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Topics - Jonners

Album Reviews / Power Windows-Rush
June 14, 2022, 05:06:29 PM
Anyone who knows me or hangs around places like TNMS or here, will know of my absolute "lust" for this album, so i unashamedly fancy another opportunity to discuss it again!

I didnt get it initially when it first came out. I mean literally, didnt buy it! Not sure why, as I was still quite new to the band, and was a huge fan of everything I had so far. Maybe it just flew under the radar, maybe I was More Metal, but I think it was mainly  because I heard Tommy Vance on the FRS play The Big Money, and I hated it on first listen.

However, I do vividly remember when it clicked for me,  around  early 1987 I reckon, visited my dear departed brother at his Uni (Plymouth) and he had it on in his flat, and for whatever reason it just suddenly worked for me, and immediately went out t find the nearest HMV!

Might discuss the songs individually as people reply and contribute, However, while I think HYF is a fine album, HYF for me is the last truly GREAT Rush album. 8 songs, all of a similar length, 7 of which I think are absolutely magnificent, and only Mystic Rhythms not quite reaching the heights.

I think production wise it is my favourite Rush album. There is a LOT going on in every song, but somehow all the elements have room to breathe. If Signals has been recorded in this way/style, I think it would have been a much more loved album

Lyrically I cant really fault, this was still years before Neil started writing books, so his lyrics are more concise, punchy and relevant, less purple prose. Some really great word play, emotion, cadence and power to the words. Made Geddys job easy

Drumming on this album goes under the radar I reckon, mainly because it all just fits, works and is perfect.

Vocals spot on.

Bass playing is as good as you would expect from a mature and seasoned pro, still with plenty of life left in his fingers

The old school Rush/prog fans would probably want Alex to be higher in the mix, and crunchier, but he isnt, because he is one of 5 instruments in the mix who all deserve a place, and are perfectly put there

And, if you like keyboards, this is the Rush album for you

There are slower songs, faster songs, anthemic choruses, emotional choruses, some great solos, and fantastic examples of how Alex's playing is not just about power chords and solos

I love the cover, the graphics, the sleeve notes, everything

and the snippets of live stuff I have heard from the tour has convinced me that this was the band at the top of their game, not Moving Pictures.

There, I said it

Shoot me down!

Album Reviews / No Sleep til Hammersmith
May 31, 2022, 10:50:30 AM
No secret that this is my favourite, most listened to album of all time.

Yes, I know its been patched together from various shows, and in some cases songs, and I know its far too short (the original), and I know that some people think the production lacks a little (apart from Iron Horse)

But for me it is Motorhead. Nothing else they have done, live or studio, comes close to what the band were/are about

It is brutal, but catchy and has groove

The recent re release is really interesting, with the 3 extra shows which some of you will have been at

There is a moment, in one of the shows, which sums up the band for me, when they Play The Chase is better than the catch. There is about a minute in the middle where Lemmy's bass cuts out, and its just Phil and Eddie playing. Its interesting to hear Eddie by himself, but them when the bass kicks in again you realise just what a force of nature his playing was, and what it brought to the songs

I love the artwork (front cover just says "energy" to me), I love the sleeve notes, I love everything about it.

The one thing I have never really done though, oddly, is listen to it very loud on a truly decent bit of stereo kit, but I reckon that would be fun!

In no particular order, but Ace of Spades kicks things off, and while its a song we have all heard millions of times, it always delivers. Tracks like Stay Clean and Metropolis get the treatment, where on the studio versions they plod a bit. The Hammer and No Class are literally Thrash Metal, Iron Horse is just wonderful, and Overkill on this platter is as heavy as it gets.

In fact, side 2 is (bar Capricorn) like some sort of pre cursor to Reign in Blood by Slayer, it is just brutal, 100mph, tight as a drum and HEAVY!

I love this album

The only Motorhead release that even comes close for me, and you can see it nicely on YouTube, is the Birthday Party Gig from 1985 I think at Hammersmith, with the 2 guitarists
Moving Pictures / Obi Wan
May 31, 2022, 10:23:12 AM
Any thoughts Star Wars fans?

Love the Obi stuff on Tattoine (sp)

Cant stand the Leia stuff. Reminds me too much of the disastrous episodes I, II, III
Rush / FB Group
April 27, 2022, 10:16:31 AM
I know FB is a bit marmite for some, but there is a FB group called Mystic Rhythms of Rush (wtf that song I dont know) and its well worth following

They are currently doing poss about every tour the band did, with setlists and shit loads of content and photos