle 904 3/6*


2nd letter in the 2nd word was key. 2 minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on December 11, 2023, 04:59:06 AM
30 secs
Wordle 905 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on December 11, 2023, 09:12:53 AM
Wordle 905 3/6


15 mins.. could not think of a third word
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on December 11, 2023, 10:33:26 AM
Wordle 905 3/6*


Another 30 second one.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on December 11, 2023, 11:37:37 AM
Wordle 905 4/6


Ten minutes. A bit worrying until lucky line three.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on December 11, 2023, 12:01:29 PM
Wordle 905 3/6*


A few minutes - got a bit distracted.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on December 11, 2023, 12:28:22 PM
20 minutes - really struggled with line 4 so when I finally came up with something was sure it was right

Wordle 905 6/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on December 12, 2023, 12:36:23 AM
Wordle 906 2/6*


Thought of the solution after about 15 seconds, but spent another three or four minutes trying to think of something else. I couldn't.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on December 12, 2023, 06:04:02 AM
Line 3 needed a bit of a think.
Wordle 906 3/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on December 12, 2023, 08:51:48 AM
Wordle 906 4/6


About a minute
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on December 12, 2023, 11:07:19 AM
Wordle 906 5/6


Rattled along quickly, but stupid mistake on line four makes it look worse. Two minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on December 12, 2023, 04:51:44 PM
Wordle 906 4/6*


Great 3rd word  8)

3 minutes?
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on December 12, 2023, 08:54:30 PM
5 mins

Wordle 906 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on December 13, 2023, 06:03:51 AM
A minute, options options..
Wordle 907 5/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on December 13, 2023, 07:15:17 AM
Another very quick one, half a minute.

Wordle 907 3/6*

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on December 13, 2023, 08:54:56 AM
Wordle 907 5/6


5 mins... a quick soujourn into alternative hell
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on December 13, 2023, 09:28:46 AM
Wordle 907 4/6


Tricky today. Five minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on December 13, 2023, 02:58:51 PM
About a minute

Wordle 907 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on December 13, 2023, 05:14:08 PM
Good luck everyone... :)
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on December 13, 2023, 05:15:20 PM
Looking forward to this, best of luck to all!
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on December 13, 2023, 05:15:46 PM
Apologies, I posted that the competition starts tomorrow. Getting ahead of myself a bit there, the first round is on Friday. I've deleted the offending post.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on December 13, 2023, 05:23:02 PM
Ah let's start tomorrow...
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on December 13, 2023, 06:17:59 PM
Wordle 907 6/6*


Nearly blew it today! 5 minutes or so.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on December 14, 2023, 06:09:38 AM
Not bad, it did take me about 5 minutes to over a third word in my head.
Wordle 908 3/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on December 14, 2023, 08:47:14 AM
Wordle 908 4/6


Couple of minutes
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on December 14, 2023, 10:25:50 AM
Wordle 908 6/6*


Glad we didn't start today. About ten minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on December 14, 2023, 11:04:59 AM
Wordle 908 4/6*


I'm glad we didn't start yesterday  ;D

3 minutes today.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on December 14, 2023, 11:30:55 AM
Wordle 908 3/6


One minute. Glad my permanent starter had one of its regular bad days today. Second choice starter (for washout days) did well though. Let the inevitable disappointment begin.😂
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on December 14, 2023, 04:14:07 PM
About 12 minutes, nearly all on the 4th line

Wordle 908 6/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on December 14, 2023, 07:14:41 PM
Right so tomorrow (definitely tomorrow this time), the quest to find the BTW Christmas Wordle Champion begins in earnest!

Will maintain the league table here:

Good luck everyone!
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on December 15, 2023, 12:37:02 AM
Wordle 909 4/6*


Not a great start, could be worse! Two or three minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on December 15, 2023, 05:56:28 AM
Same here, thought I had it on line 2! But noooooo.
Wordle 909 5/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on December 15, 2023, 08:35:36 AM
Wordle 909 5/6


Can we start tomorrow...?.😀. alternative hell..  2 mins..
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on December 15, 2023, 10:40:38 AM
Wordle 909 2/6


Good start! This starter will hit the jackpot one of these days. About two minutes, thinking about two possibles.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on December 15, 2023, 11:49:49 AM
Wordle 909 4/6*


And we are off. Steady progress after a blank start. About 4 minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on December 15, 2023, 12:40:29 PM
Slow start so happy to get it in 4. 5 mins

Wordle 909 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on December 16, 2023, 12:35:55 AM
Wordle 910 5/6


Bit of a struggle. About ten minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on December 16, 2023, 06:31:44 AM
After yesterdays debacle I figured I need change strategy. I sat down and figured out 3 starters that I want to use throughout this competition. Bit childish but I wanted the words to mean something, show strength even. It appears this is a good strategy:
Wordle 910 2/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on December 16, 2023, 08:25:13 AM
Wordle 910 4/6*


Another indifferent performance .. about three mins.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on December 16, 2023, 09:21:35 AM
Wordle 910 5/6


2 mins..  not a great start to the competition
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on December 16, 2023, 10:32:41 AM
Quote from: Thenop on December 16, 2023, 06:31:44 AMAfter yesterdays debacle I figured I need change strategy. I sat down and figured out 3 starters that I want to use throughout this competition. Bit childish but I wanted the words to mean something, show strength even. It appears this is a good strategy:
Wordle 910 2/6


I tried a festive word for last Christmas, and an Easter theme when that came round. I don't remember either ending very well. I've been using my permanent starter for months now in the obsessive believe a line one finish is imminent. I live in hope.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on December 16, 2023, 12:34:13 PM
Just over 5 minutes. Terrible start!

Wordle 910 5/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on December 16, 2023, 01:16:49 PM
Wordle 910 4/6*


Quite a challenge today for the 3rd and 4th attempts. About 5 minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on December 17, 2023, 12:06:01 AM
Wordle 911 3/6


Very relieved at the second line recovery. Two minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on December 17, 2023, 01:06:09 AM
Wordle 911 4/6*


About 12 minutes. I'm performing very consistently so far. Updated league table in my sig.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on December 17, 2023, 04:09:23 AM
Wordle 911 4/6


5 mins
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on December 17, 2023, 06:17:49 AM
A minute
Wordle 911 3/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on December 17, 2023, 11:26:38 AM
Another really poor start. About 3 mins

Wordle 911 5/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on December 17, 2023, 12:18:03 PM
Wordle 911 4/6*


Bum! Choice of 2 words for line 3 (or at least, I had come up with 2 alternatives - there may have been more?), and I didn't choose wisely  :(
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on December 17, 2023, 12:20:49 PM
With all the third round results in we have: Picnic and Nop on 11 points, myself and Reg on 9, Fishy and Dom on 7.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on December 17, 2023, 12:34:46 PM
Quote from: Slim on December 17, 2023, 12:20:49 PMWith all the third round results in we have: Picnic and Nop on 11 points, myself and Reg on 9, Fishy and Dom on 7.

Oh dear will need to have a word with my strategist for the upcoming week😀
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on December 18, 2023, 12:08:49 AM
Wordle 912 4/6


Quite pleased. It was a toss up between two words for line four and picked the right one. Four minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on December 18, 2023, 12:18:33 AM
Wordle 912 4/6*


Much like Reg last time, I had two choices and went with the wrong one.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on December 18, 2023, 06:01:01 AM
Meh, wrong choices indeed. Didn't even consider the solution until after line 3.
Wordle 912 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on December 18, 2023, 08:45:43 AM
Wordle 912 5/6

1 min.. alternatives hell yet again.. stupid game ....
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on December 18, 2023, 09:26:10 AM
A silly error on line 3 may have cost me. Then again it may have helped...

Wordle 912 5/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on December 18, 2023, 08:32:53 PM
Wordle 912 3/6*


Aha! A little bit of catching up  :D

I went with the correct choice today.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on December 19, 2023, 12:04:20 AM
Wordle 913 2/6


Good day for the starter. Thirty seconds.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on December 19, 2023, 05:29:42 AM
30 seconds
Wordle 913 3/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on December 19, 2023, 08:13:47 AM
Wordle 913 3/6


About a minute...
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on December 19, 2023, 08:23:16 AM
Wordle 913 4/6*


90 seconds or so. That's the fifth time in a row I've got it in four.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on December 19, 2023, 09:31:38 AM
Quote from: Slim on December 19, 2023, 08:23:16 AMWordle 913 4/6*


90 seconds or so. That's the fifth time in a row I've got it in four.

There is something to be said for consistency
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on December 19, 2023, 10:38:03 AM
First time in a while that I didn't get in 5. So nearly got it in 3...

Wordle 913 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on December 19, 2023, 03:25:41 PM
Wordle 913 5/6*


Fantastic start, then I had a choice of 5 alternatives, as it was obvious what the last 4 letters were from my 1st attempt. So, could have been slightly worse I guess. Feck arse.

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on December 19, 2023, 11:44:09 PM
At the halfway point - still everything to play for.

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on December 20, 2023, 12:10:21 AM
Wordle 914 4/6


Four minutes. A bit relieved after a shaky start.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on December 20, 2023, 12:45:54 AM
Could do with a bit of inconsistency!

Wordle 914 5/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on December 20, 2023, 05:20:42 AM
Not bad, about a minute

Wordle 914 3/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on December 20, 2023, 08:37:00 AM
Wordle 914 3/6

10 mins.. second guess set me up quite well but it came down to a few possibles for third guess.. got lucky...
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on December 20, 2023, 09:35:06 AM
Wordle 914 4/6*


About three minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on December 20, 2023, 07:57:36 PM
Wordle 914 3/6*


Good start. Line 2 I was being too clever for my own good. Oh well, a good result overall. A few minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on December 21, 2023, 12:05:40 AM
Wordle 915 3/6


Lucky guess on three. Four minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on December 21, 2023, 12:24:42 AM
Wordle 915 3/6*


Finally! A different score. About two minutes. Fruitful second word.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on December 21, 2023, 12:29:26 AM
Wordle 915 4/6


5 mins
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on December 21, 2023, 05:15:56 AM
Lucky first word choice here..
Wordle 915 3/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on December 21, 2023, 08:23:53 PM
Wordle 915 3/6*


Another in 3. Good 1st letter  :)  A few minutes thinking about possibilities.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on December 21, 2023, 10:39:36 PM
Started this morning and eas struggling with the 4th line. Had other stuff to do and then forgot all about it til now. Happy to have broken my long run of getting it in 5...

Wordle 915 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on December 22, 2023, 12:10:34 AM
Wordle 916 3/6


Good to get the first letter. It was a heads or tails for line three and luckily picked the tight one. Six minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on December 22, 2023, 06:01:09 AM
This is just ridiculous :o
Wordle 916 2/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on December 22, 2023, 08:01:35 AM
Wordle 916 3/6


5 mins
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on December 22, 2023, 10:15:45 AM
Quote from: Thenop on December 22, 2023, 06:01:09 AMThis is just ridiculous :o
Wordle 916 2/6


I can see one of your holiday words right there.🤬🤬 I suppose it was never going to be CYCLE given the weather and you being poorly. I'm almost tempted to change my starter now.😂
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on December 22, 2023, 10:19:59 AM
Wordle 916 3/6*


30 second one this morning. Probably lucky on the third word but it was the only one I could think of.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on December 22, 2023, 02:01:48 PM
Wordle 916 5/6*


Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on December 22, 2023, 04:29:31 PM
X2 Reg!

Wordle 916 5/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on December 23, 2023, 12:11:54 AM
Wordle 917 2/6


Good start but very lucky to pick the correct word first time out of the four possibles that I could think of. Seven minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on December 23, 2023, 06:06:34 AM
15 seconds, at the breakfast table, ready for battle. It was over too soon...
Wordle 917 2/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on December 23, 2023, 09:26:40 AM
Wordle 917 4/6


Alternative hell yet again.. couple of mins..
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on December 23, 2023, 10:08:48 AM
Quote from: Thenop on December 23, 2023, 06:06:34 AM15 seconds, at the breakfast table, ready for battle. It was over too soon...
Wordle 917 2/6


For the goose? I don't think I can ketchup now.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on December 23, 2023, 12:16:12 PM
Quote from: The Picnic Wasp on December 23, 2023, 10:08:48 AM
Quote from: Thenop on December 23, 2023, 06:06:34 AM15 seconds, at the breakfast table, ready for battle. It was over too soon...
Wordle 917 2/6


For the goose? I don't think I can ketchup now.

Oh I'm sure I'll cock up tomorrow.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on December 23, 2023, 12:34:23 PM
Quote from: Thenop on December 23, 2023, 12:16:12 PM
Quote from: The Picnic Wasp on December 23, 2023, 10:08:48 AM
Quote from: Thenop on December 23, 2023, 06:06:34 AM15 seconds, at the breakfast table, ready for battle. It was over too soon...
Wordle 917 2/6


For the goose? I don't think I can ketchup now.

Oh I'm sure I'll cock up tomorrow.

Good luck, Nop!
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on December 23, 2023, 12:55:18 PM
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on December 23, 2023, 01:38:02 PM
Think I was a little unlucky today

Wordle 917 6/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on December 23, 2023, 03:04:04 PM
Wordle 917 4/6*


About a minute.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on December 23, 2023, 09:26:54 PM
Wordle 917 3/6*


Once again, possibly too clever for my own good with my 2nd attempt.

About 5 minutes - really thinking about my 3rd word.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on December 23, 2023, 09:57:05 PM
On the eve of the climax, the league table looks like this:


Best of luck, everyone.

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on December 24, 2023, 12:06:34 AM
Wordle 918 2/6


Fluke, or divine intervention second guess. Countless options possible, so quite stunned. One minute.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on December 24, 2023, 12:17:14 AM
I felt sure I'd got it on the third go.

Wordle 918 4/6*


Pretty consistent performance, then - eight fours, two threes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on December 24, 2023, 06:09:02 AM
Here we go, told you I'd cock it up.
Wordle 918 4/6


Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on December 24, 2023, 08:56:02 AM
That really sums up this wordling competition for me. Frustrating!!

Wordle 918 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on December 24, 2023, 04:45:04 PM
Wordle 918 3/6


About a minute.. lucky.. possibilities were endless
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on December 24, 2023, 06:05:40 PM
Wordle 918 3/6*


I think I was very lucky with my second guess. A few minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on December 24, 2023, 06:55:09 PM
That's it then! Congrats to our Mr. Wasp. depicting him like this through the AI:
"A Picnic wasp celebrating his victory":

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on December 24, 2023, 07:20:41 PM
Congrats, Picnic! And thanks to everyone for taking part.


Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on December 24, 2023, 08:31:21 PM
Quote from: Thenop on December 24, 2023, 06:55:09 PMThat's it then! Congrats to our Mr. Wasp. depicting him like this through the AI:
"A Picnic wasp celebrating his victory":


That's superb! Thank you for doing that. If I'd known I was going to get a pair of original art pieces for the wall, I would have tried even harder.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on December 24, 2023, 08:37:23 PM
Quote from: Slim on December 24, 2023, 07:20:41 PMCongrats, Picnic! And thanks to everyone for taking part.



Love this! I'll be nipping out to the sales for a couple of frames for these. Should initiate a couple of conversations in the future. I quite enjoyed my midnight challenges during this tournament. Makes me even more puzzled about this username though. Just came out of the ether. Would have been a better band name than those I came up with back in the day. Thanks to everyone for making it a league table of six now.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on December 24, 2023, 08:54:47 PM
Yes well done everyone maybe noppers and picnic could branch  off to their own super league😀
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on December 24, 2023, 08:57:07 PM
Quote from: Fishy on December 24, 2023, 08:54:47 PMYes well done everyone maybe noppers and picnic could brach  off to their own super league😀

We'll take it to court if we have to!
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on December 24, 2023, 09:15:52 PM
Where's me parachute money?
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on December 25, 2023, 09:41:43 AM
Wordle 919 4/6*


Got it in 4 again .. about 3 mins.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on December 25, 2023, 10:48:40 AM
Posted this in the weather watch  :o  Deleted it now

Alright, about 2 minutes, many options here
Wordle 919 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on December 25, 2023, 12:05:32 PM
Wordle 919 4/6


About five minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on December 25, 2023, 12:55:40 PM
Happy with that! Couple of mins

Wordle 919 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on December 25, 2023, 03:57:38 PM
Wordle 919 5/6*


Not a great start! About 5 minutes. Congratulations to the Picnic Wasp by the way - a great performance  :)
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on December 25, 2023, 04:33:23 PM
Thank you, Reg. Surprised myself when the halfway stage collapse didn't happen.😁
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on December 26, 2023, 05:52:44 AM
A minute
Wordle 920 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on December 26, 2023, 10:44:08 AM
Wordle 920 2/6*


30 seconds .. very surprised when it came up all green.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on December 26, 2023, 11:42:01 AM
Wordle 919 5/6


Totally forget yesterday..  alternative hell once again.. 4 mins
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on December 26, 2023, 11:44:21 AM
Wordle 920 3/6


Nice n easy today.. 30 secs
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on December 26, 2023, 01:50:05 PM
Wordle 920 3/6


Straightforward 90 seconds
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on December 26, 2023, 02:01:12 PM
Wordle 920 3/6


One minute.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on December 26, 2023, 10:30:47 PM
Wordle 920 4/6*


3 minutes or so.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on December 27, 2023, 12:34:21 AM
Wordle 921 3/6*


Quick one, maybe 90 seconds or so.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on December 27, 2023, 05:55:02 AM
20 seconds.
Wordle 921 2/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on December 27, 2023, 07:07:51 AM
Little unlucky not to get it in 3. About a minute...

Wordle 921 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on December 27, 2023, 08:51:59 AM
Wordle 921 5/6


7 mins.. tricky...
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on December 27, 2023, 12:24:31 PM
Wordle 921 3/6


Picked a strange second guess which proved fortuitous. Two minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on December 27, 2023, 05:00:09 PM
Wordle 921 4/6*


My starter word just popped into my head earlier today.

Didn't do me much good though! A few minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on December 28, 2023, 06:12:46 AM
Took me a couple of minutes to think of a word that would fit
Wordle 922 3/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on December 28, 2023, 08:47:16 AM
Wordle 922 3/6


30 secs
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on December 28, 2023, 09:12:54 AM
5 minutes

Wordle 922 5/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on December 28, 2023, 10:13:04 AM
Wordle 922 5/6*


Toughest one for a while, about 6 mins.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on December 28, 2023, 11:53:24 AM
Wordle 922 3/6


One minute.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on December 28, 2023, 07:25:49 PM
Wordle 922 4/6*


Convinced I had that in 3, but no. About 3 minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on December 29, 2023, 05:54:23 AM
Line 3 was a complete guess because lines 1 & 2 were terrible.
Wordle 923 3/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on December 29, 2023, 08:34:37 AM
Wordle 923 4/6

10 mins.. was going nowhere til shot in the dark 3rd guess helped a lot..
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on December 29, 2023, 09:50:20 AM
Spent 5 minutes on that 3rd guess. Delighted when it all turned green

Wordle 923 3/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on December 29, 2023, 10:21:41 AM
Wordle 923 4/6*


Two minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on December 29, 2023, 01:08:10 PM
Wordle 923 3/6


Five minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on December 29, 2023, 10:17:54 PM
Wordle 923 5/6*


5 minutes-ish.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on December 30, 2023, 05:58:50 AM
Interesting, took me while to come up with something that fit.
Wordle 924 3/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on December 30, 2023, 08:53:58 AM
Wordle 924 4/6


30 secs
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on December 30, 2023, 09:56:36 AM
Less than 5 minutes

Wordle 924 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on December 30, 2023, 11:01:26 AM
Wordle 924 5/6*


Tricky, about 4 mins.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on December 30, 2023, 12:44:55 PM
Wordle 924 2/6


Pleased with that as despite a good start I could think of other possibles. Two minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on December 30, 2023, 03:39:10 PM
Wordle 924 5/6*


Took a while thinking about that one, even having 4 of the letters. A little more than 5 minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on December 31, 2023, 05:58:08 AM
Quick, about a minute, just not happy with the number of tries I needed.
Wordle 925 5/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on December 31, 2023, 08:32:02 AM
Wordle 925 4/6


5 mins..
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on December 31, 2023, 11:15:03 AM
Wordle 925 3/6*


Good one, about four minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on December 31, 2023, 11:18:15 AM
Wordle 925 3/6


Massively lucky guess line three. Seven minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on December 31, 2023, 01:32:27 PM
About a minute...

Wordle 925 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on December 31, 2023, 06:20:55 PM
Wordle 925 4/6*


Tasty  8)
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on January 01, 2024, 05:59:51 AM
Not bad, interesting word. About 2 minutes.
Wordle 926 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on January 01, 2024, 08:45:14 AM
3 minutes - 2nd guess was poor, just woken up I'll blame it on that!

Wordle 926 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on January 01, 2024, 09:47:00 AM
Wordle 926 5/6


Tricky one for the start of 2024
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on January 01, 2024, 10:46:09 AM

Wordle 926 3/6


About ten minutes, mainly thinking of a second guess.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on January 01, 2024, 11:45:52 AM
Wordle 926 3/6*


About 3 mins.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on January 01, 2024, 01:43:00 PM
Quote from: The Picnic Wasp on January 01, 2024, 10:46:09 AMAbout ten minutes, mainly thinking of a second guess.
Seeing is believing
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on January 01, 2024, 03:41:28 PM
Quote from: Thenop on January 01, 2024, 01:43:00 PM
Quote from: The Picnic Wasp on January 01, 2024, 10:46:09 AMAbout ten minutes, mainly thinking of a second guess.
Seeing is believing

Oops! Now fixed. Apologies, I've had a headache for three days. Did this and went back to bed.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on January 01, 2024, 07:59:37 PM
Wordle 926 4/6*


Don't think there were too many options, but I chose the wrong one - thinking I was being "Wordle-smart", but no. They double-bluffed me.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on January 02, 2024, 06:00:13 AM
A stupid mistake on line 3, otherwise not bad.
Wordle 927 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on January 02, 2024, 09:27:36 AM
Wordle 927 3/6


Second guess helped a lot... 5 mins..
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on January 02, 2024, 09:30:35 AM
Pleased with that guess!

Wordle 927 3/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on January 02, 2024, 09:43:26 AM
Wordle 927 4/6*


Pretty quick, about 2 mins.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on January 02, 2024, 11:34:01 AM
Wordle 927 5/6


Tricky one with the many, many options. Five minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on January 02, 2024, 10:51:23 PM
Wordle 927 4/6*


Ah - went the wrong way again  :(

3 minutes or so.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on January 03, 2024, 09:04:36 AM
Wordle 928 4/6


About 6 mins..
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on January 03, 2024, 09:47:31 AM
Wordle 928 3/6*


Four mins
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on January 03, 2024, 10:15:27 AM
Couple of minutes
Wordle 928 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on January 03, 2024, 11:37:26 AM
Wordle 928 2/6


Fifteen seconds.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on January 03, 2024, 06:32:18 PM
Found that tough, ages spent on 3rd attempt, about 12 minutes

Wordle 928 4/6


Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on January 03, 2024, 10:42:09 PM
Wordle 928 4/6*


Less than 5 minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on January 04, 2024, 07:07:34 AM
Wordle 929 3/6*


About 20 seconds.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on January 04, 2024, 08:13:24 AM
Wordle 929 2/6

30 secs
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on January 04, 2024, 08:56:43 AM
Couple of minutes - alternate misery for a while...

Wordle 929 5/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on January 04, 2024, 10:57:11 AM
30 seconds
Wordle 929 3/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on January 04, 2024, 11:57:15 AM
Wordle 929 3/6


Two minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on January 05, 2024, 05:58:03 AM
Under a minute, too many tries for my liking though
Wordle 930 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on January 05, 2024, 08:56:46 AM
Wordle 930 3/6

2 mins
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on January 05, 2024, 09:14:17 AM
Wordle 930 3/6*


Another 20 second one, not bad for a blank start.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on January 05, 2024, 11:00:04 AM
Wordle 930 4/6


Quite pleased with that after a mistake on line three. Four minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on January 05, 2024, 11:35:28 AM
2- 3 mins

Pleased with that, wasn't expecting it all to turn green

Wordle 930 3/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on January 05, 2024, 12:03:40 PM
Wordle 930 4/6*


Not long to do, but a little bit disappointed it took so many attempts.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on January 06, 2024, 06:01:20 AM
A minute
Wordle 931 3/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on January 06, 2024, 08:49:06 AM
Less than a minute...

Wordle 931 5/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on January 06, 2024, 08:58:35 AM
Wordle 931 4/6

5 mins
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on January 06, 2024, 10:59:44 AM
Wordle 931 4/6*


About 6 mins. Should have had a think about other possibilities when I came up with the third word.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on January 06, 2024, 11:21:11 AM
Wordle 931 4/6


Four minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on January 06, 2024, 07:28:22 PM
Wordle 931 3/6*


2 minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on January 07, 2024, 05:58:00 AM
A minute
Wordle 932 3/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on January 07, 2024, 09:43:40 AM
Wordle 932 3/6*


30 seconds.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on January 07, 2024, 10:01:38 AM
Wordle 932 6/6


Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on January 07, 2024, 10:13:14 AM
Couple of minutes...

Wordle 932 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on January 07, 2024, 10:56:43 AM
Wordle 932 3/6


Five minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on January 07, 2024, 02:58:29 PM
Wordle 932 4/6*


From a heart-skipping-a-beat moment when the first line turned 3 in a row green, to alternative hell.

At least I got there.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on January 08, 2024, 06:19:50 AM
About 2 minutes over breakfast
Wordle 933 3/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on January 08, 2024, 08:52:39 AM
Wordle 933 4/6


Terrible start.. going nowhere.. lucky 4th guess.. about 7 mins..
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on January 08, 2024, 09:50:37 AM
Wordle 933 3/6*


About 6 minutes. Haven't had an epic one for quite a while, now.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on January 08, 2024, 12:06:41 PM
Wordle 933 3/6*


About 10 minutes. Had a really good think about line 2.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on January 08, 2024, 01:12:01 PM
About 10 too. Got there in the end

Wordle 933 5/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on January 08, 2024, 06:31:40 PM
Wordle 933 3/6


One minute surprisingly. I hate it when I get the cyclops first line.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on January 09, 2024, 07:51:48 AM
Very surprised when the second effort came up all green. Five seconds, fastest one ever I think.

Wordle 934 2/6*

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on January 09, 2024, 08:45:43 AM
Wordle 934 4/6


About 6 mins..
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on January 09, 2024, 09:32:11 AM
Wordle 934 5/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on January 09, 2024, 10:29:41 AM
About 5 minutes

Wordle 934 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on January 09, 2024, 11:39:33 AM
Wordle 934 5/6*


About 10 minutes with distractions.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on January 09, 2024, 03:14:53 PM
Wordle 934 4/6


About a minute and very like Nop's pattern.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on January 10, 2024, 12:32:26 AM
Wordle 935 5/6*


Four minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on January 10, 2024, 06:02:34 AM
I'd say 5 minutes, mainly thinking of what would fit line 4.
Wordle 935 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on January 10, 2024, 07:01:15 AM
7 minutes...

Wordle 935 6/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on January 10, 2024, 08:48:16 AM
Wordle 935 3/6


40 secs...
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on January 10, 2024, 01:02:14 PM
Wordle 935 5/6*


Actually quite pleased to get that. About 5 or 6 minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on January 10, 2024, 02:10:44 PM
Wordle 935 4/6


Five minutes. Used a Rush song title for line two.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on January 11, 2024, 12:26:18 AM
Wordle 936 3/6*


90 seconds. Ish.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on January 11, 2024, 08:43:10 AM
Wordle 936 5/6


Terrible start soon improved.. 2 mins...
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on January 11, 2024, 09:11:59 AM
About a minute
Wordle 936 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on January 11, 2024, 09:29:55 AM
A reasonably good start didn't really help...

Wordle 936 5/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on January 11, 2024, 10:56:52 AM
Wordle 936 3/6


Less than a minute. Could have been a line two but went the wrong way.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on January 11, 2024, 12:35:31 PM
Wordle 936 3/6*


Well that was over and done quite quickly. About a minute.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on January 12, 2024, 06:01:55 AM
About 2 minutes staring at the screen running the options in my head.
Wordle 937 3/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on January 12, 2024, 08:57:30 AM
Wordle 937 3/6


1 min.. nice n easy
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on January 12, 2024, 11:01:04 AM
Spent 10 mins on line 4. Once I found a word that fitted I knew it had to be right!

Wordle 937 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on January 12, 2024, 02:16:12 PM
Wordle 937 2/6


Starter continuing to deliver despite overuse. Three minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on January 12, 2024, 02:34:22 PM
Wordle 937 3/6*


Bit of a challenger today, despite a strong start. 15 mins.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on January 12, 2024, 10:27:08 PM
Wordle 937 2/6*


Good start. Better follow up!
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on January 13, 2024, 05:58:24 AM
30 secs
Wordle 938 2/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on January 13, 2024, 09:11:22 AM
Wordle 938 4/6


2-3 mins
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on January 13, 2024, 09:14:04 AM
Wordle 938 3/6


Thirty seconds. Total exhaustion must open up a Wordle area in my brain.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on January 13, 2024, 09:57:46 AM
Wordle 938 4/6*


Two minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on January 13, 2024, 01:17:02 PM
2 mins, most of which was on the 2nd line...

Wordle 938 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on January 13, 2024, 11:03:45 PM
Wordle 938 3/6*


A good number of hours as I was distracted after line 2 this morning, and only just came back to it.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on January 14, 2024, 05:54:41 AM
That took a good 3 minutes trying to fugure out all the options in my head.

Wordle 939 3/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on January 14, 2024, 09:26:21 AM
Wordle 939 4/6


Terrible start.. about 7 mins..
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on January 14, 2024, 10:19:28 AM
Real senior moment there...

Wordle 939 6/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on January 14, 2024, 12:58:32 PM
Wordle 939 2/6*


Well. That was quick. Less than a minute.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on January 14, 2024, 02:44:18 PM
Wordle 939 4/6


Worried for a moment there. Five minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on January 14, 2024, 08:10:09 PM
Wordle 939 4/6*


Well that took a long time. Did the first two lines ten minutes before I went to bed last night. Ten minutes this morning, before going out on a bike. No progress. I thought about it while I was on the bike, without coming up with any plausible solutions. Returned to it just now and got it within a minute.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on January 15, 2024, 06:14:00 AM
20 seconds
Wordle 940 3/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on January 15, 2024, 08:37:04 AM
Wordle 940 5/6


30 secs of alternate hell...
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on January 15, 2024, 09:27:48 AM
Wordle 940 3/6*


Quick! Maybe 45 seconds.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on January 15, 2024, 09:58:31 AM
Wordle 940 3/6


Less than two minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on January 15, 2024, 02:09:48 PM
Good recovery after a bad start!
2 mins..

Wordle 940 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on January 15, 2024, 05:56:26 PM
Wordle 940 6/6*


Hells effing bells that was close. Somewhere between 5 and 10 minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on January 16, 2024, 05:20:05 AM
Was sure failure to be imminent after line 2, but as usual, I was being overdramatic. 2 minutes.
Wordle 941 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on January 16, 2024, 08:22:34 AM
Wordle 941 4/6


Terrible start.. lucky 3rd helped.. wasn't sure 4th was a word
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on January 16, 2024, 08:59:12 AM
Wordle 941 3/6


Duff start. Wow second guess. Fifteen seconds.

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on January 16, 2024, 09:44:20 AM
Wordle 941 4/6*


Two minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on January 16, 2024, 02:37:51 PM
Toughest one for a while. Really thought it wasn't going to happen when I still had so much to do after line 5. 15 minutes

Wordle 941 6/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on January 17, 2024, 07:19:25 AM
2 mins

Wordle 942 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on January 17, 2024, 08:42:27 AM
Wordle 942 3/6


45 secs
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on January 17, 2024, 09:16:52 AM
Wordle 942 4/6


Fifteen minutes. Just couldn't come up with a second word today.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on January 17, 2024, 10:19:41 AM
Quite quick, but I completely overlooked the fact I had not used 1 letter that was instrumental to the solution. Hence the 6 tries.
Wordle 942 6/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on January 17, 2024, 12:14:45 PM
A really confounding one, about an hour in all.

Wordle 942 3/6*


I tried the second word in desperation and was surprised it was accepted. Then (I confess) I went through each of the available letters in turn for the first position. It didn't jump out at me.

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on January 17, 2024, 10:42:41 PM
Wordle 942 3/6*


About 5 minutes, mostly on the 3rd attempt.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on January 18, 2024, 08:28:51 AM
45 seconds.
Wordle 943 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on January 18, 2024, 08:35:16 AM
Wordle 943 6/6


1 minute of alternate hell... just got there
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on January 18, 2024, 09:02:28 AM
Wordle 943 6/6


A worrying one minute.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on January 18, 2024, 09:48:00 AM
Wordle 943 3/6*


Ten seconds. Had a few alternatives for the third word, but I was lucky.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on January 18, 2024, 10:44:23 AM
One minute...

Wordle 943 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on January 18, 2024, 02:18:07 PM
Wordle 943 3/6*


About 1 minute today.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on January 19, 2024, 12:35:33 AM
Wordle 944 3/6*


Another very quick one, 20 seconds. Two options for the third word, and I went with the right one.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on January 19, 2024, 06:00:57 AM
Yes, 2 options for line 3 and I went with the wrong one. Oh well. 30 seconds.
Wordle 944 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on January 19, 2024, 08:35:33 AM
Wordle 944 3/6


Good start. Less than a minute.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on January 19, 2024, 08:58:51 AM
Wordle 944 4/6

Terrible start.... 2 mins
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on January 19, 2024, 10:32:48 AM
30 secs

Wordle 944 3/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on January 19, 2024, 08:20:17 PM
Wordle 944 5/6*


About 5 minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on January 20, 2024, 12:26:16 AM
Two minutes.

Wordle 945 3/6*

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on January 20, 2024, 06:07:05 AM
10 seconds, actually I think even less than that..
Wordle 945 2/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on January 20, 2024, 08:50:59 AM
Wordle 945 4/6


A minute
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on January 20, 2024, 11:06:44 AM
Wordle 945 3/6


Four minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on January 20, 2024, 10:11:10 PM
1 min

Wordle 945 5/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on January 21, 2024, 05:55:24 AM
A minute
Wordle 946 3/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on January 21, 2024, 08:33:41 AM
Wordle 946 5/6

Another terrible start.. about 3 mins..
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on January 21, 2024, 09:53:02 AM
About 90 seconds

Wordle 946 5/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on January 21, 2024, 10:10:56 AM
Wordle 946 3/6*


2 mins.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on January 21, 2024, 01:04:13 PM
Wordle 946 5/6


Expected better after line two. Four minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on January 22, 2024, 12:22:39 AM
Wordle 947 4/6*


4 mins.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on January 22, 2024, 06:00:14 AM
2 minutes, mostly on line 2.
Wordle 947 3/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on January 22, 2024, 08:50:07 AM
Wordle 947 2/6


One minute. A lucky guess day.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on January 22, 2024, 10:39:41 AM
Couple of minutes

Wordle 947 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on January 22, 2024, 09:49:34 PM
Wordle 947 3/6*


That was a very useful starter, even though only one letter. 2 minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on January 23, 2024, 08:22:27 AM
30 seconds, got lucky on line 2.
Wordle 948 3/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on January 23, 2024, 08:27:00 AM
Wordle 948 5/6


2 mins.. not the best of starts
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on January 23, 2024, 09:29:44 AM
Wordle 948 3/6*


30 seconds.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on January 23, 2024, 10:32:38 AM
Couple of mins ..

Wordle 948 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on January 24, 2024, 12:47:46 AM
Wordle 949 3/6*


Less than a minute again. I miss the days when it used to take me at least ten minutes more often.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on January 24, 2024, 03:53:11 AM
Wordle 949 3/6


2 mins
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on January 24, 2024, 08:44:38 AM
That took far longer than it should have.
Wordle 949 5/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on January 24, 2024, 10:25:49 AM
Wordle 949 4/6


Three minutes today. Happy with some greens on line three as I felt it was going nowhere.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on January 24, 2024, 12:55:10 PM
Felt a little out of control of that one today. Pleased I got it in the end...

Wordle 949 6/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on January 24, 2024, 04:07:16 PM
Wordle 949 4/6*


Needed a bit of thought today but less than 5 minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on January 25, 2024, 08:36:44 AM
Wordle 950 5/6


About a minute. Starter was a washout this time but the second guess which I use for such instances was good today.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on January 25, 2024, 09:20:44 AM
Wordle 950 4/6


1 minute
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on January 25, 2024, 10:09:22 AM
Wordle 950 4/6*


90 seconds-ish
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on January 25, 2024, 10:24:13 AM
About 90 seconds

Wordle 950 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on January 25, 2024, 10:39:21 AM
About a minute
Wordle 950 3/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on January 25, 2024, 01:53:58 PM
Wordle 950 2/6*


Cracking starter. Surprised that my 2nd go was the result as I feared that I had stumbled into alternative hell again.

2 minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on January 26, 2024, 06:09:09 AM
About 2 minutes, false start.
Wordle 951 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on January 26, 2024, 08:44:29 AM
Wordle 951 4/6


1 minute
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on January 26, 2024, 09:13:02 AM
I can't access the NYT website this morning and other sites are all crammed with ads and other nonsense. Will try later.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on January 26, 2024, 09:17:14 AM
Quote from: The Picnic Wasp on January 26, 2024, 09:13:02 AMI can't access the NYT website this morning and other sites are all crammed with ads and other nonsense. Will try later.

Interesting my wife coukdnt access it and it took a while for me to eventually get in..
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on January 26, 2024, 09:46:16 AM
It was off the air for me as well, for a few minutes. Took me four goes to get in.

Wordle 951 4/6*


40 seconds. Thought of the solution for the third go, but went with something else.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on January 26, 2024, 02:21:09 PM
Wordle 951 4/6


A few hours to get on, then one minute.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on January 26, 2024, 03:39:27 PM
30 seconds and after such a poor start

Wordle 951 3/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on January 27, 2024, 12:34:05 AM
Wordle 952 3/6*


Another quick one, are they getting easier? Less than a minute.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on January 27, 2024, 05:51:47 AM
Yes, in general it feels like it. But maybe it's just us: we are sharp as knives, preparing ourselves for the next Easter battle..

A minute

Wordle 952 4/6


Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on January 27, 2024, 08:54:56 AM
4 mins
Wordle 952 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on January 27, 2024, 09:05:59 AM
Wordle 952 4/6


Less than a minute.. alternate hell loomed on the horizon for a few seconds
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on January 27, 2024, 12:39:07 PM
Wordle 952 3/6


One minute. Easter is very early this year too.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on January 27, 2024, 02:31:31 PM
Wordle 952 4/6*


Couple of minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on January 28, 2024, 12:41:46 AM
Wordle 953 6/6*


That was a bit more like it. 15 minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on January 28, 2024, 05:57:35 AM
30 seconds
Wordle 953 3/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on January 28, 2024, 09:19:16 AM
2 minutes

Wordle 953 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on January 28, 2024, 09:34:46 AM
Wordle 953 4/6


Terrible start.. 10 mins
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on January 28, 2024, 12:30:49 PM
Wordle 953 4/6


Another age to get on today then three minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on January 29, 2024, 12:35:06 AM
Really surprised when the third go came up all green. But I'd only thought of two possibilities, and the other one had two letters used twice. 90 seconds.

Wordle 954 3/6*

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on January 29, 2024, 05:57:07 AM
Well that took a while. Mostly trying to sort out what are actual words..
Wordle 954 5/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on January 29, 2024, 08:51:08 AM
Wordle 954 3/6


7 mins.. not the best of starts.. wild 3rd guess that worked..
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on January 29, 2024, 09:41:43 AM
Quote from: Thenop on January 27, 2024, 05:51:47 AMYes, in general it feels like it. But maybe it's just us: we are sharp as knives, preparing ourselves for the next Easter battle..

A minute

Wordle 952 4/6



What about a February long battle.. stretch it out a bit?
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on January 29, 2024, 10:57:09 AM
Quote from: Fishy on January 29, 2024, 09:41:43 AM
Quote from: Thenop on January 27, 2024, 05:51:47 AMYes, in general it feels like it. But maybe it's just us: we are sharp as knives, preparing ourselves for the next Easter battle..

A minute

Wordle 952 4/6



What about a February long battle.. stretch it out a bit?

ooh, 29 days even this year!
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on January 29, 2024, 11:03:15 AM
Quote from: Thenop on January 29, 2024, 10:57:09 AM
Quote from: Fishy on January 29, 2024, 09:41:43 AM
Quote from: Thenop on January 27, 2024, 05:51:47 AMYes, in general it feels like it. But maybe it's just us: we are sharp as knives, preparing ourselves for the next Easter battle..

A minute

Wordle 952 4/6



What about a February long battle.. stretch it out a bit?

ooh, 29 days even this year!

Leap year wordle challenge...
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on January 29, 2024, 11:27:28 AM
Quite like the idea of a marathon event but I think I'll give it a miss as I'm finding it a real chore getting on the NYT website just now. I'll maybe just lurk until whatever's causing the lag rights itself. I will appear if my permanent starter comes up trumps though.😂
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on January 29, 2024, 05:21:40 PM
Really pleased with myself

Spent 5 minutes just on line 4. Was delighted when it all turned green

Wordle 954 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on January 29, 2024, 07:26:12 PM
Quote from: Fishy on January 29, 2024, 09:41:43 AM
Quote from: Thenop on January 27, 2024, 05:51:47 AMYes, in general it feels like it. But maybe it's just us: we are sharp as knives, preparing ourselves for the next Easter battle..

A minute

Wordle 952 4/6



What about a February long battle.. stretch it out a bit?

Everyone up for Wordle February (apart from Picnic, no problem of course)?
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on January 29, 2024, 08:22:29 PM
Let the Games begin!
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on January 29, 2024, 08:54:18 PM
Wordle 954 3/6*


A little surprised that was the answer.

I'm in for a competition too 😃
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on January 29, 2024, 09:53:07 PM
Yep I'm in.. will possibly wish I hadn't come feb 29th
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on January 30, 2024, 07:16:42 AM
That took a good 10 minutes.
Wordle 955 6/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on January 30, 2024, 08:15:55 AM
Wordle 955 3/6


5 mins.. helped by a very lucky 3rd guess
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on January 30, 2024, 09:57:24 AM
Wordle 955 6/6*


20 minutes. I was sure I'd got it on the 5th go.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on January 30, 2024, 10:46:50 AM
Wordle 955 3/6


A struggle today. Ten minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on January 30, 2024, 10:49:49 AM
Failure!  I did actually waste lines 3 and 4, so deserved.

Wordle 955 X/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on January 31, 2024, 12:29:57 AM
Wordle 956 6/6*


Only about 3 minutes, but only just made it.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on January 31, 2024, 07:54:10 AM
30 seconds
Wordle 956 3/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on January 31, 2024, 08:47:36 AM
Wordle 956 3/6


3 mins.. the yellow letter helped quite a bit
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on January 31, 2024, 11:20:11 AM
Wordle 956 4/6


Thirty seconds. Good luck in the epic contest gents.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on January 31, 2024, 01:35:15 PM
Couple of minutes

Wordle 956 5/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on February 01, 2024, 12:42:03 AM
Wordle 957 3/6*


Not a bad start to the February Wordle campaign. Two mins.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on February 01, 2024, 08:43:50 AM
Wordle 957 3/6


3 mins..
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on February 01, 2024, 11:35:14 AM
Took longer than I would have liked (in terms of goes) couple of minutes in terms of time

Wordle 957 5/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on February 01, 2024, 11:49:23 AM
That took longer than anticipated, but got there in the end.
Wordle 957 5/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on February 02, 2024, 05:28:59 AM
very nice build up but it took me the longest time to think of row 4.
Wordle 958 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on February 02, 2024, 08:38:38 AM
Wordle 958 4/6


5 mins.. thought of  solution as third word but used another.. idiot....
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on February 02, 2024, 08:54:43 AM
Quote from: Fishy on February 02, 2024, 08:38:38 AMWordle 958 4/6


5 mins.. thought of  solution as third word but used another.. idiot....
Wordle 958 3/6*


Did exactly the same.. I literally started typing the solution on the second word but changed my mind.

2 mins.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on February 02, 2024, 11:25:17 AM
Wordle 958 5/6


2 mins
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on February 02, 2024, 07:03:18 PM
Wordle 958 3/6*


Poor start, but an inspired 2nd attempt  8)
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on February 03, 2024, 12:37:03 AM
Wordle 959 5/6*


Took about half an hour! Tough one
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on February 03, 2024, 06:02:24 AM
About a minute chasing letters.
Wordle 959 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on February 03, 2024, 08:37:03 AM
Wordle 959 4/6

7 mins.. tough one despite having some letters
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on February 03, 2024, 10:06:23 AM
Spent 5 mins on line 3

Wordle 959 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on February 03, 2024, 08:29:23 PM
Wordle 959 3/6*


Solid effort today.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on February 03, 2024, 09:10:31 PM
Quote from: R6GYY on February 03, 2024, 08:29:23 PMWordle 959 3/6*


Solid effort today.

Reg are you taking part in the February Wordle League? If so, you didn't post an entry for #957 (Feb 1st). You can do it here:

If not - no worries of course.

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on February 04, 2024, 05:53:10 AM
About 2 minutes
Wordle 960 3/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on February 04, 2024, 08:41:03 AM
Wordle 960 5/6


5 mins.. big of a struggle
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on February 04, 2024, 10:15:06 AM
Tough one!

5 minutes

Wordle 960 6/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on February 04, 2024, 10:18:48 AM
Wordle 960 5/6*


About 8 minutes I think. Pleasingly diverting.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on February 04, 2024, 06:47:55 PM
Rewordle #957 4/6


Hi Slim - this is the entry for wordle 957. Sorry I've been a bit pre-occupied and didn't realise that we had started!

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on February 04, 2024, 06:50:45 PM
Wordle 960 3/6*


And here is today. Very pleased with that  :D
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on February 04, 2024, 07:08:39 PM
Thanks Reg!
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on February 04, 2024, 07:13:45 PM
So after 4 rounds, Reg is in front on 15 points while Fishy, Nop and myself all have 12 and Dom has 8.

Early days :) should work for an online copy of the league table.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on February 04, 2024, 07:24:52 PM
Plus ca change!
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on February 05, 2024, 05:09:23 AM
Total shot in the dark helped starting my day well, about a minute
Wordle 961 3/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on February 05, 2024, 08:02:13 AM
Wordle 961 6/6


That was tricky.. just made it..
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on February 05, 2024, 09:43:03 AM
Wordle 961 5/6*


Too many choices. About two mins.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on February 05, 2024, 10:05:32 AM
Spent a good 5 mins on line 3. It paid off!

Wordle 961 3/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on February 05, 2024, 11:30:58 AM
Wordle 961 4/6*


Line 3 was an annoying result. 3 or 4 minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on February 06, 2024, 12:41:26 AM
Wordle 962 4/6*


Three minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on February 06, 2024, 06:00:06 AM
A minute, mostly thinking of a 2nd line
Wordle 962 3/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on February 06, 2024, 07:41:35 AM
Wordle 962 3/6


2 mins.. a lucky third guess
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on February 06, 2024, 08:13:21 AM
7 mins, 5 on the last go

Wordle 962 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on February 06, 2024, 09:47:56 AM
Wordle 962 3/6*


Well that had me stumped after 2 goes, so I went away for a few minutes for inspiration.

And lo and behold, it worked! Sometimes it helps getting rid of a lot of letters like that.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on February 07, 2024, 12:19:06 AM
Wordle 963 4/6*


I groaned when the same three letters came up three yellows for the third time. But it didn't take long after that. About six minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on February 07, 2024, 05:15:44 AM
Quote from: Slim on February 07, 2024, 12:19:06 AMWordle 963 4/6*


I groaned when the same three letters came up three yellows for the third time. But it didn't take long after that. About six minutes.

I'll see your three and raise you four letters.
Wordle 963 5/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on February 07, 2024, 07:56:20 AM
Wordle 963 3/6


About 7 mins..
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on February 07, 2024, 09:28:32 AM
5 mins

Wordle 963 3/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on February 07, 2024, 09:51:57 PM
Wordle 963 3/6*


Given the 3 letters I had, I was dreading alternatives hell, so was very pleased to come up with something not obvious and it all turned green.

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on February 08, 2024, 08:36:50 AM
Wordle 964 3/6


20 seconds
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on February 08, 2024, 09:36:21 AM
Wordle 964 3/6*


Quick. A minute.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on February 08, 2024, 09:56:03 AM
90 secs

Wordle 964 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on February 08, 2024, 01:28:28 PM
Wordle 964 4/6*


Ooh alternatives hell! 3 minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on February 08, 2024, 02:55:46 PM
30 seconds
Wordle 964 3/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on February 09, 2024, 05:31:51 AM
About a minute
Wordle 965 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on February 09, 2024, 09:33:01 AM
Wordle 965 4/6*


40 secs
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on February 09, 2024, 10:38:14 AM
Good one this morning! About a minute

Wordle 965 3/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on February 09, 2024, 12:38:55 PM
Wordle 965 4/6*


A few minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on February 09, 2024, 02:04:01 PM
Wordle 965 3/6


Lucky third guess
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on February 10, 2024, 06:14:04 AM
A minute or two
Wordle 966 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on February 10, 2024, 07:51:51 AM
30 seconds!

Wordle 966 2/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on February 10, 2024, 09:06:07 AM
Wordle 966 3/6


A minute....
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on February 10, 2024, 10:30:39 AM
Wordle 966 3/6*


Took a few minutes' thought on the third go.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on February 10, 2024, 08:41:54 PM
Wordle 966 3/6*


Great to get the first letter!

About 2 minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on February 11, 2024, 12:48:18 AM
Wordle 967 4/6*


2 mins.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on February 11, 2024, 06:01:28 AM
20 seconds, fantastic opener, lucky 2nd line.
Wordle 967 2/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on February 11, 2024, 08:41:13 AM
Wordle 967 4/6


Terrible start.. about 10 mins
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on February 11, 2024, 09:16:57 AM
10 mins as well. Most on line 3

Wordle 967 5/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on February 11, 2024, 06:21:36 PM
Wordle 967 5/6*


Ah, bit annoyed at that - spoiled my 3 or 4 attempts run in the current competition. About 5 minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on February 12, 2024, 12:31:17 AM
Wordle 968 4/6*


About 2 mins.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on February 12, 2024, 04:49:42 AM
About 2 minutes mainly to come up with line 3

Wordle 968 3/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on February 12, 2024, 08:39:06 AM
Wordle 968 3/6


About 4 mins.. mainly on third guess
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on February 12, 2024, 01:10:40 PM
Really did not think that would turn all green. Was just hoping it woud get me closer...

Wordle 968 3/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on February 12, 2024, 01:31:24 PM
Wordle 968 5/6*


Bummer! 5 minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on February 13, 2024, 12:59:13 AM
Wordle 969 4/6*


Six minutes or so.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on February 13, 2024, 07:26:09 AM
A minute or 3 staring at the first row and then... Disappointment hit after entering line 2.
Wordle 969 3/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on February 13, 2024, 08:00:47 AM
15 mins in total. Had to leave it and come back after the 2nd go

Wordle 969 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on February 13, 2024, 08:14:30 AM
Wordle 969 2/6


1 min.. 2nd guess was just luck..
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on February 13, 2024, 10:13:24 PM
Wordle 969 4/6*


Took me ages to think of a 4th word.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on February 14, 2024, 08:42:16 AM
Wordle 970 4/6


Tricky one.... 10 mins...
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on February 14, 2024, 10:07:28 AM
I have used this one as a starter before. I think it's a great word.
Wordle 970 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on February 14, 2024, 10:08:45 AM
Wordle 970 2/6*


Haven't got it in two for a while. About two minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on February 14, 2024, 10:30:12 AM
Took a bit of work - 10 minutes

Wordle 970 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on February 14, 2024, 03:30:48 PM
Wordle 970 3/6*


That's better! About 5 minutes again thinking of options for the 3rd word.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on February 15, 2024, 12:20:55 AM
Wordle 971 3/6*


About 90 seconds. Annoying that the three yellows all came up yellow again, with only four positions to shuffle them around in.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on February 15, 2024, 07:17:14 AM
20 mins!

Wordle 971 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on February 15, 2024, 08:03:14 AM
Difficult one, took me a long time to think of line 3
Wordle 971 3/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on February 15, 2024, 08:32:05 AM
Wordle 971 4/6


Stupid mistake on third line reusing a wrong placed letter.. wasn't even sure what the solution was tbh... 10 mins
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on February 15, 2024, 09:15:32 PM
Wordle 971 4/6*


Took a lot of thinking did that one. About 10 minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on February 15, 2024, 09:23:00 PM
I didn't realise that was a word tbh! I tried it because I spent so long and nothing else would fit.

Apparently it's a sort of tie/cravat
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on February 15, 2024, 10:05:06 PM
At the half-way stage, the table looks like this:


Also a live version (or at least it is when I update it) in my sig.

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on February 16, 2024, 12:35:24 AM
Wordle 972 3/6*


Two mins.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on February 16, 2024, 05:21:36 AM
About 2 minutes as well
Wordle 972 3/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on February 16, 2024, 08:28:44 AM
Wordle 972 3/6


About a minute
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on February 16, 2024, 12:49:49 PM
Wordle 972 X/6


Feck that!
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on February 16, 2024, 06:43:12 PM
Wordle 972 4/6*


I count myself lucky to get it in 4!

About 10 minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on February 17, 2024, 05:59:23 AM
a minute, like the way things are going currently!
Wordle 973 3/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on February 17, 2024, 07:55:03 AM
10 mins. Nearly all on line 4
Wordle 973 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on February 17, 2024, 08:17:59 AM
Wordle 973 4/6


5 mins.. mostly on third word .. I thought of the solution for 3rd guess but used another word.. idiot
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on February 17, 2024, 10:03:35 AM
Wordle 973 4/6*


About 20 minutes trying to think of a fourth word to fit.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on February 17, 2024, 05:50:33 PM
Wordle 973 3/6*


Quite a struggle finding a 3rd word. I kept thinking of words that used letters I had already ruled out.

Still, line 2 was a good result and eventually led to the answer after about 10 minutes or so.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on February 18, 2024, 05:51:50 AM
Took me a while to think of what would fit and actually existed.

Wordle 974 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on February 18, 2024, 08:47:35 AM
About 5

Wordle 974 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on February 18, 2024, 08:48:43 AM
Wordle 974 4/6

10 mins.. took ages on guess 4...
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on February 18, 2024, 09:19:23 AM
Wordle 974 3/6*


5 mins.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on February 18, 2024, 08:50:31 PM
Wordle 974 5/6*


Struggle today.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on February 19, 2024, 06:01:43 AM
30 seconds
Wordle 975 3/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on February 19, 2024, 08:59:22 AM
Wordle 975 3/6


Couple of minutes...
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on February 19, 2024, 09:49:35 AM
Wordle 975 3/6*


About 2 mins as well.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on February 19, 2024, 02:56:58 PM
30 seconds

Wordle 975 2/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on February 19, 2024, 06:49:33 PM
Wordle 975 3/6*


About 2 minutes here too. Better than yesterday's performance!
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on February 20, 2024, 12:11:07 AM
Wordle 976 3/6*


A minute.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on February 20, 2024, 07:08:01 AM
A minute as well. Happy with the opener, it gave me a lot to work with.
Wordle 976 3/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on February 20, 2024, 08:13:21 AM
Wordle 976 3/6


A minute.. alternate hell beckoned after guess 2.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on February 20, 2024, 09:16:26 AM
Little unlucky this morning, trade off for the bit of luck I had yesterday I suppose, couple of minutes

Wordle 976 5/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on February 20, 2024, 04:18:25 PM
Wordle 976 4/6*


Not too bad given the shaky start! 3 minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on February 21, 2024, 08:42:18 AM
Wordle 977 3/6


5 mins.. bit of thought required for third guess
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on February 21, 2024, 09:15:26 AM
A minute, not bad.
Wordle 977 4/6


Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on February 21, 2024, 09:43:04 AM
About 25 seconds today. Fortunate on the third word.

Wordle 977 4/6*

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on February 21, 2024, 12:47:57 PM
Enjoyed that one. About a minute

Wordle 977 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on February 21, 2024, 06:41:30 PM
Wordle 977 4/6*


Ho hum. Disappointed 3rd attempt wasn't it. Couple of minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on February 22, 2024, 05:49:44 AM
45 seconds
Wordle 978 3/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on February 22, 2024, 08:36:45 AM
Wordle 978 5/6*


Five minutes. I should learn to spend a bit longer looking for alternatives. There's often a more obvious alternative, like there was on the fourth word.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on February 22, 2024, 09:26:53 AM
Wordle 978 4/6

10 mins.. chasing two letters round the board to start
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on February 22, 2024, 10:59:40 AM
Wordle 978 5/6


About 5 minutes
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on February 22, 2024, 07:57:31 PM
Wordle 978 5/6*


Very similar to Dom.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on February 23, 2024, 05:58:17 AM
Happy to get it on the fourth go, was afraid I'd be juggling alternatives the rest of the day.
Wordle 979 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on February 23, 2024, 08:15:20 AM
Wordle 979 2/6


A very lucky second guess that took about 10 mins..
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on February 23, 2024, 08:45:59 AM
Wordle 979 5/6*


6 or 7 minutes.

Sorry but you are not allowed to view spoiler contents.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on February 23, 2024, 09:17:56 AM
I'm enjoying watching this marathon as the finish line is now in sight. All to play for it looks like and a couple of line twos could still easily mix things up a bit. I wonder if after this at some stage a quick sprint contest might be considered. Say, if you don't get the solution by line four you drop out and just continue for fun. The only issue might be if eventually remaining survivors are eliminated on the same day, but maybe previous results could be taken into account. Probably too messy. I'll just blame lack of sleep due to builders being here for seven weeks (so far). Anyway, looking at the current spreadsheet I think Reg would have been declared Usain Bolt very early doors.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on February 23, 2024, 11:00:02 AM
Silly lack of attention meant I wasted my 3rd go. Pleased to get it in 4 after that...

Wordle 979 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on February 23, 2024, 01:17:48 PM
Wordle 979 4/6*


Was getting a little worried there as there looked to be lots of alternatives. 5 minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on February 23, 2024, 01:32:48 PM
Nop and Fishy have established a 6 point lead over the rest of the pack, neck and neck with 6 rounds to go.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on February 23, 2024, 04:31:51 PM
Quote from: Slim on February 23, 2024, 01:32:48 PMNop and Fishy have established a 6 point lead over the rest of the pack, neck and neck with 6 rounds to go.
Don't worry my luck is due to run out very soon..
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on February 23, 2024, 06:04:17 PM
Quote from: Fishy on February 23, 2024, 04:31:51 PM
Quote from: Slim on February 23, 2024, 01:32:48 PMNop and Fishy have established a 6 point lead over the rest of the pack, neck and neck with 6 rounds to go.
Don't sorry my luck is due to run out very soon..

I am bound to fuck up anytime now. All it takes is 2 bad turns and up is down.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on February 23, 2024, 08:28:31 PM
Get the answer in one a couple of times and a couple more in 2 and I'll be challenging
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on February 23, 2024, 09:04:33 PM
Quote from: dom on February 23, 2024, 08:28:31 PMGet the answer in one a couple of times and a couple more in 2 and I'll be challenging

If either Nop or Fishy continues at their current average score over the remaining six rounds and you get it in one every time, you'll win by one point. You never know!

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on February 24, 2024, 06:00:34 AM
Ouch.. was thinking too far fetched at try 4.
Wordle 980 5/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on February 24, 2024, 08:23:14 AM
Wordle 980 X/6

Told you I'd fuck it up.....alternative hell
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on February 24, 2024, 09:44:13 AM
Wordle 980 5/6


Couple of minutes
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on February 24, 2024, 10:18:13 AM
Wordle 980 5/6*


Lucky second word choice, or so I thought. 3 mins.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on February 24, 2024, 11:20:56 AM
Wordle 980 5/6


Only posting as this was a first for me. Four correct on line one and only solved by line five. Two minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on February 24, 2024, 11:27:47 AM
You're very welcome to post irrespective of competition participation status, just to be clear.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on February 24, 2024, 05:17:54 PM
Wordle 980 4/6*


Oh that could have been so much worse! A few minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on February 25, 2024, 12:17:37 AM
Wordle 981 4/6*


Made a mistake on the third line and put a previous yellow back in the same place. But I still wouldn't have got it in less than four.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on February 25, 2024, 05:55:09 AM
20 seconds ;D
Wordle 981 2/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on February 25, 2024, 08:23:31 AM
Wordle 981 4/6


Bit of a struggle.. 7 mins
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on February 25, 2024, 09:26:15 AM
Tough one...

Wordle 981 5/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on February 25, 2024, 09:47:11 AM
It's looking good for Noppers..👍
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on February 25, 2024, 10:24:55 PM
Wordle 981 4/6*


Another poor start, but quite a good challenge today. About 5 minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on February 26, 2024, 06:00:30 AM
I'd say a minute or 3
Wordle 982 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on February 26, 2024, 08:42:49 AM
Wordle 982 4/6


About 6 mins...
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on February 26, 2024, 09:42:08 AM
Wordle 982 4/6*


Quite a pleasant 5 minute diversion.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on February 26, 2024, 12:34:43 PM
Split over 2 goes. Quite a bit of thought. 10 mins in total I think..

Wordle 982 3/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on February 26, 2024, 02:00:20 PM
Wordle 982 2/6*


Too little, too late! I had nearly given up on my current starting word, as I have had some dire results recently, but today's 2 yellows were very useful  :)

Couple of minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on February 27, 2024, 07:16:10 AM

Wordle 983 5/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on February 27, 2024, 07:24:54 AM
About 5 minutes thinking of what to do with line 3.
Wordle 983 3/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on February 27, 2024, 08:11:10 AM
Wordle 983 4/6


About 5 mins
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on February 27, 2024, 08:44:30 AM
Wordle 983 5/6*


Ten minutes after midnight last night, then another ten this morning. Tricky.

Possibly the only time I've got it in 5 without a single yellow square.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on February 27, 2024, 12:35:25 PM
Wordle 983 5/6*


So much for getting it in 2 yesterday! 10 minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on February 28, 2024, 06:40:10 AM
Couple of minutes.
Wordle 984 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on February 28, 2024, 07:06:48 AM
Wordle 984 4/6*


A bit less than 15 minutes. Tough one.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on February 28, 2024, 08:33:57 AM
Wordle 984 3/6


Going nowhere for 10 mins.. only word I could think of for line 3. Very lucky..
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on February 28, 2024, 12:24:11 PM
Was not expecting that to go all green! Was hoping it would get me a little closer!

Wordle 984 3/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on February 28, 2024, 02:01:43 PM
Nop just has to get it in 4 or less tomorrow, to guarantee a win.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on February 28, 2024, 04:01:54 PM
Wordle 984 4/6*


Well there is my attempt for today. Quite pleased actually. About 5 minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on February 29, 2024, 08:22:18 AM
Had to leave it for half an hour...

Wordle 985 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on February 29, 2024, 08:43:32 AM
Wordle 985 6/6*


I had to leave it overnight! Did the first five lines after midnight then slept on it.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on February 29, 2024, 09:15:25 AM
About a minute Wordle 985 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on February 29, 2024, 09:20:07 AM
Wordle 985 4/6


5 mins.. alternate hell awaits ..
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on February 29, 2024, 01:09:30 PM
Wordle 985 3/6*


So nearly in 2.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on February 29, 2024, 01:46:49 PM

Congrats to our February League Champion Norbert, another very consistent performance.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on February 29, 2024, 01:52:54 PM
Thank you! Quite pleased with that. Celebrating the little things in life are important   ;D

Of course many appreciation to my worthy adversaries. We shall of course cross paths again in future competitions.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on February 29, 2024, 02:07:22 PM
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on February 29, 2024, 02:23:30 PM
Well done Nop on the win.  Well done everyone else on finishing ahead of me and thanks to Slim for the score compilation.  Enjoyed it despite finishing bottom!
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on February 29, 2024, 03:51:23 PM
Well done Noppers.. u pretty much lead from the start so ur wordle stamina is to be commended👍 and cheers to slim for the scoreboard😀
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on March 01, 2024, 06:53:11 AM
Great effort today, no yellows
Wordle 986 3/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on March 01, 2024, 07:53:42 AM
Great 2nd choice handed it to me on a plate! Less than a minute

Wordle 986 3/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on March 01, 2024, 07:59:41 AM
Wordle 986 4/6


About 7 mins... 3rd guess helped a lot..
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on March 01, 2024, 08:28:38 AM
Wordle 986 4/6*


Five mins.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on March 01, 2024, 09:03:49 AM
Wordle 986 3/6


Three minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on March 01, 2024, 09:44:24 AM
Wordle 986 2/6*


Great starting word  8)
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on March 02, 2024, 05:59:59 AM
about 4 minutes
Wordle 987 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on March 02, 2024, 08:54:20 AM
Wordle 987 4/6


10 mins
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on March 02, 2024, 10:16:09 AM
Less than 5 mins

Wordle 987 3/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on March 02, 2024, 10:48:25 AM
Wordle 987 3/6


Two minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on March 02, 2024, 11:28:39 AM
Wordle 987 4/6*


Ten minutes.

Sorry but you are not allowed to view spoiler contents.

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on March 03, 2024, 12:13:58 AM
Wordle 988 X/6*


Oh dear .. sometimes you can't think of a word to fit, sometimes you can think of too many. All over in 90 seconds.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on March 03, 2024, 05:55:59 AM
Quote from: Slim on March 03, 2024, 12:13:58 AMWordle 988 X/6*


Oh dear .. sometimes you can't think of a word to fit, sometimes you can think of too many. All over in 90 seconds.

I feel your pain..but somehow managed to take the right exit. 90 secs as well
Wordle 988 5/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on March 03, 2024, 08:36:43 AM
Wordle 988 5/6


Alternate hell.. 5 mins
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on March 03, 2024, 05:43:45 PM
Couple of minutes...

Wordle 988 5/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on March 03, 2024, 05:50:04 PM
Wordle 988 5/6


About three minutes. Two minutes longer than it should have.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on March 04, 2024, 06:03:26 AM
About 2 minutes, would have liked to get it in 3.
Wordle 989 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on March 04, 2024, 10:14:09 AM
The good thing about starting so poorly is that you restrict the letters you have to consider

Wordle 989 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on March 04, 2024, 11:11:02 AM
Wordle 989 4/6

1 min..
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on March 04, 2024, 11:19:52 AM
Wordle 989 5/6*


More fun with alternatives. 2 mins.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on March 04, 2024, 11:46:23 AM
Wordle 989 4/6*


If I had gone with the starter that I used most days in Feb's competition, I would have got 3 greens on the starting word.

Ho hum.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on March 04, 2024, 01:12:30 PM
Wordle 989 3/6


Ten minutes. Getting fed up with permanent starter now. Second guess was smoke.😁
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on March 05, 2024, 06:55:24 AM

Wordle 990 X/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on March 05, 2024, 07:20:04 AM
Not too bad considering the first 2 lines have me nothing.
Wordle 990 5/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on March 05, 2024, 07:35:42 AM
Wordle 990 6/6*


Yet another excess of alternatives. Two minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on March 05, 2024, 08:06:17 AM
Wordle 990 3/6


30 secs...
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on March 05, 2024, 10:58:39 AM
Wordle 990 4/6*


About 5 minutes - mainly thinking about my 3rd attempt.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on March 06, 2024, 12:40:56 AM
Nice & quick, a minute.

Wordle 991 3/6*

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on March 06, 2024, 05:16:03 AM
Didn't take long but lots of possibilities!

Wordle 991 5/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on March 06, 2024, 08:22:34 AM
Wordle 991 3/6


7mins... bit tricky... despite having a few ketters
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on March 06, 2024, 08:59:29 AM
Quote from: Fishy on March 06, 2024, 08:22:34 AMWordle 991 3/6


7mins... bit tricky... despite having a few ketters

Ketters  ;D  Dutch translation for Heretics, bit medieval
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on March 06, 2024, 10:31:14 AM

Wordle 991 6/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on March 07, 2024, 08:02:23 AM
Wordle 992 4/6

About 4 mins... 2nd guess helped a lot
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on March 07, 2024, 08:15:11 AM
Happy with line 4!
Wordle 992 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on March 07, 2024, 08:37:44 AM
Wordle 992 4/6*


About 90 seconds.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on March 07, 2024, 12:09:53 PM
Pleased to get it in 4 after that start...

Wordle 992 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on March 07, 2024, 09:19:27 PM
Wordle 992 3/6*


Steady progress, and about 5 minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on March 08, 2024, 12:13:11 AM
Wordle 993 3/6*


40 seconds.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on March 08, 2024, 05:56:16 AM
About 2 minutes
Wordle 993 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on March 08, 2024, 08:05:32 AM
Wordle 993 5/6

10 mins.. chasing three letters round  the board for about 9 mins..
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on March 08, 2024, 01:49:40 PM
3 mins...

Wordle 993 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on March 08, 2024, 06:52:07 PM
Wordle 993 4/6*


Pretty quick. 3 mins?
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on March 09, 2024, 12:09:45 AM
Wordle 994 5/6*


Four minutes or so.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on March 09, 2024, 06:03:32 AM
yes, just happy to get it. I feel I could have go on for another 20 attempts.
Wordle 994 6/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on March 09, 2024, 08:08:52 AM
10 minutes - struggled with that

Wordle 994 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on March 09, 2024, 08:13:56 AM
Wordle 994 2/6

10 seconds
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on March 10, 2024, 12:05:35 AM
Wordle 995 4/6*


Two mins.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on March 10, 2024, 06:02:47 AM
Shame I did not get it in 4.
Wordle 995 5/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on March 10, 2024, 07:40:28 AM
Wordle 995 3/6


About 7 mins.. 6 of it on the 3rd guess..
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on March 11, 2024, 05:58:42 AM
Bit of a false start today but go there.
Wordle 996 5/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on March 11, 2024, 08:02:16 AM
Wordle 996 3/6

Lucky 3rd guess.. about 5 mins
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on March 11, 2024, 08:17:57 AM
Wordle 996 4/6*


5 minutes after midnight, a minute this morning.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on March 11, 2024, 10:32:09 AM
Error on 3rd go but not too costly

Wordle 996 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on March 11, 2024, 06:30:31 PM
Wordle 996 4/6*


Thought I was in trouble there! 4 or 5 minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on March 12, 2024, 08:17:37 AM
Wordle 997 3/6


5 mins.. the yellow letter 2nd guess did the trick...
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on March 12, 2024, 09:50:53 AM
Wordle 997 4/6*


Tricky. About eight minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on March 12, 2024, 11:11:51 AM
Just under 15 mins, most on line 4

Wordle 997 5/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on March 12, 2024, 11:16:35 AM
Thought about putting the answer in on line 3, then re-thought and put in the other one that fits. Idiot, should've gone with my instinct
Wordle 997 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on March 12, 2024, 09:04:57 PM
Wordle 997 4/6*


Solid progress. 5 minutes I think.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on March 13, 2024, 08:38:40 AM
Wordle 998 5/6


Tricky one .. 10 mins
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on March 13, 2024, 09:15:55 AM
Wordle 998 3/6*


About a minute.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on March 13, 2024, 10:14:50 AM
About a minute as well.. Looks like a weird game of Tetris.

Wordle 998 6/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on March 13, 2024, 01:47:06 PM
Struggled with that!

Wordle 998 5/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on March 13, 2024, 07:35:10 PM
Wordle 998 3/6*


I was struggling a bit trying to come up with a 3rd attempt, so I left it for a while and went and had something to eat. When I came back, the answer came more easily. So about an hour all told.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on March 14, 2024, 12:58:53 AM
Wordle 999 4/6*


A minute. Should have looked for the more obvious choice on the third. It's always the more commonly used word.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on March 14, 2024, 06:55:01 AM
4 mins, most on line 2

Wordle 999 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on March 14, 2024, 07:54:21 AM
Solid effort today!
Wordle 999 3/6


Tomorrow nr. 1000!
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on March 14, 2024, 10:55:19 AM
Wordle 999 3/6


Couple of mins
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on March 14, 2024, 08:14:09 PM
Wordle 999 3/6*


Couple of minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on March 15, 2024, 12:38:58 AM
Wordle 1,000 🎉 3/6*


3 mins.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on March 15, 2024, 04:57:43 AM
That was harder than I thought!

Wordle 1.000 🎉 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on March 15, 2024, 08:31:07 AM
Wordle 1,000 🎉 2/6


10 mins... 2nd guess took a long time
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on March 15, 2024, 10:44:09 AM
Really thought I had it on 3...

Wordle 1,000 🎉 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on March 15, 2024, 11:34:44 AM
Wordle 1,000 🎉 2/6*


Get in. 1 minute.

I have a habit in a situation like that of seeing what I can create by putting the yellow letter first. Worked this time!
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on March 15, 2024, 02:10:57 PM
Wordle 1,000 🎉 3/6


One minute. A bit annoying after that start.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on March 16, 2024, 05:51:49 AM
about a minute
Wordle 1001 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on March 16, 2024, 09:14:56 AM
Wordle 1,001 3/6*


90 secs.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on March 16, 2024, 09:51:49 AM
10 mins on 3rd line

Wordle 1,001 3/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on March 16, 2024, 10:46:47 AM
Wordle 1,001 3/6


Five minutes. Now off to the coincidences thread. No spoilers.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on March 16, 2024, 11:48:43 AM
Wordle 1,001 4/6


15 mins.. just couldn't think today..
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on March 16, 2024, 02:41:38 PM
Wordle 1,001 3/6*


Twas Sian that actually came up with the answer.

About 3 minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on March 17, 2024, 05:59:01 AM
A minute, but one to quickly forget

Wordle 1002 6/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on March 17, 2024, 08:11:10 AM
Wordle 1,002 3/6


10 mins
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on March 17, 2024, 09:29:55 AM
Wordle 1,002 4/6*


Thought I'd got it in two for sure .. anyway 2 mins.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on March 17, 2024, 09:45:39 AM
Thought I had it on 3, was sure I had it on 4...

Wordle 1,002 5/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on March 17, 2024, 11:29:11 AM
Wordle 1,002 4/6


Four minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on March 17, 2024, 12:36:37 PM
Wordle 1,002 4/6*


3 minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on March 18, 2024, 05:15:53 AM
If not 3, than 4
Wordle 1.003 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on March 18, 2024, 06:47:31 AM
Wordle 1,003 3/6*


Surprising progress on the second word, there. 40 seconds.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on March 18, 2024, 08:36:09 AM
Wordle 1,003 4/6


About 3 mins
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on March 18, 2024, 09:15:22 AM
Wordle 1,003 4/6


1 minute
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on March 18, 2024, 09:44:46 AM
Wordle 1,003 4/6


One minute. Daft mistake line three.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on March 18, 2024, 05:10:29 PM
Wordle 1,003 4/6*


I too made a daft mistake on line 3!

About 5 minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on March 19, 2024, 08:17:27 AM
Wordle 1,004 5/6


Tricky.. about 8 mins...
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on March 19, 2024, 08:25:24 AM
30 seconds
Wordle 1.004 3/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on March 19, 2024, 08:59:01 AM
Wordle 1,004 5/6


Two minutes. Don't like those ones.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on March 19, 2024, 10:00:05 AM
Wordle 1,004 4/6*


Nice symmetrical one. 7 or 8 mins.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on March 19, 2024, 12:22:40 PM
Wordle 1,004 4/6*


Bit of a challenge today, and a tad over 5 minutes I think.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on March 19, 2024, 03:49:34 PM
Around 3 mins - a little unlucky today I thought...

Wordle 1,004 5/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on March 20, 2024, 09:06:42 AM
Wordle 1,005 4/6*


Tricky. About 4 mins.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on March 20, 2024, 09:49:23 AM
Wordle 1,005 4/6


Tricky one. Four minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on March 20, 2024, 09:53:36 AM
Yes, very tricky! 15 for me

Wordle 1,005 5/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on March 20, 2024, 10:19:22 AM
It took me forever to come up with a second line. When I did however..
Wordle 1,005 2/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on March 20, 2024, 01:56:57 PM
Wordle 1,005 4/6


15 mins on and off.. tricky...
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on March 20, 2024, 10:24:57 PM
Wordle 1,005 4/6*


I took a break of an hour or two after the 3rd attempt as I was struggling to think of a viable solution. Took me about a minute when I came back to it.

Pays dividends to let the subconscious mull it over sometimes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on March 21, 2024, 12:05:34 AM
Wordle 1,006 3/6*


About 11 seconds. Unlucky not to get it in 2.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on March 21, 2024, 08:25:30 AM
Wordle 1.006 6/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on March 21, 2024, 08:30:38 AM
Wordle 1,006 4/6


Couple of mins with a quick visit to alternate hell
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on March 21, 2024, 09:16:57 AM
Wordle 1,006 3/6


Very lucky second guess. One minute.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on March 21, 2024, 04:54:31 PM
Couple of minutes. Cruel game

Wordle 1,006 5/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on March 21, 2024, 08:13:14 PM
Wordle 1,006 3/6*


Good 2nd word! 2 minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on March 22, 2024, 06:00:06 AM
About a minute, great word.
Wordle 1007 3/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on March 22, 2024, 08:31:30 AM
Wordle 1,007 4/6


5 mins.. thought I had it in 3
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on March 22, 2024, 09:21:27 AM
Wordle 1,007 6/6*


Felt sure I had it on the fourth .. 7 mins.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on March 22, 2024, 10:53:10 AM
Lucky with my 2nd choice

Wordle 1,007 3/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on March 22, 2024, 02:38:11 PM
Wordle 1,007 4/6


Hated that. Took an age.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on March 22, 2024, 07:58:13 PM
Wordle 1,007 5/6*


Had to think quite a bit about that. 10 minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on March 23, 2024, 06:03:55 AM
Oeh, nice
Wordle 1008 3/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on March 23, 2024, 06:41:02 AM
10 mins, most on line 3

Wordle 1,008 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on March 23, 2024, 09:29:49 AM
Wordle 1,008 4/6


5 mins.. thought I had it in 3...
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on March 23, 2024, 10:38:44 AM
Wordle 1,008 2/6


Ten seconds. Slightly frustrating as this was my seasonal starter this time last year.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on March 23, 2024, 07:04:28 PM
Wordle 1,008 2/6


40 secs!
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on March 23, 2024, 08:10:56 PM
Wordle 1,008 6/6*


Only just! 10 minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on March 24, 2024, 05:56:54 AM
10 secs..when line 2 lit up I thought I had it!
Wordle 1009 3/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on March 24, 2024, 08:16:04 AM
Wordle 1,009 4/6


3 mins
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on March 24, 2024, 09:07:45 AM
Wordle 1,009 3/6


Another quick one, a minute.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on March 24, 2024, 09:14:39 AM
Couple of minutes, mistake on line 3

Wordle 1,009 5/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on March 24, 2024, 11:16:50 AM
Wordle 1,009 6/6


Karmic payback for yesterday's. Ten minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on March 25, 2024, 05:57:23 AM
A minute, bit of an odd one
Wordle 1010 5/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on March 25, 2024, 08:42:44 AM
Wordle 1,010 5/6


About 5 mins.. did think of the word for the 4th attempt but dismissed it...
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on March 25, 2024, 01:07:07 PM
Wordle 1,010 3/6


Interesting one. Four mins just now at 60mph on the A449. I'm not driving.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on March 25, 2024, 02:32:54 PM
Wordle 1,010 4/6


Don't know where I dug out that line three from. Fluke. Five minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on March 25, 2024, 08:27:00 PM
Wordle 1,010 6/6*


Only just! 5 minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on March 25, 2024, 08:45:58 PM
Literally exhausted every other option 10 mins

Wordle 1,010 6/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on March 26, 2024, 12:44:41 AM
Wordle 1,011 5/6*


Tricky, but only took 3 mins.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on March 26, 2024, 05:31:03 AM
I see we followed the same pattern..
Wordle 1.011 5/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on March 26, 2024, 07:19:20 AM
Couple of minutes

Wordle 1,011 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on March 26, 2024, 08:29:04 AM
Wordle 1,011 5/6


Very tricky.. 15 mins
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on March 26, 2024, 12:32:08 PM
Wordle 1,011 6/6


Just made it. Ten minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on March 27, 2024, 07:10:52 AM
1 minute

Wordle 1,012 3/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on March 27, 2024, 07:51:51 AM
Wordle 1,012 5/6


A minute of alternate hell..
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on March 27, 2024, 08:32:25 AM
A minute
Wordle 1.012 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on March 27, 2024, 08:40:17 AM
40 seconds or so.

Wordle 1,012 4/6*

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on March 27, 2024, 12:18:35 PM
Wordle 1,012 6/6


Really scraping it at the moment. Five minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on March 27, 2024, 06:31:49 PM
Wordle 1,012 4/6*


Thought I had it in 3 dagnabit. Under 5 minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on March 28, 2024, 12:22:50 AM
Wordle 1,013 4/6*


About 2 mins. Good feedback from the second go.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on March 28, 2024, 09:19:11 AM
Wordle 1,013 4/6


5 mins
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on March 28, 2024, 09:29:24 AM
Like the esthetic
Wordle 1.013 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on March 28, 2024, 01:37:55 PM
That was very quick!

Wordle 1,013 3/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on March 28, 2024, 04:10:56 PM
Wordle 1,013 3/6*


Good start, but could have taken me longer given the permutations allowed by those last 3 letters. A few minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on March 28, 2024, 10:21:42 PM
Wordle 1,013 3/6


Almost forgot about this today after being totally distracted by my nightmare neighbour. Borderline personality disorder is too kind. Three minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on March 29, 2024, 06:06:46 AM
4 tries, hmm,
Wordle 1014 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on March 29, 2024, 07:14:20 AM
Wordle 1,014 3/6


Couple of minutes
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on March 29, 2024, 09:02:15 AM
About a minute

Wordle 1,014 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on March 29, 2024, 09:53:02 AM
Wordle 1,014 4/6*


About ten minutes. Took a long time to find a fourth word to fit. I'd start to wonder if it was impossible.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on March 29, 2024, 10:49:31 AM
Wordle 1,014 3/6


One minute.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on March 29, 2024, 09:12:43 PM
Wordle 1,014 4/6*


A few minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on March 30, 2024, 12:50:08 AM
Wordle 1,015 3/6*


25 secs.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on March 30, 2024, 06:01:34 AM
a minute
Wordle 1015 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on March 30, 2024, 07:54:57 AM
90 seconds

Wordle 1,015 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on March 30, 2024, 07:56:15 AM
Wordle 1,015 3/6


Couple of minutes
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on March 30, 2024, 11:17:36 AM
Wordle 1,015 4/6


A poor two minutes it would appear.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on March 31, 2024, 06:19:15 AM
a minute or 2, pondering over line 3.
Wordle 1016 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on March 31, 2024, 11:48:17 AM
Tricky enough, especially after the poor start. 5 minutes

Wordle 1,016 5/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on March 31, 2024, 12:30:19 PM
Wordle 1,016 4/6


Unusual one. Five minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on March 31, 2024, 07:21:25 PM
Wordle 1,016 3/6*


About 5 minutes for me too. Quite a good word.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on March 31, 2024, 08:16:40 PM
Well - I knocked out the first two lines in about 20 seconds. Then I spent about ten minutes trying to think of a word to fit, despite having three letters in place. Then I forgot about it and went on a long bike ride. Then I resumed my efforts this evening for another ten minutes or so. Then finally I saw it.

Wordle 1,016 3/6*

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on March 31, 2024, 11:18:00 PM
7 mins
Wordle 1,016 5/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on April 01, 2024, 06:05:36 AM
About 3 minutes, not easy.
Wordle 1017 5/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on April 01, 2024, 08:28:50 AM
About 4 minutes

Wordle 1,017 5/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on April 01, 2024, 08:32:40 AM
Wordle 1,017 6/6


Just.... Never heard of it....
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on April 01, 2024, 10:10:19 AM
Wordle 1,017 4/6*


About a minute.

Sorry but you are not allowed to view spoiler contents.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on April 01, 2024, 10:30:16 AM
Whenever a spoiler is posted, just as Slim did there I get the error message "sorry but you are not allowed to view spoiler contents".

I can't see how to get round this. Can anyone help?
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on April 01, 2024, 10:42:15 AM
Quote from: dom on April 01, 2024, 10:30:16 AMWhenever a spoiler is posted, just as Slim did there I get the error message "sorry but you are not allowed to view spoiler contents".

I can't see how to get round this. Can anyone help?

Respond by quoting the message and you'll see the spoiler message as well. Just don't post it...
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on April 01, 2024, 10:47:24 AM
Quote from: Thenop on April 01, 2024, 10:42:15 AM
Quote from: dom on April 01, 2024, 10:30:16 AMWhenever a spoiler is posted, just as Slim did there I get the error message "sorry but you are not allowed to view spoiler contents".

I can't see how to get round this. Can anyone help?

Respond by quoting the message and you'll see the spoiler message as well. Just don't post it...

Great that works! Thanks
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on April 01, 2024, 01:28:19 PM
Wordle 1,017 6/6


Had to use an incorrect letter on line five as I couldn't think of anything else. Another loosely linked Easter themed word. I don't think that's a spoiler. Fifteen minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on April 01, 2024, 11:11:49 PM
Wordle 1,017 4/6*


5 minutes. Nice word. I liked that one.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on April 02, 2024, 12:46:24 AM
Wordle 1,018 4/6*


About 90 secs, I think.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on April 02, 2024, 12:47:34 AM
Quote from: dom on April 01, 2024, 10:47:24 AM
Quote from: Thenop on April 01, 2024, 10:42:15 AM
Quote from: dom on April 01, 2024, 10:30:16 AMWhenever a spoiler is posted, just as Slim did there I get the error message "sorry but you are not allowed to view spoiler contents".

I can't see how to get round this. Can anyone help?

Respond by quoting the message and you'll see the spoiler message as well. Just don't post it...

Great that works! Thanks

Thanks guys but something's broken there, I'll have a look.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on April 02, 2024, 03:02:15 AM
Wordle 1,018 3/6


One minute.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on April 02, 2024, 08:24:31 AM
Wordle 1,018 5/6


About 15 mins.. that was fookin tricky..
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on April 02, 2024, 08:40:49 AM
About 3 minutes

Wordle 1,018 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on April 02, 2024, 08:51:28 AM
A minute
Wordle 1.018 3/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on April 02, 2024, 02:05:58 PM
Wordle 1,018 4/6*


About 5 minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on April 03, 2024, 12:42:49 AM
25 seconds, possibly a bit less

Wordle 1,019 3/6*


Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on April 03, 2024, 01:28:00 AM
Wordle 1,019 4/6


Wordle finding my female side in the wee small hours with a bad whisky and necessary noodles. Two minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on April 03, 2024, 05:23:40 AM
About a minute
Wordle 1.019 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on April 03, 2024, 08:09:23 AM
Wordle 1,019 4/6


Couple of mins..
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on April 03, 2024, 09:27:32 AM
Wordle 1,019 5/6


About 3 minutes
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on April 03, 2024, 07:40:46 PM
Wordle 1,019 4/6*


So nearly 3. Couple of minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on April 04, 2024, 12:19:37 AM
Wordle 1,020 4/6*


Another 30 second job. 35 maybe.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on April 04, 2024, 07:20:28 AM
5 minutes

Wordle 1,020 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on April 04, 2024, 08:22:19 AM
Wordle 1,020 3/6


Minute and a half...
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on April 04, 2024, 08:42:37 AM
A minute
Wordle 1.020 3/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on April 04, 2024, 02:54:17 PM
Wordle 1,020 3/6*


3 minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on April 04, 2024, 06:06:16 PM
Wordle 1,020 3/6


One minute.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on April 05, 2024, 12:29:33 AM
Another disappointingly quick one. Less than 20 seconds.

Wordle 1,021 3/6*

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on April 05, 2024, 06:03:10 AM
under a minute
Wordle 1021 3/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on April 05, 2024, 07:34:26 AM
A minute

Wordle 1,021 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on April 05, 2024, 08:32:14 AM
Wordle 1,021 3/6


Couple of mins
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on April 05, 2024, 01:55:25 PM
Wordle 1,021 3/6


Weirdly, I wasn't even sure if my line two guess was a word. Don't know why it occurred to me rather than the solution. A shamefully slow three minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on April 06, 2024, 05:51:52 AM
Was over in a minute, took 5 tries though
Wordle 1022 5/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on April 06, 2024, 07:23:34 AM
Similar to that but 6 goes

Wordle 1,022 6/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on April 06, 2024, 08:51:29 AM
Wordle 1,022 4/6


A minute
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on April 06, 2024, 10:07:44 AM
Wordle 1,022 6/6*


Got it at the last gasp. Four minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on April 06, 2024, 11:47:19 AM
Wordle 1,022 5/6


About four minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on April 07, 2024, 12:18:59 AM
Wordle 1,023 4/6*


Sorry but you are not allowed to view spoiler contents.

About 6 minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on April 07, 2024, 06:00:50 AM
30 seconds
Wordle 1023 3/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on April 07, 2024, 07:42:27 AM
Wordle 1,023 5/6


That was tricky.. 15 mins
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on April 07, 2024, 11:00:26 AM
Good recovery after a poor and mistake ridden start

Wordle 1,023 5/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on April 07, 2024, 12:18:23 PM
Wordle 1,023 4/6


Surprised at that solution. Three minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on April 07, 2024, 07:16:23 PM
Wordle 1,023 4/6*


Surprised and annoyed. About 3 minutes too.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on April 08, 2024, 05:26:47 AM
20 seconds.
Wordle 1.024 3/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on April 08, 2024, 08:26:17 AM
Wordle 1,024 4/6


Couple of mins
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on April 08, 2024, 08:44:20 AM
Wordle 1,024 3/6


Forty five seconds.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on April 08, 2024, 08:44:49 AM
Wordle 1,024 4/6*


About three minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on April 08, 2024, 10:27:12 AM
Got caught in a multiple of alternatives. Couple of minutes

Wordle 1,024 5/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on April 09, 2024, 05:59:23 AM
Bit unlucky in choosing the first 2 words.
Wordle 1025 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on April 09, 2024, 07:13:53 AM
Wordle 1,025 4/6


About 90 secs
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on April 09, 2024, 08:01:07 AM
Wordle 1,025 5/6


10 mins
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on April 09, 2024, 09:26:44 AM
Wordle 1,025 4/6*


Probably lucky on the fourth go, five mins.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on April 09, 2024, 11:43:58 AM
Wordle 1,025 4/6


Four minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on April 10, 2024, 12:09:21 AM
Wordle 1,026 3/6*


About 40 seconds.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on April 10, 2024, 08:39:33 AM
Wordle 1,026 3/6


30 seconds
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on April 10, 2024, 10:18:50 AM
That took a while..
Wordle 1.026 6/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on April 10, 2024, 11:37:31 AM
Wordle 1,026 3/6


A minute, maybe slightly less.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on April 10, 2024, 11:44:48 AM
2 minutes. Pretty rare for me to get it in 2

Wordle 1,026 2/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on April 11, 2024, 07:07:38 AM
Back to form here. About 5 mins

Wordle 1,027 5/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on April 11, 2024, 08:29:44 AM
Wordle 1,027 4/6


Couple of mins...
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on April 11, 2024, 09:29:30 AM
Wordle 1,027 4/6*


Interesting one. Four minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on April 11, 2024, 10:11:39 AM
Right, a minute or 2.
Wordle 1,027 3/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on April 11, 2024, 11:13:05 AM
Wordle 1,027 4/6


Ninety seconds.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on April 12, 2024, 12:21:49 AM
Wordle 1,028 4/6*


A minute.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on April 12, 2024, 05:58:15 AM
Minute as well. Apparently a late night yesterday messed with my focus, hence the stupid mistake on line 4..
Wordle 1028 5/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on April 12, 2024, 07:27:57 AM
Happy with the recovery - 2 minutes

Wordle 1,028 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on April 12, 2024, 11:15:49 AM
Wordle 1,028 4/6


Ninety seconds. Good symmetrical pattern.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on April 13, 2024, 05:59:20 AM
Quick one again
Wordle 1029 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on April 13, 2024, 07:42:05 AM
Wordle 1,029 3/6*


About 80 seconds I think.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on April 13, 2024, 08:12:22 AM
Wordle 1,029 5/6


30 seconds
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on April 13, 2024, 11:13:36 AM
Wordle 1,029 3/6


One minute.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on April 13, 2024, 01:29:17 PM
4 to 5 mins

Wordle 1,029 5/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on April 13, 2024, 05:46:26 PM
Wordle 1,029 4/6*


Thought I had it in 2! Couple of minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on April 14, 2024, 06:04:19 AM
40 seconds
Wordle 1030 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on April 14, 2024, 08:15:50 AM
Wordle 1,030 4/6


15 mins..
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on April 14, 2024, 09:40:32 AM
5 mins

Wordle 1,030 5/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on April 14, 2024, 11:26:54 AM
Wordle 1,030 4/6*


Brutal. About 40 minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on April 14, 2024, 12:46:18 PM
Wordle 1,030 4/6


Two minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on April 15, 2024, 06:16:01 AM
That took a good 15 minutes excluding everything until I resolved it, it was the only word I could think of that fit.
Wordle 1031 3/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on April 15, 2024, 08:29:54 AM
Wordle 1,031 2/6


10 secs
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on April 15, 2024, 11:26:28 AM
Wordle 1,031 4/6


A bit of a struggle. About four minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on April 15, 2024, 12:04:27 PM
Wordle 1,031 4/6*


Tough one. About half an hour.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on April 15, 2024, 12:18:38 PM
That was a real pita. At least half an hour if not konger. Kept leaving it and coming back

Wordle 1,031 5/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on April 16, 2024, 12:11:23 AM
Wordle 1,032 4/6*


Nice & quick. 40 seconds.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on April 16, 2024, 07:39:32 AM
15 seconds

Wordle 1.032 3/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on April 16, 2024, 07:58:05 AM
Wordle 1,032 5/6

A quick minute of alternate hell
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on April 16, 2024, 11:20:06 AM
Wordle 1,032 4/6


Grim start. Three minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on April 16, 2024, 05:49:22 PM
Ditto guepe de pic-nic..

Wordle 1,032 4/6


Couple of mins
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on April 17, 2024, 08:58:54 AM
Wordle 1,033 3/6


Lucky guess ..10 mins
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on April 17, 2024, 10:01:07 AM
Wordle 1,033 3/6*


Quick, about a minute. Very useful second word.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on April 17, 2024, 10:57:45 AM
10 mins

Wordle 1,033 5/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on April 17, 2024, 11:07:35 AM
That took a bit...
Wordle 1,033 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on April 17, 2024, 11:32:27 AM
Wordle 1,033 3/6


Good start today. One minute.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on April 18, 2024, 12:39:34 AM
Wordle 1,034 4/6*


Two minutes, but I thought I'd got it on the second go.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on April 18, 2024, 07:32:07 AM
30 seconds, I like the word.
Wordle 1.034 3/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on April 18, 2024, 09:01:45 AM
Wordle 1,034 4/6


30 secs
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on April 18, 2024, 10:03:56 AM
3 minutes

Wordle 1,034 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on April 18, 2024, 11:34:59 AM
Wordle 1,034 4/6


Three minutes. Was in a bit of brain fog when I worked out the last two letters, but it cleared quite quickly after a run through.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on April 18, 2024, 02:05:36 PM
Wordle 1,034 4/6*


I took a bit of a gamble with my 3rd word. I didn't really think it was a solution, but I wanted to see if I had those 3 yellows swapped to the correct position. That led fairly quickly to the answer after a bit of thought.

About 5 minutes in all.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on April 19, 2024, 12:27:20 AM
Wordle 1,035 2/6*


Quickest one ever, probably four seconds.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on April 19, 2024, 04:55:16 AM
quick but 5 tries...
Wordle 1.035 5/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on April 19, 2024, 09:14:28 AM
Wordle 1,035 3/6


30 secs
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on April 19, 2024, 11:52:52 AM
Wordle 1,035 2/6


About fifteen seconds.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on April 19, 2024, 11:54:47 AM
20 mins!

Wordle 1,035 5/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on April 20, 2024, 01:13:42 AM
About 5 mins

Wordle 1,036 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on April 20, 2024, 07:57:42 AM
Wordle 1,036 3/6


About 90 seconds
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on April 20, 2024, 09:19:31 AM
About a minute
Wordle 1.036 3/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on April 20, 2024, 10:28:53 AM
Wordle 1,036 3/6*


Another very quick one, 20 seconds.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on April 20, 2024, 10:30:45 AM
Wordle 1,036 6/6


Just made it! Four minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on April 21, 2024, 12:40:09 AM
Wordle 1,037 5/6


90 secs again..
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on April 21, 2024, 12:43:48 AM
Failure. But at least I only spent three minutes on it.

Wordle 1,037 X/6*

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on April 21, 2024, 06:13:00 AM
2 minutes, not easy at all!
Wordle 1.037 5/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on April 21, 2024, 10:04:04 AM
Got into alternate hell and had to choose between 2 words for my last guess. Luckily I chose the right one.

Wordle 1,037 6/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on April 21, 2024, 12:47:13 PM
Wordle 1,037 6/6


Very lucky as there were options remaining.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on April 21, 2024, 06:06:35 PM
Wordle 1,037 6/6*


Close! About 7 minutes I think.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on April 22, 2024, 02:37:01 AM
Wordle 1,038 3/6


One minute.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on April 22, 2024, 05:58:17 AM
yes a minute sounds about right
Wordle 1.038 3/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on April 22, 2024, 08:40:02 AM
Wordle 1,038 5/6


10 mins.. brain not working despite having four letters after third guess
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on April 22, 2024, 09:00:29 AM
Wordle 1,038 3/6*


A minute.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on April 22, 2024, 10:08:16 AM
Wordle 1,038 4/6*


Couple of minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on April 22, 2024, 01:18:58 PM
Wordle 1,038 4/6


About a minute
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on April 23, 2024, 07:53:21 AM
Wordle 1,039 3/6


Going nowhere then a shot in the dark came up.. 5 mins
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on April 23, 2024, 08:14:51 AM
Wordle 1,039 4/6*


90 seconds or so.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on April 23, 2024, 12:03:04 PM
Recurrent theme...

Wordle 1,039 6/6


4 mins
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on April 23, 2024, 12:21:30 PM
Oh that was a lot to choose from
Wordle 1.039 6/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on April 23, 2024, 01:25:31 PM
Wordle 1,039 5/6


Four minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on April 24, 2024, 06:54:14 AM
6 minutes. .

Wordle 1,040 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on April 24, 2024, 08:36:57 AM
Wordle 1,040 4/6


15 mins.. 14 of it on a fourth guess...
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on April 24, 2024, 09:04:20 AM
Wordle 1,040 3/6*


About a minute again.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on April 24, 2024, 10:13:19 AM
Meh, 5 tries..
Wordle 1.040 5/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on April 24, 2024, 12:56:27 PM
Wordle 1,040 5/6


Didn't think it was happening today. Fifteen minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on April 25, 2024, 12:57:34 AM
Wordle 1,041 3/6


Just made up a word for line two cos I was baffled. A word I read and relate to frequently but was the only option. Several minutes!
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on April 25, 2024, 08:41:10 AM
Wordle 1,041 5/6

🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩 Stupid mistake of reusing a duff letter on third guess.. about 10 mins
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on April 25, 2024, 09:45:11 AM
Wordle 1,041 3/6*


About five minutes after midnight, then five this morning.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on April 25, 2024, 12:13:31 PM
Line 4 is me trying to make things more difficult than they are.

Wordle 1.041 5/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on April 25, 2024, 12:17:01 PM
About 4 minutes

Wordle 1,041 5/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on April 25, 2024, 10:36:12 PM
Wordle 1,041 4/6*


Couple of hours break after line 3 to let it bubble away subconsciously.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on April 26, 2024, 05:56:52 AM
That was not easy, at least not for me
Wordle 1.042 5/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on April 26, 2024, 08:37:58 AM
Wordle 1,042 3/6


Just over a minute.. another shot in the dark third guess..
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on April 26, 2024, 09:37:29 AM
Enjoyed that! Shame it only took 30 seconds!

Wordle 1,042 3/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on April 26, 2024, 10:14:43 AM
Wordle 1,042 3/6*


Took me about 20 minutes!
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on April 26, 2024, 01:37:41 PM
Wordle 1,042 3/6


About ten minutes of head scratching.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on April 27, 2024, 01:05:09 AM
Wordle 1,043 4/6*


Three minute one.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on April 27, 2024, 05:55:17 AM
Pretty quick, minuten and a half but too much options here..
Wordle 1.043 5/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on April 27, 2024, 07:52:45 AM
Wordle 1,043 4/6


2 mins..
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on April 27, 2024, 04:39:46 PM
Thought I had it in 3

About a minute

Wordle 1,043 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on April 27, 2024, 04:49:34 PM
Wordle 1,043 4/6


Three minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on April 28, 2024, 06:00:27 AM
2 minutes
Wordle 1.044 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on April 28, 2024, 08:12:23 AM
Wordle 1,044 2/6

10 secs....
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on April 28, 2024, 09:41:07 AM
Wordle 1,044 3/6*


About seven minutes .. spent a long time on the third word.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on April 28, 2024, 10:18:21 AM
30 seconds

Wordle 1,044 3/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on April 28, 2024, 05:52:45 PM
Wordle 1,044 4/6


One minute.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on April 28, 2024, 07:09:27 PM
Wordle 1,044 3/6*


2 minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on April 29, 2024, 12:38:40 AM
Wordle 1,045 3/6*


15 seconds.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on April 29, 2024, 04:52:14 AM
Under a minute and one stupid mistake.
Wordle 1.045 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on April 29, 2024, 06:39:35 AM
About a minute

Wordle 1,045 3/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on April 29, 2024, 08:26:27 AM
Wordle 1,045 3/6


10 mins... the 3rd guess took a long time
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on April 29, 2024, 01:04:49 PM
Wordle 1,045 4/6


Three minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on April 29, 2024, 10:55:37 PM
Wordle 1,045 4/6*


About 3 minutes. Took a bit of thinking that one.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on April 30, 2024, 06:19:55 AM
30 seconds. Pure luck

Wordle 1,046 2/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on April 30, 2024, 06:36:44 AM
a minute.
Wordle 1,046 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on April 30, 2024, 08:52:45 AM
Wordle 1,046 3/6


20 seconds
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on April 30, 2024, 09:39:47 AM
Wordle 1,046 3/6*


Nine seconds, lucky second word.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on April 30, 2024, 01:13:27 PM
Wordle 1,046 4/6


Five minutes. Weird choice of line three guess rather than the more obvious solution.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on May 01, 2024, 12:58:45 AM
Wordle 1,047 4/6*


4 mins.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on May 01, 2024, 08:50:06 AM
Wordle 1,047 3/6


About 8 mins...
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on May 01, 2024, 10:03:49 AM
Was the only word I could think that would fit after line 1

Wordle 1.047 2/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on May 01, 2024, 11:01:40 AM
Yes same as that. More rewarding than yesterday as I had to put some thought into it. 5 minutes

Wordle 1,047 2/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on May 01, 2024, 11:42:06 AM
Wordle 1,047 3/6*


About 10 minutes. Only 3 attempts, bit I had to really think given the 2 letters I had to work with.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on May 01, 2024, 12:16:01 PM
Wordle 1,047 5/6


A real brain-fog day with consecutive line errors. Twelve minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on May 02, 2024, 06:39:57 AM
30 seconds
Wordle 1.048 3/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on May 02, 2024, 07:14:35 AM
Couple of minutes

Wordle 1,048 5/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on May 02, 2024, 08:52:21 AM
Wordle 1,048 3/6*


40 seconds.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on May 02, 2024, 08:55:59 AM
Wordle 1,048 3/6


20 seconds
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on May 02, 2024, 11:40:44 AM
Wordle 1,048 3/6


Thirty seconds.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on May 02, 2024, 07:45:35 PM
Wordle 1,048 3/6*


About 2 minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on May 03, 2024, 12:55:46 AM
Wordle 1,049 3/6*


A minute, I think.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on May 03, 2024, 05:54:36 AM
Wordle 1,049 4/6


15 mins... tricky
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on May 03, 2024, 06:11:46 AM
A minute
Wordle 1.049 3/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on May 03, 2024, 11:25:13 AM
Wordle 1,049 4/6


An ironic struggle today. Ten minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on May 03, 2024, 12:05:41 PM
10 mins

Wordle 1,049 5/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on May 03, 2024, 10:49:34 PM
Wordle 1,049 3/6*


Another 2 minutes, aided by a great 2nd word  8)
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on May 04, 2024, 07:03:12 AM
2 very disappointing first rows, went quick after that

Wordle 1.050 5/6


Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on May 04, 2024, 08:27:53 AM
Wordle 1,050 3/6


10 mins
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on May 04, 2024, 08:45:11 AM
Wordle 1,050 4/6*


Lucky on the third word, or unlucky depending how you look at it. Three mins.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on May 04, 2024, 10:57:50 AM
Wordle 1,050 4/6


Five minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on May 04, 2024, 05:59:22 PM
Started this during the Arsenal Bournemouth game- really not a good idea and led to the mistake in the second line

48 mins in total - 45 on the first 3 lines!

Wordle 1,050 5/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on May 04, 2024, 07:15:37 PM
Wordle 1,050 3/6*


About 5 minutes thinking of permutations for the 3rd attempt.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on May 05, 2024, 06:00:02 AM
Wel that's a first for me: all the right letters but only 1 in the right spot. Made it easy to follow up though  ;D 

Wordle 1.051 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on May 05, 2024, 08:41:30 AM
Wordle 1,051 6/6


15 mins.. never heard of it
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on May 05, 2024, 09:42:01 AM
Wordle 1,051 4/6*


80 seconds (I actually timed it).
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on May 05, 2024, 11:12:57 AM
Good recovery after another stupid mistake on line 3. No football to blame either! Couple of minutes.

Wordle 1,051 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on May 05, 2024, 11:33:03 AM
Wordle 1,051 4/6


Four minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on May 05, 2024, 03:21:44 PM
Wordle 1,051 6/6*


So close to getting blown out! 5 or 6 minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on May 06, 2024, 05:56:16 AM
30 seconds of: "Oh come on!"
Wordle 1.052 6/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on May 06, 2024, 08:14:15 AM
Wordle 1,052 5/6


20 secs of alternate hell
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on May 06, 2024, 09:36:06 AM
Wordle 1,052 X/6*


Very unfortunate. Thought for sure I'd get it on the third word after the second came up with four greens. But in the same second I realised there were at least three viable solutions. And actually there were at least six.

All over in 90 seconds.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on May 06, 2024, 11:31:50 AM
Wordle 1,052 6/6


What a strange day all round. All over in about a minute including a line two error.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on May 06, 2024, 12:14:08 PM
About 90 seconds

Wordle 1,052 4/6


was lucky enough to start with a word ending -ve - that v seemed to  cause everyone difficulty!
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on May 07, 2024, 08:45:24 AM
Wordle 1,053 3/6


Couple of mins
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on May 07, 2024, 10:15:01 AM
Wordle 1,053 5/6


Two minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on May 07, 2024, 10:42:11 AM
5 minutes and 30 seconds. 5 minutes on line 3

Wordle 1,053 3/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on May 07, 2024, 11:53:27 AM
2 minutes
Wordle 1,053 3/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on May 07, 2024, 12:58:16 PM

Wordle 1,053 3/6*


Probably lucky to get it on the third go. Five mins.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on May 08, 2024, 06:46:25 AM
Wordle 1,054 3/6


About a minute.. second guess helped a lot
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on May 08, 2024, 11:23:30 AM
30 mins.
tried out every combination until one stuck. I have not looked it up yet, but am unfamiliar with the word.
Wordle 1,054 5/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on May 08, 2024, 12:48:13 PM
Wordle 1,054 4/6


Four minutes. Mainly on the last word.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on May 08, 2024, 12:52:00 PM
Quote from: Thenop on May 08, 2024, 11:23:30 AM30 mins.
tried out every combination until one stuck. I have not looked it up yet, but am unfamiliar with the word.
Wordle 1,054 5/6


It's one of Matt's regulars.😂
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on May 08, 2024, 05:03:45 PM
Some straight jacket thinking nearly did for me there about half an hour

Wordle 1,054 6/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on May 08, 2024, 10:55:15 PM
Wordle 1,054 3/6*


Two mins this morning and another minute this evening.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on May 09, 2024, 06:08:36 AM
Going nowhere fast first 3 attempts. Went another way for line 4 and that worked.
Wordle 1.055 5/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on May 09, 2024, 08:16:22 AM
Wordle 1,055 3/6


30 secs
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on May 09, 2024, 10:26:43 AM
Wordle 1,055 4/6*


Quite an interesting diversion. About seven minutes. I had three greens in effect from the third word, by elimination.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on May 09, 2024, 11:14:41 AM
Wordle 1,055 5/6


Two minutes. Surprised my fourth line is actually a word.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on May 09, 2024, 04:24:57 PM
About 2 minutes

Wordle 1,055 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on May 09, 2024, 05:28:55 PM
Wordle 1,055 2/6*


Missed the past couple of days due to generally not having time.

Back with a bang! Cracking starting word getting that important 4th letter  :D
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on May 10, 2024, 12:12:35 AM
Wordle 1,056 4/6*


Another pleasantly diverting one, about six minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on May 10, 2024, 05:52:37 AM
45 seconds
Wordle 1.056 3/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on May 10, 2024, 08:09:37 AM
Wordle 1,056 4/6


5 mins
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on May 10, 2024, 10:28:52 AM
Tough one! 25 minutes

Wordle 1,056 6/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on May 10, 2024, 11:27:23 AM
Wordle 1,056 5/6


A bit relieved. Fifteen minutes. Couldn't think of words today.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on May 11, 2024, 12:51:03 AM
Wordle 1,057 3/6


Forty five seconds.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on May 11, 2024, 01:11:37 AM
Wordle 1,057 3/6*


About 30 seconds.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on May 11, 2024, 06:06:06 AM
Little longer than that, but not much
Wordle 1.057 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on May 11, 2024, 08:46:43 AM
Wordle 1,057 5/6


12 mins...
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on May 11, 2024, 02:03:35 PM
About a minute

Wordle 1,057 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on May 12, 2024, 05:55:54 AM
that was alright, line 2 helped me a lot, still needed one more to get it.
About 2 minutes.
Wordle 1.058 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on May 12, 2024, 09:01:01 AM
Wordle 1,058 4/6

 5 mins
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on May 12, 2024, 09:40:04 AM
5 minutes too

Wordle 1,058 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on May 12, 2024, 11:27:09 AM
Wordle 1,058 5/6


Ninety seconds. Word ideas came easier than usual today.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on May 12, 2024, 01:45:43 PM
Wordle 1,058 5/6*


Interesting one, 6 or 7 mins.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on May 13, 2024, 05:58:42 AM
Couldn't decide whether use it for line 3, went another route. Oh well.
2 minutes.

Wordle 1.059 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on May 13, 2024, 08:49:05 AM
Wordle 1,059 5/6


90 seconds
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on May 13, 2024, 10:21:44 AM
Wordle 1,059 4/6


A real struggle today. Twenty minutes. Had to use an incorrect letter on line three just to generate a word. Very fortunate that it gave me another letter.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on May 13, 2024, 10:44:08 AM
Wordle 1,059 4/6*


About half an hour!
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on May 14, 2024, 12:24:30 AM
Wordle 1,060 4/6


Very pleased with that after a grim start. Three minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on May 14, 2024, 08:19:26 AM
This took forever. It was the only word I could think of, luckily it fit.
Wordle 1.060 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on May 14, 2024, 08:29:23 AM
Pleased with that. 5 minutes

Wordle 1,060 4/6


Got yesterday's too but didn't post  :o
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on May 14, 2024, 08:42:24 AM
Wordle 1,060 3/6


3 mins.. going nowhere to the only word that came to mind..
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on May 14, 2024, 09:31:00 AM
Wordle 1,060 4/6*


6 or 7 mins. Sneaky one.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on May 14, 2024, 05:07:41 PM
Wordle 1,060 3/6*


The limitations in what I could use as vowels after my 2nd attempt led to an inspired choice for my 3rd attempt.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on May 15, 2024, 09:09:16 AM
Wordle 1,061 4/6*


A minute or so.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on May 15, 2024, 10:03:27 AM
Wordle 1,061 3/6


10 mins.. 9 mins on the 3rd guess
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on May 15, 2024, 10:59:47 AM
Wordle 1,061 2/6


Less than a minute. First line two finish in a long while.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on May 15, 2024, 11:12:19 AM
A minute
Wordle 1.061 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on May 15, 2024, 12:37:50 PM
About a minute... Thought I was going to get caught with that last letter but made a lucky choice...

Wordle 1,061 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on May 15, 2024, 07:22:47 PM
Wordle 1,061 3/6*


Bit of a challenge that one. About 5 minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on May 16, 2024, 01:03:25 AM
Wordle 1,062 4/6*


25 seconds. And it still took four goes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on May 16, 2024, 08:42:11 AM
Wordle 1,062 4/6

🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩 90 secs...
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on May 16, 2024, 10:09:33 AM
Wordle 1,062 3/6


Another quick one today. Less than a minute.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on May 16, 2024, 10:28:03 AM
Was struggling with my second choice. Worth the wait - about 5 minutes

Wordle 1,062 3/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on May 16, 2024, 01:34:07 PM
Wordle 1,062 5/6*


Quite quick but could have been worse with the alternatives.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on May 16, 2024, 05:53:18 PM
Quick, but was a bit of a guessing game.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on May 17, 2024, 12:02:29 AM
Wordle 1,063 4/6*


2 mins exactly.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on May 17, 2024, 06:01:01 AM
about 3 minutes. Pretty sure we have the same line 3 ;)

Wordle 1.063 4/6


(Yesterday was 5 lines, forgot to paste the picture)
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on May 17, 2024, 08:54:40 AM
Wordle 1,063 4/6


Six minutes, but with interruptions to feed the morning visiting vixen and the neighbour dropping off his key, so not bad. Can't figure out why my original line four isn't a word.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on May 17, 2024, 09:25:06 AM
2 minutes

Wordle 1,063 5/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on May 17, 2024, 10:43:01 AM
Wordle 1,063 5/6


20 mins on and off.. tricky...
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on May 17, 2024, 11:27:33 AM
Quote from: Fishy on May 17, 2024, 10:43:01 AMWordle 1,063 5/6


20 mins on and off.. tricky...

Very similar pattern to mine!
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on May 18, 2024, 05:59:14 AM
Wordle 1,064 5/6


About 10 mins @ Glasgow airport..
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on May 18, 2024, 06:09:27 AM
Fantastic opener, then it went downhill fast.
Took me a couple of minutes to come up with line 4, did no know the word but it stuck. Had to look it up.

Wordle 1.064 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on May 18, 2024, 08:22:26 AM
Wordle 1,064 3/6


Good start. One minute.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on May 18, 2024, 09:57:49 AM
Wordle 1,064 3/6


Surprised my third go turned out to be the solution. First word I thought of to fit, and I was too idle to try to find something more promising. About a minute.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on May 18, 2024, 11:32:30 AM
1 minute, quite surprised when it all turned green

Wordle 1,064 3/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on May 19, 2024, 05:58:24 AM
About a minute and a half, but 6 tries!
Wordle 1.065 6/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on May 19, 2024, 06:13:16 AM
Wordle 1,065 X/6*


Failure. Two minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on May 19, 2024, 07:23:24 AM
Wordle 1,065 3/6


2 mins in the glorious Majorcan morning sunshine
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on May 19, 2024, 10:49:55 AM
4 mins - was beginning to worry

Wordle 1,065 5/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on May 19, 2024, 01:38:20 PM
Wordle 1,065 4/6


Four minutes but should have been a line three finish. Picked a non word to begin with when I should have used the correct first letter.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on May 20, 2024, 06:21:45 AM
About 2 minutes
Wordle 1.066 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on May 20, 2024, 07:28:17 AM
Wordle 1,066 5/6

5 mins
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on May 20, 2024, 10:07:21 AM
Wordle 1,066 4/6


Three minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on May 20, 2024, 10:09:29 AM
Wordle 1,066 3/6*


Less than a minute. Four greens on the second go, effectively.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on May 20, 2024, 10:48:19 AM
Couple of minutes

Wordle 1,066 5/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on May 20, 2024, 12:47:43 PM
Wordle 1,066 4/6*


I didn't think they did that kind of word, so I was a little surprised to see them all turn green. Ho hum.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on May 20, 2024, 02:40:06 PM
Quote from: R6GYY on May 20, 2024, 12:47:43 PMWordle 1,066 4/6*


I didn't think they did that kind of word, so I was a little surprised to see them all turn green. Ho hum.

Feels like they are running out of options.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on May 20, 2024, 03:11:23 PM
Quote from: Thenop on May 20, 2024, 02:40:06 PM
Quote from: R6GYY on May 20, 2024, 12:47:43 PMWordle 1,066 4/6*


I didn't think they did that kind of word, so I was a little surprised to see them all turn green. Ho hum.

Feels like they are running out of options.

That's an interesting thought I asked chat gpt how many 5 letter words there were and how many of these would be considered common...

QuoteDetermining the number of five-letter words that are not considered obscure can be subjective, as "obscure" can vary based on the individual's familiarity with the language, regional usage, and context. However, we can make an educated guess based on common usage.

Let's use a rough classification:

Common Words: Frequently used in everyday language.
Moderately Common Words: Used less frequently but still recognizable to most people.
Obscure Words: Rarely used or known, often specific to certain fields or archaic.
Based on frequency analyses of English words, such as those derived from corpora like the Corpus of Contemporary American English (COCA) or word frequency lists, we can estimate:

Common and Moderately Common Words: These are likely to constitute around 25-30% of all five-letter words. This estimation includes words that are regularly encountered in daily conversations, media, and general writing.
Given that the Scrabble dictionary lists approximately 8,996 five-letter words:

Common and Moderately Common Words: About 25-30% of 8,996
25% of 8,996 ≈ 2,249
30% of 8,996 ≈ 2,699
Therefore, around 2,200 to 2,700 five-letter words would be considered not obscure, meaning they are reasonably familiar to a majority of English speakers. This is a rough estimate and can vary depending on the specific criteria for what is considered "not obscure."

I asked this as the game seems to provide words that are well known to everyone.  I suppose the game designers have 3 choices if they want to continue the game indefinitely...

1. start introducing the odd obscure word occasionally to mix up obscure and non obscure words

2.  When it runs out of common words move onto obscure ones

3.  When it runs out of common words, start again.

As it appears to be approaching half-way with common 5 letter words it would probably need to start including some obscure words now if it wants to go for option 1.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on May 20, 2024, 03:23:39 PM
Plural forms are rare as well, at least I have not seen any unless plural and single form are the same. That probably affects the number as well?
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on May 20, 2024, 04:21:47 PM
Don't think plurals are used in Wordle or the scrabble dictionary as far as I'm aware
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on May 20, 2024, 04:28:02 PM
No! I'm wrong plurals are included in the scrabble dictionary so that brings the number of common 5 letter words down to between approximately 1350 and 1800 (chat estimates that between 20 - 25% of them are plural ) - game is nearly done!
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on May 21, 2024, 06:58:28 AM
Wordle 1,067 4/6


Going nowhere for 10 mins.. guess 3 opened the door
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on May 21, 2024, 07:16:29 AM
About a minute

Wordle 1.067 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on May 21, 2024, 09:41:24 AM
Wordle 1,067 4/6*


Tough one, about an hour on and off.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on May 21, 2024, 11:13:40 AM
Wordle 1,067 4/6


Fifteen minutes. Struggled.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on May 21, 2024, 04:41:06 PM
Head was distracted as I started this. That led to errors on lines 2, 3 and 4. Finally got my act together for line 5. 10 minutes

Wordle 1,067 6/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on May 21, 2024, 08:03:40 PM
Wordle 1,067 4/6*


3 minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on May 22, 2024, 12:08:25 AM
Wordle 1,068 4/6


4 mins.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on May 22, 2024, 05:20:05 AM
about 5 mins.
Great word.
Wordle 1.068 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on May 22, 2024, 07:07:22 AM
Wordle 1,068 4/6


5 mins
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on May 22, 2024, 10:58:44 AM
Was shocked when line 5 didn't turn completely green - especially after spending 10 minutes working on it!

Wordle 1,068 6/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on May 22, 2024, 11:02:12 AM
Wordle 1,068 4/6


Five minutes. Same reaction as Dom for my line three.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on May 22, 2024, 11:16:28 AM
Wordle 1,068 4/6*


About 5 minutes or so. Most of it spent on line 4.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on May 23, 2024, 12:05:36 AM
Wordle 1,069 3/6*


Three mins. Didn't think the third word was going to be the solution.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on May 23, 2024, 07:04:04 AM
Wordle 1,069 4/6

5 mins.. 3rd guess helped but not immediately apparent...
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on May 23, 2024, 08:51:18 AM
Couple of minutes, didn't think it would stick

Wordle 1.069 5/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on May 23, 2024, 11:22:29 AM
Wordle 1,069 3/6


Ninety seconds. Surprised that this was correct. Even more surprised that none of us has got this in one so far.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on May 23, 2024, 12:03:30 PM
5 mins

Wordle 1,069 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on May 24, 2024, 06:11:19 AM
3 minutes, brain wasn't working yet.
Wordle 1.070 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on May 24, 2024, 06:36:01 AM
Wordle 1,070 4/6


Couple of mins
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on May 24, 2024, 09:33:07 AM
Should have done better after that start. The mess on line 2 didn't help. Couple of minutes

Wordle 1,070 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on May 24, 2024, 10:54:03 AM
Wordle 1,070 3/6*


Interesting one, five minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on May 24, 2024, 11:01:57 AM
Wordle 1,070 5/6


Five minutes. Feel I should have seen this quicker.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on May 25, 2024, 01:14:35 AM
Wordle 1,071 3/6


Six minutes. Five of those on line three. Just couldn't see it.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on May 25, 2024, 06:00:54 AM
That was a very lucky guess on line 3 there. Couldn't honestly think of a else excpet for 2 that I know have been used before.

Wordle 1.071 3/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on May 25, 2024, 06:37:12 AM
Wordle 1,071 4/6


3 mins...
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on May 25, 2024, 09:19:42 AM
Wordle 1,071 3/6*


Two mins. Again, I didn't expect the third word to be the solution.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on May 25, 2024, 08:03:37 PM
Spent 3 or 4 mins on line 3

Wordle 1,071 3/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on May 26, 2024, 12:20:43 AM
Wordle 1,072 5/6*


Two mins.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on May 26, 2024, 01:56:46 AM
Wordle 1,072 5/6


Five minutes. Felt quite difficult.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on May 26, 2024, 05:49:01 AM
That was the very first thing that I thought of for line 3 and I just put it in.
30 seconds  8)
Wordle 1.072 3/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on May 26, 2024, 06:39:16 AM
Wordle 1,072 4/6


5 mins
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on May 26, 2024, 10:57:58 AM
Tough one, had to look up the meaning.
5 minutes

Wordle 1,072 5/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on May 27, 2024, 12:06:01 AM
Wordle 1,073 5/6*


Should have gone through all the options for the third word. It's a bit more obvious than the two I tried first. Three minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on May 27, 2024, 01:25:35 AM
Wordle 1,073 6/6


Twenty one minutes. Stinker.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on May 27, 2024, 05:56:07 AM
That folded out nicely over 2 minutes.
Wordle 1.073 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on May 27, 2024, 06:53:49 AM
Wordle 1,073 4/6

2 mins
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on May 27, 2024, 03:06:09 PM
Must do better! Approx 5 minutes
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on May 28, 2024, 12:22:52 AM
Wordle 1,074 3/6*


Took about 10 minutes. Interesting one.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on May 28, 2024, 05:18:30 AM
Wordle 1,074 4/6


About 10 mins.. 9 mins on guess 3...
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on May 28, 2024, 08:17:31 AM
about 2 minutes.
Wordle 1,074 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on May 28, 2024, 11:12:19 AM
Struggled with that!

So much so that line 3 wasn't a mistake, just couldn't think of anything else

Wordle 1,074 5/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on May 28, 2024, 01:21:50 PM
Wordle 1,074 5/6


About ten minutes. I'd kind of figured out the last four letters but my mind was pronouncing it incorrectly. Took the penny a while to drop.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on May 28, 2024, 11:07:26 PM
Wordle 1,074 6/6*


Just in time. Shame my palindromic entry on line 5 wasn't the answer. Thought I was being clever with that.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on May 29, 2024, 08:14:33 AM
Wordle 1,075 4/6


10 mins.. 3rd guess which I wasn't sure was a word helped..
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on May 29, 2024, 09:11:02 AM
Wordle 1,075 4/6*


Good one, about seven minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on May 29, 2024, 09:55:35 AM
Wordle 1,075 3/6


Hmmm! Why did she pick that word today? Six minutes. Should have been quicker I suppose.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on May 29, 2024, 12:18:54 PM
Long think, started this morning. On and off about 15 mins but it paid off.
Wordle 1,075 3/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on May 29, 2024, 02:51:02 PM
Really tough! 30 mins over 2 sessions

Wordle 1,075 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on May 30, 2024, 12:43:27 AM
Wordle 1,076 4/6*


Four mins. Been a while since I drew a blank on the first two rows.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on May 30, 2024, 07:11:48 AM
5 mins

Wordle 1,076 5/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on May 30, 2024, 08:30:59 AM
2 blank starters.. Took a couple of minutes after that.

Wordle 1.076 5/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on May 30, 2024, 08:45:13 AM
Wordle 1,076 X/6


30 secs to fail....
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on May 30, 2024, 10:03:03 AM
Wordle 1,076 6/6


Panicky one. Shocking start. Six minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on May 31, 2024, 06:05:57 AM
Wordle 1.077 2/6


Happy and sad at the same time. This is one of my favourite openers but I decided to use another one today (why??).

Anyway, 5 seconds.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on May 31, 2024, 06:51:47 AM
Wordle 1,077 4/6


2 mins
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on May 31, 2024, 10:15:43 AM
Wordle 1,077 5/6


Four minutes.

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on May 31, 2024, 10:18:23 AM
Quote from: Thenop on May 31, 2024, 06:05:57 AMWordle 1.077 2/6


Happy and sad at the same time. This is one of my favourite openers but I decided to use another one today (why??).

Anyway, 5 seconds.

I feel your pain. I mean, five seconds? Embarrassing! 😂
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on May 31, 2024, 12:32:06 PM
Beginning to panic there - about 10 minutes

Wordle 1,077 6/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on June 01, 2024, 12:12:01 AM
Wordle 1,078 4/6*


About four minutes. I knew my third go was a bad idea.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on June 01, 2024, 12:58:09 AM
Wordle 1,078 4/6


About eight minutes. Hate that middle letter start. Can't get a line two for far too long when that happens.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on June 01, 2024, 05:49:33 AM
Minute and a half, second line helped a lot

Wordle 1.078 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on June 01, 2024, 08:37:05 AM
Wordle 1,078 5/6


5 mins
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on June 01, 2024, 03:22:07 PM
About 5 mins

Wordle 1,078 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on June 02, 2024, 01:14:42 AM
Wordle 1,079 3/6


Two minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on June 02, 2024, 05:58:31 AM
two minutes
Wordle 1.079 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on June 02, 2024, 08:12:20 AM
Wordle 1,079 4/6


2 mins
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on June 02, 2024, 10:09:49 AM
5 mins

Wordle 1,079 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on June 02, 2024, 10:16:42 AM
Wordle 1,079 3/6*


Took me so long to find a second word to fit that I was genuinely indignant when it didn't come up all green. About 15 mins in total.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on June 03, 2024, 05:50:20 AM
Wordle 1.080 3/6


30 secs just going though the motions
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on June 03, 2024, 08:45:30 AM
Wordle 1,080 4/6

About a minute.. chose the wrong option for 3
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on June 03, 2024, 09:16:40 AM
Wordle 1,080 4/6*


Seven seconds, but I thought I'd got it in two.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on June 03, 2024, 11:47:45 AM
Wordle 1,080 5/6


Three minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on June 03, 2024, 09:49:14 PM
One minute

Wordle 1,080 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on June 04, 2024, 12:16:23 AM
Wordle 1,081 5/6*


Five minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on June 04, 2024, 07:36:01 AM
About 3 minutes
Wordle 1.081 5/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on June 04, 2024, 08:01:23 AM
Wordle 1,081 5/6


1 mins
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on June 04, 2024, 11:14:38 AM
Wordle 1,081 4/6


Two minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on June 04, 2024, 02:17:20 PM
2 minutes

Wordle 1,081 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on June 04, 2024, 06:41:12 PM
Wordle 1,081 5/6*


Wow. Missed a few days and back with a bit of a struggle!
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on June 05, 2024, 07:52:57 AM
Wordle 1,082 6/6


10 mins.. tricky..Chasing 2 letters around for 5 mins
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on June 05, 2024, 10:20:02 AM
Wordle 1,082 4/6*


About three minutes. Three greens and two yellows on the third go; in that circumstance the site might as well autofill the next line for you.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on June 05, 2024, 10:30:37 AM
Spent 10 mins on it this morning and ran out of time. Came back to it just  now and after another 5 was sure line 4 was going to be correct.  Worked out the actual answer pretty quickly after that

Wordle 1,082 5/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on June 05, 2024, 10:53:03 AM
Wordle 1,082 3/6


That was better today. One minute.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on June 05, 2024, 11:47:42 AM
Stupid mistake on line, 30 seconds

Wordle 1,082 3/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on June 05, 2024, 05:34:57 PM
Wordle 1,082 5/6*


Another 5 goes, and in about 5 minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on June 06, 2024, 06:55:11 AM
Good one, about 90 secs
Wordle 1,083 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on June 06, 2024, 08:38:27 AM
Wordle 1,083 3/6


Yep 90 secs...
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on June 06, 2024, 09:52:21 AM
5 mins. Was sure I had it on line 4

Wordle 1,083 5/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on June 06, 2024, 09:59:25 AM
Wordle 1,083 4/6*


About 12 minutes I think. Quite diverting.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on June 06, 2024, 11:00:21 AM
Wordle 1,083 4/6


Two minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on June 07, 2024, 05:50:54 AM
very quick, 40 secs I think courtesy of a helpful opener.
Wordle 1.084 3/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on June 07, 2024, 08:13:28 AM
Wordle 1,084 4/6*


About 90 seconds.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on June 07, 2024, 08:25:02 AM
Wordle 1,084 3/6

Going nowhere .  Random 3rd guess came up

2 mins
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on June 07, 2024, 10:35:50 AM
Wordle 1,084 4/6


I think I've solved a previous one reversing lines three and four. Three minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on June 07, 2024, 11:33:45 AM
Quote from: The Picnic Wasp on June 07, 2024, 10:35:50 AMWordle 1,084 4/6


I think I've solved a previous one reversing lines three and four. Three minutes.

I see you had the same situation I had earlier in the week, with the solution completely implicit from the previous line.

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on June 07, 2024, 12:18:40 PM
5 mins, the error looks like it helped but it really didn't.

Wordle 1,084 6/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on June 08, 2024, 12:12:51 AM
Wordle 1,085 3/6


One minute.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on June 08, 2024, 12:46:04 AM
Wordle 1,085 5/6*


I think I was lucky on the third go. But unlucky on the fourth.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on June 08, 2024, 05:54:33 AM
That was not easy at all. 5 minutes.
Wordle 1.085 6/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on June 08, 2024, 08:41:14 AM
Wordle 1,085 5/6


15 mins tricky
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on June 08, 2024, 09:34:59 AM
3 minutes, got lucky with my 4th guess

Wordle 1,085 5/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on June 08, 2024, 05:13:37 PM
Wordle 1,085 4/6*


That was tough, even with 4 yellows! 10 minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on June 09, 2024, 12:01:55 AM
Wordle 1,086 3/6


30 secs
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on June 09, 2024, 12:41:19 AM
Wordle 1,086 3/6


One minute.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on June 09, 2024, 05:53:29 AM
A minute, that unfolded nicely
Wordle 1.086 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on June 09, 2024, 10:20:48 AM
Wordle 1,086 6/6*


Three minutes. Too many options.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on June 09, 2024, 03:03:19 PM
5 minutes

Wordle 1,086 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on June 10, 2024, 12:05:44 AM
Wordle 1,087 6/6*


Nick of time, again. Interesting one, about three minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on June 10, 2024, 06:43:10 AM
What a fantastic word! Took me about 5 minutes to figure it out.
Wordle 1.087 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on June 10, 2024, 08:44:49 AM
Wordle 1,087 6/6


10 mins.. most of it going nowhere..
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on June 10, 2024, 10:07:26 AM
Wordle 1,087 X/6


Get lost! Who's she kidding? Six minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on June 10, 2024, 03:00:34 PM
Tough one, was about to put the wrong word in line 5 when I spotted that I had already used the last unknown letter. 5 minutes

Wordle 1,087 5/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on June 10, 2024, 08:29:14 PM
Wordle 1,087 6/6*


That was close.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on June 10, 2024, 09:27:01 PM
I can't believe you all got that word.🤬
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on June 11, 2024, 12:29:42 AM
Wordle 1,088 4/6*


About 90 secs.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on June 11, 2024, 12:33:17 AM
Wordle 1,088 3/6


Two minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on June 11, 2024, 05:52:53 AM
Minute and a half
Wordle 1.088 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on June 11, 2024, 10:32:50 AM
Wordle 1,088 5/6


4 mins
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on June 11, 2024, 12:35:18 PM
Spent a while on line 5. Probably 5 mins in total

Wordle 1,088 5/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on June 11, 2024, 10:26:51 PM
Wordle 1,088 4/6*


Had to really think about that one. About 5 minutes overall.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on June 12, 2024, 12:35:19 AM
Wordle 1,089 6/6*


Four minutes. Annoying one.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on June 12, 2024, 04:44:44 AM
Wordle 1,089 5/6


4 mins
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on June 12, 2024, 06:49:57 AM
2 minutes, too many options
Wordle 1.089 5/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on June 12, 2024, 08:52:14 AM
Wordle 1,089 4/6


Frustratingly two minutes. Should have been just a few seconds but my mind pronunciation tricked me.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on June 12, 2024, 04:02:57 PM
7 minutes, nearly all on line 3

Wordle 1,089 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on June 13, 2024, 12:53:52 AM
Wordle 1,090 4/6


I think that's the first time I've had four yellows on consecutive lines. Two minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on June 13, 2024, 06:31:28 AM
A minute, means the same in Dutch.
Wordle 1.090 3/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on June 13, 2024, 08:37:29 AM
Wordle 1,090 4/6


10 mins.. just couldn't think...
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on June 13, 2024, 09:03:03 AM
Wordle 1,090 3/6*


Pretty quick one, a minute. Didn't really like to use that second word because ..

Sorry but you are not allowed to view spoiler contents.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on June 13, 2024, 12:50:49 PM
Pretty horrible - got to line 5 and became obvious. Error helped that time

15 minutes

Wordle 1,090 6/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on June 13, 2024, 01:00:12 PM
Sorry but you are not allowed to view spoiler contents.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on June 14, 2024, 12:08:28 AM
Wordle 1,091 5/6


Five minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on June 14, 2024, 12:23:47 AM
Wordle 1,091 5/6*


I was sure I'd got it on the fourth go. Five mins.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on June 14, 2024, 06:17:47 AM
Wordle 1,091 4/6


90 secs
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on June 14, 2024, 06:50:18 AM
3 minutes
Wordle 1.091 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on June 14, 2024, 10:17:15 AM
Huge stroke of luck there after a poor start. 90 seconds

Wordle 1,091 3/6


I'm now on my longest streak of 101 games. What is everyone else's longest?
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on June 15, 2024, 01:11:07 AM
Wordle 1,092 3/6


Forty five seconds.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on June 15, 2024, 04:32:41 AM
Wordle 1,092 4/6

3 mins
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on June 15, 2024, 06:03:14 AM
2 mins,
Wordle 1.092 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on June 15, 2024, 09:14:15 AM
Wordle 1,092 3/6*


40 secs.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on June 15, 2024, 09:14:42 AM
30 seconds

Wordle 1,092 2/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on June 16, 2024, 12:04:45 AM
Wordle 1,093 4/6*


Another quick one, 90 seconds
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on June 16, 2024, 12:06:22 AM
Wordle 1,093 3/6


Likewise, ninety seconds.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on June 16, 2024, 05:59:08 AM
90 secs
Wordle 1.093 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on June 16, 2024, 08:55:18 AM
Just under a minute

Wordle 1,093 3/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on June 16, 2024, 08:58:49 AM
Wordle 1,093 4/6


About a minute
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on June 16, 2024, 11:41:31 AM
Those are ridiculously quick results.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on June 16, 2024, 02:01:00 PM
Seem to be on a really good run at the moment.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on June 17, 2024, 06:03:03 AM
That was a very good guess on line 3. A minute.
Wordle 1.094 3/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on June 17, 2024, 06:31:58 AM
Wordle 1,094 3/6


15 mins... just couldn't think
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on June 17, 2024, 09:15:31 AM
Wordle 1,094 3/6


One minute. Line two was a legit attempt but I didn't think it could ever be the solution.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on June 17, 2024, 09:59:34 AM
Wordle 1,094 3/6*


Very quick, 15-20 seconds. Useful second word.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on June 17, 2024, 10:00:37 AM
Quote from: The Picnic Wasp on June 17, 2024, 09:15:31 AMWordle 1,094 3/6


One minute. Line two was a legit attempt but I didn't think it could ever be the solution.
Sorry but you are not allowed to view spoiler contents.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on June 17, 2024, 01:07:13 PM
A minute

Wordle 1,094 3/6


Been on such a run recently that for a second I thought that line 2 was going to go all green!
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on June 18, 2024, 12:12:36 AM
Wordle 1,095 5/6


Three minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on June 18, 2024, 12:30:26 AM
Wordle 1,095 6/6*


Oh dear. Four minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on June 18, 2024, 06:00:46 AM
90 secs
Wordle 1.095 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on June 18, 2024, 08:20:35 AM
Wordle 1,095 5/6


10 mins...
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on June 18, 2024, 02:30:35 PM
About 3 minutes

Wordle 1,095 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on June 18, 2024, 03:24:05 PM
Wordle 1,095 2/6*


Once again I have missed a day or 2, but back with a bang!
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on June 18, 2024, 05:27:59 PM
Quote from: R6GYY on June 18, 2024, 03:24:05 PMWordle 1,095 2/6*


Once again I have missed a day or 2, but back with a bang!

I'd almost say With a Vengeance
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on June 19, 2024, 12:15:09 AM
Wordle 1,096 2/6*


3 mins, not had it in two for a while.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on June 19, 2024, 06:11:10 AM
About 3 minutes.
Wordle 1.096 3/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on June 19, 2024, 08:13:19 AM
Wordle 1,096 5/6

5 mins.. stupid re-use of wrong placed letter on 3rd guess
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on June 19, 2024, 09:22:13 AM
Wordle 1,096 2/6


Great start. One minute.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on June 19, 2024, 10:57:03 AM
2 minutes, most on line 4

Wordle 1,096 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on June 19, 2024, 10:15:39 PM
Wordle 1,096 4/6*


Wow, tough start. Not long though, couple of minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on June 20, 2024, 01:03:42 AM
Wordle 1,097 3/6


Two minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on June 20, 2024, 03:03:33 AM
Wordle 1,097 5/6*


Three minutes, intriguing one.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on June 20, 2024, 06:00:17 AM
Took me 2 minutes to think of line 2. Luckily is was the right answer!
Wordle 1.097 2/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on June 20, 2024, 08:24:12 AM
Wordle 1,097 2/6


4 mins.. 3 of them on guess 2
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on June 20, 2024, 10:31:16 AM
3 minutes most on line 3

Wordle 1,097 3/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on June 20, 2024, 11:33:14 AM
Wordle 1,097 4/6*


Ah, a few minutes and a silly mistake along the way.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on June 21, 2024, 12:40:09 AM
Wordle 1,098 2/6*


Wow, 6 or 7 seconds.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on June 21, 2024, 06:09:11 AM
Yes, very quick.
2 days in 2 rows, nice.

 Wordle 1.098 2/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on June 21, 2024, 08:23:29 AM
10 secs.. lucky 2nd guess
Wordle 1,098 2/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on June 21, 2024, 09:25:50 AM
Wordle 1,098 3/6


A shameful two minutes. 1:59 on line two and 0.01 on line three.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on June 21, 2024, 10:16:23 AM
About the same - perhaps 15 seconds on line 3

Wordle 1,098 3/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on June 22, 2024, 12:26:16 AM
2 minutes

Wordle 1,099 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on June 22, 2024, 01:33:51 AM
Wordle 1,099 4/6*


Four minutes
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on June 22, 2024, 06:14:31 AM
That took the whole of breakfast, mainly on line 4.
Wordle 1.099 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on June 22, 2024, 08:22:48 AM
Wordle 1,099 4/6


10 mins.. stupid re-use of wrong placed letter again on line 3
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on June 22, 2024, 10:48:49 AM
Wordle 1,099 2/6


Two minutes, all spent on line two as I couldn't think of anything to fit. Bizarrely lucky that it all went green.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on June 23, 2024, 12:50:09 AM
Wordle 1,100 4/6


My least favourite start. I'd prefer no greens. Five minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on June 23, 2024, 01:03:30 AM
Wordle 1,100 5/6*


Tougher one than usual, about 12 mins.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on June 23, 2024, 05:56:07 AM
30 seconds, courtesy of a very helpful opener
Wordle 1.100 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on June 23, 2024, 08:21:51 AM
Wordle 1,100 4/6


10 mins
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on June 23, 2024, 08:33:26 AM
Despite line 2 handing it to line 3 on a plate it still took a couple of minutes, 3 in total

Wordle 1,100 3/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on June 24, 2024, 12:14:56 AM
Wordle 1,101 6/6*


Three minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on June 24, 2024, 12:52:21 AM
Wordle 1,101 4/6


Three minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on June 24, 2024, 05:57:58 AM
Minute and a half
Wordle 1.101 5/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on June 24, 2024, 08:22:04 AM
Wordle 1,101 4/6


Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on June 24, 2024, 10:28:42 AM
5 mins too

Wordle 1,101 5/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on June 25, 2024, 06:06:42 AM
A minute
Wordle 1.102 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on June 25, 2024, 07:51:08 AM
7 minutes, despite the good start

Wordle 1,102 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on June 25, 2024, 08:13:02 AM
Wordle 1,102 4/6


10 mins.. tricky
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on June 25, 2024, 10:30:31 AM
About 45 mins on and off. Started it after midnight, finished it just now.

Wordle 1,102 2/6*


Sorry but you are not allowed to view spoiler contents.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on June 25, 2024, 10:34:34 AM
Quote from: Slim on June 25, 2024, 10:30:31 AMAbout 45 mins on and off. Started it after midnight, finished it just now.

Wordle 1,102 2/6*


Sorry but you are not allowed to view spoiler contents.

Sorry but you are not allowed to view spoiler contents.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on June 25, 2024, 10:44:26 AM
Wordle 1,102 3/6


One minute. Great second line and letter positioning let me knock out most of the options.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on June 26, 2024, 05:41:22 AM
4 minutes. Stroke of luck on line 3 with the letter out of place.
Wordle 1.103 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on June 26, 2024, 08:12:54 AM
Wordle 1,103 4/6


Three minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on June 26, 2024, 08:49:11 AM
Wordle 1,103 4/6


15 mins...
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on June 26, 2024, 10:53:09 AM
Wordle 1,103 4/6*


That one took about half an hour!
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on June 26, 2024, 10:59:38 AM
Guess 3 was inspired - if I do say so myself - 5 minutes

Wordle 1,103 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on June 27, 2024, 05:56:17 AM
just under a minute
Wordle 1.104 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on June 27, 2024, 08:12:26 AM
Wordle 1,104 3/6


90 secs.. going nowhere.. very lucky 3rd guess..
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on June 27, 2024, 11:24:03 AM
Wordle 1,104 4/6*


Three minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on June 27, 2024, 01:43:22 PM
Wordle 1,104 4/6


Four minutes. Struggled even after line three with this COVID  addled mind.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on June 27, 2024, 09:43:19 PM
Stupid mistake on line 2 rectified with a great guess on 3

7 minutes

Wordle 1,104 3/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on June 28, 2024, 12:05:36 AM
Wordle 1,105 3/6*


A minute, very handy second word.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on June 28, 2024, 05:47:49 AM
30 seconds
Wordle 1.105 3/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on June 28, 2024, 08:30:26 AM
5 minutes

Wordle 1,105 5/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on June 28, 2024, 08:46:30 AM
Wordle 1,105 6/6


Ah alternate hell... 3 mins
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on June 28, 2024, 12:09:23 PM
Wordle 1,105 4/6


One minute, some chicken soup and back to bed to worry about this new variant and its seven day danger period thing. Roll on next Tuesday or hopefully better before then.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on June 29, 2024, 06:09:39 AM
Under a minute, what a great word.
Wordle 1.106 3/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on June 29, 2024, 08:01:54 AM
3 minutes, 2 of which were on 3rd line

Wordle 1,106 3/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on June 29, 2024, 08:20:30 AM
Wordle 1,106 4/6


5 mins
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on June 29, 2024, 11:42:27 AM
Wordle 1,106 4/6


Four minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on June 29, 2024, 05:08:20 PM
Wordle 1,106 4/6*


Tough one, 15 mins
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on June 30, 2024, 05:47:02 AM
By far the weirdest one I have done. 3 lines of nothing, then 4 in line and next it's all over. In a minute. This is going to be a strange day, I can feel it.
Wordle 1.107 5/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on June 30, 2024, 08:08:09 AM
Wordle 1,107 5/6


A minute...
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on June 30, 2024, 09:01:09 AM
Wordle 1,107 4/6


Two minutes. Happy to get those first and last letters, although there wasn't a lot left to go for.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on June 30, 2024, 09:01:51 AM
Wordle 1,107 4/6


4 minutes
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on June 30, 2024, 11:01:55 AM
Wordle 1,107 4/6*


Quick one. Slim pickings on the first two lines. Two minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on July 01, 2024, 06:13:29 AM
5 mins. Not easy of you miss out on the right letters...
Wordle 1.108 5/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on July 01, 2024, 08:12:36 AM
Wordle 1,108 3/6*


2 mins, good one.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on July 01, 2024, 08:40:46 AM
Wordle 1,108 5/6


2 mins.. nice pattern...
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on July 01, 2024, 11:25:03 AM
Wordle 1,108 5/6


Two minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on July 01, 2024, 12:07:32 PM
Found that tough 25 mins - 20 on line 4

Wordle 1,108 5/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on July 02, 2024, 08:14:00 AM
Wordle 1,109 5/6


15 mins.. tricky one...
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on July 02, 2024, 08:54:26 AM
7 minutes

Wordle 1,109 5/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on July 02, 2024, 11:11:59 AM
Wordle 1,109 4/6


A struggle. Mistake on line three. Ten minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on July 02, 2024, 11:13:43 AM
About 5 minutes it took forever to get line 3

Wordle 1,109 3/6


Sorry but you are not allowed to view spoiler contents.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on July 02, 2024, 04:27:56 PM
Quote from: Thenop on July 02, 2024, 11:13:43 AMAbout 5 minutes it took forever to get line 3

Wordle 1,109 3/6


Sorry but you are not allowed to view spoiler contents.

I tried that too!
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on July 02, 2024, 11:58:43 PM
I failed completely. Spent about 20 minutes on it this morning. Spent 15 on it just now. Was very pleased to come up with the third word after about ten minutes; alas it didn't get me any closer - even with four yellows.

Sorry but you are not allowed to view spoiler contents.

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on July 03, 2024, 12:10:48 AM
By contrast: a minute.

Wordle 1,110 4/6*

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on July 03, 2024, 08:20:19 AM
Wordle 1,110 3/6


30 secs.. very fortunate 2nd guess
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on July 03, 2024, 09:31:59 AM
Tough one again. 15 mins nearly all on line 4

Wordle 1,110 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on July 03, 2024, 09:59:30 AM
A minute or 2, took me 5 tries though
Wordle 1,110 5/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on July 03, 2024, 11:05:00 AM
Wordle 1,110 4/6


Four minutes. Decent start but most of the time on line four.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on July 04, 2024, 12:14:35 AM
Wordle 1,111 3/6*


Two minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on July 04, 2024, 08:45:21 AM
Wordle 1,111 4/6


12 mins.. stupid re-use of wrong placed letter on 3rd guess.. idiot..
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on July 04, 2024, 08:57:11 AM
Minute and a half, no thanks to the stupid mistake on line 2.
Wordle 1,111 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on July 04, 2024, 10:23:36 AM
Really struggled with that! Another 20 minutes, most on line 5

Wordle 1,111 5/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on July 04, 2024, 10:32:08 AM
Wordle 1,111 5/6


Seven minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on July 05, 2024, 12:18:21 AM
Wordle 1,112 3/6*


About a minute. Weirdly the solution word was on my mind a few minutes before I started.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on July 05, 2024, 04:59:14 AM
30 secs, helped by a decent opener.
Wordle 1.112 3/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on July 05, 2024, 08:40:53 AM
Wordle 1,112 4/6


About a minute
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on July 05, 2024, 10:09:57 AM
Wordle 1,112 3/6


Ninety seconds.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on July 05, 2024, 07:19:24 PM
Slowly slowly catchy monkey. Was convinced I had it on the 5th go. Better late than never..

Only 2 minutes

Wordle 1,112 6/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on July 06, 2024, 12:53:24 AM
Wordle 1,113 5/6


Seven minutes. Bit of a struggle.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on July 06, 2024, 01:06:06 AM
Wordle 1,113 5/6*


Three mins.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on July 06, 2024, 06:01:46 AM
hmm, I think I like humble beginnings better
Wordle 1.113 5/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on July 06, 2024, 07:34:02 AM
Wordle 1,113 5/6


A minute
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on July 06, 2024, 07:52:07 AM
5 minutes

Wordle 1,113 5/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on July 06, 2024, 05:55:59 PM
Wordle 1,113 3/6*


Sorry I haven't played for quite a while. Shaky start but good 3rd line  :D
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on July 07, 2024, 06:00:43 AM
90 secs
Wordle 1.114 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on July 07, 2024, 08:21:43 AM
30 seconds, nice second guess

Wordle 1,114 3/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on July 07, 2024, 08:51:14 AM
Wordle 1,114 4/6


90 secs
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on July 07, 2024, 11:22:24 AM
Wordle 1,114 4/6


One minute. Picked the wrong one of two on line three.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on July 07, 2024, 12:11:58 PM
Wordle 1,114 4/6*


Ooh that was a bugger. Took two 15 minute shifts.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on July 08, 2024, 12:07:29 AM
Wordle 1,115 3/6


Good start. Forty five seconds.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on July 08, 2024, 01:06:59 AM
Wordle 1,115 3/6*


Forty seconds or so. I always think the site software should be smart enough to move that yellow on the second word to another green.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on July 08, 2024, 05:57:30 AM
90 secs chasing options
Wordle 1.115 5/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on July 08, 2024, 08:36:43 AM
Wordle 1,115 3/6


15 secs..
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on July 08, 2024, 10:54:49 AM
2 minutes, little disappointed after the strong start

Wordle 1,115 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on July 09, 2024, 07:59:16 AM
Wordle 1,116 X/6


40 secs of failure...
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on July 09, 2024, 08:47:54 AM
Wordle 1,116 5/6*


About a minute.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on July 09, 2024, 09:46:23 AM
Wordle 1,116 4/6


One minute.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on July 09, 2024, 11:17:38 AM
Still took me a minute but f*ck me, my heart stopped for a second there.
Wordle 1,116 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on July 09, 2024, 01:20:32 PM
Wordle 1,116 5/6*


Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on July 09, 2024, 02:30:20 PM
7 mins 2 on line 3 4 on line 4

Wordle 1,116 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on July 10, 2024, 08:22:08 AM
Wordle 1,117 6/6


Just made it! Three minutes. I wasn't sure that line four was even a word so strange choice.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on July 10, 2024, 10:07:13 AM
Wordle 1,117 4/6


A minute
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on July 10, 2024, 10:48:43 AM
Wordle 1,117 3/6*


Two minutes. Two choices came into my head for the third word and fortunately, I went with the right one.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on July 10, 2024, 10:59:37 AM
Wordle 1,117 4/6*


About 5 minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on July 10, 2024, 11:03:34 AM
Took me long enough...
Wordle 1,117 6/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on July 10, 2024, 01:51:28 PM
Gods were shining on me today

30 seconds

Wordle 1,117 3/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on July 11, 2024, 08:41:35 AM
Wordle 1,118 6/6

🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩  Just.. about 7 mins
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on July 11, 2024, 09:56:12 AM
About a minute, great word!
Wordle 1.118 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on July 11, 2024, 10:54:22 AM
Wordle 1,118 4/6


Two minutes. I thought this had been a solution previously. Maybe not.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on July 11, 2024, 11:22:35 AM
Wordle 1,118 4/6


About 6 minutes most on lines 3 and 4
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on July 11, 2024, 11:23:41 AM
Quote from: The Picnic Wasp on July 11, 2024, 10:54:22 AMWordle 1,118 4/6


Two minutes. I thought this had been a solution previously. Maybe not.

Do you remember previous solutions? Don't think my head retains them at all
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on July 11, 2024, 12:41:59 PM
Quote from: dom on July 11, 2024, 11:23:41 AM
Quote from: The Picnic Wasp on July 11, 2024, 10:54:22 AMWordle 1,118 4/6


Two minutes. I thought this had been a solution previously. Maybe not.

Do you remember previous solutions? Don't think my head retains them at all

No, I can't even remember solutions from the day before, but this rang a bell somehow. I'll look it up. I'm probably wrong.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on July 11, 2024, 12:43:42 PM
Quote from: The Picnic Wasp on July 11, 2024, 12:41:59 PM
Quote from: dom on July 11, 2024, 11:23:41 AM
Quote from: The Picnic Wasp on July 11, 2024, 10:54:22 AMWordle 1,118 4/6


Two minutes. I thought this had been a solution previously. Maybe not.

Do you remember previous solutions? Don't think my head retains them at all

No, I can't even remember solutions from the day before, but this rang a bell somehow. I'll look it up. I'm probably wrong.

Just checked. I'm wrong.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on July 11, 2024, 04:54:20 PM
Failure. I did two words then got stuck. I had two 30 minute sessions with it then just gave up and typed nonsense four times to see the answer.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on July 12, 2024, 12:06:12 AM
Two minutes:

Wordle 1,119 4/6*

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on July 12, 2024, 06:16:37 AM
Took me the whole of breakfast to figure this one out
Wordle 1.119 5/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on July 12, 2024, 08:34:31 AM
Wordle 1,119 3/6


2 mins.. most on lucky third guess..
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on July 12, 2024, 10:14:46 AM
Wordle 1,119 6/6


An ironic fifteen minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on July 12, 2024, 01:49:37 PM
Tough one! 20mins nearly all on line 3
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on July 13, 2024, 06:01:28 AM
Calculated guess going over words in my mind that would (not) fit.,
4 minutes.
Wordle 1.120 2/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on July 13, 2024, 07:47:50 AM
Wordle 1,120 4/6


1 minute
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on July 13, 2024, 09:51:15 AM
Wordle 1,120 3/6*


About 45 seconds.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on July 13, 2024, 10:58:56 AM
Wordle 1,120 4/6


Five minutes. Struggled to think of words today.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on July 13, 2024, 04:49:19 PM
8 minutes - was sure I had it on the 4th go

Wordle 1,120 5/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on July 14, 2024, 05:58:53 AM
10 secs
Wordle 1.121 2/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on July 14, 2024, 10:24:01 AM
3 minutes

Wordle 1,121 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on July 14, 2024, 11:04:07 AM
Wordle 1,121 4/6


Four minutes,
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on July 14, 2024, 11:06:07 AM
Wordle 1,121 4/6*


About half an hour! Terrible progress on the first three goes. What a joy when the solution came into my head.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on July 14, 2024, 04:30:38 PM
Wordle 1,121 5/6


That took ages
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on July 15, 2024, 05:59:06 AM
Shot in the dark on line 4..2 minutes
Wordle 1.122 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on July 15, 2024, 08:42:02 AM
Wordle 1,122 4/6


Couple of mins...
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on July 15, 2024, 10:30:07 AM
Wordle 1,122 3/6


Best in a while. Fifteen seconds.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on July 15, 2024, 10:49:53 AM
Wordle 1,122 4/6*


About a minute, 70 secs maybe.

Sorry but you are not allowed to view spoiler contents.

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on July 15, 2024, 12:47:17 PM
Good recovery after a poor start...

Wordle 1,122 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on July 16, 2024, 12:28:48 AM
Wordle 1,123 4/6*


Tough one, 15 mins.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on July 16, 2024, 08:09:51 AM
Wordle 1,123 4/6


90 secs..
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on July 16, 2024, 09:00:46 AM
About 2 minutes, mostly on line 3
Wordle 1.123 3/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on July 16, 2024, 11:10:02 AM
Wordle 1,123 6/6


Fifteen minutes. Had to enter a wrong letter deliberately on line five to get there.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on July 16, 2024, 11:42:43 AM
5 mins

Wordle 1,123 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on July 17, 2024, 08:23:29 AM
Wordle 1,124 2/6


10 secs
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on July 17, 2024, 08:38:46 AM
Wordle 1,124 3/6


Twenty five seconds.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on July 17, 2024, 09:44:50 AM
A minute
Wordle 1.124 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on July 17, 2024, 09:54:02 AM
Wordle 1,124 4/6*


About 20 minutes after midnight then I gave up. Then a minute this morning.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on July 17, 2024, 11:08:32 AM
Shocking mistake on line 5 - deserved to lose that really!

Wordle 1,124 6/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on July 18, 2024, 08:27:55 AM
Wordle 1,125 3/6*


Very quick one today, about 25 secs.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on July 18, 2024, 08:59:16 AM
Wordle 1,125 4/6


Tough one .. 20 mins...
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on July 18, 2024, 09:48:18 AM
about 2 minutes
Wordle 1.125 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on July 18, 2024, 10:19:28 AM
Wordle 1,125 4/6


Three minutes, but struggled to come up with anything for lines two and three.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on July 18, 2024, 12:36:28 PM
Slow burner...

5 minutes

Wordle 1,125 6/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on July 19, 2024, 05:52:10 AM
Took me a good 5 minutes to go ver all possibilities in my head before choosing the correct one
Wordle 1.126 3/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on July 19, 2024, 08:49:04 AM
Wordle 1,126 5/6


10 mins ..
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on July 19, 2024, 10:14:28 AM
Wordle 1,126 4/6*


About 20 minutes! Even with three in place it took me an age to see the solution.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on July 19, 2024, 10:38:00 AM
Wordle 1,126 4/6


A fortunate mistake on line three. Two minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on July 19, 2024, 01:27:07 PM
4 minutes

Wordle 1,126 5/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on July 20, 2024, 12:14:31 AM
Wordle 1,127 2/6*


That was rather perfunctory, 8 seconds.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on July 20, 2024, 01:17:38 AM
Wordle 1,127 5/6


Struggled with that. Fifteen minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on July 20, 2024, 05:48:32 AM
Nice build up, no yellows about a minute and a half
Wordle 1.127 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on July 20, 2024, 08:25:55 AM
Wordle 1,127 5/6


7 mins...
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on July 20, 2024, 05:47:42 PM
1 minute

Wordle 1,127 3/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on July 21, 2024, 01:00:38 AM

Wordle 1,128 4/6*


Quick, 40 seconds.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on July 21, 2024, 05:46:03 AM
a minute
Wordle 1.128 3/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on July 21, 2024, 08:27:46 AM
Wordle 1,128 3/6


4 mins
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on July 21, 2024, 09:40:26 AM
30 seconds

Wordle 1,128 3/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on July 22, 2024, 05:51:54 AM
5 seconds, just a random second line to follow the first.
Wordle 1.129 2/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on July 22, 2024, 08:15:32 AM
Wordle 1,129 4/6


90 secs
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on July 22, 2024, 11:23:34 AM
Wordle 1,129 5/6


Two minutes.

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on July 22, 2024, 11:32:34 AM
Wordle 1,129 4/6*


About six minutes, a decent challenge.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on July 22, 2024, 12:38:17 PM
5 minutes, 4.5 of them on line 4

Wordle 1,129 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on July 23, 2024, 08:08:42 AM
Wordle 1,130 4/6


4 mins...
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on July 23, 2024, 10:40:14 AM
Wordle 1,130 3/6*


Another quickie. Lucky with the second go. About 15 seconds.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on July 23, 2024, 11:21:58 AM
Wordle 1,130 6/6


An infuriating four minutes but lucky to get it as there were options remaining.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on July 23, 2024, 06:44:46 PM
Messy, 5 minutes

Wordle 1,130 5/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on July 24, 2024, 12:14:10 AM
Wordle 1,131 4/6*


Two minutes
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on July 24, 2024, 12:35:37 AM
Wordle 1,131 4/6


Four minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on July 24, 2024, 08:28:31 AM
Wordle 1,131 4/6


5 mins
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on July 24, 2024, 10:30:07 AM
About a minute

Wordle 1.131 3/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on July 24, 2024, 12:08:24 PM
10 mins, pleased with that!

Wordle 1,131 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on July 25, 2024, 12:06:07 AM
Wordle 1,132 3/6*


Very quick again, 40 seconds or so
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on July 25, 2024, 08:15:42 AM
Wordle 1,132 3/6


90 secs
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on July 25, 2024, 11:07:53 AM
2 mins with 2 stupid mistakes.
Wordle 1,132 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on July 25, 2024, 11:51:03 AM
Wordle 1,132 3/6


Nine minutes. Seven on line two.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on July 25, 2024, 05:40:53 PM
Nice! 20 seconds

Wordle 1,132 2/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on July 26, 2024, 12:36:48 AM
Wordle 1,133 3/6


Four minutes. Not many options left but lucky to pick the right one first time.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on July 26, 2024, 05:41:48 AM
Wordle 1,133 5/6


5 mins
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on July 26, 2024, 05:53:08 AM
That took a good 5 minutes of thinking on the last line
Wordle 1.133 5/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on July 26, 2024, 09:05:21 AM
Wordle 1,133 6/6*



25 minutes!
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on July 26, 2024, 04:28:39 PM

Wordle 1,133 X/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on July 27, 2024, 12:32:55 AM
Wordle 1,134 4/6*


Good one, two mins.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on July 27, 2024, 05:48:44 AM
Took me a bit, no yellows at all, that made if tricky. Managed though.
Wordle 1.134 5/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on July 27, 2024, 08:31:00 AM
Wordle 1,134 3/6


3 mins..
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on July 27, 2024, 11:21:09 AM
Wordle 1,134 4/6


Two minutes. The options list had me concerned.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on July 27, 2024, 03:56:54 PM
8 minutes, 7 on line 4

Wordle 1,134 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on July 28, 2024, 05:52:47 AM
That unfolded nicely over a minute or so
Wordle 1.135 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on July 28, 2024, 08:59:48 AM
Wordle 1,135 5/6


3 mins
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on July 28, 2024, 09:17:43 AM
Wordle 1,135 4/6*


About 70 seconds, I think.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on July 28, 2024, 11:14:48 AM
Wordle 1,135 3/6


Fifteen seconds. Pleasing guess on three.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on July 28, 2024, 03:40:15 PM
3 minutes

Wordle 1,135 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on July 29, 2024, 12:55:43 AM
Wordle 1,136 3/6


Forty five seconds.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on July 29, 2024, 05:45:59 AM
20 seconds
Wordle 1.136 2/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on July 29, 2024, 08:40:46 AM
Wordle 1,136 5/6


5 mins...
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on July 29, 2024, 10:03:37 AM
Wordle 1,136 3/6*


30 seconds.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on July 29, 2024, 11:33:29 AM
Missed out again...

Wordle 1,136 X/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on July 30, 2024, 01:02:34 AM
Wordle 1,137 3/6


About thirty minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on July 30, 2024, 04:58:15 AM
Wordle 1,137 3/6*


A minute.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on July 30, 2024, 08:08:59 AM
Wordle 1,137 4/6


90 secs
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on July 30, 2024, 11:25:54 AM
Took me a couple of minutes to come up with line 4
Wordle 1,137 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on July 30, 2024, 01:57:50 PM
Wordle 1,137 3/6


Deserved a bit of luck after the last few days!

Less than a minute
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on July 31, 2024, 05:07:23 AM
OK.. about 5 minutes.
Wordle 1.138 5/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on July 31, 2024, 05:42:51 AM
About 5 minutes

Wordle 1,138 5/6


Sorry but you are not allowed to view spoiler contents.

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on July 31, 2024, 08:30:40 AM
Wordle 1,138 5/6


10 mins
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on July 31, 2024, 10:32:58 AM
Wordle 1,138 5/6*


Two mins.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on July 31, 2024, 11:35:30 AM
Wordle 1,138 5/6


Tricky one. Three minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on August 01, 2024, 12:02:06 AM
Wordle 1,139 3/6*


Very quick, 25 seconds or so.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on August 01, 2024, 12:13:45 AM
Wordle 1,139 4/6


One minute. With beer and tick bite assistance.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on August 01, 2024, 05:29:38 AM
If anyone wants me to buy them some lottery tickets,today is the day.

Wordle 1.139 1/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on August 01, 2024, 08:38:55 AM
Wordle 1,139 3/6


45 secs.. 2nd guess did the trick...
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on August 01, 2024, 07:35:55 PM
Quote from: Thenop on August 01, 2024, 05:29:38 AMIf anyone wants me to buy them some lottery tickets,today is the day.

Wordle 1.139 1/6


Awesome... well done😀
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on August 01, 2024, 08:26:47 PM
Quote from: Thenop on August 01, 2024, 05:29:38 AMIf anyone wants me to buy them some lottery tickets,today is the day.

Wordle 1.139 1/6


Fantastic! I wondered if any of us would ever do it. Will it change you? 😂
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on August 01, 2024, 08:34:32 PM
Quote from: The Picnic Wasp on August 01, 2024, 08:26:47 PM
Quote from: Thenop on August 01, 2024, 05:29:38 AMIf anyone wants me to buy them some lottery tickets,today is the day.

Wordle 1.139 1/6


Fantastic! I wondered if any of us would ever do it. Will it change you? 😂

Sorry, who are you again? I like to keep with my Wordle ilk. I will move on nose firmly stuck in the air.
(and tomorrow I will fall flat on my face again as it should be)
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on August 01, 2024, 09:35:15 PM
Quote from: Thenop on August 01, 2024, 05:29:38 AMIf anyone wants me to buy them some lottery tickets,today is the day.

Wordle 1.139 1/6


Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on August 01, 2024, 09:41:33 PM
By the way my start word is ROAST. Just in case it comes up tomorrow, because I doubt anyone would believe me if it did. Statistically, and very roughly, there's something like a 20% chance that it will come up in the next 12 months.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on August 01, 2024, 09:54:11 PM
Wordle 1,139 3/6


About a minute

I change mine from day to day
"adieu" features reasonably often (not today!)
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on August 02, 2024, 05:27:21 AM
4 tries, should've really been three, in about 90 secs.
Wordle 1.140 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on August 02, 2024, 08:25:37 AM
Wordle 1,140 4/6


45 secs
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on August 02, 2024, 08:41:37 AM
Wordle 1,140 3/6*


Ten seconds.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on August 02, 2024, 12:12:11 PM
Wordle 1,140 4/6


Nice pattern. Just over a minute.

My start word is always TRIPE which I have grown to hate due to the E on the end, but I'm scared to change.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on August 02, 2024, 02:08:11 PM
A minute and a half

Wordle 1,140 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on August 03, 2024, 05:40:34 AM
90 secs, unfolded nicely

Wordle 1.141 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on August 03, 2024, 06:11:05 AM
30 seconds

Wordle 1,141 3/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on August 03, 2024, 07:32:22 AM
Wordle 1,141 3/6


20 secs
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on August 03, 2024, 10:46:43 AM
Wordle 1,141 5/6*


About 90 seconds.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on August 03, 2024, 11:18:13 AM
Wordle 1,141 3/6


A minute and a bit.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on August 04, 2024, 12:14:43 AM
Wordle 1,142 5/6*


A minute.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on August 04, 2024, 04:15:09 AM
Wordle 1,142 6/6


Ages, with many first time cocktails. Have to admit that on reaching line 6 I had to consult the previous solutions site rather than give in to alcohol.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on August 04, 2024, 05:56:32 AM
about a minute
Wordle 1.142 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on August 04, 2024, 08:04:45 AM
Wordle 1,142 5/6


5 mins.. going nowhere for a while
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on August 04, 2024, 12:43:47 PM
2 minutes

Wordle 1,142 5/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on August 05, 2024, 01:36:26 AM
Wordle 1,143 6/6


Another early hours struggle. Probably twenty minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on August 05, 2024, 05:02:21 AM
Not easy, a minute or 4
Wordle 1.143 5/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on August 05, 2024, 07:57:23 AM
Wordle 1,143 4/6


7 mins.. random  not even sure if a word 3rd guess did it..
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on August 05, 2024, 08:50:21 AM
10 minutes

Wordle 1,143 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on August 05, 2024, 12:25:48 PM
Tough one, ten minutes.

Wordle 1,143 3/6*

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on August 06, 2024, 04:25:20 AM
From Prestwick airport

Wordle 1,144 4/6


5 mins
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on August 06, 2024, 04:57:49 AM
Took a bit of time to come up with line 3. Maybe 3 minutes staring at the screen.
Wordle 1.144 3/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on August 06, 2024, 07:35:24 AM
That took 25 minutes, real struggle, the mistake on line 4 was due to the 15 minutes I spent on that line

Wordle 1,144 5/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on August 06, 2024, 09:49:48 AM
Wordle 1,144 4/6*


Interesting one, about 5 mins. Implicitly, I had four green squares from the first three lines.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on August 06, 2024, 03:00:45 PM
Wordle 1,144 6/6


Not enjoyable today. About fifteen minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on August 07, 2024, 06:25:38 AM
That took a bit, got stuck and then had thinknreal hard. 15 minutes at least.
Wordle 1.145 4/6


Sorry but you are not allowed to view spoiler contents.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on August 07, 2024, 07:57:15 AM
Wordle 1,145 4/6


4 mins from sun soaked Tenerife
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on August 07, 2024, 10:47:22 AM
Wordle 1,145 5/6*


About an hour, from the overcast East Midlands. Most of that trying to think of a fourth word to fit. The fifth one came about 30 seconds later.

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on August 07, 2024, 02:02:40 PM
Wordle 1,145 5/6


Well! That was more of a struggle than it should have been with my wee blue and gold pal sniggering in the corner of the room.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on August 07, 2024, 04:44:17 PM
40 minutes on and off through the day. Tough and frustrating!

Wordle 1,145 6/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on August 07, 2024, 06:14:53 PM
Jojo is the guy in the corner. He was inherited and the best guess he's about 25. Probably more. He has a decent (sometimes indecent) vocabulary. He sometimes speaks in context, usually when my sister visits and complains about something that happened during the day. That sets him off. Any raised female voice on TV will set him off, screaming whatever, whatever at eardrum bursting levels. He's in terrible condition and no matter how I boost his vitamin intake and add variety to his diet it doesn't seem to improve his appearance. Maybe he's older than I think. He loves pistachios and he's my best pal when I give give him some. A minute later and he hates me again. I love him for that. Dead gallus. Fishy will explain. If you're offered a Macaw at any time don't hesitate to accept. Life changing creatures.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on August 07, 2024, 06:47:08 PM
Dead Gallus..... 😀👍
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on August 07, 2024, 08:15:15 PM
Quote from: Fishy on August 07, 2024, 06:47:08 PMDead Gallus..... 😀👍

Missed out the pure as I'm not common.😂🤣
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on August 08, 2024, 12:27:18 AM
Wordle 1,146 3/6*


Ten seconds!
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on August 08, 2024, 08:16:48 AM
Wordle 1,146 4/6


5 mins
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on August 08, 2024, 10:34:30 AM
Couple of minutes, on and off
Wordle 1,146 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on August 09, 2024, 12:35:26 AM
Wordle 1,147 4/6


5 mins
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on August 09, 2024, 06:00:53 AM
Took me a good 5 mins as well, I just couldn't see it
Wordle 1.147 5/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on August 09, 2024, 01:06:04 PM
Wordle 1,147 5/6


About five minutes. Tricky.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on August 09, 2024, 06:14:33 PM
Wordle 1,147 3/6


3 mins.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on August 10, 2024, 06:10:21 AM
Took me a while to see it
Wordle 1.148 3/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on August 10, 2024, 08:50:23 AM
Wordle 1,148 4/6


Three letters and took an age to get it... 15 mins..

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on August 10, 2024, 12:37:58 PM
Wordle 1,148 3/6


Got a lucky line two but then another five minutes to see the solution. Six minutes total.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on August 10, 2024, 08:56:09 PM
Wordle 1,148 5/6


Most interesting one for a long time. Took about 30 mins to find a third word to fit so I was outraged when it wasn't the solution. The fourth word was attempted out of desperation, I'm not sure it's a real word. But at least it was an anagram of the correct answer.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on August 11, 2024, 01:15:28 AM
Wordle 1,149 4/6


20 secs
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on August 11, 2024, 05:18:55 AM
30 secs
Wordle 1.149 3/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on August 11, 2024, 12:13:34 PM
Wordle 1,149 4/6


About a minute. Annoying that it was an early guess from just a few days ago so could have been a line two.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on August 11, 2024, 01:37:33 PM
Wordle 1,149 3/6*


Ten seconds.

Sorry but you are not allowed to view spoiler contents.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on August 12, 2024, 05:06:43 AM
5 mins
Wordle 1.150 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on August 12, 2024, 07:24:20 AM
10 minutes, 8 last night, 2 this morning

Wordle 1,150 5/6


Was stuck on line 5 when I decided to head to bed
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on August 12, 2024, 09:17:05 AM
Wordle 1,150 5/6


5 mins
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on August 12, 2024, 09:37:34 AM
Wordle 1,150 4/6*


Lucky to think of that word. Six mins.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on August 12, 2024, 10:24:52 AM
Quote from: Slim on August 12, 2024, 09:37:34 AMWordle 1,150 4/6*


Lucky to think of that word. Six mins.

Sorry but you are not allowed to view spoiler contents.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on August 12, 2024, 12:23:31 PM
Wordle 1,150 5/6


One minute.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on August 13, 2024, 12:17:52 AM
Wordle 1,151 4/6


Really surprised it wasn't line three. Still had to think despite the four greens. Four minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on August 13, 2024, 05:01:23 AM
A minute
Wordle 1.151 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on August 13, 2024, 07:33:08 AM
10 minutes

Wordle 1,151 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on August 13, 2024, 08:46:02 AM
Wordle 1,151 6/6

🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩  Oh just.. that took an age
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: R6GYY on August 13, 2024, 09:02:28 AM
Wordle 1,151 3/6*


Can't remember the last time I did one of these. I've been so busy!
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on August 13, 2024, 09:50:01 AM
Wordle 1,151 4/6*


Five mins.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on August 14, 2024, 12:00:53 AM
Wordle 1,152 3/6*


20 seconds.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on August 14, 2024, 12:13:51 AM
Wordle 1,152 3/6


Another 20 secs
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on August 14, 2024, 04:53:27 AM

20 seconds it is
Wordle 1.152 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on August 14, 2024, 08:36:14 AM
5 minutes for me...

Wordle 1,152 5/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on August 14, 2024, 11:50:35 AM
Wordle 1,152 5/6


All the options took it up to the minute mark.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on August 15, 2024, 12:05:18 AM
Wordle 1,153 5/6*


3 mins. Tricky one though.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on August 15, 2024, 12:17:22 AM
5 mins
Wordle 1,153 3/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on August 15, 2024, 04:54:44 AM
90 secs
Wordle 1.153 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on August 15, 2024, 09:20:34 AM
2 minutes

Wordle 1,153 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on August 15, 2024, 11:51:09 AM
Wordle 1,153 3/6


Two minutes despite my vowel choices being decided.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on August 16, 2024, 12:02:29 AM
Wordle 1,154 4/6


45 secs
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on August 16, 2024, 12:18:55 AM
Wordle 1,154 4/6*


Another three minute one.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on August 16, 2024, 12:46:21 AM
Wordle 1,154 4/6


One minute.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on August 16, 2024, 05:05:55 AM
a minute
Wordle 1.154 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on August 16, 2024, 09:41:18 AM
1 minute - line 3 handed it to me on a plate

Wordle 1,154 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on August 16, 2024, 10:27:06 AM
Quote from: dom on August 16, 2024, 09:41:18 AM1 minute - line 3 handed it to me on a plate

Wordle 1,154 4/6


We probably had the same line, I had it on 2 and went left, you went right.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on August 17, 2024, 12:18:18 AM
Wordle 1,155 3/6


One minute.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on August 17, 2024, 05:51:14 AM
45 seconds
Wordle 1.155 3/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on August 17, 2024, 07:59:57 AM
Wordle 1,155 4/6


40 secs here
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on August 17, 2024, 08:27:25 AM
Wordle 1,155 3/6


30 seconds
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on August 17, 2024, 09:43:14 AM
Wordle 1,155 5/6*


Half a minute, but it still took five goes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on August 18, 2024, 06:07:11 AM
5 minutes, I ended up trying letters randomly. This one stuck, haven't bothered looking up what it means.

Wordle 1.156 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on August 18, 2024, 08:21:31 AM
Wordle 1,156 3/6


2 mins
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on August 18, 2024, 10:16:06 AM
Wordle 1,156 4/6*


Thirty secs again.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on August 18, 2024, 10:22:39 AM
30 seconds as well

Wordle 1,156 3/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on August 18, 2024, 12:59:05 PM
Wordle 1,156 4/6


Ninety seconds.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on August 19, 2024, 05:52:18 AM
45 secs
Wordle 1.157 3/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on August 19, 2024, 08:33:36 AM
Wordle 1,157 5/6


Couple of mins chasing letters round the board
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on August 19, 2024, 09:14:44 AM
Wordle 1,157 5/6*


If I'd only spent 20 seconds thinking instead of ten after the third go, I'd have got it in four. About 8 mins overall.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on August 19, 2024, 09:18:45 AM
Less than a minute. Line 2 was a big help

Wordle 1,157 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on August 19, 2024, 11:53:12 AM
Wordle 1,157 4/6


Almost went for it in three but thought incorrectly it had been a previous solution. Struggled a bit. About five minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on August 20, 2024, 09:05:16 AM
1 minute

Wordle 1,158 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on August 20, 2024, 09:18:05 AM
Wordle 1,158 4/6


7 mins...
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on August 20, 2024, 11:16:37 AM
Wordle 1,158 4/6


Seven of eight minutes. Quick to line three then just couldn't see it.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on August 20, 2024, 11:42:13 AM
Wordle 1,158 4/6*


About half an hour! Tricky.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on August 20, 2024, 03:41:54 PM
Just got round to it, about 3 minutes mainly on line 3

Wordle 1.158 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on August 21, 2024, 01:06:29 AM
Wordle 1,159 4/6*


40 seconds.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on August 21, 2024, 08:20:23 AM
A minute
Wordle 1.159 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on August 21, 2024, 08:37:11 AM
Wordle 1,159 5/6


60 secs
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on August 21, 2024, 10:29:20 AM
All over in less than a min but took 5 goes

Wordle 1,159 5/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on August 21, 2024, 11:16:42 AM
Wordle 1,159 5/6


Ten minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on August 22, 2024, 01:34:48 AM
Wordle 1,160 3/6*


Six mins
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on August 22, 2024, 07:22:16 AM
about 2 minutes pondering on line 4
Wordle 1,160 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on August 22, 2024, 08:00:18 AM
Wordle 1,160 3/6


45 secs
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on August 22, 2024, 09:16:03 AM
20 seconds

Wordle 1,160 3/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on August 22, 2024, 11:05:31 AM
Wordle 1,160 3/6


Thirty seconds.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on August 23, 2024, 05:58:29 AM
A minute
Wordle 1.161 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on August 23, 2024, 08:39:11 AM
Wordle 1,161 4/6


90 secs
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on August 23, 2024, 09:10:52 AM
Found that tough.  12 minutes

Wordle 1,161 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on August 23, 2024, 11:38:06 AM
Wordle 1,161 4/6


About a minute.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on August 23, 2024, 12:02:01 PM
Wordle 1,161 5/6*


Not an easy one for me, about 20 minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on August 24, 2024, 12:57:42 AM
That took about 30 mins..

Wordle 1,162 6/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on August 24, 2024, 01:06:00 AM
Wordle 1,162 3/6*


Very useful second word. A minute.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on August 24, 2024, 05:59:09 AM
A minute, always going for the difficult route first. Story of my life.
Wordle 1.162 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on August 24, 2024, 09:46:22 AM
No idea how that happened. Was floundering after the first 2 lines

3 minutes

Wordle 1,162 3/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on August 24, 2024, 11:01:50 AM
Wordle 1,162 4/6


About fifteen minutes. Horrible one.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on August 25, 2024, 12:12:50 AM
Wordle 1,163 5/6


Thought this was going to be very quick but became a minute.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on August 25, 2024, 12:33:26 AM
Wordle 1,163 4/6*


Took four goes, but only took 20 seconds.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on August 25, 2024, 05:52:53 AM
10 seconds
Wordle 1.163 3/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on August 25, 2024, 08:03:30 AM
Wordle 1,163 5/6


90 secs in alternate hell
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on August 25, 2024, 03:24:37 PM
30 seconds, great first word choice

Wordle 1,163 3/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on August 26, 2024, 05:54:04 AM
A minute
Wordle 1.164 3/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on August 26, 2024, 08:36:21 AM
Wordle 1,164 5/6


A minute of alternate hell again..
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on August 26, 2024, 09:51:33 AM
Wordle 1,164 4/6*


25 seconds.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on August 26, 2024, 12:55:46 PM
Wordle 1,164 5/6


Thirty seconds.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on August 27, 2024, 12:20:38 AM
Wordle 1,165 4/6*


About a minute.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on August 27, 2024, 08:30:51 AM
Wordle 1,165 4/6


90 secs
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on August 27, 2024, 09:26:39 AM
Well that was quick, maybe 5 secs due to a good guess for line 2
Wordle 1.165 2/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on August 27, 2024, 11:19:53 AM
Wordle 1,165 5/6


Could have been my quickest ever but ended up on twenty seconds.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on August 27, 2024, 08:46:22 PM
2 mins, 90 seconds on line 3

Wordle 1,165 3/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on August 28, 2024, 08:09:25 AM
Wordle 1,166 3/6*


25 secs or so.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on August 28, 2024, 08:28:57 AM
Wordle 1,166 4/6


45 secs
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on August 28, 2024, 10:30:14 AM
Wordle 1,166 4/6


About a minute. Maybe just less than.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on August 28, 2024, 11:04:05 AM
That took me a good 10 minutes, I just didn't see it
Wordle 1.166 5/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on August 28, 2024, 04:45:58 PM
Quote from: Thenop on August 28, 2024, 11:04:05 AMThat took me a good 10 minutes, I just didn't see it
Wordle 1.166 5/6


Me too! 40 minutes all in all. Left it and came back after line 5 and took me a minute

Wordle 1,166 6/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on August 29, 2024, 09:16:08 AM
Wordle 1,167 5/6


60 secs
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on August 29, 2024, 09:51:19 AM
Wordle 1,167 4/6*


About a minute.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on August 29, 2024, 11:04:05 AM
There are a lot more words possible with the middle 3 letter combination. Apparently.
3 minutes

Wordle 1,167 5/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on August 29, 2024, 11:10:25 AM
About a minute

Wordle 1,167 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on August 29, 2024, 11:29:57 AM
Wordle 1,167 5/6


A tricky four minutes. Amazed that I picked my line four guess when I had been pretty sure what the initial letter must be before that.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on August 30, 2024, 12:17:48 AM
Wordle 1,168 3/6


Forty five seconds. Fortunate with that yellow.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on August 30, 2024, 05:34:36 AM
5 mins pondering on line 3

Wordle 1.168 3/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on August 30, 2024, 08:37:36 AM
Wordle 1,168 4/6


2 mins. Good one...
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on August 30, 2024, 08:57:59 AM
Wordle 1,168 4/6*


7 mins, nice challenge this morning.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on August 30, 2024, 10:50:06 AM
Wordle 1,168 3/6


90 seconds, inspired! (Or lucky depending on how you look at it)
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on August 31, 2024, 12:03:38 AM
Wordle 1,169 4/6


About 35 secs.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on August 31, 2024, 12:21:54 AM
Wordle 1,169 3/6


Three minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on August 31, 2024, 01:33:38 AM
Wordle 1,169 5/6


That took an age
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on August 31, 2024, 05:55:34 AM
20 seconds
Wordle 1.169 3/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on August 31, 2024, 06:36:02 PM
30 seconds

Wordle 1,169 3/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on September 01, 2024, 01:12:00 AM
Wordle 1,170 5/6*


A minute.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on September 01, 2024, 05:58:02 AM
Minute and a half, took me enough tries though!
Wordle 1.170 6/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on September 01, 2024, 08:24:25 AM
Wordle 1,170 X/6


Alternate hell failure...
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on September 01, 2024, 10:21:03 AM
3 minutes

Wordle 1,170 5/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on September 01, 2024, 11:25:44 AM
Wordle 1,170 5/6


Bad start, but still managed one minute which was pleasing.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on September 02, 2024, 12:22:34 AM
Wordle 1,171 4/6*


Good one, about 7 mins.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on September 02, 2024, 12:29:29 AM
Wordle 1,171 5/6


A real struggle. Ten minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on September 02, 2024, 05:30:46 AM
A minute
Wordle 1.171 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on September 02, 2024, 07:07:40 AM
2 mins

Wordle 1,171 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on September 02, 2024, 08:26:16 AM
Wordle 1,171 4/6


2 mins
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on September 03, 2024, 12:14:14 AM
Wordle 1,172 4/6


Struggled a bit. Seven minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on September 03, 2024, 12:29:10 AM
Wordle 1,172 3/6*


90 seconds I think.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on September 03, 2024, 05:57:58 AM
went by very fast, maybe a minute. But it took me 6 tries!
Wordle 1.172 6/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on September 03, 2024, 07:49:48 AM
Wordle 1,172 5/6

🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩 A minute of alternate hell
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on September 03, 2024, 09:19:51 AM
30 seconds

Wordle 1,172 3/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on September 04, 2024, 12:05:10 AM
Wordle 1,173 4/6


Three minutes. Think that should have been quicker. Daft mistake line three.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on September 04, 2024, 12:40:55 AM
Wordle 1,173 4/6*


For some reason I was confident I'd got it in two. Five mins.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on September 04, 2024, 05:51:39 AM
Apparently my kind of puzzle today. 20 seconds.
Wordle 1.173 3/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on September 04, 2024, 07:04:03 AM
10 minutes, struggled a bit with that

Wordle 1,173 5/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on September 04, 2024, 08:40:15 AM
Wordle 1,173 5/6


10 mins.. tricky one...
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on September 05, 2024, 12:05:40 AM
Wordle 1,174 5/6


Three minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on September 05, 2024, 08:44:38 AM
Wordle 1,174 5/6


6 mins...
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on September 05, 2024, 09:19:48 AM
4 minutes

Wordle 1,174 5/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on September 05, 2024, 11:09:03 AM
Took me a good ten mins
Wordle 1,174 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on September 06, 2024, 04:32:56 AM
Wordle 1,175 4/6*


2 mins.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on September 06, 2024, 05:20:25 AM
Took me 5 tries..lasated maybe 90 secs

Wordle 1.175 5/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on September 06, 2024, 08:14:14 AM
Wordle 1,175 3/6


45 secs
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on September 06, 2024, 11:20:55 AM
Wordle 1,175 5/6


About ten minutes. Real brain fog moment on line four.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on September 06, 2024, 05:07:00 PM
Tough one!

15 minutes

Wordle 1,175 6/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on September 07, 2024, 05:48:13 AM
30 seconds
Wordle 1.176 3/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on September 07, 2024, 08:04:12 AM
Wordle 1,176 5/6


5 mins..
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on September 07, 2024, 08:22:35 AM
3 minutes

Wordle 1,176 5/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on September 07, 2024, 09:56:41 AM
Wordle 1,176 4/6*


Three minutes.

Sorry but you are not allowed to view spoiler contents.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on September 07, 2024, 11:28:29 AM
Wordle 1,176 5/6


Three minutes mostly thinking about those famed, failed Sounds magazine bands from the 70s, after hitting those first two greens.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on September 08, 2024, 12:05:09 AM
Wordle 1,177 3/6


A minute.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on September 08, 2024, 12:32:22 AM
Wordle 1,177 6/6

90 secs .. just
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on September 08, 2024, 12:56:38 AM
Wordle 1,177 4/6


35 secs.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on September 08, 2024, 06:08:33 AM
2 minutes
Wordle 1.177 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on September 08, 2024, 12:58:38 PM
Quote from: The Picnic Wasp on September 07, 2024, 11:28:29 AMWordle 1,176 5/6


Three minutes mostly thinking about those famed, failed Sounds magazine bands from the 70s, after hitting those first two greens.

I was intrigued by this comment when I saw it this morning but I couldn't remember the solution, so I thought I'd have a go at it again on:

Surprisingly, it wouldnt accept my start word (ROAST). Odd one.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on September 08, 2024, 02:05:51 PM
Quote from: Slim on September 08, 2024, 12:58:38 PM
Quote from: The Picnic Wasp on September 07, 2024, 11:28:29 AMWordle 1,176 5/6


Three minutes mostly thinking about those famed, failed Sounds magazine bands from the 70s, after hitting those first two greens.

I was intrigued by this comment when I saw it this morning but I couldn't remember the solution, so I thought I'd have a go at it again on:

Surprisingly, it wouldnt accept my start word (ROAST). Odd one.

How very weird. The O & R would have been about a five second tap-in for you. Sounds did run with some strange themes from time to time. They certainly did sound the death knell for those ER bands back then.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on September 08, 2024, 02:26:50 PM
Quote from: The Picnic Wasp on September 08, 2024, 02:05:51 PMHow very weird. The O & R would have been about a five second tap-in for you. Sounds did run with some strange themes from time to time. They certainly did sound the death knell for those ER bands back then.

I've never liked an ER band. Foreigner, Winger. Somehow the very idea of a *er band evokes the idea of a band intended to appeal to American radio. But not Slayer obviously.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on September 08, 2024, 02:47:05 PM
1 minute

Wordle 1,177 5/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on September 09, 2024, 05:58:38 AM
2 minutes
Wordle 1.178 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on September 09, 2024, 08:33:18 AM
Wordle 1,178 3/6


30 secs
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on September 09, 2024, 10:55:55 AM
Wordle 1,178 5/6


Alternative annoyance today. Two minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on September 09, 2024, 11:13:19 AM
7 minutes at least 5 on line 5

Wordle 1,178 5/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on September 09, 2024, 01:57:25 PM
Wordle 1,178 4/6


Decent challenge, 10 mins.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on September 10, 2024, 12:23:57 AM
Wordle 1,179 4/6


Three minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on September 10, 2024, 05:59:16 AM
10 seconds
Wordle 1.179 3/6


Sorry but you are not allowed to view spoiler contents.

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on September 10, 2024, 08:12:20 AM
Wordle 1,179 4/6


Tricky one .. 10 mins
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on September 10, 2024, 08:14:47 AM
Wordle 1,179 4/6


5 mins, mistake on line 3.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on September 10, 2024, 10:37:22 AM
About an hour with 10 minutes of concentration on solving it. Kept going back to it

Wordle 1,179 5/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on September 11, 2024, 05:56:32 AM
30 seconds, 5 attempts, formula 1 Worldl-ing today.
Wordle 1.180 5/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on September 11, 2024, 07:38:51 AM
10 minutes caught in alternate hell

Wordle 1,180 6/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on September 11, 2024, 08:28:19 AM
Wordle 1,180 4/6


40 secs
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on September 11, 2024, 11:10:04 AM
Wordle 1,180 3/6


Fifteen minutes. I'm definitely getting worse at this than better.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on September 11, 2024, 02:53:11 PM
Wordle 1,180 4/6


Long time.. ended up copying the first three lines to a paper notepad and taking it to the beach. 50 mins or so.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on September 12, 2024, 06:00:46 AM
That took a bit.
Wordle 1.181 5/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on September 12, 2024, 08:14:58 AM
Wordle 1,181 5/6


That took longer than I thought it would after the second word. About 7 minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on September 12, 2024, 08:50:37 AM
Wordle 1,181 3/6


2 mins.. a very lucky third guess from going nowhere
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on September 12, 2024, 10:47:33 AM
Wordle 1,181 5/6


Two minutes. Helped by running out of letters.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on September 12, 2024, 05:19:53 PM

25 minutes

Wordle 1,181 6/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on September 13, 2024, 12:09:24 AM
Wordle 1,182 4/6


Six minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on September 13, 2024, 05:49:34 AM
30 seconds
Wordle 1.182 3/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on September 13, 2024, 08:17:20 AM
Wordle 1,182 3/6


15 secs.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on September 13, 2024, 08:34:22 AM
Wordle 1,182 6/6


Just.. 7 mins
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on September 13, 2024, 11:21:46 AM
2: minutes

Wordle 1,182 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on September 14, 2024, 12:06:57 AM
Wordle 1,183 4/6


Ninety seconds. Should've been a minute. Line three was a daft guess.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on September 14, 2024, 05:58:24 AM
30 seconds
Wordle 1.183 3/6


Sorry but you are not allowed to view spoiler contents.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on September 14, 2024, 07:20:33 AM
Wordle 1,183 3/6


About 2 mins.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on September 14, 2024, 07:56:08 AM
2 minutes

Wordle 1,183 3/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on September 14, 2024, 08:57:16 AM
Wordle 1,183 5/6


6 mins..  turned into anagram time..
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on September 15, 2024, 12:04:32 AM
Wordle 1,184 4/6


A minute.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on September 15, 2024, 12:47:28 AM
Wordle 1,184 5/6


15 mins..
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on September 15, 2024, 05:58:04 AM
A good 3 mins
Wordle 1.184 5/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on September 15, 2024, 11:12:58 AM
10 mins

Wordle 1,184 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on September 16, 2024, 12:04:24 AM
Wordle 1,185 6/6


Three minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on September 16, 2024, 05:55:40 AM
20 seconds, should have gotten it on line 2.
Wordle 1.185 3/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on September 16, 2024, 06:17:38 AM
3 minutes

Wordle 1,185 3/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on September 16, 2024, 08:36:36 AM
Wordle 1,185 6/6


About three minutes. Interesting one.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on September 16, 2024, 08:40:08 AM
Wordle 1,185 4/6


45 secs
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on September 17, 2024, 12:24:38 AM
Wordle 1,186 5/6


Looked to be easy on line two then proved to be a struggle. Six minutes.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on September 17, 2024, 06:25:05 AM
That took me a very long time and some serious thinking.

Wordle 1.186 5/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on September 17, 2024, 08:36:56 AM
Wordle 1,186 2/6


5 mins most of it on line 2 .. mmm
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on September 17, 2024, 08:47:37 AM
Good one, about 15 mins.

Wordle 1,186 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on September 17, 2024, 11:23:13 AM
10 mins...

Wordle 1,186 5/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on September 18, 2024, 12:05:59 AM
Wordle 1,187 4/6


Pleasing two minutes after bad start.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on September 18, 2024, 06:41:44 AM
Bad start indeed..
A minute and a half.

Wordle 1.187 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on September 18, 2024, 07:55:29 AM
Ditto Picnic Wasp and Thenop!!

Wordle 1,187 4/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on September 18, 2024, 08:04:43 AM
Wordle 1,187 6/6


Slim pickings on the first three goes. About 5 mins.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on September 18, 2024, 08:31:19 AM
Wordle 1,187 6/6


2 mins in alternate hell.. just made it..
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on September 19, 2024, 12:11:18 AM
Wordle 1,188 3/6


A minute.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on September 19, 2024, 06:46:38 AM
20 seconds  :)

Wordle 1.188 2/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on September 19, 2024, 07:40:01 AM
Wordle 1,188 3/6


30 secs.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on September 19, 2024, 08:34:20 AM
Wordle 1,188 6/6


15 mins...
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on September 19, 2024, 09:04:33 AM
10 minutes

Wordle 1,188 5/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Fishy on September 20, 2024, 04:49:44 AM
Wordle 1,189 3/6


30 secs....  from Glasgow airport en route to Faro
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Thenop on September 20, 2024, 05:56:03 AM
30 secs
Wordle 1.189 3/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: Slim on September 20, 2024, 09:03:47 AM
Wordle 1,189 4/6*


About 20 mins.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: dom on September 20, 2024, 01:55:55 PM
5 minutes, was expecting to get it in 5

Wordle 1,189 6/6

Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on September 20, 2024, 02:26:27 PM
Wordle 1,189 3/6


Thirty seconds.
Title: Re: Wordle - may contain spoilers
Post by: The Picnic Wasp on September 21, 2024, 12:54:00 AM
Wordle 1,190 3/6


Surprised when that guess came up. Ninety seconds.