
Started by Slim, June 04, 2022, 12:06:43 PM

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I'm in a small room, possibly my old bedroom in Hartlepool. The bloke from the Classic Rock Review channel on YouTube is there, sitting next to Mark Knopfler. Both of them have acoustic guitars.

Classic Rock Review bloke hands me his guitar. Oh no. I've got to play in front of Mark Knopfler. But wait .. I pick a couple of notes and it's obvious the guitar is in a weird folky tuning. I have an excuse. Phew.

I mention to Knopfler that I enjoyed an interview he did a few weeks ago, in which he mentioned that he used to window-shop guitars at JG Windows in Newcastle (this happened in real life, it was the Patrick Kielty show on 5 Live). I tell him that I bought a guitar myself there in 1983, a second-hand Les Paul (that happened in real life as well).

Mark hands me his guitar, it's a Takamine. OK I'll play a few bars of Blackbird (McCartney's tune from the white album). That'll be easy enough. But my fingers won't obey my brain! I make a total dog's breakfast of it. In front of Mark Knopfler.
H5N1 kIlled a wild swan

The Picnic Wasp

Two nights of terrible nightmares which I won't describe. Hopefully tonight will be peaceful.

The Picnic Wasp

We were all sent home from work as Russia was just about to begin a nuclear attack. I was driven into the city centre at crazy speeds by a female colleague in an old battered Peugeot hatchback. Later, when closer to home I met another, older former colleague from a different job. She was distressed having just attended a funeral. She hugged me and asked me to buy her two blank reels of cine film, 15mm and 16mm. I tried to explain the difficulty of this request and headed for home. On the way I passed a BP filling station about a mile from where I live. There was a bed on the pavement outside so I crawled in and tried to sleep. A Polish sounding girl, a stranger, started to hassle me about when I would find the film. I explained that a war was about to start and tried frantically to find my home number on my iPhone. This is a recurring theme, being unable to make my phone function in dreams. I seemed to reach home as the dream faded.