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Topics - Slim

Other Music / Andy Summers Interview
December 23, 2023, 03:42:34 PM
This is brilliant. I sat down to watch the first 15 minutes but watched the whole thing right through in one go. I loved the anecdotes about jamming with Hendrix and Eric Clapton persuading him to sell him his Les Paul.

Andy is actually older than Mick Jagger and Keith Richards, but he got his break more than a decade later than his contemporaries.

Technology and Science / AI Image Creation
December 15, 2023, 11:50:34 AM
.. there's a free AI image creator at

You need a Microsoft account to login.

This is what I got for "a cat piloting a starship"

Technology and Science / Elite!
December 11, 2023, 10:54:57 PM
Someone's made a one hour documentary about the old home computer game Elite. I spent hundreds of hours engrossed in this game. There was a galaxy full of places to trade, evade the police, hunt down criminals for money, blow up other ships and steal their stuff.

Watched the first ten minutes, will watch the rest over the hols.

General Discussion / Sunrise / Sunset Times
December 07, 2023, 06:39:09 PM
Nice site here, which will calculate sunrise / sunset times to the second for your precise location (as pinned on the map). It gives the times for a whole year.

It seems that next year's sunset times are slightly earlier than this year's.

For example sunset occurred at 15:51:20 today at my location. A year from now the sun is due to go down at 15:51:04.
Technology and Science / Old PS1 Games!
December 06, 2023, 10:02:07 PM
A few years ago I installed a PS1 emulator on my Linux desktop. Didn't work too well.

But now it seems there are a few sites where you can play loads of the games online in a browser.

Those old games look crappy for sure compared to the sort of thing you can get these days but they're still a lot of fun. I spent many hours playing Rainbow Six and I've just cleared the Belgian embassy again this evening. Works really well and if anything, using a keyboard is easier than the old controller. Possibly.

Will see if I can find Battletanx in a bit.
Other Music / Shane McGowan Has Died
November 30, 2023, 12:32:10 PM
I hope you like Fairytale Of New York, because you'll be hearing it quite often over the next few weeks.

Fortunately, I do.

Sad news, but I'm amazed he made it to 65.
Other Music / Can - the Studio Albums
November 29, 2023, 01:08:51 PM
I thought I'd embark on another journey through the studio ouvre of some band or other, and - since I'd liked them since I was a teenager, but have never listened properly (or in some cases, at all) to some of their albums, I thought I'd do Can.

01: Monster Movie (August 1969)

I'd never listened to this album before, partly because it was recorded by a slightly different lineup than later records, and partly because it has a reputation of being "formative", and not in a good way. But I listened to it yesterday while out on a bike.

Very mixed feelings about this one. On one hand, it has a very experimental, avant garde feel that's genuinely exceptional for a 1960s recording. In places it's like post-punk, ten years before its time.

On the other hand - there are only four songs here, and disregarding the innovative style and attitude, none of them are any good. The last one, Yoo Doo Right is a 20-minute jam, edited down from a six hour recording. It's repetitive and interminable.

The lyrics throughout are stream-of-consciousness bollocks except for Mary Mary So Contrary which just takes its words from the nursery rhyme of the same name.

Outside my Door has a curiously dated, early '60s feel - almost like an early Who or Stones tune, except for the Hendrix-esque fuzz lead guitar and the anarchic vocal.

More of an experiment, a statement than a collection of music. Interestingly it was recorded in a very crude fashion onto two track tape. A mixing desk wasn't used, they settled for setting the levels carefully on their amps! And to be fair that does lend the whole album a certain immediate charm and character.

But I don't think I'll be revisiting this one.
Technology and Science / Moonbow
November 25, 2023, 09:32:59 PM
There's a very striking Moonbow going on out there in NW Leics at the moment. Tried to get a pic, not very successfully.

That's Jupiter just to the right.

Literature / My Effin' Life [SPOILERS]
November 25, 2023, 02:13:49 PM
I think the most obvious surprise for most people reading the book is the quantity of drugs, in particular cocaine, that the band and crew were taking while on tour. I knew Neil had a fondness for the white powder because Peter (roadcrew) told me once, years ago.

It's probable that every time I saw Rush at Newcastle City Hall, Geddy helped himself to a snort during the drum solo.

Another thing I didn't know is the state of Alex' health and it's concerning to know that he doesn't always take care of himself particularly well. Heart stress, bleeding ulcers etc etc. Troubling.
Rush / Geddy Interview on 6 Music, Today
November 17, 2023, 07:37:05 PM

It's a three hour show, the interview is 44:30 minutes in. I've only heard a few minutes myself.

Other Music / Hip-hop
November 16, 2023, 06:01:40 PM
General Discussion / Armistice Day
November 11, 2023, 09:01:41 PM
I like to read this poem by Wilfred Owen each 11th November.

The Parable of the Old Man and the Young 

So Abram rose, and clave the wood, and went,
And took the fire with him, and a knife.
And as they sojourned both of them together,
Isaac the first-born spake and said, My Father,
Behold the preparations, fire and iron,
But where the lamb for this burnt-offering?
Then Abram bound the youth with belts and straps,
and builded parapets and trenches there,
And stretchèd forth the knife to slay his son.
When lo! an angel called him out of heaven,
Saying, Lay not thy hand upon the lad,
Neither do anything to him. Behold,
A ram, caught in a thicket by its horns;
Offer the Ram of Pride instead of him.

But the old man would not so, but slew his son,
And half the seed of Europe, one by one.
Other Music / Chicks With Guitars
October 31, 2023, 06:54:27 PM
Musicians / What are you working on at the moment?
October 28, 2023, 12:29:49 PM
So as discussed elsewhere, if you're working on something or practicing something in particular, please tell us about it here!

From my point of view perhaps this thread will encourage me to practice a bit more.

At the moment I'm working on diminished scale stuff over dominant / altered 7ths. I have a backing track which is a loop of the first few bars of Larry Carlton's (It Was) Only Yesterday - there are a couple of places in that where you can play the diminished scale.

One really nice hack is that there are a number of major triads consisting of the diminished scale notes and if you deploy those in the right place, you get a lovely sophisticated, modern sound.

May post a video in a few days if I can get a bit more fluent with it.
Sport / Sir Bobby Charlton Has Died
October 21, 2023, 04:23:25 PM
Really one of the defining figures of the entire sport of football for me. The thing I always remember is that when we went to Spain on holiday when I was a kid, quite often the Germans and Italians you'd meet would mention Bobby Charlton or Bobby Moore within a couple of minutes, in an effort to make small talk when they found out you were English.
Moving Pictures / Frasier
October 19, 2023, 10:54:25 PM
Like most people, or I like to think so anyway - I loved Frasier. As you'll have heard, there's been a revival and the first two episodes have now aired on Paramount. I've just watched the first one.

The premise is that Frasier has moved back to Boston from Seattle, following his father's death.

I was surprised to find that Nicholas Lyndhurst is in this - I wonder how that came about? And I wasn't overly convinced by his performance (as a university lecturer) early on, it felt a bit wooden.

The whole thing felt a bit forced to me for the first 15 minutes or so. It has a very traditional, old-fashioned sitcom feel but it doesn't feel as relaxed or natural as the old Frasier, or Cheers come to that. 

But I did warm to it. No Niles (his son appears as a sort of more nerdy and awkward surrogate), no Frasier's dad, no Daphne but I tried to appreciate it for what it is, and I warmed to it. It's not bad. Kelsey Grammar still has all the old subtlety and timing. Looking forward to the next one.
Other Music / The Kiss Studio Albums
October 04, 2023, 11:24:18 PM
I was going to work through the studio catalogue of The Who after completing my Rolling Stones journey, but this morning's reminiscing about hearing Kiss for the first time gave me a rethink. So:

1. Kiss (February 1974)

I hadn't listened to this for years before today, and I've probably listened to it three or four times if that. It wasn't one of the vinyl albums that I bought as a teenager; I bought it in a CD box set of the first three studio albums about 15 years ago. Good to hear it again. This is actually a pretty strong record for a debut, with classics that stood the test of time for many years - Strutter, Cold Gin, Firehouse, Deuce especially. By the time this was recorded they already had a pretty distinctive voice -these tunes are (mostly) powerful and economical but catchy. I hear shades of Zeppelin, shades of the Stones but for sure they have their own identity.

I have to say though - Kissin' Time is a real duffer. It actually reminds me of a sort of Brotherhood of Man or New Seekers tune on steroids. I've just read that it was a cover of an old '50s pop tune, and not included on the first release. Apart from that though it's all good, though some tunes are less focused than others.

I'd say that the selection of tunes from this record for Alive! is about right although I've never been completely convinced by 100,000 Years and generally when they lean too far toward ponderous metal and away from uptempo rock'n'roll they lose their charm (and my interest).

The Love Theme From Kiss instrumental is quite nice but it's not really the sort of thing you put a Kiss record on for. A novel oddity though. I enjoyed it.

None of the band was a particularly stellar musician (IMO) but they were all good enough to carry this stuff. Ace's sub-Page guitar licks sound a bit samey and predictable at times. The drums are maybe lacking a bit of oomph. But generally I'd say it's pretty well recorded and produced.

Here's an interesting thing. On the studio version, the Deuce riff has an odd syncopated treatment. I don't think it does it any favours.

Musicians / Days of Wine and Roses
September 30, 2023, 10:29:32 AM

Improvising over a slow Days of Wine and Roses backing. Annoyingly, I forgot to mute the click track, sorry. It's a bit rough, there are mistakes.. what I'm trying to do is practice smooth and natural transitions from one scale to another, something I do find really hard. You may notice that often, I'm playing a phrase over one bar, then a different, disconnected phrase from a different scale over the next.

Finally, notice how I resort to playing the blues over it toward the end, at which point I decide it's time to give up. Still, it was really enjoyable to do.

Site News / Musicians Board
September 30, 2023, 10:12:40 AM
I've added a new board to the site, under the Music category, called Musicians. If you have a YouTube performance you'd like to share, or you'd like to start a discussion about music theory, or you'd like to discuss guitars, keyboards, effects pedals, amplifiers, music software, trombone maintenance or similar - please go here.